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Color analysis input (aka failing at girl-fu)

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@@erp **For clothing, I agree with the Ann Taylor advice but with conditions. Do not let the teeny boppers that sometimes work there dress you. How could they possibly understand corporate dress for a woman in her 40s. So scope out the sales clerks and work with the one that you like how they have styled themselves.**

Oh, yes. I was at the AT in Bellevue the other day and a girl who I SWEAR had to be skipping her 11th grade civics class to be working there asked if she could help me. I wasn't sure whether to ask her 'with WHAT?' or to just say 'I don't think that's possible'. Instead of either of those unwise choices, I just smiled and told her someone else was already helping me. Then I found my favorite 'seasoned' employee and worked with her :) Speaking of Katherine Hepburn, I got a gorgeous pair of winter white flannel trousers at AT for $20 (originally $98). They have them in the Kate fit that Erp mentioned and their Devin fit, which is a bit straighter. I used to be very big hip and butt/small waist but as I've lost weight after this surgery, I'm suddenly very slim (relatively, of course!) through the thigh/butt area. I actually wear the slimmer fit at AT!

I like the Smashbox suggestion, their products aren't my favorites but having one of their artists show you some tricks is worth buying a little something from them. They make an under-eye brightener that I wear instead of concealer sometimes, if that appeals. I've never had good luck with MAC, despite wanting to wear it and going several times for consultations. I usually end up with way too much product on and break out afterward. I'm still open to trying, though, and there are so many more free-standing stores now that I should probably give it another shot. They do GREAT eyes!

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I literally just ask my 12-year-old daughter. "Mom, that's the wrong color for you. Mom, wear the other earrings. Mom, you need a scarf."

I'll lend her to you, but be warned: she's as mouthy as she is helpful.

Sent from my SM-G925V using the BariatricPal App

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Some higher quality stores have personal shoppers. My mother used to use a shopper at Bloomingdale. She, too, hated shopping and as a college administrator needed a professional look.

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I literally just ask my 12-year-old daughter. "Mom, that's the wrong color for you. Mom, wear the other earrings. Mom, you need a scarf."

I'll lend her to you, but be warned: she's as mouthy as she is helpful.

Sent from my SM-G925V using the BariatricPal App

LOL. I have a 19 year old daughter who's the same way, but she and I don't share tastes enough for me to rely on her. :) She has a TOTALLY different idea of how I should look than I do. :D

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I wasn't even aware there were personal shopper services available without paying an arm and a leg for them. LOL.

Nordstrom has always been intimidating for me, but there's one very close to me and they have the personal shoppers there. Years ago, I got a bonus in the form of a Nordstrom gift certificate, and my sister and I went shopping there and we found a couple of amazing items, one top that I've now worn several times a month for at least 10 years (and one of the few I get compliments on every time I wear it). I may have to get over the intimidation factor and check them out. :D

And now that I employ my Google-fu (which is certainly stronger than my girl-fu) I see that Macy's has personal shoppers as well.

Bwahahahaha. I may become truly dangerous here. :P

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For makeup, I say forget the counters/stores and suggest you find an artist in your area whose work you like first. Spend the money to have a session (or two) with them where they will suggest products/shades, teach you how to use the products and tools you currently own, and create an easy look or two for you and teach you how to recreate it.

The reason I say skip the counters is because they are still pushing product and working on comission. I freelanced for MAC in the early 2000s and while there are many amazing MAC (and other brand) artists, at the end of the day there is still a sales quota to fill. MAC and Sephora don't work on comission, but again, there is a sales goal. If I had to pick a counter/store, I'd do an appointment at MAC (especially a pro store or event launch as they often bring in their national artists). I believe currently it is 50.00 for a session, but the 50.00 can be used on/towards product. I think Sephora is similar with the exception of their "express" service.

Quick tip on red (or any bold) lipstick: If you feel it is too harsh or too bold, put a drop of clear gloss on the end of the lipstick. Then use a brush to mix and lightly brush on your lips. This allows you to make the color sheer and control how much color you want to use. I like it for what I call "popsicle stained" lips.

Edited by vamping

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I say buy what you love, not what you are told by someone else. Otherwise, you end up with 2 things in your closet that you wear out, because the rest of the stuff in there isn't you.

Sent from my SM-S920L using the BariatricPal App

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@@theantichick, I really like you! You remind me so much of my best friend in nursing school(way back in the 80's). I have become obsessed with my eyebrows. I admit that I have watched many Youtube videos on creating the perfect arch in the brow. Everytime I try to do it my eyebrows look green to me, no matter the color I try. I have decided to just leave them be for now. Good luck, I am sure you will find what works for you. You are beautiful with or without!

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Uh, for the record, I read the end of your topic title as "girl FLU" and, in conjunction with "color analysis," I was intrigued! LOL. Anyway..

I'm young, 24, and most of my girlfriends are all about the makeup. Not me. I work a job in which I chase children and do physical restraints and get beat up, so makeup isn't a part of my day to day. However, when I DO get fancy, I keep it simple. I use a quality moisturizer on my face (more on this later), a drugstore foundation (Covergirl in the glass bottle with the pump that always breaks), a setting spray (Urban Decay, you can find at Sephora, definitely worth it), a couple swipes of mascara (also Covergirl, in the green tube), and a touch of nude lipstick. I will follow up with you what color it is - it's also Covergirl, but it's the first one that doesn't turn my lips orange, like you, and it's my favorite!! I also found that I just couldn't get eyeshadow right on my face, and have since just stopped trying to use it. I love the smoky eye, but it's just not worth having to take off and redo over and over if I can't get it right!

My friend got married in October, and I HATED the way that the lady did my makeup! I'll see if I can find a photo and post it later. It was so terrible, and I had to pay for it! I was so uncomfortable, my lipstick was too dark, she contoured my face and didn't blend all the way, and she colored my eyebrows! I'm blonde, and my eyebrows are invisible, and you can never see them so I felt very weird. It photographed really well, so I guess that's the point, but some people do that every day. Like, how? Tell me your secrets. Tell me how you have no acne if you do that every day. My face broke out for a week after that wedding, and I try so, so hard to take care of my skin.. and on that note.

I swear by Ole Henriksen products, conveniently from Sephora. The African Red Tea Cleanser is my favorite cleanser, and I love two of their moisturizer - the one in the blue jar called Sheer Transformation and the one in the green jar called Vitamin Plus. All of his products that I have tried have not made my skin more oily, and have kept my acne away! Which is wonderful - I have had such a hard time finding a moisturizer that didn't make me break out!

As far as clothes go, I think you should stick with what makes you comfortable, and what makes you feel confident and beautiful! These are the most important things, and if you have this accomplished, then you're won half the battle. One thing I can say - I live in NY, and I went to college in western PA. I wore dark blue jeans with brown boots and a black tshirt to class one day and my friend, a native western PA girl, was like, "you can't wear all those colors together!" I was so confused, and I asked her to elaborate, and she told me that I couldn't, under any circumstances, that I cannot wear navy blue, black, and brown together. I had never heard this, and thought I looked great. She couldn't back this up with any other logic other then "it's what I've always heard," so I have continued to wear these colors together.

I'm not sure if I helped, or if I just rambled on and on but I will get you the name of that lipstick! And find a photo of myself from that wedding when that lady colored my eyebrows grey.. ugh!

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As far as makeup, go to Sephora and get ColorIQ matched. It takes all the guess work out of getting the right foundation.

If you have the right foundation, everything else falls in place. If you are over 40, your foundation should cost over $40, if it doesn't you are just borrowing trouble. The more expensive foundation costs more but you use less so it lasts longer so you save long term. My suggestions are Dior, Armani, YSL, or Lancome, depending on what your color matches are. They don't have Armani in the Sephora stores, so when you are color matched, just go to Nordstrom and get a sample of your color. DO NOT BUY A FOUNDATION UNTIL YOU HAVE APPLIED IT YOURSELF AND WORN IT ALL DAY FIRST. Get all the samples, try a different one each day, then buy the one you like the best and can apply the easiest, that is going to vary with everyone. I like to use liquid foundation and set it with a powder. If you aren't that great with makeup, then just a powder foundation with a big brush is the most forgiving. If you start filling your brows in, the trick to make them look good is to brush them again after you fill them.

MAC is only good for lipsticks and eyes. Their foundations are crap. They are okay if you are young and starting out, but they aren't good for mature/maturing skin. When it comes to foundation, be a snob, everything else, you can slum it.

I think the whole color concept for clothes is silly, but I'm also a skin tone that I can wear pretty much any color in the rainbow and it works for me.

I also don't subscribe to dressing your age. That is an outdated concept. I'm 40ish, I look 30ish, so I dress 30ish. I wear what I want. I work in corporate America, in upper management. I wear nice suits, but I pop them with a lot of color, so I might wear a dark suit, a bight colored shell and bright pumps to match. I express my personality in my clothes. I don't want to look older, I don't need to look older to command respect in the workplace. I was in middle management in corporate America in my early 20s and I commanded respect, because I earned it based on my skills not my looks. Dress how you want. No one who is in their 40s acts like it anymore anyway. This is 2017.

Edited by OutsideMatchInside

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Wow - I love this thread! Like many others here I wear minimal makeup, but I've basically been doing the same thing for the last 20-odd years. I've been thinking about having a makeup tutorial when I'm in the States, just to give me some ideas of where to start. I'm happy to see that Sephora now ships to Japan, but I've already put about $1000 worth of products in my cart, so maybe that's not such a good thing... ;)

Anyway, lots of great ideas here!

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I feel ya. I can't do my hair. All I can do is wash and dry it. It's so sad. But makeup I can do! No, I don't have time for contouring/strobing, highlighting, spackling every morning. I might get a foundation or a BB cream on. Agree with a prior poster on this thread, don't waste your money on cheaper makeup at our age. Lancôme Teint Idole is wonderful. As for what you wear, go for the cut and fit more than the color. You can have the best color for your skin type, but if it looks like it was sewn together by a pre-school class well, color doesn't matter. (then again, I'm a seamstress...I'm picky about clothing style.)

Another sign of my low girl-fu, I can't tie a bow to save my life. All my friends can make the prettiest bows. NOPE. not me. IT looks like a wad of spaghetti when I try it.

Damn, it's hard to be a girl. we have to know a lot!

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@@OutsideMatchInside Agree with you so much on MAC foundation - absolute garbage. I didn't even use it when I freelanced, but of course had to say I did. At that time, they required that you wear all MAC products (but you couldn't wear discontinued colors). We got a ton of gratis product, but were constantly hitting up our buddies at the other EL owned counters for foundation. I also love your tip on getting samples. I am one of those folks that stuff oxidizes on (I HAVE to use eyeshadow base/primer) and there's no way I'd pay for a full bottle of anything without a good day's wear from a sample.

I am over 40 and really like the Josie Maran tinted moisturizer for daily wear. I am a sunscreen fanatic since my face spots terribly when exposed to sun, so I like anything the added protection. I use the Josie Maran sunscreen too.
For "events" or photos, my favorite foundation is Makeup Forever HD liquid foundation. Photographs like a dream and wears well. Since VSG, my skin is dry all the time so I have to mix a little bit of moisturizer with it.

@@Malin I can't do my hair worth a damn either and I have poker straight, thick, healthy hair. There's a little less of it post-op, but still enough that it has to be thinned when cut. It's cut in a n A-line style, very short in the back angling to collar bone length at the longest point in the front. All of my stylists have said I have great hair. You can bleach it like crazy, color it, whatever and it stays healthy. Wouldn't think it would be hard to deal with, but I'm a total clutz with the straightener and can't part it correctly to save my life. I can color the living daylights out of it though! I usually go to a salon, but in a pinch I can do it myself from dark brown to bubblegum pink.

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Well, I can't help but I can sure sympathize! I am seriously girl-challenged in the makeup and fashion. People probably think I wear black to look thinner. The truth is I have no fashion sense so I wear black to avoid looking like a clown.

At age 16 my mom suggested I start wearing makeup. 31 years later I still am resistant and challenged at the art of it.

As far as colors I would suggest wearing what makes you feel good. I love the color red, but every time I contemplate a red shirt in the store I just can't imagine wearing and feeling confident.

I will be following this topic so I can get help too!

Edited by The New Kel

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Forget the books. Forget the videos. Take someone who you think dresses nice, ask them to help. Youll be amazed hiw they will really help you, and not dress you like them. They just KNOW! I actually took my daughter who was 23, but dresses nice, snd looks for classic items you can wear in different ways. She even told me what we were buying before we got to the store, and we werent paying more than this on these items! I mean it was like amazing, and I got enough clothes for 2WEEKS for $250!! Oh and the proper undergarments and 2 pairs of shoes. The most amazing part? I was in a size 14 (down from a tight 20) and was excited to think I was going to buy my first size 12s! I normally wear things a bit baggy, but with ger encouragement she said the 12s look a bit baggy,and she said try on 10s...see how far you need to get in your goal size of 10. I did...And they were too big! She said heres the 8s. I think these will do it..And they fit. Perfectly! I walked out of the fitting room crying. People were noticing us and as I cried I look at my daughter with the biggest grin on her face and tears running diwn her face, and she said to the people, everything is ok everyone. My mom just proved to herself she can do anything. Im proud of her. And everyone started clapping.

Find someone you have that makes you feel proud of you. Ive never known how to dress, and I dont know where she learned, but im grateful she was mine. She also refused to let me go to a makeup store. She said minimal start. Mascara and lip stick or lip gloss.

Oh and by the way, it wasnt until that day that I really realized I had list weight. I kept thinking I s asas that fat girl. It takes time to get to know yourself in your new "suit". Dont rush. Enjoy the journey. Ive now had a complete makeover hair and makeup, and nobody can believe im the same person from 3 years ago! I was vrunette, now im my natural silver. I had long hair, now a pixie! I never would have thought it would be so good. Enjoy the journey! Im a tomboy through and through, so it's been fun learning to be girly now and then!

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