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Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

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Hope you guys are still checking this thread. I'm a bit confused I had already booked through Bridget at professional Beauty when I saw this thread. Then I saw what Jojo said. So I wrote to Bridget asking for a reduction since I was paying 3950 and paying for my own taxi and hotels. She has just told me that she thought the below package was for 4000 POUNDS not Euros, and that she can't get give me a reduced price as the doctor makes the prices. I also told her that I've read the doctor DOES take bank transfers so at least she has said I can do that now.

Does anyone know if the below is corrct and can I cancel through Bridget and do it through him directly. Or not cause she was the first to make contact with me?:cursing:

Hi there i was booked with bridget for the op with dr chris .I then started reading posts on here about the package.So i got fredricks email(dr chris bussiness partner ) and booked with him .So if you have not paid any money to bridget thats what i would do .I just told bridget that i could not get the date for the op off work.Hope this helps

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i'm being banded on friday so wish me luck!!!! my pre op diet hasn't gone very well oops!

Hi Bytheseaside! have you been done?!?!?!..are you home yet? hope your feeling ok, we were thinking about you..hope you can let us know how you went on soon!! Best wishes, Gillian x

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Hope you guys are still checking this thread. I'm a bit confused I had already booked through Bridget at professional Beauty when I saw this thread. Then I saw what Jojo said. So I wrote to Bridget asking for a reduction since I was paying 3950 and paying for my own taxi and hotels. She has just told me that she thought the below package was for 4000 POUNDS not Euros, and that she can't get give me a reduced price as the doctor makes the prices. I also told her that I've read the doctor DOES take bank transfers so at least she has said I can do that now.

Does anyone know if the below is corrct and can I cancel through Bridget and do it through him directly. Or not cause she was the first to make contact with me?:cursing:

From my letter from Frederik:

Standard Package: 4070 euro



- 6 taxi trips between airport, hotel, consultation and hospital.

- 3 nights in the hotel (***) near the hospital for 2 people.

This means that you stay 1 night before and 1 night after the operation in the hotel.

- Your companion can stay 3 nights in the hotel (because most people bring someone with them).

- Your personal coach will visit you the first evening in the hotel to explain the schedule, answer your questions and you receive his personal visitcard in order to reach him if you have problems or questions.

- Consultation at Dr. De Bruyne’s home office the evening before OR.Your personal coach accompanying you to the OR and assisting Dr.

De Bruyne during the operation.

-1 night in hospital after the operation+ X-ray day after operation.

- Visit from your personal coach to give advice and diets to make a successful story and to give dates and addresses for fill and unfills in your home country.

Payment: 470 euro in advance on ECFS-account for Brussels International (Zaventem) or Eurostar.

+ 3600 euro cash, on the first visit of your personal ECFS-coach.

The amount must be on our account at least 2 weeks before the operation date, otherwise it is impossible to arrange everything.


I hope this helps you. T

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From my letter from Frederik:

Standard Package: 4070 euro



- 6 taxi trips between airport, hotel, consultation and hospital.

- 3 nights in the hotel (***) near the hospital for 2 people.

This means that you stay 1 night before and 1 night after the operation in the hotel.

- Your companion can stay 3 nights in the hotel (because most people bring someone with them).

- Your personal coach will visit you the first evening in the hotel to explain the schedule, answer your questions and you receive his personal visitcard in order to reach him if you have problems or questions.

- Consultation at Dr. De Bruyne’s home office the evening before OR.Your personal coach accompanying you to the OR and assisting Dr.

De Bruyne during the operation.

-1 night in hospital after the operation+ X-ray day after operation.

- Visit from your personal coach to give advice and diets to make a successful story and to give dates and addresses for fill and unfills in your home country.

Payment: 470 euro in advance on ECFS-account for Brussels International (Zaventem) or Eurostar.

+ 3600 euro cash, on the first visit of your personal ECFS-coach.

The amount must be on our account at least 2 weeks before the operation date, otherwise it is impossible to arrange everything.


I hope this helps you. T

I booked with an outside agency and had to do my own taxis etc and was jealous at how well looked after the people on Fredericks package were treated. I would advise it to anyone. It was first class. They did however treat me really well also so don't worry if your not booked through them. It just means you dont get the luxury of a visit at the hotel and all your transport needs looked after. You do get the same aftercare and stuff so no worries there.

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Hey experienced bandsters,

I'm trying to sort out my Euros for my trip - being done 3 weeks today - gulp!

As you know I have booked my package via Frederek, so hotel and accom taken care of. I just wondered how much spare cash I should take for the 3 days, any ideas?

I have no idea what the prices are like out there for food/transport for my son, etc. I know I won't be eating anything or going anywhere, lol, but he plans on a trip into Brussels when I'm in hospital. He is 16 so should be ok by train or taxi, so any indication as to costs/prices over there would be well appreciated.

Cheers gang

Sally x

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Hey experienced bandsters,

I'm trying to sort out my Euros for my trip - being done 3 weeks today - gulp!

As you know I have booked my package via Frederek, so hotel and accom taken care of. I just wondered how much spare cash I should take for the 3 days, any ideas?

I have no idea what the prices are like out there for food/transport for my son, etc. I know I won't be eating anything or going anywhere, lol, but he plans on a trip into Brussels when I'm in hospital. He is 16 so should be ok by train or taxi, so any indication as to costs/prices over there would be well appreciated.

Cheers gang

Sally x

Well I took 100 Euros and brought half back, the thing is there is no UK TV so i took my laptop and loads of dvd's. Also there was wirless in the Hotel at a charge of 10 euros a day or something. I used that to watch movies live on the net at www.joox.net. This helped me through the day. As for cash i brought Soups and stuff with me so spent virtually nothing until I got to the airport and had a milk and some Water. I really couldn't eat.

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Hi Bytheseaside! have you been done?!?!?!..are you home yet? hope your feeling ok, we were thinking about you..hope you can let us know how you went on soon!! Best wishes, Gillian x

hi gillian, how are you when are you being banded again,ive now got 1 week and im getting really scared now :biggrin:,any info would be appreciated,the fox

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Hi all well i was banded 28/11 and have never known pain like it!!! glad i didn't have to fly home until 2 days later i just couldn't of managed it!! anyway doing good now happy to say.

thought i'd post some info re travel etc might be usefull to someone

I flew with Ryanair and they go into the south airport you can get the bus from there to brussels midi and then the train to Vivoorde for 13 euros one way or 22 return the tickets can be purchased in the arrivals part of the airport at the newsagents. Then the train leaves the train station from platform P. If you have booked the 715am return flight tho the first bus leaves Brussells midi at 4.30am but there are no trains from Vilvoorde to get you there for 4.30am so a taxi would be req. However we used transfer company www. charleroitransfer.com they charge 20 euro each each way which isn't much extra than the bus but with less hassle and more comfort and i would highly recommend this following operation.

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Hi all well i was banded 28/11 and have never known pain like it!!! glad i didn't have to fly home until 2 days later i just couldn't of managed it!! anyway doing good now happy to say.

thought i'd post some info re travel etc might be usefull to someone

I flew with Ryanair and they go into the south airport you can get the bus from there to brussels midi and then the train to Vivoorde for 13 euros one way or 22 return the tickets can be purchased in the arrivals part of the airport at the newsagents. Then the train leaves the train station from platform P. If you have booked the 715am return flight tho the first bus leaves Brussells midi at 4.30am but there are no trains from Vilvoorde to get you there for 4.30am so a taxi would be req. However we used transfer company www.charleroitransfer.com they charge 20 euro each each way which isn't much extra than the bus but with less hassle and more comfort and i would highly recommend this following operation.

Hi, I'm pleased you are feeling better now, but I must say I feel quite concerned about the amount of pain you suffered. Is this normal? I am only staying for one night in the hotel after the night in the hospital and as my flights are booked it's too late to change it. I know they say no pain, no gain! Take care and let us know how you go. T x

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Hi, I'm pleased you are feeling better now, but I must say I feel quite concerned about the amount of pain you suffered. Is this normal? I am only staying for one night in the hotel after the night in the hospital and as my flights are booked it's too late to change it. I know they say no pain, no gain! Take care and let us know how you go. T x

hi TC27,

Im being banded on the 9th december im also in the hospital for one night and then the hotel for one night, i booked the package with frderik and was advised thats what most people do !!,so now im worried too, but bytheseaside was banded on the 28/11 and is now feeling loads better ,so maybe lots of pain day one two and three maybe but surely the hospital will give you pain relief, or do we take that ourselfs,and what else might we need ,AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH, !!!!!!!!!!!!:smile2::wink2:

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I was only one night in the hotel and the pain is there the next day but bearable. I did take some of the 1g Paracetamol they gave me the day i travelled but all in all it was fine. Don't worry about it.

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I was only one night in the hotel and the pain is there the next day but bearable. I did take some of the 1g Paracetamol they gave me the day i travelled but all in all it was fine. Don't worry about it.

thanks alfie858,thats settled me a little:ohmy: ,so any info on how to prepare , what to take with me etc,my doctor has given me some dressings and co-codamol,will i need any other supplies,like do you wear your own pjs or a hospital gown! i dont want to be taking things i dont need,so anyway how are you coping post your banding,do you have loads to lose, i would like to lose about 9 stone, thought im almost 6 foot tall, so i just look well filled out apparantely !!!!!!!!!! but that is the opinion of friends,so good luck on your journey and keep us posted as to how you go,i fully intend to ,this forum has been a lifeline for me ,it also helped me make up my mind to go ahead and have it done,so roll 0n the 9th december and hopefully for my kids sake i will at least be upright for xmas day,

THE FOX:w00t::mellow::smile2::wink2:

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thanks alfie858,thats settled me a little:ohmy: ,so any info on how to prepare , what to take with me etc,my doctor has given me some dressings and co-codamol,will i need any other supplies,like do you wear your own pjs or a hospital gown! i dont want to be taking things i dont need,so anyway how are you coping post your banding,do you have loads to lose, i would like to lose about 9 stone, thought im almost 6 foot tall, so i just look well filled out apparantely !!!!!!!!!! but that is the opinion of friends,so good luck on your journey and keep us posted as to how you go,i fully intend to ,this forum has been a lifeline for me ,it also helped me make up my mind to go ahead and have it done,so roll 0n the 9th december and hopefully for my kids sake i will at least be upright for xmas day,

THE FOX:w00t::mellow::smile2::wink2:

You don't need a great deal of stuff at all. They supply the gown you wear for the duration in hospital. They give you all the meds whcih includes:

Painkillers, anti-vomiting, anti-bacterial Fluid to clean after dressings come off, 5 x syringe of anti-coagulant? (stops clots) .

The wounds themselves are covered with dressings then like a cellophane cover that sticks to your skin. This is not to be removed for 10 days, you can shower the day after but no baths.

I took a laptop for dvd's and a book, the main stay for me was boredome in the hospital with no one to chat to. You will be sleepy most of the operation day anyway and wont want to do much at all. I was up and about and walking the next morning as soon as they removed the drain from my stomach. The hotel does not have british TV so be prepared to amuse yourself there, i used my laptop to watch movies online using hotel broadband which was quick but pricey for 3 days.

I am post op 3 weeks friday and apart from pain at my port when i bend down to pick stuff up or tie shoes i feel quite well. I have had no problems at all with vomiting or feeling sick. I was not prepared for the pain afterwards but its managable. The gas trapped pain took 6 days for me to get rid of. I have an appetite now and looking forward to my first fill next week. I have been on will power to not eat to much as without restriction i know i can eat probably anything but once filled it will be a different story so i will just stick to my small meals.

I have lost over 4kg's in 2 1/2 weeks and people have started to notice already if that does not help will power i dont know what does :cool2:

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Hi all well i was banded 28/11 and have never known pain like it!!! glad i didn't have to fly home until 2 days later i just couldn't of managed it!! anyway doing good now happy to say.

thought i'd post some info re travel etc might be usefull to someone

I flew with Ryanair and they go into the south airport you can get the bus from there to brussels midi and then the train to Vivoorde for 13 euros one way or 22 return the tickets can be purchased in the arrivals part of the airport at the newsagents. Then the train leaves the train station from platform P. If you have booked the 715am return flight tho the first bus leaves Brussells midi at 4.30am but there are no trains from Vilvoorde to get you there for 4.30am so a taxi would be req. However we used transfer company www. charleroitransfer.com they charge 20 euro each each way which isn't much extra than the bus but with less hassle and more comfort and i would highly recommend this following operation.

Hi bytheseaside, hope your feeling better today?..I am going to pack a seperate suitcase full of painkillers now after what you have said!..just to be on the safe side!..has the swelling and bruising on your belly gone down at all yet?.were travelling back on the sunday so i dont suppose those times will be the same for the trains and buses?..ill see if there is an online timetable. well at least you have been through the worst now and things will start looking better for you soon..lets hope so anyway. hope youll be saying that it was all worth it soon!?!..good luck with it anyway..Gillian x

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    • BabySpoons

      Sometimes reading the posts here make me wonder if some people just weren't mentally ready for WLS and needed more time with the bariatric team psychiatrist. Complaining about the limited drink/food choices early on... blah..blah...blah. The living to eat mentality really needs to go and be replaced with eating to live. JS
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      1. Bypass2Freedom

        We have to remember that everyone moves at their own pace. For some it may be harder to adjust, people may have other factors at play that feed into the unhealthy relationship with food e.g. eating disorders, trauma. I'd hope those who you are referring to address this outside of this forum, with a professional.

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      2. BabySpoons

        Seems it would be more compassionate not to perform a WLS on someone until they are mentally ready for it. Unless of course they are on death's door...

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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

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