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HI tc27 well done on your weight loss you are doing great, iv lost 16lb so far.. im having my 1st fill on thursday so i hope the weight loss will start up again. Regarding the food iv stuck to mashed up veg and fish i did try chicken but i dont think i was ready for it really, iv got quorn for tea today, im going to cook Pasta bolognese and see how i am on that, im still not eating a lot and dont really get hungry. Keep up the good work with yours x

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Hi wishfull yeah i think il go back to chris for tummytuck i was asking fred yesterday how much it was i think it 2000 thats with package hotel op taxis etc but for boobs and arms i think i might go to a reputable surgeon in ireland or uk or whoever my gp suggests cos id be too afraid to take a chance with my boobs i defo dont think id go abroad for it even though its 4times cheaper than uk or here but defo getting them done this side of the world... And gillian yeah i know it was defo right time for me to do something dont want to feel as the big ugly girl forever

Thats a good price.. i will be going to dr chris for mine if i cant get it on the NHS, i know it was a bit of a horror story with the lady who was with tc but everyone is different, i would stay longer than i did when i had my band.. i think if we had flown home the day after i would of been a lot better than what i was x

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Hi All! Glad everyone is still doing well

I've been lurking, but not posting. I weighed myself yesterday (2 weeks post-op) and my BMI is now 30.2...almost out of that darn obese range! I started with a BMI of 35.

About the Tummy Tuck, I had one in 2002 in Brussels. Not with Dr. Chris. I was in the hospital for 5 days. They put that machine on my legs that squeezes your legs to pump the blood through to avoid blood clots. He tightened my ab muscles and that is what was the worst for me. My kids were at their funniest and that didn't help one bit. When I had to laugh or sneeze or cough, my husband would put a pillow on my stomach and lay across it to try and hold everything still. It helped. I think it was about 9 days before I could get in and out of my little Audi TT. I felt naked when I finally quit wearing the compression garment. Like you bigsister, my husband found those stockings very sexy. He was disappointed when he saw the ones with the lap-band surgery were only knee high! I guess after 27 years of marriage with him, it shouldn't have surprised me, but he's still full of it (er, I mean surprises). Anyway, I had no problems with the surgery or afterwards. The drains (2) were removed before I went home. The surgeon had me use cica-care www.cicacare.com on my mile long scar, it has faded, is smooth and is so low that it doesn't show. I'm just hoping that I won't need another one after this weight loss, but if I do, I'm not worried. I just don't look forward to paying again. I'm saving for a breast lift...

Gillian, I read on another forum that some poeple when they get food stuck, chew a papaya enzyme tablet. Some others drink some pineapple juice. Don't know if it works or not. I had broiled chicken and mashed potatoes last night, no problem, but I did eat slowly.

Well, I'm sure I've bored you all to death by now.-T

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Hi TC - got weighed this morning and have lost another 2lbs since last week, that will be a total of about 16lbs (can't be certain of my exact weight just before surgery). Glad your experimentation with mashed up food has gone well so far. I had a chicken n veg Soup last night with chunky pieces in but chewed well and it was fine. Littlesister and myself are going to share a chicken chat starter between us tonight as its our usual Saturday night curry get together. And she has threatened to make an apple crumble - don't know if I'm more scared of her cooking or whether having a bit will go past band ok (but won't let her know that!) Met my Mum today in M&S cafe and she sat opposite me stuffing a bacon roll while I just had a cup of tea - what sort of mother does that?! I knew she never wanted me!

Know what you mean about one of the scars (the biggest one?) having a dent in it, both me and little sister have this also - she refers to it as being like a deep buttoned settee. Going to ask about that when I go back and see doctor/nurse.

Carry on with your good progress and take care, bigsister x

ps Flirtylass - how are you doing now since your successful fill on Thursday? You'll soon have lost enough to get your Tummy Tuck etc and be having the boys falling over themselves this summer!

Well done you - another 2lbs off is great. Don't let that Gillian tempt you with her apple crumble (OMG I could just eat some, and some curry!) I have been cooking all kinds of things for my family and although I'm not feeling too hungry the smell drives me crazy, so I understand the bacon roll episode, although I'm sure your Mam loves you :-)

My dent is not the big scar (is that where your port is, or is it the one to the left of it where the blue stitch was?) mine is the little one on the right hand side.

You take care too and keep up the good work. T x

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HI tc27 well done on your weight loss you are doing great, iv lost 16lb so far.. im having my 1st fill on thursday so i hope the weight loss will start up again. Regarding the food iv stuck to mashed up veg and fish i did try chicken but i dont think i was ready for it really, iv got quorn for tea today, im going to cook Pasta bolognese and see how i am on that, im still not eating a lot and dont really get hungry. Keep up the good work with yours x

Thank you wishfull - your doing great too. 16lb is an excellent weight loss so far. Good luck with your fill on Thursday. You will have to let us all know how it goes. Hope you enjoyed your pasta bolognese! Take care. T x

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Hi All! Glad everyone is still doing well

I've been lurking, but not posting. I weighed myself yesterday (2 weeks post-op) and my BMI is now 30.2...almost out of that darn obese range! I started with a BMI of 35.

About the Tummy Tuck, I had one in 2002 in Brussels. Not with Dr. Chris. I was in the hospital for 5 days. They put that machine on my legs that squeezes your legs to pump the blood through to avoid blood clots. He tightened my ab muscles and that is what was the worst for me. My kids were at their funniest and that didn't help one bit. When I had to laugh or sneeze or cough, my husband would put a pillow on my stomach and lay across it to try and hold everything still. It helped. I think it was about 9 days before I could get in and out of my little Audi TT. I felt naked when I finally quit wearing the compression garment. Like you bigsister, my husband found those stockings very sexy. He was disappointed when he saw the ones with the lap-band surgery were only knee high! I guess after 27 years of marriage with him, it shouldn't have surprised me, but he's still full of it (er, I mean surprises). Anyway, I had no problems with the surgery or afterwards. The drains (2) were removed before I went home. The surgeon had me use cica-care www.cicacare.com on my mile long scar, it has faded, is smooth and is so low that it doesn't show. I'm just hoping that I won't need another one after this weight loss, but if I do, I'm not worried. I just don't look forward to paying again. I'm saving for a breast lift...

Gillian, I read on another forum that some poeple when they get food stuck, chew a papaya enzyme tablet. Some others drink some pineapple juice. Don't know if it works or not. I had broiled chicken and mashed potatoes last night, no problem, but I did eat slowly.

Well, I'm sure I've bored you all to death by now.-T

Hi tamisu - sounds like you are doing great. Well done!! I think the lady that was in hospital with me having the tummy tuck was just unlucky. Before she got ill she said she thought the gastric band op was harder than the tummy tuck as she felt more restricted with the band op. She was supposed to be in hospital for one night and had her flight booked for the day after her stay in the hotel for a night. I do think that she should have planned to stay longer in any event. She didn't have a machine on her legs to avoid blood clots and she hasn't mentioned the cica-care, but to be fair to Dr Chris he did come into the hospital at 5am on his day off to do the emergency surgery on her and didn't charge her anthing for it and he has asked the hospital not to charge her for the extra nights stay too, although he said it was out of his hands if they did and that they might send her a bill her later.

Keep up the good work and good luck with your savings for a breast lift - I would like one of those too when I've lost my weight. T x

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yes, like bigsister (who is now alot littler sister...3 stones littler than me i might add!) says with the solids..i did try to have stuff a bit too early..veg goes down great for me, but watch the mash...i have probs with it getting stuck, so add plenty of gravy or sauce..i had a fish in sauce day before yesterday and little peas they went down nice..only had two spoons of mash and that hurt a bit. so does bread and toast!..but its surprising what things do go down well, like the crackers and philadelphia. i had two small pieces of liver yesterday tea time..it was tender lambs liver, and i chewed well, and that was fine too, did it with gravy. carrots were fine too, but again potato got stuck (why do i keep trying it!?) weetabix and ready brek go down well too,and rice pud...a woman i work with who was banded last june has warned me of rice..think she means basamati or savoury rice..but thats like being told not to touch wet paint to me...ill just have a little try!..also sometimes boiled eggs are hard to get down, you have to really mash em up she says..ill report back when ive tried it!

Hi Gillian, you can be our official tester - ha, ha. I have been fine with mash but I have had lots of gravy on. I don't like cheese or any kind of sauces so I'm a bit limited when it comes to mash at the minute. Bread was my downfall and if I'm honest I haven't missed it so far, the same with vodka. I was out on Friday night with my friends and I tried a vodka with orange and I didn't like it, so as I cant have coke I think I might be on the wagon for a while (which is a good thing!)

Keep up the good work and you will catch up to your bigsister in no time. T x

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OMG!!! So many posts since I've been away, I dont have time to read them all just now, but wil catch up.

TC so glad its all over for you, how on earth did you hold in wanting the loo for 7 hours???

That must have been awful, wish I had been there, I would have told her to be nice.:thumbup:

What are you 2 like gobbling stuff, lol, you have in fact been doing exactly what you mustn't...you gotta learn to chew for England before you swallow, or it wont fit through your band into your little tum.:thumbup:

We had a cople of nice warm days, and some cold too, but it was a nice break.

Weighed myself today and have only put on 2lbs, and some of that may be Water after the flight.

I think I did pretty good being as we were all inclusive:w00t:

The flight must have tightened my band up a bit, cos things kept getting stuck, so chips were out of the question.

Last night when we got home at 8:30 hadnt eaten since 1pm and then could only manage a cup a Soup, so it does prove the pressure even on a 2 and half hour flight will help tighten your band up, even if its got a hole in like mine:confused:

I am scheduled to go to Southampton on Thursday for my pre-op tests, just hope the weathers ok for us to drive down.

Love to all xxxx

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Well done you - another 2lbs off is great. Don't let that Gillian tempt you with her apple crumble (OMG I could just eat some, and some curry!) I have been cooking all kinds of things for my family and although I'm not feeling too hungry the smell drives me crazy, so I understand the bacon roll episode, although I'm sure your Mam loves you :-)

My dent is not the big scar (is that where your port is, or is it the one to the left of it where the blue stitch was?) mine is the little one on the right hand side.

You take care too and keep up the good work. T x

SHE MADE ME DO IT!! Yes TC, last night my own sister sabotaged all my good efforts so far and force fed me half a chicken chat starter and a small portion of apple crumble and cream. Obviously I didn't want it and fought tooth and nail all the way but my God it was bloody gorgeous - like a feast fit for a king even tho it was small amount. Think I will count that as my birthday meal I missed out on last weekend.

Have also just been in the bath and pulled out the remaining so called 'dissolving' stitches - they had proper out-stayed their welcome and had it coming! Bigsister x

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OMG!!! So many posts since I've been away, I dont have time to read them all just now, but wil catch up.

TC so glad its all over for you, how on earth did you hold in wanting the loo for 7 hours???

That must have been awful, wish I had been there, I would have told her to be nice.:thumbdown:

What are you 2 like gobbling stuff, lol, you have in fact been doing exactly what you mustn't...you gotta learn to chew for England before you swallow, or it wont fit through your band into your little tum.:rolleyes:

We had a cople of nice warm days, and some cold too, but it was a nice break.

Weighed myself today and have only put on 2lbs, and some of that may be Water after the flight.

I think I did pretty good being as we were all inclusive:w00t:

The flight must have tightened my band up a bit, cos things kept getting stuck, so chips were out of the question.

Last night when we got home at 8:30 hadnt eaten since 1pm and then could only manage a cup a Soup, so it does prove the pressure even on a 2 and half hour flight will help tighten your band up, even if its got a hole in like mine:confused:

I am scheduled to go to Southampton on Thursday for my pre-op tests, just hope the weathers ok for us to drive down.

Love to all xxxx

Hi Freckles, glad you had a good break. I'm pretty sure the weather is going to be ok on Thursday and you will get your tests done ok. Is there a date pencilled in for your surgery, seem to remember there might be? If so, are you all ready for that?

Keeping fingers crossed for mmm this week, think she is travelling to Belgium on Thursday also with surgery on Friday? Hope your BP holding up ok mmm, bigsister x

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Hi everyone OMG i wish i didnt read that post about the nightmare tummytuck that has just scared the life out of me im gona try erase it from my mind or its actually makin me think bout having it over here too... Anyway sad news on fill i FEEL NO DIFFERENT im so dissappointed as i thought it would make a huge difference but anyway i know i cant be too far off now and i cant complain cos fred did give me a very genrous fill for the amount i already had in but i think im down a few lbs but il know in the morn when i weigh cos i only weighed there now and i never trust the weight on scales after morning time but il continue doing what im doing and see how i go... Oh bigsister i defo wont have them falling over me but id love to play the bitch and turn them down cos men are dicks lol and can treat a girl with weight very cruely with smart comments i think i just want confidence to put manners on them lol

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hiya, not been on for ages hope everyone is well, cant beleive u got no restriction flirtylass you are doin good though with your loss, my fill has made no difference either got my 4th fill on 19 feb and i hope to god it does something if it wasnt for me sticking to weight watcher points wouldnt be loosing at all its took me 2 half months to loose a stone, but did put a bit on over xmas

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SHE MADE ME DO IT!! Yes TC, last night my own sister sabotaged all my good efforts so far and force fed me half a chicken chat starter and a small portion of apple crumble and cream. Obviously I didn't want it and fought tooth and nail all the way but my God it was bloody gorgeous - like a feast fit for a king even tho it was small amount. Think I will count that as my birthday meal I missed out on last weekend.

Have also just been in the bath and pulled out the remaining so called 'dissolving' stitches - they had proper out-stayed their welcome and had it coming! Bigsister x

like yeah!

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Hi everyone OMG i wish i didnt read that post about the nightmare tummytuck that has just scared the life out of me im gona try erase it from my mind or its actually makin me think bout having it over here too... Anyway sad news on fill i FEEL NO DIFFERENT im so dissappointed as i thought it would make a huge difference but anyway i know i cant be too far off now and i cant complain cos fred did give me a very genrous fill for the amount i already had in but i think im down a few lbs but il know in the morn when i weigh cos i only weighed there now and i never trust the weight on scales after morning time but il continue doing what im doing and see how i go... Oh bigsister i defo wont have them falling over me but id love to play the bitch and turn them down cos men are dicks lol and can treat a girl with weight very cruely with smart comments i think i just want confidence to put manners on them lol

hi flirty, yes it has put me off the Tummy Tuck thing a bit, it is quite a big op too..did you see family fat surgeons on sky?..most of the tummy tucks go great but a womans went wrong yesterday and she had to have 6 blood transfusions and nearly died cos they had cut a main vein that runs through the abdomen i think, they sorted her out in the end and it looked brill, but was scary! and that was a very top experienced surgeon in america too..i might change my mind when ive lost weight, and i might put that out of my mind, cos there are gonna be risks with every op i know. anyway flirty,sorry your disappointed with your fill..how much does your band hold and how much have you got in it now?. gillian x

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