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Hi freckles why was you advised not to have slim fast after surgery? im just wondering if i should stick to it or not.. i only have 1 a day for my lunch.. well i have 1/2 at lunch time and 1/2 bwt 4ish, then im having fish and veg for tea although i did have chilli (made with quorn) last night and it was delicious x

The dietician in Southampton said it was full of sugar so wasnt wise to take it, but to find an alternative, which I have now done.

But if you like it and you're only having 1 a day, whats the problem chick.:thumbdown:

The diet shakes came today, OMG the container is enormous!!!!

I read on here somewhere that someone was asking about the reduction of the scars, I used Bio-oil which is very very good.

Try it. They sell it in Boots and I also bought some on Ebay.

Poor you Fatpants, like Wishful has said, we all get those days, and your husband seems supportive in your paying out for it, even if he's reluctant to talk about it.

Maybe he's scared for you as he may have heard about some people not recovering from Bypass surgery and is getting confused about your op.

People who dont know, love to talk about this stuff so maybe someone at work has mentioned something to him.

I'll share a chuckle with you chick, when I first saw your name I mis-read it as FARTpants, and I thought, why would someone call themselves that, and then I read it again lol...sorry its my age:blushing:

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Finally had my dissolving stitches taken out (they wasnt very quick at dissolving) the nurse was very impressed with the way the cuts have healed..there just a little dry so i'll rub bio oil (recommended) into them. I cant believe im not even 4 weeks post op and how well everything is going. I would definitely recommend this op to anyone thinking about it and i wouldn't think twice about going back to dr chris for any future surgery i will need x

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Thats true freckles what you said about fatpants hubby being worried, we are excited about having the surgery and sometimes forget how they are feeling.. my partner was worried sick, he did ask me lots or questions and smoked like a trooper. Im sure once your surgery is over he will be able to relax x

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Dear Flirtylas, WELL WELL DONE! You must be ecstatic! It's people like you that give the rest of inspiration to go on and look forward to our ops. Mine is on the 17 March, it seems so far away, I wish is was tomorrow! Since I got my date I seem to be eating for Scotland, every meal is like the last supper! I can't stand it anymore, I know I have made the right decision to have this band fitted as it's the only way I'm going to loose weight. I am miserable being fat, I hate myself, I hate myself because I cannot take control of my life and eat properly and exercise like 'normal people' do to loose weight. When I told my sister what I was doing her response was 'well YOU ARE what YOU EAT!' As you can imagine that made me feel great, NOT! I just wish I had the energy and enthussiasm to do it myself, but the thought od it just makes me feel tired and I want to curl up in bed! I did it before but as soon as you stop trying it just all goes back on and the rest on top of it! Can you tell I,m feeling depressed, I am very tearful today, my husband and I are not getting on very we3ll I tried to talk to him about this but it seems useless as we just start arguing and that is not what I want. I asked him if he minded me spending the money on the op and he said he didn't, but I know it's all the money we have and we have lots of other things we could be spending it on. Anyway I just feel crap today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi Fatpants i am also waiting on op 6th march cant stop eating crap will have to start low fat diet next Thursday i know how you feel about the money feel really guilty spending it on me,my husband is a great support he does'nt mind about the money even though we had to borrow it, i think when your over weight you feel your just not worth it we dont value ourselfs at all,reading threads from this forum it gives you hope the people out there are having great results especially Flirtylass your are doing fantasic well done your an inspiration to us all here :thumbup:keep us posted, Fatpants things can only get better for us its just hard waiting for op,it will be here before we no it,we can look forward to a new life:smile:

Thanks Wishfull for your tips on your diet:smile:

Hope MMM got over op ok best wishes:smile:

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Dear Flirtylas, WELL WELL DONE! You must be ecstatic! It's people like you that give the rest of inspiration to go on and look forward to our ops. Mine is on the 17 March, it seems so far away, I wish is was tomorrow! Since I got my date I seem to be eating for Scotland, every meal is like the last supper! I can't stand it anymore, I know I have made the right decision to have this band fitted as it's the only way I'm going to loose weight. I am miserable being fat, I hate myself, I hate myself because I cannot take control of my life and eat properly and exercise like 'normal people' do to loose weight. When I told my sister what I was doing her response was 'well YOU ARE what YOU EAT!' As you can imagine that made me feel great, NOT! I just wish I had the energy and enthussiasm to do it myself, but the thought od it just makes me feel tired and I want to curl up in bed! I did it before but as soon as you stop trying it just all goes back on and the rest on top of it! Can you tell I,m feeling depressed, I am very tearful today, my husband and I are not getting on very we3ll I tried to talk to him about this but it seems useless as we just start arguing and that is not what I want. I asked him if he minded me spending the money on the op and he said he didn't, but I know it's all the money we have and we have lots of other things we could be spending it on. Anyway I just feel crap today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi fatpants, dont be hard on yourself your just normal, most people are insecure about themselves at some time, and your time is now, chin up hun, dont beat yourself up the food thing is what we've all done that why we're here, and I know I ate more than usual when I was given my op date its like a licence, and freedom, beacuse you know that just around the corner is the answer to being the person you want to be. So enjoy it.

My husband got a little bit moody about me having the op. and he forbid it on financial ground, because thats all he could find to dissuade me. (but I have my own funds, so that did'nt work).

Anyway its much closer to the date now and he's come around even offering to accompany me and my daughter. I am convinced his attitude was more to do with a change which he felt insecure about. "what if I became slim and became more attractive to other men would I leave him - would there be a change, he could not cope with". Both he and I know, I put on weight to avoid, unwanted attention from other men, and that was the way I dealt with it. But now I'm 50+, I've got the confidence to deal with it (and of course the looks are gone, and the only men I could now attract are a bit passed doing anything about it now.

Both your sister and you husband sound as if they are a bit insecure about any positive changes you are making, so make allowances and prove to them that you are a strong and open person and the fat is just a disguise on your body that you no longer want or need :thumbdown:

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Dear Flirtylas, WELL WELL DONE! You must be ecstatic! It's people like you that give the rest of inspiration to go on and look forward to our ops. Mine is on the 17 March, it seems so far away, I wish is was tomorrow! Since I got my date I seem to be eating for Scotland, every meal is like the last supper! I can't stand it anymore, I know I have made the right decision to have this band fitted as it's the only way I'm going to loose weight. I am miserable being fat, I hate myself, I hate myself because I cannot take control of my life and eat properly and exercise like 'normal people' do to loose weight. When I told my sister what I was doing her response was 'well YOU ARE what YOU EAT!' As you can imagine that made me feel great, NOT! I just wish I had the energy and enthussiasm to do it myself, but the thought od it just makes me feel tired and I want to curl up in bed! I did it before but as soon as you stop trying it just all goes back on and the rest on top of it! Can you tell I,m feeling depressed, I am very tearful today, my husband and I are not getting on very we3ll I tried to talk to him about this but it seems useless as we just start arguing and that is not what I want. I asked him if he minded me spending the money on the op and he said he didn't, but I know it's all the money we have and we have lots of other things we could be spending it on. Anyway I just feel crap today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi Fatpants, think we all know how you are feeling today, we've all been there. My partner also strongly disagreed when I first said I wanted to have the surgery and we had a big argument about it and didn't speak for about 2 weeks during which time I went ahead and booked surgery, flights, hotels etc. I told him just before Christmas and he ended up being ok about it and I bet your husband will come round too. I think mine and gillians other sister didn't agree with it either and think she probably still feels the same way but she has never really had any weight issue and so can't properly understand. Hope things are looking better tomorrow, sure it will because you have made your decision to do something positive for yourself and your family will also benefit from too. Chin up, bigsister x

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Hi Fatpants i am also waiting on op 6th march cant stop eating crap will have to start low fat diet next Thursday i know how you feel about the money feel really guilty spending it on me,my husband is a great support he does'nt mind about the money even though we had to borrow it, i think when your over weight you feel your just not worth it we dont value ourselfs at all,reading threads from this forum it gives you hope the people out there are having great results especially Flirtylass your are doing fantasic well done your an inspiration to us all here :thumbup:keep us posted, Fatpants things can only get better for us its just hard waiting for op,it will be here before we no it,we can look forward to a new life:smile:

Thanks Wishfull for your tips on your diet:smile:

Hope MMM got over op ok best wishes:smile:

Hi there peeps!

I am back after nearly 2 weeks at my mum's house. I am on maternity leave so get to do these things!! She has no internet bless, my husband refers to her house as 'a communications black spot!!'

Anyway I am back now for a few days then off to see my mother in law for half term as she is looking after my niece.

Shoes - I am sorry I won't be having my op the same day as you but it is great that you have got a sooner date! I wish i was because like you I can't stop eating crap and going out for meals saying 'this may be the last time I can eat this or go to this restaurant'!

Freckles - hope you had a nice holiday.Have you got a date yet?

Flirtylass - hi there and well done on the weight loss!

Gillian, Bigsis, Wishful and everyone else who's just been done, I am glad to hear things are going OK - oh and Gillian I hope you haven't eaten anymore turkey dinosaurs!!

I have had a quick flick through the previous pages but haven't had time to read them all will a demanding 6 month old baby!

My husband is a great support too. He has no issues with me having the surgery or spending the money. He'll also do pretty much everything for our son until I feel better. Bless :thumbup:

Did people speak to their GP before having surgery? I did kind of mention it (to break the ice kind of thing) when I took my son in a couple of weeks back. He just laughed and said I couldn't tag it on the end and needed a full appointment (I was just testing the Water and wasn't expecting a full consultation!). He is so skinny and I don't think really understands but I don't really want to not tell him in case something goes wrong. However I know he likes my husband and I but I am scared to go and speak to him!! He made a comment once along the lines of 'god your shopping bill must be huge' and then realised what he'd said (my husband is large too!!). I just laughed it off but it made me think he doesn't realise what a sensitive subject my weight problem is!!

I don't really want to go to another doctor as he is the best of a bad bunch!! I live in a village and think they have come here to pasture!!

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Hi sammy77 i did go and speak to my dr who was very supported and who offered me after care with dietician if i want it.. she was just sorry i couldn't have the surgery over here. My partner was brilliant and im sure thats one of the reasons i have recovered so well, i also live in a small village but my dr is fantastic and helped me a lot over the past couple of years especially after i lost my mum.. im sure once you speak to him properly he will be supportive x

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What a great bunch you are on here, such sound advice to poor Fatpants and so much caring about others.

Mmm your post was lovely.

I'm proud to belong to this site.

Sammy I have 26th feb pencilled in, hoping that all my pre-op tests will be ok, thanx for asking.

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Hi freckles 26TH FEB that will soon be here.. bet your starting to get excited, at long last you will be nearing the start of the next chapter of your life. Your so right about everyone on this forum.. everyone really does care about everyone else, its a shame people who have or are going for a band and dont know about this site because it really does help x

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Dear Flirtylas, WELL WELL DONE! You must be ecstatic! It's people like you that give the rest of inspiration to go on and look forward to our ops. Mine is on the 17 March, it seems so far away, I wish is was tomorrow! Since I got my date I seem to be eating for Scotland, every meal is like the last supper! I can't stand it anymore, I know I have made the right decision to have this band fitted as it's the only way I'm going to loose weight. I am miserable being fat, I hate myself, I hate myself because I cannot take control of my life and eat properly and exercise like 'normal people' do to loose weight. When I told my sister what I was doing her response was 'well YOU ARE what YOU EAT!' As you can imagine that made me feel great, NOT! I just wish I had the energy and enthussiasm to do it myself, but the thought od it just makes me feel tired and I want to curl up in bed! I did it before but as soon as you stop trying it just all goes back on and the rest on top of it! Can you tell I,m feeling depressed, I am very tearful today, my husband and I are not getting on very we3ll I tried to talk to him about this but it seems useless as we just start arguing and that is not what I want. I asked him if he minded me spending the money on the op and he said he didn't, but I know it's all the money we have and we have lots of other things we could be spending it on. Anyway I just feel crap today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi fatpants, hope your feeling a bit more positive today..i know how your feeling, as do most of us on this site...and its the reason why so many of us keep it from others at work,friends and even family..we get the..Why you having that done?,just diet etc. well havent we all tried all the diets?!..i have tried everything prescription and non prescription and paid a fortune out!..every fad diet going i have done, and like everyone else...lose a bit, then put it back on including more.. most people dont understand if theyve never had a weight issue, and some who are big, are maybe jealous as they cant afford it or dont have the guts to do summat about it, and they are quick to put you down. as for husbands..mine wasnt supportive at first,moneywise or supportive, but i said i would fund it all myself, like i have by hook or by crook, he didnt discuss it,when it was all i had on my mind 24/7..so that is why i came on this forum for the support, as we are all in the same boat..he did come with us to belgium,to help out, and it was a help too. but he still doesnt understand how we feel totally. esp as he can eat as much as he wants and never puts an ounce on, or can go all day without eating too and not realise cos hes been busy!. (i do think that the getting slimmer and more confident and attractive thing was an issue though even though he denied it!) we arent all the same, we have different drives and mine is food..so we do something about it..feel good about doing summat for ourselves, then get put down by people who dont understand. it seems it is a weight off our mind when we do decide to have it done. what on earth would all these people think if we dropped dead tomorrow cos of our weight when they wouldnt support us?..theyd be sorry then!..anyway, i had days like you most def, and i snapped out of them like you will, its not as if were spending this money on a posh cruise or fur coat or summat..were putting our body through that discomfort for our health,both mentally and physicly, its not as if were wasting it!..feel proud that your doing summat for yourself...bugger everyone else! Gillian x

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Hi fatpants, hope your feeling a bit more positive today..i know how your feeling, as do most of us on this site...and its the reason why so many of us keep it from others at work,friends and even family..we get the..Why you having that done?,just diet etc. well havent we all tried all the diets?!..i have tried everything prescription and non prescription and paid a fortune out!..every fad diet going i have done, and like everyone else...lose a bit, then put it back on including more.. most people dont understand if theyve never had a weight issue, and some who are big, are maybe jealous as they cant afford it or dont have the guts to do summat about it, and they are quick to put you down. as for husbands..mine wasnt supportive at first,moneywise or supportive, but i said i would fund it all myself, like i have by hook or by crook, he didnt discuss it,when it was all i had on my mind 24/7..so that is why i came on this forum for the support, as we are all in the same boat..he did come with us to belgium,to help out, and it was a help too. but he still doesnt understand how we feel totally. esp as he can eat as much as he wants and never puts an ounce on, or can go all day without eating too and not realise cos hes been busy!. (i do think that the getting slimmer and more confident and attractive thing was an issue though even though he denied it!) we arent all the same, we have different drives and mine is food..so we do something about it..feel good about doing summat for ourselves, then get put down by people who dont understand. it seems it is a weight off our mind when we do decide to have it done. what on earth would all these people think if we dropped dead tomorrow cos of our weight when they wouldnt support us?..theyd be sorry then!..anyway, i had days like you most def, and i snapped out of them like you will, its not as if were spending this money on a posh cruise or fur coat or summat..were putting our body through that discomfort for our health,both mentally and physicly, its not as if were wasting it!..feel proud that your doing summat for yourself...bugger everyone else! Gillian x

Hi Gillian your so right i only told my family and close friend all of them keep looking for faults with it i know they are very worried about me having a op i dont think they understand how low i am feeling about my weight at the mo i have tried so many diets over the years and failed i feel i have no confidents in my self at all im very lucky with my hubby he also had great concern about op but knows how bad i feel i have no energy,back pain,ankle pain,really bad headaches,i feel enough is enough not for vanity more for my health all doe i will enjoy getting new wardrobe:wink:i dont think any who is slim fully understands only are nearest and dearest after all they have to live with us sorry for banging on but i know you all no where im coming from,i hope fatpants your feeling a bit better we no its not going to be easy but we are going to have a tool to help us happy days Hi Ssmmy77 , So sorry we wont be having op on the same day i will keep you posted

Thank you Gillian i know exactly how you feel:wink:

Also thanks again to all for support:wink:

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Hi shoes its understandable your friends and family are a little worried.. they would probably worry if you were having surgery in this country but they have the extra worry because your going abroad and they are probably all thinking the worse.. even tho the hospital is cleaner and dr chris is more experienced than most in this country, i didnt tell people because i didnt want their negative attitude or people thinking i was cheating because i was having the band, some people can be cruel x

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To all the Girls especially:





bigsister &


Please forgive me if I've missed anyone!

Thank you sooooooo much for all your words of wisdom and comfort, thank goodness for this chat wesite, I don't know how I would have managed without it!

I really believe the obesity is a decease or an addiction, but has not yet been recognised as such, look at all the help lines on the NHS to stop smoking, is that not self inflicted, look at the NHS 'dry out' clinics for alcaholics. What do we get apart from being humiliated by stupid consultants with all their make up and high heels, telling you you need counselling, and not listening when you tell them you've already had councelling. When I told the consultant I knew what was wrong with me and I knew what I should be doing to loose the weight, she said well why aren't you doing it then! I think the NHS is a disgrace and that f***ing women should be put down. She turned me into a raving lunatic....I should have been on the Jeremy Kyle show! I am ussually a well mannared controlled person, but that day I lost the plot. I had been sent to her to see if I could get funded on the NHS to have the operation done at a privat hospital, as the hospital closest to us has closed their waiting list, I found this out 6 months after my GP referred me there, and within 5 minutes of meeting her she turned round and said I should try counselling. Stupid skinny COW!!! I was so angry, For the sake of sanity and self preservation I would recommend anyone needing this op to go privately!

Thank you girls for being there for me I appreciate all of your words, we must stick together!

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Hi fatpants im glad your feeling a bit brighter and more positive today.. its always the skinny people who have the bad attitude to people who are over weight, i think i would of punched that woman who told you to go for counselling. Funny how there is money for rehab centres for people who are addicted to drugs or drink even for people who are anorexic, makes you laugh really when they wonder why we go abroad for surgery.. i think they must think lets make money out of the fat people and charge up to £8000 for a band, thankgod for people like dr chris x

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