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Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

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Hey shoes yeah wls do fills in dublin and belfast i was gona go to them except i had my 3rd fill by time i found out about them and i didnt think it was worth my while changing then but if i had to do it again i would go to wendy but there was also part of me afraid if i left my surgeon and something went wrong he'd pass the blame silly i know but i think too much lol as for restriction i had tiny tiny bit for 2wks after last fill but nothing now and nothing before just like i never had the band except if i eat something too quick il get sick i just want restriction

Hi Flirtylass, I dont blame you for staying with surgeon i would be afraid to, you put so much trust in these people you would expect them to give you the time to ask questions and give you some reasurance after all its a lot to put your body and mind through,its great that there is another provider for fills thank you guys for that info, i really feel for you hope you get good result on thurs, its very frustrating after what you put yourself through,i hope you get good restriction this time (hugs)

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Hi Guy's

just wondering how you are all doing after surgery recently,

forgive not sure of name's yet:smile:

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Oh never mind me shoes this day 5wks you'l be having ur op oh i can remember how excited i was and also how much i ate in those wks dr chris said low fat diet for 2wks i ate loads of chicken and stuff and all the shit of the day in between so dont worry bout pre op and if u dont stick to it its not end of the world cos i certainly didnt stick to it lol

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Oh never mind me shoes this day 5wks you'l be having ur op oh i can remember how excited i was and also how much i ate in those wks dr chris said low fat diet for 2wks i ate loads of chicken and stuff and all the shit of the day in between so dont worry bout pre op and if u dont stick to it its not end of the world cos i certainly didnt stick to it lol

neither did i stick to pre op diet!...well. i did, but ate chocolate and chips and stuff inbetween and a curry before i went..i was fine, and so was liver!.flirty, i feel so sorry that you have had a rubbish time with fills and im so glad that boboboldy told me in the nick of time about WLS aftercare providers..i think i would go and see them def!..i have just spoke to michelle at WLS, she is the managing director and she is lovely, she has a band herself, and was on a tv prog other week called extreme dieters, about people who have had the surgery..shes lost loads. anyway she asked me who did my band and as soon as i said chris de bruyne, she said aah chris, he is an excellent surgeon and he places his bands perfectly..we have no problems with his bands at all...so thats something good!...and like has been said, no we have no complaints with chris or his surgery at all, just the aftercare..maybe he should be told if were not satisfied, as yes, it could hurt his excellent reputation?..hope you soon get your sweet spot flirty you must be frustrated, gillian x

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Hi gillian yeah gettin frustrated now but not much i can do... But yeah id defo mail dr chris if i had back up of a few others mailing to i dont wana be a awkward customer and fred take a major dislike to me id never get to sweet spot lol but defo chris is excellent at his job i wouldnt go to anyone else just a pity about his sidekick lol

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Hi Guy's

just wondering how you are all doing after surgery recently,

forgive not sure of name's yet:smile:

Hi shoes!, think were all doing great..we all seemed to lose a stone straight away..but obviously it has got stuck now!..just our bodies reacting to losing a load i think, and its hanging onto it now! it needs a kick start, but im not having fill till march, i could go in feb, but WLS has said you do need at least 6 weeks after surgery..and im taking their advice..letting my body heal first,also my stitches are still quite sore as they havent dissolved yet.. I hope you have a good experience when you go over, but remember youll feel bit rough for first day,to take plenty of rest afterwards,and dont do too much too soon..Im not one for sitting around but i have been in my PJs till about 12 noon most days!..back working monday so thats end of that!. bet your getting all excited now arent you?!..what date is your surgery? Gillian x

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2 weeks post op and im having my 1st meal 2day, salmon, broccoli and baby carrots.. my mouth is watering thinking about it, i think i have done well to keep on the fluids for 2 wks but im a bit bored of that now. roll on tea time x :rolleyes:

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Hi Guy's

just wondering how you are all doing after surgery recently,

forgive not sure of name's yet:smile:

Hi shoes im 2 weeks post op and doing really well, thanku. Im the same as gillian my weight loss seems to of stopped but im not worried cos i no it will start up again. Not much longer for you, bet your getting really excited and the time will fly byx :rolleyes:

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hi Flirty!

Its angie here, tried to reply to you on msn but stupid thing is playing up for some reason! it seems that everyone is feeling the same way!! reading these threads makes me think that i was right and that dr chris doesn't even come to Dublin anymore!! this needs to be confirmed cos non of them had the courtesy or professionalism to tell us!! and there is no way i am paying that amount for a nurse to do my fill!! i only paid that amount for my fill and travelled so far to get it, because i thought i was paying for Dr Chris!! as it is i have NEVER! seen Dr Chris personally in Dublin! and i have been going once a month since last August!!!!

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Hi angie do u think we should mail him im real pissed off especially when u hear the care wls are giving im not impressed at least if his wee sidekick was nice but i dont know what to do just mad i think dr chris should know cos he defo wouldnt want people being mad over aftercare i only seen him once in dublin since august and that was my first fill and remember that day fred couldnt reall fill said dr chris was more experienced and could i wait to see him after lunch

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Hi angie do u think we should mail him im real pissed off especially when u hear the care wls are giving im not impressed at least if his wee sidekick was nice but i dont know what to do just mad i think dr chris should know cos he defo wouldnt want people being mad over aftercare i only seen him once in dublin since august and that was my first fill and remember that day fred couldnt reall fill said dr chris was more experienced and could i wait to see him after lunch

Hi flirtylass i will be going for my 1st fill with Frederik in march and if i am not happy with the way im treated then i will definitely be emailing dr chris, after all we should get what we are paying for, if we were treated in a bad way anywhere else then we would complain so really this shouldnt be any different x

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My advice is defo go to wendy i wish i had to of in the start cos god all the extra advice u get and also the fact wendy spends so much time with u and things are xplained fully and questions answered i think for me it would of made my band journey that bit easier she also told bobobaldy that she aims/tries to get u to restriction in 3fills god how good would that be anyway im hoping this fill should do it for me please fingers crossed everyone lol but iv decided if im getting no where after this fill i will go see wendy i really think myself and and anyone else who have had a fill with fred and wern't happy with service should mail dr chris and let him know im sure he'd sort him out and dr chris isnt gona want any bad reports about his service my prob is just with the aftercare fred gives us

Hi flirty, will definitely be keeping fingers double crossed for you on your next fill, it must become a bit disheartening paying out all that money and then feeling no different. Of course people are then going to start wondering if it was necessary to do as many fills and whether they could have had more in from the start but you obviously also trust them to provide the best advice/practice. Obviously we are not in a position to complain as we have not had any after care with them yet, but as a result of reading about others experiences, we have looked elsewhere and they have now lost our custom as a direct result of the negative reports. So I would urge anyone who has not felt satisfied with the fill procedure to contact Dr Chris - cos if he doesn't know there is a problem or what it is, he can't begin to fix it. Bigsister x

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Hi bigsister i have just had a price for the fills from the spire... £500 EACH :rolleyes:, plus i would get a consultation with that, i coulnt beleive it.. they said its cos it would be with a dr and not a nurse. I think i will be travelling to manchester x

Hi wishfull - my God! What do they fill it with, liquid gold? Can't believe that price. Ooh, your tea sounds lovely, enjoy it. I have been sticking with mashed up cauli and carrot n swede with a bit of cheese sauce for last few days but think I'm gonna step up a gear now and get me some smoked haddock for my next meal. I'm not really much of a fish eater but I'm going to have to learn to love it I suppose cos its better than meat for the band and good for weight loss. Take care, bigsister x

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Hi everyone - I'm back!! Thank you so much to you all for your good luck wishes. They must have worked as I'm fine. I did feel very sick for a couple of days after the op and wondered what the hell I had done to myself, but that has passed now. My BP went really low (can you believe it after all the panic with the high BP before hand) and I was told that this was the reason I was feeling so grotty. I am still quite sore - but doing ok, although I have developed a cough and it hurts like hell when I start with a coughing fit. I arrived In Belgium after a quick flight from Newcastle and was met at the airport by Frederick's dad (he had a very nice car!) Checked in at the hotel and was greeted by Tamisu waiting for me at reception. It was really nice of her to wait up for me until almost midnight! She is a really lovely lady and was doing amazing after her surgery. She answered my many questions and also gave me a few tips (Hope you are still doing as well Tamisu - good luck with the weight loss!) Frederick came to my hotel the next day and even before I read the negative comments about him on this forum, I wasn't that impressed by him. I thought at the time it was just me. Nevertheless I paid my money and was picked up by the taxi the next day and was taken to the hospital at 6.45am. I checked in and was told to go the the 1st floor. On the 1st floor a male nurse told me to wait there (in a dark passage??) but other people were arriving and going inside so I also went inside and saw there was a proper waiting room so sat there. The male nurse did later ask me to follow him to the ward before the others though. It was all very quick after that. Dr Chris came and spoke to me for a while. He speaks very fast but I understood what he was saying as I have read so much of the procedure on this forum. I was prepared for the op and told I was going down first, which Frederik had said would happen. He told me that if you book the package direct with him you always get to go first - not sure if this was his sales patter or not. I was not told to take my knickers off by the way , but I wouldn't have anyway as I came on the day before - 2 weeks early typical! I was then taken down to a pre-op room, where I waited what seemed like an eternity. I was then asked to change beds and was taken into the OR. It was a bit daunting in the operating room but the next I knew I was waking up in post op and was given an injecton (which has given me jip since - they must have put the needle in a muscle) I was looked after well by the nurses, but one of the nurses on duty during the night was a very unapproachable lady (to put it politely) and I needed the loo so bad at around midnight but I was too afraid to ask her, so I waited another 7 hours until the day shift came on! Yes I met Jorik Tamisu - he was the one who got to take me to the loo bless him. He was really lovely. Another nurse took my drain out and she informed me it was going to hurt! I did shout out as she did it very fast and I wasn't expecting that, but it wasn't too bad really. As I said before I felt very sick, but I was given medication for this, which helped for a while. Once I had my blood and x-ray results back, Dr Chris came in again and said it was ok for me to go. (I didn't mind the barium drink too much at the x-ray, in fact the doctor told me to drink less of it as it was expensive- not sure if he was joking or not?! - I didn't like being turned flat on the woodern contraption thing though. I felt like I was going to fall off!) Once back at the hotel I did still feel a bit sick and sore but the medication they give you to take away helped. Frederick came to see me later that day, but he just stood in the door way, asked if I was ok and then was off - all in approx 2 mins. The next day the taxi was supposed to pick us up at 17.15 and when it hadn't arrived by 17.30 we rang Frederick to ask if the taxi had been booked. Frederick was in London, but did sort the taxi out for us and we were off to the airport 40 mins late, but still in plenty of time for our flight. I was ok in the airport and on the flight home (my band didn't make the scanner go off, which I was grateful for). I am now resting at home and after reading the forum earlier I have signed up to the WLS group aftercare package for 12mths. Thanks for the info bobobaldy - you should ask them for commission :-)

While I was in the hospital I was in a ward with a lovely lady who doesn't live too far away from me. How lucky was that. She had her band fitted 2 years ago and has lost 5 stones. She was there for a Tummy Tuck and she was a great support for me. However she took a turn for the worse and had to go back into emergency surgery the morning after I left the hospital. My husband had become quite friendly with her partner too and we felt so sorry for them both. I have been in contact with them lots and she is doing fine now and hopes to be able to come home on Monday. Fingers crossed she is well enough to travel home then.

Well I think that's enough from me, but if anyone has any questions please feel free to ask.

Good luck to you all who are about to be banded shortly - not long for you now mmm. Wishfull, Gillian and bigsister you are all doing great so far. Well done! Enjoy your holiday Freckles and then it will be your turn. Sorry if i have forgotten anyone - but best wishes to you all. Teresa xx

Edited by TC27

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Oh never mind me shoes this day 5wks you'l be having ur op oh i can remember how excited i was and also how much i ate in those wks dr chris said low fat diet for 2wks i ate loads of chicken and stuff and all the shit of the day in between so dont worry bout pre op and if u dont stick to it its not end of the world cos i certainly didnt stick to it lol

Hi Flirtylass,Gillian, Wishfull,Flirtylass i think guy's are right about e-mailing Dr chris about your concerns before you go on thursday he might be able to put your mind at ease,if he doe'snt no theres a problem he cant do much about it, Dr Chris seems to have a great reputation and he might be glad to here that people are not happy with aftercare, this Frederik sounds like a nightmare,glad to hear Wishfull & Gillian are doing well,i am getting very excited about op but have concerns about aftercare especially when not sure who will do fills in Dublin, Flirtylass dont feel bad about your comment's you are being honest that's whats great about this forum:thumbup:

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