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thanks for your reply! I am looking forward to bending down even with a little bit of pain...with my rolls of fat i havent been able to bend down for ages, cos i can either bend down...or breathe,but not both at same time!..breathing always wins!..but hopefully i can get my shoes and socks on easier when i have shifted some of this weight!...well done anyway, your doing great!

'Breathing always wins'? Now that's not strictly true is it littlesister? If there was a Mars Bar on the floor, you would manage to bend down for that now, wouldn't you?

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Hey Miss Flump

Hope your not checking our grammar !!!!!,( or our grampa for that matter )

listen all you will need for the hospital is knickers,cos they give you a gown,there is a hand towel in the washroom,and they will clean your stitches while you are there,

you will need toothbrush ,toothpaste,deodorant,hair brush and if hairs long a scrunchie or hair clip to tie it up,

i took loose joggers and a dark t shirt with a pattern on the front,trainers and a plain black hoody,i couldnt have possible worn a bra if my life was dependant on it,and im a 46ff,!!!!!!

Before you leave you will pick up a pack at the nurses station which contains, painkillers,anti nausea tabs( 3 of ,so use sparingly)pink antiseptic wash ( to use when changing dressings on day 3, tho i had to do mine sooner,cos of a reaction to the dressing )and your lovely last but not least injections for preventing blood clots,the needle is very sharp so very little pain there,small sting for a second,thats all

your wounds will be covered,oh and you will also get anti embolism stockings,so leave yours at home,im just mentally trying to tick off your list what you said you are taking,and as this is not a regular holiday where we all take loads of stuff we dont need or even use,leave as much as you can at home!!!!!!

any way good luck and any more questions ,just ask,:thumbup:

Hi Fox, hope the problem you were having with the stitches around the port are sorted out now and you are feeling better by the day. Thanks so much for all the very useful and practical info, even the smaller details are really invaluable and I'm sure everyone who will be off themselves soon is really appreciative of your 'helpful hints'. Keep recovering well and posting with your progress. Take care, G x

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Thanks wishfull I did as you suggested and got my answer its..............YES..... woop woop, I,ve now got to send a deposit by bank transfer,I'll try and sort that out tomorrow. Thanks for making me forceful and assertive. Its FRI 13th for me.:thumbup:

Hi mmm i think it is mmm..friday the 13th mmm!!! your brave :biggrin:.No really im sure everything will be fine and im glad you have got your date sorted after being forceful.. its surprising how you get things done by being a bit crafty.. saying youd book with someone else, naughty you x

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Hi Wishfull, I think the eldest should go first, which will be me! Although I still haven't had the confirmation and alternative payment info I requested from Bridget. Think I will have to text her, better still be booked in. I will go mad if not as I told my partner last night - felt like a teenager asking their Dad for a tattoo! He didn't kick off as I expected but it's obvious he won't be coming and doesn't agree with it but appears to have accepted it which is the main thing I suppose. Don't have as much time on my hands as littlesister (gillian) as I work full time and am extremely busy at the moment with other stuff as well. She is a serial texter too, once she starts, she doesn't know where to stop - don't give her your mobile number whatever you do, she will stalk you! Be seeing you very soon now, G x

Hi bigsister im glad you have told your other half and he was ok.. u never know once he gets his head round it he might go with you and if not we can av the 3 wheelchairs in a row and 1 ov the daves pushing all 3 ov us and the other dave pulling the 3 cases.. how kind we are 2 these men. Bet your made up tho really, do u think your partner isnt happy cos you will be slim and mayb get male attention when your out and he will be jealous

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Hi bigsister im glad you have told your other half and he was ok.. u never know once he gets his head round it he might go with you and if not we can av the 3 wheelchairs in a row and 1 ov the daves pushing all 3 ov us and the other dave pulling the 3 cases.. how kind we are 2 these men. Bet your made up tho really, do u think your partner isnt happy cos you will be slim and mayb get male attention when your out and he will be jealous

Don't particularly think it's that - he probably thinks I'm too old to be interested in male attention! I am a whole 5 yrs older than him after all! I know he doesn't like thin or really slim women but if that is the reason, it's a bit selfish and he should be thinking of the health benefits if nothing else. I'm pretty sure he won't go, he hasn't got any time left to take from work until April and he wouldn't give up any of his golfing time anyway! I will feel bit guilty tho if someone else's husband is having to help me out with luggage etc - perhaps I could tip them to avoid this? G x

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'Breathing always wins'? Now that's not strictly true is it littlesister? If there was a Mars Bar on the floor, you would manage to bend down for that now, wouldn't you?

shes a right cow this bigsister..! I dont mind the mars bar thing cos thats true!...but to say i have all this time on my hands,and text all day!!!..I would swap my job for hers, today i got kids up, dressed breakfasted, did my cleaning job at pub, stayed behind to help set out tables for funeral party,came home did pots,put washing in, wrapped about 30 of the 100 presents i have to wrap in the loft, walked to school to get kids, did kids tea,refereed a fight over the wii, did our tea, took one child down to church to school play, came back did some cards,fetched one child back.refereed another fight,got kids to bed, made 2 dozen mince pies (with brandy)..did kids lunch boxes for tomorrow,cleaned dogs wee off kitchen floor, made party food for other childs class party tomorrow.....then i sat down!....and that was my easy day!..tomorrow i have to be in 2 places at once with gym club, football training and cubs overlapping!...she doesnt know shes born!..she just sits at a desk saying..."computer says no". all day!...gillian x

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Hi Wishfull, I think the eldest should go first, which will be me! Although I still haven't had the confirmation and alternative payment info I requested from Bridget. Think I will have to text her, better still be booked in. I will go mad if not as I told my partner last night - felt like a teenager asking their Dad for a tattoo! He didn't kick off as I expected but it's obvious he won't be coming and doesn't agree with it but appears to have accepted it which is the main thing I suppose. Don't have as much time on my hands as littlesister (gillian) as I work full time and am extremely busy at the moment with other stuff as well. She is a serial texter too, once she starts, she doesn't know where to stop - don't give her your mobile number whatever you do, she will stalk you! Be seeing you very soon now, G x

Ill show her...ill blunt her injection first! gillian x

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Gillian, you are such fun, you made me laugh so much, that I've had to re-apply my mascara xx

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Ill show her...ill blunt her injection first! gillian x

Now, now ladies shake hands and make friends.. i dont want 2 b a referee while in belgium lol. bigsis im sure the men wont mind helping all 3 ov us.. i no(my)dave wouldn c u struggle.. gillian mite tho unless u r friends again x

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Hi bigsister have u ad ur email 2 confirm ur op date yet? if not try and phone bridget.. i phoned her a couple ov wks ago and it hardly cost me anything and that was from my mobile. I would b nice for u 2 av it 4 sure.. let me no how u get on x

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Now, now ladies shake hands and make friends.. i dont want 2 b a referee while in belgium lol. bigsis im sure the men wont mind helping all 3 ov us.. i no(my)dave wouldn c u struggle.. gillian mite tho unless u r friends again x

she darent answer now dare she!! x

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Hey gillian i know i went to theatre around 9or just before and i know i woke in recovery around half12 if thats any good i arrived at hospital at 6.45am registered at check in oh i think u should take ur passport to hospital they ask for it i didnt have mine lol went up to ward and nurse asked alot of questions was gave my gown and sexy stockings and put them on lol then i had ecg done and frederick came in asked some questions he said he didnt know when id be called for surgery but then getting my bloods done another nurse came in with drip so i only had one needle thank god cos im terrified of them so as that was bein done they put my hair net on an to my suprise i was away to theatre they take u down in bed i was left in hall outside theatre for bout 20mins met dr chris then i got on to thetre bed in hall wheeled into theatre and strapped down all hooked up to monitors and then knocked out hope that helps lol bit long i know

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Hey gillian i know i went to theatre around 9or just before and i know i woke in recovery around half12 if thats any good i arrived at hospital at 6.45am registered at check in oh i think u should take ur passport to hospital they ask for it i didnt have mine lol went up to ward and nurse asked alot of questions was gave my gown and sexy stockings and put them on lol then i had ecg done and frederick came in asked some questions he said he didnt know when id be called for surgery but then getting my bloods done another nurse came in with drip so i only had one needle thank god cos im terrified of them so as that was bein done they put my hair net on an to my suprise i was away to theatre they take u down in bed i was left in hall outside theatre for bout 20mins met dr chris then i got on to thetre bed in hall wheeled into theatre and strapped down all hooked up to monitors and then knocked out hope that helps lol bit long i know

thats great..thankyou flirtylass!..I have a much better picture of what happens now..its like going into the unknown which scares me, so all your information was valuable, thanks!..PS hope your doing well after your surgery?! how long have you been banded now, and how much have you lost? Gillian x

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Hi TC!..hope you had a great weekend in york, its lovely isnt it..did you do the night ghost walk!? scary! suppose there were the christmas market and craft stalls were there?..hope you are eating well in the run up to new year cos well be on the liver shrinking low fat diet after!..im making sure i get my fill! its one of reasons i booked for mid january!. I love my xmas meals! isnt everyone doing well whos been banded!..we will be doing well soon too, not long, that january is zooming up! I cant wait to get it over and done with and know ill be nervous when it comes nearer..I just hope i dont run out of the hospital exit!!..sure big sister and wishfull will hold me back!..I hope i go in first, or i might be off when i see them come back from op!

Hi Gillian, I had a lovely but hectic weekend in York - so much for the credit crunch, the shops were manic. The angel festival, craft and christmas stalls were all good too. I am eating and drinking far too much and cant wait for my band as none of my clothes fit anymore and I dont want to buy new bigger ones when I'm hoping to lose lots of weight soon!

I have been reading all the posts from the people recently banded and just want it to be over and done with now, I'm getting more nervous by the minute and yes they are doing brilliantly (thank you so much to you all for the info - it is realy helpfull and interesting:thumbup:) I think you are really lucky to be having bigsister and wishful with you at the hospital. I'm sure it doesn't matter who goes down first as you will all be there for each other at all stages of the process- although I know I would like to be first too :smile2: Silly question I know but do you think we will get to keep our knickers on while we have the op - that is the bit that is worrying me the most (daft I know but that's just the way I am:blushing:) My huge body is not the best with clothes, never mind without them:laugh: T x

Edited by TC27

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Hi gillian im banded 13wks and im close to my xmas target of 4stone just 4lbs to lose now but this last month been losing and gaining the same 5lbs but this last wk it seems to be going down thank god.... The hospital is very white inside it'l make sence when u see it and the nurses uniforms are way different than ours lol the recovery room is very big and it was full when i was there at least 12people and thats easily they seem to have alot of theatres and even the theatre is much different to the ones here i always had to climb onto a cold table but over there its like a bed with wings at the side for ur arms and legs im rambling now lol but i found it different i was in a room with a old belgium woman and some other belgium woman who was only in for few hrs i was disappointed cos i heard of so many banders being in same room and having great craic but i had no one to talk to except watch a old lady vomit over herself ten times a day

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    • BabySpoons

      Sometimes reading the posts here make me wonder if some people just weren't mentally ready for WLS and needed more time with the bariatric team psychiatrist. Complaining about the limited drink/food choices early on... blah..blah...blah. The living to eat mentality really needs to go and be replaced with eating to live. JS
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      1. Bypass2Freedom

        We have to remember that everyone moves at their own pace. For some it may be harder to adjust, people may have other factors at play that feed into the unhealthy relationship with food e.g. eating disorders, trauma. I'd hope those who you are referring to address this outside of this forum, with a professional.

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      Question for anyone, how did you get your mind right before surgery? Like as far as eating better foods and just doing better in general? I'm having a really hard time with this. Any help is appreciated 🙏❤️
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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

    • BeanitoDiego

      I've hit a stall 9 months out. I'm not worried, though. My fitness levels continue to improve and I have nearly accomplished my pre-surgery goal of learning to scuba dive! One dive left to complete to get my PADI card 🐠
      I was able to go for a 10K/6mile hike in the mountains two days ago just for the fun of it. In the before days, I might have attempted this, but it would have taken me 7 or 8 hours to complete and I would have been exhausted and in pain for the next two days. Taking my time with breaks for snacks and water, I was finished with my wee jaunt in only 4 hours 😎 and really got to enjoy photographing some insects, fungi, and turtles.
      Just for fun last week, I ran two 5Ks in two days, something I would have never done in the past! Next goal is a 10K before the end of this month.
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