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Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

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Hi TL and Miss Flump glad all went ok and your back home, and Yes I do want all the details it will no doubt help with knowing whats normal and whats not. so when you're up to it please tell all. here's wishing you a skinney new year.:thumbup:

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Hi everyone,

Hope you all had a fantastic Christmas!!! I ended up spending mine in Brussels - which I'll explain about in a minute.

Just to let you know that everything went fine with my surgery and the pain was definitely manageable. As Tropical Lagoon said, the pain was a bit like having done a million sit-ups. But, I know it's different for everyone.

As you all know, my operation was on 23rd December and I had my flight booked for the 24th December. But when Dr Chris found out that my flight home was the same day as my release from hospital, he said he would cancel my operation unless I stayed an extra day in Brussels!!

I mentioned that I thought Bridget was supposed to have spoken to him about this, but he said 'no' and that 'she knows it's three days in Brussels'. SO, I ended up having to reschedule my flight and stay an extra two nights in Brussels and flew home on Boxing Day instead of Christmas Eve.

Am sooo glad to be home with my family and boyfriend now though. When Tropical Lagoon went home, I thought I'd lose the will to live in the hotel room by myself on Christmas day with only one channel of TV that's in English!!

Anyways, am definitely feeling full very quickly. Had a small Starbucks frappuccino at the airport on the way home and it took me ages to drink. Normally, I'd have a large one.

I've lost 10 1/2 pounds since 23rd December, but not sure if this will all stay off when I start taking in more fluids and go on to the mushy stage. Think I've had such a good loss, because I had such a lousy pre-op diet. Apparently my liver was a bit big in the op.

Anyways, this is a huge posting, so I'll say bye for now. But, feel free to ask any questions.

MF x x x

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Hi everyone,

Hope you all had a fantastic Christmas!!! I ended up spending mine in Brussels - which I'll explain about in a minute.

Just to let you know that everything went fine with my surgery and the pain was definitely manageable. As Tropical Lagoon said, the pain was a bit like having done a million sit-ups. But, I know it's different for everyone.

As you all know, my operation was on 23rd December and I had my flight booked for the 24th December. But when Dr Chris found out that my flight home was the same day as my release from hospital, he said he would cancel my operation unless I stayed an extra day in Brussels!!

I mentioned that I thought Bridget was supposed to have spoken to him about this, but he said 'no' and that 'she knows it's three days in Brussels'. SO, I ended up having to reschedule my flight and stay an extra two nights in Brussels and flew home on Boxing Day instead of Christmas Eve.

Am sooo glad to be home with my family and boyfriend now though. When Tropical Lagoon went home, I thought I'd lose the will to live in the hotel room by myself on Christmas day with only one channel of TV that's in English!!

Anyways, am definitely feeling full very quickly. Had a small Starbucks frappuccino at the airport on the way home and it took me ages to drink. Normally, I'd have a large one.

I've lost 10 1/2 pounds since 23rd December, but not sure if this will all stay off when I start taking in more fluids and go on to the mushy stage. Think I've had such a good loss, because I had such a lousy pre-op diet. Apparently my liver was a bit big in the op.

Anyways, this is a huge posting, so I'll say bye for now. But, feel free to ask any questions.

MF x x x

Hi miss flump!!. welcome back, and i felt so sorry for you getting stuck in brussels for christmas!were you alone?..it must have been pretty lonely if you were. but your back now and everything has gone well for you too, which im so pleased about..you can put that behind you and look forward to the new year and a new slimmer you!..how much have you got to lose ideally? (and what a fab weight loss already!!)..anyway, its great to hear such positive stories the last few weeks! good luck to you..hope ours all go as well too!..Gillian x

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:smile2:Hi everyone...great to hear such good surgery stories isnt it!!.. who is the next on the forum to be banded?...is there anyone being done next week or the week after?..me bigsister and wishfull are being done in 20 days,on the 16th Jan..TC27 is 11 days later I think. sure there was someone before that?!..I am nervous but excited..but the surgery stories over the past week or so have definatly put my mind at rest a lot. and i just cant wait to get it over and done with now! Gillian x

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Hi guys

Weighed for the first time this morning and a bit gutted to have only lost 2lbs since this time last week :tongue_smilie:

I know they only recommend 2lbs a week as a healthy loss, but compared to everyone else's in the first week or so, mine is nothing. Considering I am still on mainly liquids (soups, sugar free jelly, low fat custard and petit filou) I don't feel too encouraged right now. I don't think I am having any restriction as fluids pass straight through the band don't they?

I'm glad I booked my first fill for 22 Jan in Bristol whilst I was over there as that gives me a glimmer of hope to cling on to.

On the plus points, I only took one painkiller yesterday and have had none today. I'm finding it easier to bend over too and looking forward to another shallow bath later today - hopefully much less painful than the last one.

I can see this is gonna be a longer, harder journey than everyone thinks - my students will have expected me to have lost a stone by the time I see them in January.

Hope I'm just the odd one out as far as loss is concerned. I do have over 5 stone to lose. Comments like 'ah well the slower you lose it the longer it will stay off' don't help either, as I pile the pounds on quicker than spontaneous combustion. Last year with a healthy eating plan and gruelling gym workouts 3 times a week, I lost a stone and a half in 5 months and put it all back on in less than a month. Lets see how the weight loss goes this year eh....

Sorry to go on about it, but if I can't share my thoughts with you guys all in the same boat as me, who can I eh? lol


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Hi guys

Weighed for the first time this morning and a bit gutted to have only lost 2lbs since this time last week :tongue_smilie:

I know they only recommend 2lbs a week as a healthy loss, but compared to everyone else's in the first week or so, mine is nothing. Considering I am still on mainly liquids (soups, sugar free jelly, low fat custard and petit filou) I don't feel too encouraged right now. I don't think I am having any restriction as fluids pass straight through the band don't they?

I'm glad I booked my first fill for 22 Jan in Bristol whilst I was over there as that gives me a glimmer of hope to cling on to.

On the plus points, I only took one painkiller yesterday and have had none today. I'm finding it easier to bend over too and looking forward to another shallow bath later today - hopefully much less painful than the last one.

I can see this is gonna be a longer, harder journey than everyone thinks - my students will have expected me to have lost a stone by the time I see them in January.

Hope I'm just the odd one out as far as loss is concerned. I do have over 5 stone to lose. Comments like 'ah well the slower you lose it the longer it will stay off' don't help either, as I pile the pounds on quicker than spontaneous combustion. Last year with a healthy eating plan and gruelling gym workouts 3 times a week, I lost a stone and a half in 5 months and put it all back on in less than a month. Lets see how the weight loss goes this year eh....

Sorry to go on about it, but if I can't share my thoughts with you guys all in the same boat as me, who can I eh? lol


Aah, dont get discouraged TL!..I can imagine ther will be a lot of Fluid retention after having the op?..people lose that at different rates dont they. I remember after abdominal surgery losing 2lbs a day for a week,without dieting..it was all the fluid around the surgery site. Im sure it will start coming off, maybe more when you get on to solids like you say..fluids go down too easy. and when youve had your fill im sure everything will speed up. I am prepared to be on a bit of a downer to start off with, as you find that you have to put more effort in than you thought, but come a few months down the line,Im sure youll get on track,and get used to eating and not eating certain foods..I dont think that there is any fluid put in the band at first is there?. anyway, sorry your feeling disheartened..hope you can give us better reports next week (i bet anything you can!!)..keep up your good work anyway, it sounds as if your doing everything right..and its got to come off. good luck! Gillian x

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Hi everyone,

Hope you all had a fantastic Christmas!!! I ended up spending mine in Brussels - which I'll explain about in a minute.

Just to let you know that everything went fine with my surgery and the pain was definitely manageable. As Tropical Lagoon said, the pain was a bit like having done a million sit-ups. But, I know it's different for everyone.

As you all know, my operation was on 23rd December and I had my flight booked for the 24th December. But when Dr Chris found out that my flight home was the same day as my release from hospital, he said he would cancel my operation unless I stayed an extra day in Brussels!!

I mentioned that I thought Bridget was supposed to have spoken to him about this, but he said 'no' and that 'she knows it's three days in Brussels'. SO, I ended up having to reschedule my flight and stay an extra two nights in Brussels and flew home on Boxing Day instead of Christmas Eve.

Am sooo glad to be home with my family and boyfriend now though. When Tropical Lagoon went home, I thought I'd lose the will to live in the hotel room by myself on Christmas day with only one channel of TV that's in English!!

Anyways, am definitely feeling full very quickly. Had a small Starbucks frappuccino at the airport on the way home and it took me ages to drink. Normally, I'd have a large one.

I've lost 10 1/2 pounds since 23rd December, but not sure if this will all stay off when I start taking in more fluids and go on to the mushy stage. Think I've had such a good loss, because I had such a lousy pre-op diet. Apparently my liver was a bit big in the op.

Anyways, this is a huge posting, so I'll say bye for now. But, feel free to ask any questions.

MF x x x


I'm sooo sorry u had to spend xmas day in the hotel, that sucks. When I read your post I remember that there was a girl from cornwall there the same day I had my op in a similar situation having booked a flight for the following day, she was trying to change her flight and was obviously quite upset by it all as the doc had said he wouldn't operate if she could change it. I don't know if she managed to get another flight. I hope that those who book through Bridget get the read this as it's really quite poor practice on her part to be inaccurate about something like this. The Op still costs a large amount of money even in Belgium and failing to mention this condition could leave some people really really stuck.

You seem to be very well though and I'm pleased that it's all ok with you now.Have an excellent new year all.LilyKay

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Hi everyone,

Hope you all had a fantastic Christmas!!! I ended up spending mine in Brussels - which I'll explain about in a minute.

Just to let you know that everything went fine with my surgery and the pain was definitely manageable. As Tropical Lagoon said, the pain was a bit like having done a million sit-ups. But, I know it's different for everyone.

As you all know, my operation was on 23rd December and I had my flight booked for the 24th December. But when Dr Chris found out that my flight home was the same day as my release from hospital, he said he would cancel my operation unless I stayed an extra day in Brussels!!

I mentioned that I thought Bridget was supposed to have spoken to him about this, but he said 'no' and that 'she knows it's three days in Brussels'. SO, I ended up having to reschedule my flight and stay an extra two nights in Brussels and flew home on Boxing Day instead of Christmas Eve.

Am sooo glad to be home with my family and boyfriend now though. When Tropical Lagoon went home, I thought I'd lose the will to live in the hotel room by myself on Christmas day with only one channel of TV that's in English!!

Anyways, am definitely feeling full very quickly. Had a small Starbucks frappuccino at the airport on the way home and it took me ages to drink. Normally, I'd have a large one.

I've lost 10 1/2 pounds since 23rd December, but not sure if this will all stay off when I start taking in more fluids and go on to the mushy stage. Think I've had such a good loss, because I had such a lousy pre-op diet. Apparently my liver was a bit big in the op.

Anyways, this is a huge posting, so I'll say bye for now. But, feel free to ask any questions.

MF x x x

Poor you Miss Flump when you expected to be at home with your family for Christmas, hope New Year is better even though you can't enjoy party food and drink. You'll just have to console yourself that you have had a good weight loss so far, make sure you keep us updated and Trop Lagoon too. Enjoy your New Year everyone, bigsister x

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Thanks a lot :tongue_smilie:

Well here I am at the other side. I must say that it was not as bad as I thought. So far I have escaped the gas pain in my shoulder and apart from a very swollen upper belly and the feeling I have overdone the sit-ups, I am ok.

I was gutted yesterday, watching everyone tuck into a yummy Christmas dinner while I had cream of chicken Soup though, lol.

I can give you all chapter and verse of the whole experience if you want, but I don't want to bore anyone unless asked.

Anyway I have my first fill booked in for Bristol on 22 Jan, which will be 4 weeks and 2 days after the op.

Oh by the way, I totally recommend asking for the wheelchair at the airport too - talk about VIP treatment - they were all great.

Anyone want to ask me anything, feel free.

Take care x

Hi tropicalagoon, glad to hear uit all went well, i'm having my fill sama day and place as u so maybe we will bump into each other do you have the address as julie didnt give it to me!!

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Hi all, hope u all had a gud xmas. Well done 2 TL and Miss Flump who r both on a journey 2 new better, slimmer lives.. way 2 go in 2 2009. i get banded 3 wks friday and im looking forward 2 begin my journey.. keep up with the posts they are really good 2 read. GOODLUCK WITH UR WEIGHTLOSS BOTH OV U X

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Hi all, hope u all had a gud xmas. Well done 2 TL and Miss Flump who r both on a journey 2 new better, slimmer lives.. way 2 go in 2 2009. i get banded 3 wks friday and im looking forward 2 begin my journey.. keep up with the posts they are really good 2 read. GOODLUCK WITH UR WEIGHTLOSS BOTH OV U X

Hi wishfull, think you will find our date is only 2 weeks on Friday! Don't turn up 1 week late - it will probably cost you another £500 the rate the euro is going! Bigsister x.

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Hi all, do you know what type of bands you have had and is there a choice regarding size etc., did any of you get to discuss this with DR. chris, please let me know.

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Hi wishfull, think you will find our date is only 2 weeks on Friday! Don't turn up 1 week late - it will probably cost you another £500 the rate the euro is going! Bigsister x.

O dear what was i thinking :party:, the time has gone so quick.. dont worry i wont be missing it, iv had 20 years ov yoyo dieting and wont be aving another 20 years ov the same. I will b able 2 put faces 2 the names.. bigsister and gillian. Hope your both well and looking forward 2 starting ur journey x

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O dear what was i thinking :party:, the time has gone so quick.. dont worry i wont be missing it, iv had 20 years ov yoyo dieting and wont be aving another 20 years ov the same. I will b able 2 put faces 2 the names.. bigsister and gillian. Hope your both well and looking forward 2 starting ur journey x

Hi Wishfull, cant believe you were making it longer than it is lol!.I think its this time of year..how fast it has come round eh!?. I keep having wierd dreams about it now had one last night,where i lose the cash or miss the plane or cant find the hosp etc!..mind you they are chocolate fuelled dreams!..I am doing well getting rid of all the xmas goodies, and had a baileys smoothie last night in my new "smoothie2go" xmas prezzie!..ice cream,double cream and loadsa baileys!!!..how nice (and calorie full) was that?!..you can chuck a banana in too if your feeling healthy!..I will save all the fruit till next week tho, for our liver shrinking diet! its davids birthday on friday,curry house calls, so my pre op diet will start after that...or maybe monday! I can imagine Dr Chris will tell me my liver was the biggest hes ever seen! I will not be proud! have you changed any euros yet?...I best hurry up, its predicting to go lower and lower until march..great! its less than 99p now..that was the best rate around too at M&S yesterday.. see you very soon now..we wont know who were looking for though!!..wear a pink carnation at airport! x

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Hi wishfull, think you will find our date is only 2 weeks on Friday! Don't turn up 1 week late - it will probably cost you another £500 the rate the euro is going! Bigsister x.

that shocked me then cos i thought wishfull was right!! I OMG!..you gitta be getting butterflies now!!!..Ive got birds in my stomach now, never mind the butterflies!!..what am i gonna have by next week!. little sister

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      Question for anyone, how did you get your mind right before surgery? Like as far as eating better foods and just doing better in general? I'm having a really hard time with this. Any help is appreciated 🙏❤️
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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

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      Hi everyone, I wrote back in May about having no strength. I still get totally exhausted just walking from room to room, it’s so bad I’m using a walker with wheels of all things. I had the gastric sleeve Jan. 24th. I’m doing exactly what the programs says, except protein shakes. I have different meats and protein bars daily, including vitamins daily. I do drink my fluids as well.  I go in for IV hydration 4 days a week and feel ok just til evening.  So far as of Jan 1st I’ve dropped 76 lbs. I just want to enjoy the weight lose. Any suggestions or has anyone else gone thru this??  Doctor says just increase calorie intake, still the same. 
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