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Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

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hi there yes it is suburbs sorry forgot to mention that!!

thankyou BTS!..thats good cos its a bit cheaper than brussels city!..hope everything is going well for you!? gillian x

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Just a note to wish all those going this week, all the very best. It really is nothing to worry about. I am the biggest wuss on the planet and if you remember I was bricking it before I went too, but all was totally fine. Yes there is pain and discomfort, but you soon recover. I remember giving a note to self on coming round never to do anything like this again, but realise now the ol' cliche 'no pain, no gain' (or loss) is so true in our cases.

For all you waiting with baited breath, I weighed yesterday and lost the 2 lbs I put on and it is now time of the month. Cravings have subsided a bit now, so hopefully back to my porridge for Breakfast, Soup and crisp bakes for lunch and mashed potato, cauli and cheese for tea - yum I hear you all cry, lol. I will also have a yoghurt, jelly, custard pot or some cottage cheese to stave off hunger inbetween if necessary.

Gutted to hear about your flight costs - it cost me and my son over £400 to fly from Cardiff to Brussels International via Amsterdam in December. Just out of interest I'm gonna see how much they would cost now.... So with the crap Euro exchange rate I got (which I notice is creeping back up daily), I would say the whole trip cost me nigh on £5k and that's without the fills Still a few grand short of what it woould be over here I guess. It will be interesting to see the aftercare advice I get from Frederik next week when I see him in Bristol. Fair dos to him, he still replies to my emails, albeit in his own time.

Oh and Curves is going well - went 3 times last week. They told me Sat that as I was missing out the sit-up machine, I would have to do an extra go on 3 other machines, lol.

Anyway, chin up, pop a smile on and be ready to face all that's heading your way - you can do it cos if I can, anyone can. Good luck :thumbdown:

Hi tropical...your doing well now...back on track!..it is best to lose it slower particularly at first though isnt it?..I know we all want a big change to start off with but,we have that 2 years to do it in! I know its frustrating, and i know ill feel dissappointed too,if i dont lose the whole 6 stone in the first month!..but 2lb a week is good and sensible cos in a year that would be 104lbs!! thats about 6.5-7 stone isnt it?! (not great at maths!)so im gonna have to be patient!!. keep it up at the gym, i think thats important to help with sagging skin that you can get from losing weight quickly and no exercise...Ill have to be there 24/7 cos im starting to sag already without losing the weight!.. thankyou for your good wishes..I hope i have the same experience as you,and will say its all been worth it. I will be posting my experience next week, as im sure bigsister and wishfull will be too. I think you have all given such fantastic info already, and anyone reading the forum for the first time is lucky to be reading your posts..i dont know if ill be able to add anything as you have covered it all just about! Gillian x

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Hi everyone thank you for all the good wishes.. im so excited and can't wait to get there, i'm still not at all nervous, my other half is really worried, enuf for the two ov us i think lol. he's smoking like a chimney already so god help him when it's time for me to go down for my op.. he'll be bald by the time i get back, O HE IS ALLREADY!!

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I have been 'chatting' to a lovely lady on another board/forum who had her gastric band fitted with CDB and she has a blog all about her lead up to the surgery, and after.

I know another lady has done this, but this one has piccys of CDB his consulting rooms, the hospital, her ward and even her bathroom.

So if anyone wants to see these piccys, which are not personal ( I wouldnt do that) send me a pm and I will upload, host and copy them to you.

She also took piccys of the Campinille Hotel and tells of the disasterous meal (last supper) she experienced there.

I dont think I will be eating there now after reading her blog.

I only say this to the girls who are going to stay there to warn them, although I know another girl had a lovely meal there.

Her chicken arrived burnt on the outside and raw inside, she had to send it back (She was pretty much scared of contracting food poisoning.) and 20 minutes another arrived, much the same, so she plumped for an omelette, another 20 minutes.

But by this time she wasnt hungry anymore.

I think that is so sad for her, and please know that I dont wish to offend or scare anyone, but personally I am glad that she wrote of her experience.

Just be careful ladies.:cursing:

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Hi Gillian just to let u know i was travelling home on the sunday and fredrik had to take us to airport as no taxis work and the odd one that works costs a fortune so id check that out

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Hi Gillian just to let u know i was travelling home on the sunday and fredrik had to take us to airport as no taxis work and the odd one that works costs a fortune so id check that out

thanks flirty!..i think i am just about to book the charleroi transfer mini bus..this runs that early as it is a link for the flights..dunno what id do otherwise thanks anyway...but that was good of frederick to do that for you wasnt it! Gillian x

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I have been 'chatting' to a lovely lady on another board/forum who had her gastric band fitted with CDB and she has a blog all about her lead up to the surgery, and after.

I know another lady has done this, but this one has piccys of CDB his consulting rooms, the hospital, her ward and even her bathroom.

So if anyone wants to see these piccys, which are not personal ( I wouldnt do that) send me a pm and I will upload, host and copy them to you.

She also took piccys of the Campinille Hotel and tells of the disasterous meal (last supper) she experienced there.

I dont think I will be eating there now after reading her blog.

I only say this to the girls who are going to stay there to warn them, although I know another girl had a lovely meal there.

Her chicken arrived burnt on the outside and raw inside, she had to send it back (She was pretty much scared of contracting food poisoning.) and 20 minutes another arrived, much the same, so she plumped for an omelette, another 20 minutes.

But by this time she wasnt hungry anymore.

I think that is so sad for her, and please know that I dont wish to offend or scare anyone, but personally I am glad that she wrote of her experience.

Just be careful ladies.:cursing:

Hi Freckles, would appreciate if you could send me the info, my e-mail is gail.ward@btinternet.com. Many thanks for sharing this.

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Ah thats great u can book that... Well i paid the 4000 package so he kinda had to leave us airport or else fork out for a dear taxi lol but i got my 4th fill on thurs and im starting to feel the band is working hopefully next fill will get me to my sweetspot im so happy to actually feel a little restriction up until now i had none so be prepared to have patience unlike me cursing this band for past month lol i was so worried it would never kick in but it has i lost the 10lbs i put on over xmas and new yr since thurs i now love this band lol so all i can say is be prepared

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Ah thats great u can book that... Well i paid the 4000 package so he kinda had to leave us airport or else fork out for a dear taxi lol but i got my 4th fill on thurs and im starting to feel the band is working hopefully next fill will get me to my sweetspot im so happy to actually feel a little restriction up until now i had none so be prepared to have patience unlike me cursing this band for past month lol i was so worried it would never kick in but it has i lost the 10lbs i put on over xmas and new yr since thurs i now love this band lol so all i can say is be prepared

thanks, Im glad your starting to lose more now..must be disappointing when you dont lose, let alone put weight on!!..i hope you reach your sweet spot soon and it starts melting off.I am preparing myself for it not to work as fast as i thought, or was hoping.it will work...eventually ,maybe after a few fills..think everyone is different arent they..when was your band fitted flirty?, gillian x

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Thank you hunny for the info.

I am thinking of changing the date because of valentines day, the flights and hotel seem to be more expensive, you know how they milk everything for Valentines.

Actually I dont even know yet cos it dosnt seem like my x-rays have arrived.

Hopefully they will arrive tomorrow. Then I can make definite plans.

May I wish you a good surgery experience and an early recovery and that soon you will be home in familiar and comfortable surroundings.

This is my wish for all of you having your op.:cursing:

Thank you so much for you good wishes. I hope your x-rays have arrived by now and you can get things sorted for whichever date you choose ( I know what you mean about valentines day, as everything trebles in price) T x

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Hi TC...same as me, I have never been as big as this in my life, i ate for england when i made the date for my op, and put loadsa weight on on top!..i now have at least 6, maybe 7 stone to lose..my pre op diet has gone rubbish!..i have 4 more days to at least put a bit of effort into it!..dunno if its worth it now!? you are 11 days after us, so not long for you too, lets hope you get some nice friendly english people in your room, so you can give eachother some support. hope your pre op diet goes better than mine...think bigsister and wishfull are struggling too..me and bigsister had curry last night and then chocolate and then i made baileys,double cream and ice cream smoothies!..oops..slimfast for 4 days?! Gillian x

Hi Gillian - the baileys, doubles cream and ice cream smoothies sound devine - OMG I wish they were slimming I would be about 7 stones LOL. I went to my GP today at long last and she was really lovely about the whole thing, although she did scare me a bit and said my blood pressure is too high at the minute and they might not do my op if it stays that high. I am having it checked next Mon and might need to email Frederick to confirm it will be ok. I have had a cough and bad chest for 2 weeks but it seems to be getting better, so hopefully my BP will be down a bit by next week, especially with as my pre-op diet will be well underway (right!). I wonder if they have ever cancelled anyone because of high BP. Anyway I wish you all the best for Friday and cant wait for your first post afterwards. Take care. T x

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Hi TC. Think you will see from my sisters reply that the pre op diet was thrown to the wind last night with a curry, choc and to follow, a baileys/ice cream/cream smoothie (low cal of course) - well, if you're gonna blow it, do it in style I suppose! Hoping the bit of effort I have put in over the last week or so will still count though, have not had any butter or cream which I would normally and been making low fat choices in some areas. I booked surgery towards the end of Nov and I weigh exactly the same as I did then. Being borderline BMI, I wanted to put a little on if anything (mad, isn't it?!) so there was no chance of being turned down but Christmas hasn't been the blow out I anticipated, I was quite restrained (apparently).

Working flexi comes in so handy for things like this doesn't it? I will only need to take one day flexi as the others will be covered with what I have left in leave.

All being well we will be back home next week, hopefully in not too much discomfort but if I am unable to post again before you travel, the very best of wishes for a smooth procedure and will be thinking of you on your date. Take care, bigsister x.

Hi bigsis - sounds like apart from the curry and low calorie smoothies (Gillians fault I know:laugh:) you have done well on keeping things low fat. I'm sure your BMI will be fine on Friday and I hope everything goes well (which I'm sure it will) Thank you for your good wishes and look forward to hearing from you shortly. T x

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Hi TC27 my preop has gone well i havnt cheated.. i was going 2 av my last curry on sat but come down with a sickness bug and ended up with nothing, well except another 1lb gone,yippee. i managed 2 keep a cup a Soup down y/day.. im glad it was this wkend and not next :cursing:. id say iv got bwt 5 1/2 - 6 stone 2 lose.goodluck wiv ur preop x :cursing:

Hi wishful - well done on you great pre-op diet, although I am sorry you have been ill, although I suppose the weight loss was a bonus! Good luck for Friday, I will be thinking of you, although I'm sure the 3 of you will be just fine. Take care and let me know how you get on as soon as you are feeling up to it. T x

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Just a note to wish all those going this week, all the very best. It really is nothing to worry about. I am the biggest wuss on the planet and if you remember I was bricking it before I went too, but all was totally fine. Yes there is pain and discomfort, but you soon recover. I remember giving a note to self on coming round never to do anything like this again, but realise now the ol' cliche 'no pain, no gain' (or loss) is so true in our cases.

For all you waiting with baited breath, I weighed yesterday and lost the 2 lbs I put on and it is now time of the month. Cravings have subsided a bit now, so hopefully back to my porridge for breakfast, Soup and crisp bakes for lunch and mashed potato, cauli and cheese for tea - yum I hear you all cry, lol. I will also have a yoghurt, jelly, custard pot or some cottage cheese to stave off hunger inbetween if necessary.

Gutted to hear about your flight costs - it cost me and my son over £400 to fly from Cardiff to Brussels International via Amsterdam in December. Just out of interest I'm gonna see how much they would cost now.... So with the crap Euro exchange rate I got (which I notice is creeping back up daily), I would say the whole trip cost me nigh on £5k and that's without the fills Still a few grand short of what it woould be over here I guess. It will be interesting to see the aftercare advice I get from Frederik next week when I see him in Bristol. Fair dos to him, he still replies to my emails, albeit in his own time.

Oh and Curves is going well - went 3 times last week. They told me Sat that as I was missing out the sit-up machine, I would have to do an extra go on 3 other machines, lol.

Anyway, chin up, pop a smile on and be ready to face all that's heading your way - you can do it cos if I can, anyone can. Good luck :cursing:

Well done TL, both you and Miss Flump are an inspiration. I love reading your updates. Thank you to you both for all the information and advice you have provided in the past. I am being banded on 27th (as long as my blood presure behaves itself) and just want it over with now. I'm starting my pre-op diet tomorrow and feel it is the day my journey begins. Keep up the good work and the weight will drop off. T x

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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