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Anyone experience lapband locking mechanism failure?

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I was banded in May 2005 and have had limited success, and always had difficulty getting any good restriction. I was resigned to the fact that I was a 'band failure' as my surgeon put it - filled to the max with no restriction after more than 20 fills and unfills. In May this year I was admitted to hospital after experiencing high temperatures and incredible pain and swelling around the abdominal area, in the region of my port. I had been feeling off colour for some time. My surgeon was away at the time so I entrusted my care to the local hospital, where most doctors knew nothing about the band. I was treated for a severe infection with IV antibiotics, and after day six was discharged from the hospital. CT scans, ultrasound and xrays revealed nothing apart from a small pocket of Fluid. In July I went back to my surgeon for my last fill which took me to 6cc's in my 4cc Inamed band, and within days an abscess had formed above my port. The abscess is no longer infected but continues to discharge constantly. My doctor uttered the words "possible band erosion", and we waited for approval to get a scope done.

I had the gastroscopy done two days ago, and have lovely images in living colour of my eroded band. The picture also clearly showed that the locking mechanism on my band was open - which could been the major contributor to the erosion. So now, the band has to come out - and there will be a delay of several months before I can investigate more weight loss surgery. I am so grateful that I know now why I have not been feeling well, why I had a really hard time losing weight and best of all, that it wasn't my fault.

I will be very interested to know whether the band was faulty, or whether it was not locked correctly. I remember asking the question about how secure bands were before my surgery and was told they "NEVER" came undone.

I am so looking forward to recovering my good health again, and hope that my surgeon has learned something valuable from my experience. Namely, that if a patient is filled to the max, suffers no reflux and feels no restriction after a reasonable period of time, that it needs to be investigated further. I wish I had been more assertive much sooner!



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I've never heard of such a thing! I'm so sorry you had to go through this, but I'm glad they found the cause. Wishing you a speedy recovery.

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I was banded in May 2005 and have had limited success, and always had difficulty getting any good restriction. I was resigned to the fact that I was a 'band failure' as my surgeon put it - filled to the max with no restriction after more than 20 fills and unfills. In May this year I was admitted to hospital after experiencing high temperatures and incredible pain and swelling around the abdominal area, in the region of my port. I had been feeling off colour for some time. My surgeon was away at the time so I entrusted my care to the local hospital, where most doctors knew nothing about the band. I was treated for a severe infection with IV antibiotics, and after day six was discharged from the hospital. CT scans, ultrasound and xrays revealed nothing apart from a small pocket of Fluid. In July I went back to my surgeon for my last fill which took me to 6cc's in my 4cc Inamed band, and within days an abscess had formed above my port. The abscess is no longer infected but continues to discharge constantly. My doctor uttered the words "possible band erosion", and we waited for approval to get a scope done.

I had the gastroscopy done two days ago, and have lovely images in living colour of my eroded band. The picture also clearly showed that the locking mechanism on my band was open - which could been the major contributor to the erosion. So now, the band has to come out - and there will be a delay of several months before I can investigate more weight loss surgery. I am so grateful that I know now why I have not been feeling well, why I had a really hard time losing weight and best of all, that it wasn't my fault.

I will be very interested to know whether the band was faulty, or whether it was not locked correctly. I remember asking the question about how secure bands were before my surgery and was told they "NEVER" came undone.

I am so looking forward to recovering my good health again, and hope that my surgeon has learned something valuable from my experience. Namely, that if a patient is filled to the max, suffers no reflux and feels no restriction after a reasonable period of time, that it needs to be investigated further. I wish I had been more assertive much sooner!



I am sorry to hear what has happened to you. I also have had no restriction, seven fills and only lost 10 pounds in the first month from my liquid diet. I will pass this info on to my Doctor. Thanks for sharing this information.

Cheers, Abigail

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yes my locking mechanism failed it looks like it was never clicked into place. I have just have it re-done and not sure if its working yet as I am waiting for 1st fill and as yet have no restricyion. It looked done up on my 1st barium swallow, but as each fill has been done it has opened more and more

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I will be seeing my Dr on wednesday... I have had my band since 0905... My band slipped last year and was repaired... Last month I went in for a fill and the fill nurse said I was too tight, so they took out .5cc... I haven't had any restriction, no problems with reflux etc (like when my band slipped)... Don't know what is going on.. I have been reading up on band problems and when I go in on wednesday I will ask the Dr. about erosion....

:) Banded905


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Well indigo-ocean, you are the first one so far who has had the same experience as me, so maybe there are more out there too. I hope that you have success now that your band has been locked - if it is working for you the difference in your restriction should be huge and lasting. I am glad that you did not get to the stage of an erosion - best of luck.


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I am so happy to have found your post. Yes, the same thing happened to me. Your story is very familiar. I have had two abscesses that required surgery, and two infections. Recently, when I was in the hospital because of the most recent abcsess and infection, they discovered erosion AND the latch was unbuckled on my band!

How did your recovery go and how are you feeling now? I see it's been several months for you. Are you considering other surgical options?

One of the difficult parts of this for me is that I paid cash. I think I'm out of options at this point.

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Hi SElaine

I am sorry that you have also had such a difficult time - you may have read indigo-oceans post further back - her band was also unlocked but fortunately hers was investigated very early on because she could never find restriction. She did not suffer from band erosion and it was able to be fixed for her at no cost. I posted an update on my progress on her thread!

My recovery went well, it will be five months on the 19th March since I had my band removed, and while the health issues involved with the erosion and infection have been resolved, I am again carrying much more weight, have no more willpower than before I had my band put in and I am again at risk of the other health issues that prompted me to have band surgery in the first place. I will definitely have another surgery - because the struggle to even just maintain my weight is just too difficult. I hope I will have a sleeve done within the next 3 months - I would not risk another band after reading a post from someone whose second band also eroded. That is not a risk I want to take. I also paid cash, and now my surgeon has applied to have the new surgery covered by an agency here in New Zealand that covers medical treatment injuries. There are no guarantees however, and if it is not covered then I expect my surgeon to make it happen for me because it was his mistake.

Make sure that you ask to keep your band when you have it removed.... because it will make it clear to you and your surgeon (assuming you still have contact) what caused the failure. It will either be a defective band or a lapse by the surgeon when the band was installed. In either case - someone has a responsibility to look after you and if you choose to forgo another surgery, I feel you should be compensated.

I wish you well, and hope that you will be looked after as soon as possible because while your eroded band is still in your body you will not be feeling great. Please keep in touch and let me know how it goes for you!


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Hi Marion,

Thank you so much for your response. I'm glad to hear you are feeling better. I can sympathize with the hunger and will power. I'm there myself and really struggling.

My band was taken out the same day they found the erosion. It was taken out on 2-13-08. Unfortunately, I didn't have any time to do research and figure out a plan of action. Anyway, from what I understand, the band has been sent back to Allergan for investigation. I have been in touch with them, but so far have not heard anything. Anyway, it seems hard for me to believe that they would voluntarily admit a defective product.

Yes, I am still in contact w/ my surgeon. They have been more than wonderful to me through this horrible process. My doctor also has a lap-band, and was banded only a few days after I was. I think that helps.

I'm happy to have found someone who understands the frustration I've been through. To have gone through three surgeries, lots of complications, and spent all of this money, you'd think we'd have something to show for it, right? I'm greatful for the weight I've lost, but feel like I'm back where I started. I've really worked hard this past month-- I've been working out every day and (for the most part) really watching what I eat. (Which is difficult when you are so hungry all of the time). I've barely been able to maintain my weight, much less lose anything. And I know if I screw up even a little bit, it will all come back.

Thanks again and please keep in touch and let me know your progress. I really hope the sleeve works out for you.


How are you doing now? I'm also happy they found your unlocked band before you experienced more complications.

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I will be very interested to know whether the band was faulty, or whether it was not locked correctly. I remember asking the question about how secure bands were before my surgery and was told they "NEVER" came undone.

I've seen the way bands fasten, and I've had it described to be my the good folks at Allergan, and once fastened it really would be REALLY REALLY hard to come undone. I can't say impossible, but you've probably seen it compared to the mechanism of a cable tie before. Those just don't undo themselves. Certainly nothing that just being in your body would cause. I've come across maybe 10 ppl who found their bands were open, and in all the cases I've heard follow-up on, it was a matter of the surgeon not doing the installation properly... not an issue of the band itself actually being able to open.

If you can get a ruling on what happened before it's removed, do so (not sure if that can be done). If not, when your band is removed, insist that you receive it, not the surgeon. You can then have it tested to see if there was mechanism failure. See this post.

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Marion: Sometimes the good Lord may tell you that somethings are not for everyone, I know you don't want obesity and you certsinly want the weight loss, but just think about this; rather you know now that you are not a good candidate and no more bands,,,or you can seriously put your life in risk with infections and other erosions, abcess, don't do it any more, I pray for your recovery, I know its hard to accept the failure of this Lap-Band, but your beuty comes from with in, there are other methods. I'll keep you in my prayers.

Orlando, FL , Laura

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rSometimes the good Lord may tell you that somethings are not for everyone, I know you don't want obesity and you certsinly want the weight loss, but just think about this; rather you know now that you are not a good candidate and no more bands,,,or you can seriously put your life in risk with infections and other erosions, abcess, don't do it any more,
People with slips and/or erosions have had their bands removed, healed, and gone on to be banded successfully after a full recovery. Let's not start saying that this is your god's way of saying she's not a good candidate. If that were the case, then several twice-banded members here would still be fighting their obesity, rather than enjoying lives at or close to goal. This topic doesn't even need to go there.

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People with slips and/or erosions have had their bands removed, healed, and gone on to be banded successfully after a full recovery. Let's not start saying that this is your god's way of saying she's not a good candidate. If that were the case, then several twice-banded members here would still be fighting their obesity, rather than enjoying lives at or close to goal. This topic doesn't even need to go there.

Thank you for your post, Wheetsin. Although it's only been a month since my erosion and lap-band removal, I've been struggling with the decision of whether or not to have another band put in, if and when it becomes a possibility to do so. I certainly don't want to go through all of this again. I also don't want to gain weight and become the person I used to be. It's a difficult decision and risky either way.

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It is, and I can empathize with you being in the position of having to be in it. Your surgeon should let you know about your candidacy. Sometimes rebanding is a good option, sometimes it isn't. Either way it's not an easy prospect. Best of luck.

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Hi,<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>

I went to my Dr. (new Dr. my other Dr. moved to <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /><st1:place w:st="on"><st1:State w:st="on">Ohio</st1:State></st1:place>)... the Dr. looked at my band under fluro and said it isn't slipped and you have some restriction.. He also said that my esophagus is still stretched... The Dr. added .3cc's of Fluid and checked my band again and we could see more restriction... He also told me that the band is working and I'm not listening... and that I should try to only eat very small amounts of food... I'm a little frustrated here... I don't feel restriction, I don't have any reflux, and I can eat anything without getting things stuck... So, is it me? I feel like such a failure... I'm not sure what else to do... Should I go to another <st1:Street w:st="on"><st1:address w:st="on">Lapband Dr</st1:address></st1:Street>?<o:p></o:p>



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