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Hi Wishfull

No I didnt lose much hair at the beginning but after I got to about the 3 month mark I noticed more hair falling out. My hair is quite fine so I guess its more noticeable than if Id had thicker hair. Im stilling taking my Vitamin tablets.


:ohmy: OMG i think im going to double up on my vitamin tablets.. do you eat friut and veg?

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Hey wishful, you've had to buy smaller jeans already! How much have you lost now, did you loose weight doing the pre op diet? Did you actually get given a pre op fact sheet about the diet or did you just buy everything low fat? Well done on your smaller jeans! Keep up the good work! As it's just been 4 weeks since your op I am assuming you haven't had a fill yet either!

Hey Bigsister, you never said how you were doing, are you fine, is everything okay?

Gillian you lost a stone in the first week! My god no wonder you only lost 2lb in the next week your body must have been in over shock! From what I've been reading it seems that people are losing around the stone mark per MONTH, not in a week! So if you are not having a fill until 9 weeks post op does that mean this is also your first follow up?

Miss Flump where are you? have you put more posts on UTUBE? How's your progress, you must keep us informed to give us inspiration!

And last but by no means least! Miss flistylass Where are you? We haven't heard from you for ages, how are you getting on?

Hey you guys look after yourselves and keep loving yourselves!

Hi fatpants, I have been fine thanks and pleased that you seem to be feeling a bit better now. I have lost a stone since surgery, it was 16lbs last week but have got weighed again today and the 2lbs loss from last week appears to have been gained during this week - devastated! Not sure what I have done wrong, have definitely been eating fairly little and certainly not stuffing myself! Oh well, from other previous bandsters, it seems this can happen so will try not to be too disheartened, bigsister x

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Hi guys how are we all doing today. I feeling fine as I went back to bed for a wee nap mid morning! I have just had a wee treat after lunch: a bag of Malteezers, a Crunchie and a boost! That's probably why I feel so chirpie now! Also I really enjoyed the chocolate as my husband wasn't looking over my shoulder!

English Rose, what a star! The prospect oif loosing all that weight in such a shoet time is ammazing! Well done you must be feeling great! I too kept all my clothes, I used to have nice clothes size 12/14, then I had babies! I decided a couple of years ago that i@d never wear then again and got rid of them all. I am now verging on a size 22, all scabby clothes from Evans, actually there not clothes there tents gone wrong! I am now looking forward to buying a whole new wardrobe of nice clothes, not baggy maternity type clothes to hide my barrel type figure! How did you get that ticker on your chat thing, I have tried to do it but it doesn't work!

Hi Shoes I didn't have a meeting in this country, Frederick is meeting me at 6:15 am, yes in the morning!, in the hotel where we are dealing with the finances, he will then take me to the hospital to do the admin, and then I'll meet the Dr. I'm not sure what time the op is I can only imagine from what everyone has been saying it'll take place sometime in the morning.

make the most of those "little treats!!" after lunch!..you soon wont be wanting those! youll be full up on half of your lunch before you get there even!..lots of chocolate was my downfall too..still want some, but just get a mini bag of choc buttons and allow yourself one after each meal..let it just melt on your tongue and savour it..it does go down very well and easy, so youll have to be strict with yourself still!..Gillian x

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Hi Gillian

Unfortunately I still have a long way to go before I reach my target weight. I would like to get down to 10 1/2 stone ish as Im 5 foot 6. At the moment I am 14 stone 3. I used to wear Size 26-28 tops and they were starting to get tight, and Size 24-26 trousers. I can now fit into a size 18! So I am really pleased. I havent always been big and have saved some of my old clothes over the years, just in case I ever managed to fit into them again, but now I am able to wear them, luckily black trousers never go out of fashion.

If I hadnt of had my band I dread to think how heavy I would be now. It was getting to the point where I didnt like leaving the house very often because I had no self confidence. All that has changed now and I take a lot more pride in my appearance.

The only downside the the band is losing more hair than usual. I dread washing my hair because a lot always falls out. I keep telling myself I would rather be slim and bald then fat with lots of hair. I can always buy a wig hehe. Has anyone else lost much hair?


you have done SO well!! you should be really proud of yourself!..i would be glad to be 14.3 at the mo too!..it must have been hard work for you though, and when people(usually thin) say having a band is cheating or taking the easy way out....they have no idea what they are talking about and should shut their mouths! keep up the good work english rose...you are getting there...and not slowly either!..i am 5 foot or 5 foot 1 depending on whos measurig(!)(dunno why?!) im 14stone13.5lbs..just dropped into the 14s (weh hey!!) and im hoping to get to 10 stone...it just seems miles away!..did you ever feel stuck and despondent? x

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Hi shoes Frederik came to the hotel the night before the op to do the consultation and i paid for the surgery then, i was meant to have had the consultation with dr chris the morning of surgery but he got held up in edinburgh so thats why frederik done it. We have all paid before surgery so dont worry there not about to run off with the money. I left the hospital saturday about 1.30 and frderik came sat eve to check that i was ok, can you see em doing that in this country x

Hi wishfull, thanks for that just wanted to be sure, when my brother said it to me just got me thinking I'm just getting over ancshus about everything wish op was sooner its a waiting game x

Well done English rose Flirty-lass and all who are on there way you are all doing great i cant imagine losing so much weight you must feel on top of the world keep your posts coming your all an inspiration go girls & guy's:wink:

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Hi wishfull, thanks for that just wanted to be sure, when my brother said it to me just got me thinking I'm just getting over ancshus about everything wish op was sooner its a waiting game x

Well done English rose Flirty-lass and all who are on there way you are all doing great i cant imagine losing so much weight you must feel on top of the world keep your posts coming your all an inspiration go girls & guy's:wink:

yes shoes, i felt like that, thinking it sounded dodgy and they would do a runner, but it seems that that is the way surgeons work over there..i looked on an ex pat website and it says that that is normal procedure for any op over there. it really is ok, dont worry, even the woman in my hosp room from belgium who only lived 10 mins from hosp paid like that.dont worry about the hosp or staff either they are A1!..better care than ive had here infact.gillian x

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Hi All,

Sounds like everyone is still doing well, glad to hear it.

Today is 3 weeks since my surgery. For about 2 weeks I've been having these back aches, then it started moving to the side, then the front at the bottom of my rib cage. Yesterday it hurt so bad I went to the emergency room. Turns out I'm having trouble with my gallbladder. I've never had problems with it before. They gave me an IV, some anti-nausea meds and some morphine. They seem pretty sure it is from the rapid weight loss. I've lost 21 pounds so far. They sent me home with some percocet and I bought a box of motilium (the anti-nausea stuff Dr. Chris sent home with us). My doctor should be calling early next week to let me know what he wants me to do. I had a couple episodes today, but not bad. Anyway, I've been reading that a lot of people have gallbladder problems after lap-banding because of the rapid weight loss. So you guys watch out in case you start.

Other than that everything is fine. Although, I think I could eat a whole chicken. I haven't felt full yet, not even a little! I keep a food journal and weigh my food, so when I have eaten a half cup I stop eating. I'm getting around 650 calories a day, but I'm not hungry. No Snacks either.

I'm scheduled for my first fill on 26 Feb. in London.

Oh, someone mentioned a drop in blood pressure. I am now on half the medication dosage I was pre-op and it is still lower than it was. So, I'm very happy with it, hopefully I can stop taking it completely sometime soon.

Oh, one more thing...has anyone else noticed a difference in their skin? I used to get these little bumps on the back of my upper arms, they are all but gone now! My complexion seems better as well. The hairloss thing scares me as I don't have much hair as it is. My ponytail has gotten so skinny.

Hope you all have a great weekend and the girls that were done today will be back and posting good things.-T

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Hi tamisu im sorry to hear about the trouble your having, but on the plus side you are doing really well with your weight loss. My complextion has changed.. its a lot clearer and the skin seems tighter. Hope your feeling better soon x

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Hi All,

Sounds like everyone is still doing well, glad to hear it.

Today is 3 weeks since my surgery. For about 2 weeks I've been having these back aches, then it started moving to the side, then the front at the bottom of my rib cage. Yesterday it hurt so bad I went to the emergency room. Turns out I'm having trouble with my gallbladder. I've never had problems with it before. They gave me an IV, some anti-nausea meds and some morphine. They seem pretty sure it is from the rapid weight loss. I've lost 21 pounds so far. They sent me home with some percocet and I bought a box of motilium (the anti-nausea stuff Dr. Chris sent home with us). My doctor should be calling early next week to let me know what he wants me to do. I had a couple episodes today, but not bad. Anyway, I've been reading that a lot of people have gallbladder problems after lap-banding because of the rapid weight loss. So you guys watch out in case you start.

Other than that everything is fine. Although, I think I could eat a whole chicken. I haven't felt full yet, not even a little! I keep a food journal and weigh my food, so when I have eaten a half cup I stop eating. I'm getting around 650 calories a day, but I'm not hungry. No Snacks either.

I'm scheduled for my first fill on 26 Feb. in London.

Oh, someone mentioned a drop in blood pressure. I am now on half the medication dosage I was pre-op and it is still lower than it was. So, I'm very happy with it, hopefully I can stop taking it completely sometime soon.

Oh, one more thing...has anyone else noticed a difference in their skin? I used to get these little bumps on the back of my upper arms, they are all but gone now! My complexion seems better as well. The hairloss thing scares me as I don't have much hair as it is. My ponytail has gotten so skinny.

Hope you all have a great weekend and the girls that were done today will be back and posting good things.-T

Hi T. Sorry to hear you have had such trouble lately, I've never heard of gallbladder trouble being linked to gastric band or rapid weight loss before. No fear of that with me I don't think, after gaining my 2lbs back I lost last week, I have lost approx 1 stone in 4 weeks, so it's nothing like as drastic as yours. I haven't been weighing my food, I don't really have time to do that and so as long as I am eating less than before, cutting down on the bad foods and making progress I will be satisfied with that.

Good news about your BP dropping (even if you have swapped it for a gallbladder prob!). Know what you mean about the 'spotty' skin on upper arms, I have that too and it has improved, I thought it might be the new shower gel I have been using but it could be cos I am having more Water based drinks as I know that helps too. I haven't noticed any hair issues - yet! For years, my hair seems to fall out quite a lot anyway but not noticed it has got any worse. Now I've said that, watch me wake up tomorrow morning and have left a full head of hair on the pillow! Then I will match my partner - completely bald!

Tonight is curry night round at sister gillians - woohoo! Gonna go for the full starter this week after being fine with half last week and will also treat myself to a small portion of her lovely apple crumble she has promised to make again.

Have a lovely Valentines Day and weekend everyone, bigsister x

ps Shoes - don't be concerned about handing the money over, like everyone says, it is standard practice over there and if they were going to run off with it, I'm sure they would have done it before now. I know it may seem a bit strange as you would know it's a con in the UK but it's nothing untoward in Belgium, hand it over to either Chris or Frederick with confidence.

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Hi All,

Sounds like everyone is still doing well, glad to hear it.

Today is 3 weeks since my surgery. For about 2 weeks I've been having these back aches, then it started moving to the side, then the front at the bottom of my rib cage. Yesterday it hurt so bad I went to the emergency room. Turns out I'm having trouble with my gallbladder. I've never had problems with it before. They gave me an IV, some anti-nausea meds and some morphine. They seem pretty sure it is from the rapid weight loss. I've lost 21 pounds so far. They sent me home with some percocet and I bought a box of motilium (the anti-nausea stuff Dr. Chris sent home with us). My doctor should be calling early next week to let me know what he wants me to do. I had a couple episodes today, but not bad. Anyway, I've been reading that a lot of people have gallbladder problems after lap-banding because of the rapid weight loss. So you guys watch out in case you start.

Other than that everything is fine. Although, I think I could eat a whole chicken. I haven't felt full yet, not even a little! I keep a food journal and weigh my food, so when I have eaten a half cup I stop eating. I'm getting around 650 calories a day, but I'm not hungry. No Snacks either.

I'm scheduled for my first fill on 26 Feb. in London.

Oh, someone mentioned a drop in blood pressure. I am now on half the medication dosage I was pre-op and it is still lower than it was. So, I'm very happy with it, hopefully I can stop taking it completely sometime soon.

Oh, one more thing...has anyone else noticed a difference in their skin? I used to get these little bumps on the back of my upper arms, they are all but gone now! My complexion seems better as well. The hairloss thing scares me as I don't have much hair as it is. My ponytail has gotten so skinny.

Hope you all have a great weekend and the girls that were done today will be back and posting good things.-T

sorry tamisu about your probs, i have been getting the same kinds of pains as you on and off, but not bad enough to take even pain medication..but now i will mention it..hair not coming out..yet..touch wood!..but yes i have definatly not got those little pimply spots on the top backs of my arms as i did before i went!!..isnt that strange!..glad you mentioned that! i thought the sauna had got rid of them last week! and my skin has not had any breakouts at all..yet!..hope that keeps up! can you just buy those motillum anti nausea tablets at the chemist then?..and yes i have heard about weight loss affecting the gall bladder, and getting more stones, on one of these american obesity surgery programmes that have been on sky tv...this is the reason why they remove the gall bladder before doing gastric bypass, as it is very rapid weight loss. hope everything goes well for you. Gillian x

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yes shoes, i felt like that, thinking it sounded dodgy and they would do a runner, but it seems that that is the way surgeons work over there..i looked on an ex pat website and it says that that is normal procedure for any op over there. it really is ok, dont worry, even the woman in my hosp room from belgium who only lived 10 mins from hosp paid like that.dont worry about the hosp or staff either they are A1!..better care than ive had here infact.gillian x

Hi Gillian & Wishfull,and all thanks for reassurance feel more at ease now I'm just a born worrier:smile:

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Hi Gillian & Wishfull,and all thanks for reassurance feel more at ease now I'm just a born worrier:smile:

Hi shoes your bound to be a bit worried it wouldnt be natural if you didnt.. my partner done enough worrying for the two of us,bless. he has been brilliant tho x :thumbup:

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Hi shoes your bound to be a bit worried it wouldnt be natural if you didnt.. my partner done enough worrying for the two of us,bless. he has been brilliant tho x :thumbup:

thanks Wishfull, my hubby the same i don't think i could go through it without him he's my rock,how are you getting on after your fill,hope new bandsters are all doing ok hope to here from you soon:thumbup:

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sorry tamisu about your probs, i have been getting the same kinds of pains as you on and off, but not bad enough to take even pain medication..but now i will mention it..hair not coming out..yet..touch wood!..but yes i have definatly not got those little pimply spots on the top backs of my arms as i did before i went!!..isnt that strange!..glad you mentioned that! i thought the sauna had got rid of them last week! and my skin has not had any breakouts at all..yet!..hope that keeps up! can you just buy those motillum anti nausea tablets at the chemist then?..and yes i have heard about weight loss affecting the gall bladder, and getting more stones, on one of these american obesity surgery programmes that have been on sky tv...this is the reason why they remove the gall bladder before doing gastric bypass, as it is very rapid weight loss. hope everything goes well for you. Gillian x

Thanks Gillian, and yes you can buy motilium from the pharmacy. They are tablets (tiny) not melts like Dr. Chris gave us.

Thank you to bigsister and wishfull too.

Hope everyone had a nice Valentines Day!-T

Edited by tamisu

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