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My horrible experience at a restaurant.

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Alot of restaurants add a split fee that I've worked in, it's not them cutting the burger for you , they charge the fee because you only ordered one meal and there were two of you, I feel it's very unfair. One time when I wasn't having weight problems I knew I couldn't eat a regular cheeseburger at McDonald's so I ordered a happy meal, it's a little bit smaller portion the cashier said she couldn't sell me a happy meal unless I had a child with me. I called the manager and I got my way but I was insulted by the fact that they thought they could get away with that, and if the waiter didn't tell you about the split fee charge ahead of time you are not required to pay it. I would ask first next time you want to split food .

They still made us pay. Instead of apologizing, they would have rather been jerks to us and act like we didn't matter. I have all the screen shots of the incident on Facebook, but I wonder if it's against forum rules to post the restaurant name?

When I am not happy about a service somewhere, I simply don't go there anymore. If you chose to speak to someone about it and figured that instead of the situation getting better, it was getting worse, you should have saved yourself your sanity and just left and never went back again.

I don't get mad in public and when I do, it is not a wise idea to open my mouth unless doing so fixes the problem.

What is more important?? Sanity or three dollars??

Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

I'm never going back. But if I feel like someone is overcharging me for something, then I am going to voice that. He never once told me it was the store policy. He just claimed that he gave me more food; which I did not ask for and did not eat. I didn't get mad in public. I quietly voiced my confusion and frustration to the assistant manager, because he was dismissing my concern. I figured that had I brought it to his attention, he would be a professional and politely explain that it was on the menu, but he didn't. Therefor, I was under the impression that he was deliberately trying to tack on a charge for extra food that I did not eat or ask for.

I have my sanity, thank you. But I refuse to let someone bully me.

Seriously? I'm absolutely bewildered at all this valuable energy expended towards a $3 split fee. A "horrible" restaurant experience? You enjoyed the food by your own admission. If you had enjoyed it more would that have changed your opinion? Probably not. While I agree the manager could have handled this better, this IS absolutely done all the time in better restaurants. Believe me, as a previous restaurant owner, your refusal to go back would have been music to my ears and worth every penny of the $3.00. Not every business wants you as a customer.

So just because it's done all the time to other people, I should let them harass me on Facebook on a review? Did you read all the posts on this thread? Your mentality is bad business and bad customer service.

Seriously? I'm absolutely bewildered at all this valuable energy expended towards a $3 split fee. A "horrible" restaurant experience? You enjoyed the food by your own admission. If you had enjoyed it more would that have changed your opinion? Probably not. While I agree the manager could have handled this better, this IS absolutely done all the time in better restaurants. Believe me, as a previous restaurant owner, your refusal to go back would have been music to my ears and worth every penny of the $3.00. Not every business wants you as a customer.

I'm so glad SOMEBODY finally stated the obvious!! I used to own a restaurant also and this kind of customer gave me a headache just seeing them walk in!! Seriously people, double dishes, double Water, double sides etc. $3.00 is cheap! And for the manager spoke to you like that at the restaurant, something else was said! No manager starts out a conversation rudely to a customer unless some other incident or words proceeded it.

I was not aware that there was a $3.00 split charge. I was not mean to the assistant manager. I became frustrated because he was rude. Did you read all the comments? Because I stated MANY TIMES that the assistant manager was rude to us when he was telling me why there was a split charge. And that is a COMPLETE LIE. We were NOT rude to the assistant manager. Why do you think I'm so frustrated? We did nothing to deserve that treatment. We were not aware that split fees even existed. So if you believed that someone was cheating you, wouldn't you become confused and refuse to pay the charge? Your mentality is incorrect, especially since you think that an assistant manager can't act rude unless provoked. Since you think I'm lying, then your input is no longer relevant on my post. Move along.

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I just want to clear something up, I wasn't saying that you wanted something for nothing. I don't know you. But I have been going on support sites awhile now. And you hear of people getting their Vitamins and Protein free by having their insurance pick up the tab. What happens is they think they are getting it for free but the companies are charging a HUGE amount of money. So, in the long run they might reach the maximum amount that gets paid for the year real quickly. I also hear people stating that they can't afford to buy their Vitamins and Protein stuff, which we all know that we are told right up front about what we need postop. I am sorry if I sounded mean but it really touches a nerve in me. Yes, you were treated wrong by their attitude for sure. The sad thing is I wonder if they realize that this stuff will get to many people about their policy and service!! Word of mouth can really hurt their business. Good Luck in your journey.

I apologize if my response came off wrong. I see that you posted politely, so I figured you deserved the same. You didn't seem mean, to me. But I never expect special treatment. If someone in my family wants to eat junk in front of me, then they have every right to. If a restaurant gives me a side that comes with a meal, I would never expect them to remove the side and cut down on the price of the meal, when the meal I ordered comes with a side and a set price. But I have never heard of a split fee charge, therefor, I was confused. The assistant manager did not handle it well at all. He never told me it was on the menu. He said, "Well, I gave you more food." He also said, "When 2 people sit at a table and only order one meal, we charge a split fee." Why couldn't that have been told to us in the beginning? Just because some people know there's a split charge, doesn't mean everyone else does. It would have been nice to be told that in the beginning to prevent confusion.

I hope I don't sound rude in my post to you. My words aren't necessarily directed at you, but at the situation. Thanks so much! :)

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Seriously? I'm absolutely bewildered at all this valuable energy expended towards a $3 split fee. A "horrible" restaurant experience? You enjoyed the food by your own admission. If you had enjoyed it more would that have changed your opinion? Probably not. While I agree the manager could have handled this better, this IS absolutely done all the time in better restaurants. Believe me, as a previous restaurant owner, your refusal to go back would have been music to my ears and worth every penny of the $3.00. Not every business wants you as a customer.

I'm so glad SOMEBODY finally stated the obvious!! I used to own a restaurant also and this kind of customer gave me a headache just seeing them walk in!! Seriously people, double dishes, double Water, double sides etc. $3.00 is cheap! And for the manager spoke to you like that at the restaurant, something else was said! No manager starts out a conversation rudely to a customer unless some other incident or words proceeded it.

This was not about the $3 bucks..... it was about TREATMENT.... Well i never "owned" a restaurant... but i surly worked in quite a few in my early years.... over 16 for sure... then i also did private catering.... I have seen on a number of occasions a "manager" or "owner" start a conversation rudely.... I had this happen to me

About 5 years ago i went to one of the only Thi restaurants in our town... one of which i know and worked with the owners husband... Frank (worked together for 5 years). Went to pick up my order that i called in when i got there i was informed that i couldn't pay with my debit card because the order was under $5 bucks... I said can you just charge me the $5 and be done with it... the girl said no. This meant i would have to leave, go 10 min away to the bank, get out $20, then go all the way back and pay the less than $5. Now remember, Frank.. well frank was most always there in the evenings helping his wife. My intent was to ask frank if i could give him the $5 the next day at work and he could give to his wife...Easy peasie..... (This was not un-commend, he would always take orders at work, bring the food, we would pay him and he would give her the money the next day) So i asked the young lady if "Frank was there"...... she left and went to the back and all of sudden his wife comes storming from the back and started yelling at me that ..... This was her store and that frank didn't "own" it and told me to get out of "her" restaurant and don't come back..... IN FRONT OF OTHER CUSTOMERS... I was horrified.... so i left and never went back. But i did write what happened on there FB page.... She then attacked me on the FB page. Thank goodness i was not by far the only person she had done something like this too...and others came to my aid. I talked to Frank about it and he apologized, and i of course didn't take it out on him.... I mean i didn't even get to tell her what my intent was and why i had asked for Frank.... she just yelled at me and told me to get out.... Now would I have done this in another store... NO, i would have just said... ok, sorry, cancel/keep the order and left. I mean it would not even bothered me to be charged the $5... but she wouldn't hear of it.... but a year later they were under new ownership.....

My close friend tracy happen to be on the phone with me when she came from the back and started yelling at me.... and said.... I don't know how you didn't go off on her..... I said... to be honest she caught me off guard... and i was so embarrassed that i just wanted to leave as fast as i could.

So YES.... people do act that way from the "get go".....

Thank you! And holy crap... I can't believe that woman was so hateful towards you... O_O People honestly have this mentality that a manager can't possibly be a jerk to someone... But they are human, and they do have the ability to be rude. When that happens, the owner should be told. So when I contacted the manager (in a very professional way) she emailed me back saying, "Yelp about it". When I posted a screenshot of that email on the Facebook review, and posted that the owner didn't care about my concern either, she got her employees, her Facebook page, and had her personal page "like" my comment. So what does that tell me? That she genuinely doesn't care. Her actions on Facebook and in email only prove that she is not a professional and that she's a bully.

And no, I'm not letting it go, because I have yet to have gotten an apology. I hope my review helps others avoid being treated this way in the future. Everyone should know the consequences of their actions.

Edited by Hiraeth

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Alot of restaurants add a split fee that I've worked in, it's not them cutting the burger for you , they charge the fee because you only ordered one meal and there were two of you, I feel it's very unfair. One time when I wasn't having weight problems I knew I couldn't eat a regular cheeseburger at McDonald's so I ordered a happy meal, it's a little bit smaller portion the cashier said she couldn't sell me a happy meal unless I had a child with me. I called the manager and I got my way but I was insulted by the fact that they thought they could get away with that, and if the waiter didn't tell you about the split fee charge ahead of time you are not required to pay it. I would ask first next time you want to split food .

They still made us pay. Instead of apologizing, they would have rather been jerks to us and act like we didn't matter. I have all the screen shots of the incident on Facebook, but I wonder if it's against forum rules to post the restaurant name?

When I am not happy about a service somewhere, I simply don't go there anymore. If you chose to speak to someone about it and figured that instead of the situation getting better, it was getting worse, you should have saved yourself your sanity and just left and never went back again.

I don't get mad in public and when I do, it is not a wise idea to open my mouth unless doing so fixes the problem.

What is more important?? Sanity or three dollars??

Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

I'm never going back. But if I feel like someone is overcharging me for something, then I am going to voice that. He never once told me it was the store policy. He just claimed that he gave me more food; which I did not ask for and did not eat. I didn't get mad in public. I quietly voiced my confusion and frustration to the assistant manager, because he was dismissing my concern. I figured that had I brought it to his attention, he would be a professional and politely explain that it was on the menu, but he didn't. Therefor, I was under the impression that he was deliberately trying to tack on a charge for extra food that I did not eat or ask for.

I have my sanity, thank you. But I refuse to let someone bully me.

Seriously? I'm absolutely bewildered at all this valuable energy expended towards a $3 split fee. A "horrible" restaurant experience? You enjoyed the food by your own admission. If you had enjoyed it more would that have changed your opinion? Probably not. While I agree the manager could have handled this better, this IS absolutely done all the time in better restaurants. Believe me, as a previous restaurant owner, your refusal to go back would have been music to my ears and worth every penny of the $3.00. Not every business wants you as a customer.

So just because it's done all the time to other people, I should let them harass me on Facebook on a review? Did you read all the posts on this thread? Your mentality is bad business and bad customer service.

Seriously? I'm absolutely bewildered at all this valuable energy expended towards a $3 split fee. A "horrible" restaurant experience? You enjoyed the food by your own admission. If you had enjoyed it more would that have changed your opinion? Probably not. While I agree the manager could have handled this better, this IS absolutely done all the time in better restaurants. Believe me, as a previous restaurant owner, your refusal to go back would have been music to my ears and worth every penny of the $3.00. Not every business wants you as a customer.

I'm so glad SOMEBODY finally stated the obvious!! I used to own a restaurant also and this kind of customer gave me a headache just seeing them walk in!! Seriously people, double dishes, double Water, double sides etc. $3.00 is cheap! And for the manager spoke to you like that at the restaurant, something else was said! No manager starts out a conversation rudely to a customer unless some other incident or words proceeded it.
I was not aware that there was a $3.00 split charge. I was not mean to the assistant manager. I became frustrated because he was rude. Did you read all the comments? Because I stated MANY TIMES that the assistant manager was rude to us when he was telling me why there was a split charge. And that is a COMPLETE LIE. We were NOT rude to the assistant manager. Why do you think I'm so frustrated? We did nothing to deserve that treatment. We were not aware that split fees even existed. So if you believed that someone was cheating you, wouldn't you become confused and refuse to pay the charge? Your mentality is incorrect, especially since you think that an assistant manager can't act rude unless provoked. Since you think I'm lying, then your input is no longer relevant on my post. Move along.
I've worked in restaurants for a bit and it sounds like you went there more than once, if you are a regular customer or even just live in the area we would never charge that fee, also I used to work double shifts where about 5 or 6 older gentlemen would take up the biggest table in the place and just drink coffee for hours, they were only paying 1.50 for coffee the whole time. The manager was totally wrong to treat you like that, he's definitely not very good with people skills and his business will suffer because not too many people would go there to be treated like that. Sharing or not if one person is ordering maybe that's all they could eat. Maybe they both had our wls and can't eat that much anymore. I've seen homeless people sit in a restaurant just to get warm and my manager would have us give them some Soup FREE, MY GOD, I can't believe we treat people like this , and for the rude comments the other lady said, she really needs people skills. My restaurant manager used to let my daughter come home from the pool and feed her and her friends while I was working. He was a smart business man he even ordered her a pizza one day. I am really frustrated that you had such a bad experience. I'm so mad that $3.00 would cause such a problem, tell me where he's at and I will send him an extra 3.00 for your next visit on me.

Edited by pvechiola

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Alot of restaurants add a split fee that I've worked in, it's not them cutting the burger for you , they charge the fee because you only ordered one meal and there were two of you, I feel it's very unfair. One time when I wasn't having weight problems I knew I couldn't eat a regular cheeseburger at McDonald's so I ordered a happy meal, it's a little bit smaller portion the cashier said she couldn't sell me a happy meal unless I had a child with me. I called the manager and I got my way but I was insulted by the fact that they thought they could get away with that, and if the waiter didn't tell you about the split fee charge ahead of time you are not required to pay it. I would ask first next time you want to split food .

They still made us pay. Instead of apologizing, they would have rather been jerks to us and act like we didn't matter. I have all the screen shots of the incident on Facebook, but I wonder if it's against forum rules to post the restaurant name?

When I am not happy about a service somewhere, I simply don't go there anymore. If you chose to speak to someone about it and figured that instead of the situation getting better, it was getting worse, you should have saved yourself your sanity and just left and never went back again.

I don't get mad in public and when I do, it is not a wise idea to open my mouth unless doing so fixes the problem.

What is more important?? Sanity or three dollars??

Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

I'm never going back. But if I feel like someone is overcharging me for something, then I am going to voice that. He never once told me it was the store policy. He just claimed that he gave me more food; which I did not ask for and did not eat. I didn't get mad in public. I quietly voiced my confusion and frustration to the assistant manager, because he was dismissing my concern. I figured that had I brought it to his attention, he would be a professional and politely explain that it was on the menu, but he didn't. Therefor, I was under the impression that he was deliberately trying to tack on a charge for extra food that I did not eat or ask for.

I have my sanity, thank you. But I refuse to let someone bully me.

Seriously? I'm absolutely bewildered at all this valuable energy expended towards a $3 split fee. A "horrible" restaurant experience? You enjoyed the food by your own admission. If you had enjoyed it more would that have changed your opinion? Probably not. While I agree the manager could have handled this better, this IS absolutely done all the time in better restaurants. Believe me, as a previous restaurant owner, your refusal to go back would have been music to my ears and worth every penny of the $3.00. Not every business wants you as a customer.

So just because it's done all the time to other people, I should let them harass me on Facebook on a review? Did you read all the posts on this thread? Your mentality is bad business and bad customer service.

Seriously? I'm absolutely bewildered at all this valuable energy expended towards a $3 split fee. A "horrible" restaurant experience? You enjoyed the food by your own admission. If you had enjoyed it more would that have changed your opinion? Probably not. While I agree the manager could have handled this better, this IS absolutely done all the time in better restaurants. Believe me, as a previous restaurant owner, your refusal to go back would have been music to my ears and worth every penny of the $3.00. Not every business wants you as a customer.

I'm so glad SOMEBODY finally stated the obvious!! I used to own a restaurant also and this kind of customer gave me a headache just seeing them walk in!! Seriously people, double dishes, double Water, double sides etc. $3.00 is cheap! And for the manager spoke to you like that at the restaurant, something else was said! No manager starts out a conversation rudely to a customer unless some other incident or words proceeded it.
I was not aware that there was a $3.00 split charge. I was not mean to the assistant manager. I became frustrated because he was rude. Did you read all the comments? Because I stated MANY TIMES that the assistant manager was rude to us when he was telling me why there was a split charge. And that is a COMPLETE LIE. We were NOT rude to the assistant manager. Why do you think I'm so frustrated? We did nothing to deserve that treatment. We were not aware that split fees even existed. So if you believed that someone was cheating you, wouldn't you become confused and refuse to pay the charge? Your mentality is incorrect, especially since you think that an assistant manager can't act rude unless provoked. Since you think I'm lying, then your input is no longer relevant on my post. Move along.
I've worked in restaurants for a bit and it sounds like you went there more than once, if you are a regular customer or even just live in the area we would never charge that fee, also I used to work double shifts where about 5 or 6 older gentlemen would take up the biggest table in the place and just drink coffee for hours, they were only paying 1.50 for coffee the whole time. The manager was totally wrong to treat you like that, he's definitely not very good with people skills and his business will suffer because not too many people would go there to be treated like that. Sharing or not if one person is ordering maybe that's all they could eat. Maybe they both had our wls and can't eat that much anymore. I've seen homeless people sit in a restaurant just to get warm and my manager would have us give them some Soup FREE, MY GOD, I can't believe we treat people like this , and for the rude comments the other lady said, she really needs people skills. My restaurant manager used to let my daughter come home from the pool and feed her and her friends while I was working. He was a smart business man he even ordered her a pizza one day. I am really frustrated that you had such a bad experience. I'm so mad that $3.00 would cause such a problem, tell me where he's at and I will send him an extra 3.00 for your next visit on me.
I'm not so worried about getting mad in PUBLIC! I have no problem with it but I've never been rude purposely.

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Alot of restaurants add a split fee that I've worked in, it's not them cutting the burger for you , they charge the fee because you only ordered one meal and there were two of you, I feel it's very unfair. One time when I wasn't having weight problems I knew I couldn't eat a regular cheeseburger at McDonald's so I ordered a happy meal, it's a little bit smaller portion the cashier said she couldn't sell me a happy meal unless I had a child with me. I called the manager and I got my way but I was insulted by the fact that they thought they could get away with that, and if the waiter didn't tell you about the split fee charge ahead of time you are not required to pay it. I would ask first next time you want to split food .

They still made us pay. Instead of apologizing, they would have rather been jerks to us and act like we didn't matter. I have all the screen shots of the incident on Facebook, but I wonder if it's against forum rules to post the restaurant name?

>When I am not happy about a service somewhere, I simply don't go there anymore. If you chose to speak to someone about it and figured that instead of the situation getting better, it was getting worse, you should have saved yourself your sanity and just left and never went back again.

I don't get mad in public and when I do, it is not a wise idea to open my mouth unless doing so fixes the problem.

What is more important?? Sanity or three dollars??

Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

lockquote>I'm never going back. But if I feel like someone is overcharging me for something, then I am going to voice that. He never once told me it was the store policy. He just claimed that he gave me more food; which I did not ask for and did not eat. I didn't get mad in public. I quietly voiced my confusion and frustration to the assistant manager, because he was dismissing my concern. I figured that had I brought it to his attention, he would be a professional and politely explain that it was on the menu, but he didn't. Therefor, I was under the impression that he was deliberately trying to tack on a charge for extra food that I did not eat or ask for.

I have my sanity, thank you. But I refuse to let someone bully me.

>Seriously? I'm absolutely bewildered at all this valuable energy expended towards a $3 split fee. A "horrible" restaurant experience? You enjoyed the food by your own admission. If you had enjoyed it more would that have changed your opinion? Probably not. While I agree the manager could have handled this better, this IS absolutely done all the time in better restaurants. Believe me, as a previous restaurant owner, your refusal to go back would have been music to my ears and worth every penny of the $3.00. Not every business wants you as a customer.

So just because it's done all the time to other people, I should let them harass me on Facebook on a review? Did you read all the posts on this thread? Your mentality is bad business and bad customer service.

Seriously? I'm absolutely bewildered at all this valuable energy expended towards a $3 split fee. A "horrible" restaurant experience? You enjoyed the food by your own admission. If you had enjoyed it more would that have changed your opinion? Probably not. While I agree the manager could have handled this better, this IS absolutely done all the time in better restaurants. Believe me, as a previous restaurant owner, your refusal to go back would have been music to my ears and worth every penny of the $3.00. Not every business wants you as a customer.

I'm so glad SOMEBODY finally stated the obvious!! I used to own a restaurant also and this kind of customer gave me a headache just seeing them walk in!! Seriously people, double dishes, double Water, double sides etc. $3.00 is cheap! And for the manager spoke to you like that at the restaurant, something else was said! No manager starts out a conversation rudely to a customer unless some other incident or words proceeded it.
I was not aware that there was a $3.00 split charge. I was not mean to the assistant manager. I became frustrated because he was rude. Did you read all the comments? Because I stated MANY TIMES that the assistant manager was rude to us when he was telling me why there was a split charge. And that is a COMPLETE LIE. We were NOT rude to the assistant manager. Why do you think I'm so frustrated? We did nothing to deserve that treatment. We were not aware that split fees even existed. So if you believed that someone was cheating you, wouldn't you become confused and refuse to pay the charge? Your mentality is incorrect, especially since you think that an assistant manager can't act rude unless provoked. Since you think I'm lying, then your input is no longer relevant on my post. Move along.
I've worked in restaurants for a bit and it sounds like you went there more than once, if you are a regular customer or even just live in the area we would never charge that fee, also I used to work double shifts where about 5 or 6 older gentlemen would take up the biggest table in the place and just drink coffee for hours, they were only paying 1.50 for coffee the whole time. The manager was totally wrong to treat you like that, he's definitely not very good with people skills and his business will suffer because not too many people would go there to be treated like that. Sharing or not if one person is ordering maybe that's all they could eat. Maybe they both had our wls and can't eat that much anymore. I've seen homeless people sit in a restaurant just to get warm and my manager would have us give them some Soup FREE, MY GOD, I can't believe we treat people like this , and for the rude comments the other lady said, she really needs people skills. My restaurant manager used to let my daughter come home from the pool and feed her and her friends while I was working. He was a smart business man he even ordered her a pizza one day. I am really frustrated that you had such a bad experience. I'm so mad that $3.00 would cause such a problem, tell me where he's at and I will send him an extra 3.00 for your next visit on me.

Oh wow... That is so kind of you. :) I could not accept that generous offer. It's really not about the money anymore. It's about how they treated me and my mother. I've been to that restaurant 3 times, exactly. The first time, I had Tomato basil soup. The second time, I had the cheeseburger, (but I did not split it). The third time, I split the cheeseburger with my mother. The reasons I split it with her is because, the burger is a bit larger than normal burgers, I do not eat fries, and because the burger costs $9 (why would I want to order a $9 meal, by myself, when I'm not going to eat all of it? :lol: ) The reason we even went to that place again, is because the atmosphere is pleasant (I love the paintings on the walls; I'm an artsy person.)

I agree about the homeless people. I would have done that, too. That shows kindness, and people notice those acts of kindness, which is good business. I wasn't asking for a hand-out; I never expect that. I was just confused as to why a $9 burger and 2 drinks could turn into a $17 bill, lol. I felt like they were charging me for splitting it. They never explained that it was a policy listed on the menu. I actually found out it was a policy through Yelp, haha.

Thanks for your response. :)

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I've worked in restaurants for a bit and it sounds like you went there more than once, if you are a regular customer or even just live in the area we would never charge that fee, also I used to work double shifts where about 5 or 6 older gentlemen would take up the biggest table in the place and just drink coffee for hours, they were only paying 1.50 for coffee the whole time. The manager was totally wrong to treat you like that, he's definitely not very good with people skills and his business will suffer because not too many people would go there to be treated like that. Sharing or not if one person is ordering maybe that's all they could eat. Maybe they both had our wls and can't eat that much anymore. I've seen homeless people sit in a restaurant just to get warm and my manager would have us give them some Soup FREE, MY GOD, I can't believe we treat people like this , and for the rude comments the other lady said, she really needs people skills. My restaurant manager used to let my daughter come home from the pool and feed her and her friends while I was working. He was a smart business man he even ordered her a pizza one day. I am really frustrated that you had such a bad experience. I'm so mad that $3.00 would cause such a problem, tell me where he's at and I will send him an extra 3.00 for your next visit on me.
I'm not so worried about getting mad in PUBLIC! I have no problem with it but I've never been rude purposely.

Haha, see, I have a hard time showing anger in public. I'm usually a very passive person. I kept my composure while in front of the assistant manager. I never see the point in causing a scene in a public place. I have let people walk all over me for so many years, and I think this was my breaking point. Yet, I still remained calm. I just decided I'd write the review to let everyone know what to expect. I figured the owner would see it and handle it properly. I was very wrong about that, since the owner was just as rude.

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They still made us pay. Instead of apologizing, they would have rather been jerks to us and act like we didn't matter. I have all the screen shots of the incident on Facebook, but I wonder if it's against forum rules to post the restaurant name?

You revealed the name of the bistro in your OP. I'm assuming that was unintentional, and due to copying and pasting the review from somewhere else to here. I think there's a time limit on editing posts, but perhaps if you asked a moderator he or she would be willing to remove their name if you wish. I doubt it's against the rules to post it.

As I wrote before, I think the restaurant handled the situation poorly, taking a matter that could have been resolved quickly and amicably and escalating it by their reaction to you both at the restaurant and to the review. Everyone engaged in the matter is squandering time in a back-and-forth that at this point is unlikely to have a mutually satisfactory end. If you haven't already received an apology by now, then it's doubtful you will, and you have to make the choice about whether you want to continue to invest yourself in the matter or move forward.

I've been in many situations where I've gotten an unpleasant surprise on the bill. When my family and friends were in Russia we were stunned to get a bill for over $100 for Water (which was served in a pitcher, not from a bottle) and soda. We were accustomed to free Water and free refills, but realized that isn't the custom there, and so we paid without argument or acrimony. We learned the hard way that in many places there's an additional fee for dining at a casual cafe vs. taking the meal to go, sometimes tripling the original cost. I totally get that at a restaurant in your own area when you're confronted with something you haven't encountered before it's more jarring than when you're in a foreign country and face a foreign custom, but the point is the same. You're now aware that some restaurants do have the split plate fee, and that the waiters will not always emphasize that in advance when you're ordering. So this problem doesn't have to be replicated. You will presumably avoid going back to that bistro, you also don't have to worry about dealing with their attitude again unless you choose to keep interacting. To add - moving on from such a matter isn't giving up on what you think is right, it's about valuing your own resources too much to expend them on something unworthy.

Edited by Clementine Sky

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They still made us pay. Instead of apologizing, they would have rather been jerks to us and act like we didn't matter. I have all the screen shots of the incident on Facebook, but I wonder if it's against forum rules to post the restaurant name?

You revealed the name of the bistro in your OP. I'm assuming that was unintentional, and due to copying and pasting the review from somewhere else to here. I think there's a time limit on editing posts, but perhaps if you asked a moderator he or she would be willing to remove their name if you wish. I doubt it's against the rules to post it.

As I wrote before, I think the restaurant handled the situation poorly, taking a matter that could have been resolved quickly and amicably and escalating it by their reaction to you both at the restaurant and to the review. Everyone engaged in the matter is squandering time in a back-and-forth that at this point is unlikely to have a mutually satisfactory end. If you haven't already received an apology by now, then it's doubtful you will, and you have to make the choice about whether you want to continue to invest yourself in the matter or move forward.

I've been in many situations where I've gotten an unpleasant surprise on the bill. When my family and friends were in Russia we were stunned to get a bill for over $100 for Water (which was served in a pitcher, not from a bottle) and soda. We were accustomed to free Water and free refills, but realized that isn't the custom there, and so we paid without argument or acrimony. We learned the hard way that in many places there's an additional fee for dining at a casual cafe vs. taking the meal to go, sometimes tripling the original cost. I totally get that at a restaurant in your own area when you're confronted with something you haven't encountered before it's more jarring than when you're in a foreign country and face a foreign custom, but the point is the same. You're now aware that some restaurants do have the split plate fee, and that the waiters will not always emphasize that in advance when you're ordering. So this problem doesn't have to be replicated. You will presumably avoid going back to that bistro, you also don't have to worry about dealing with their attitude again unless you choose to keep interacting. To add - moving on from such a matter isn't giving up on what you think is right, it's about valuing your own resources too much to expend them on something unworthy.

Crap... You're right, I did post the restaurant name. Oh well... :/

I agree. I'll eventually let this go, but I'm going to stay on it a bit longer on getting this experience out there. Wow, sorry to hear about your experience. That's ridiculous. <_<

The reason I'm not letting this go so quickly is because I've let people step on me too many times in the past, so now I'm being a bit more stubborn. TripAdvisor has already asked for evidence regarding this matter. I'm going to post it to a few more sites, then I will drop it.

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5 pages on and I'm starting to hear that Frozen song... ❄️

Sent from my iPad using the BariatricPal App

Lol... That's clever. But this is the ranting section of the forums, so I can keep this going as long as I please. :)

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5 pages on and I'm starting to hear that Frozen song... ❄

Sent from my iPad using the BariatricPal App

Lol... That's clever. But this is the ranting section of the forums, so I can keep this going as long as I please. :)

You certainly can Rant away!

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I am new to this app and probably don't have a place to say this, however, we all have been treated in a not so nice way before. If we all spent time complaining about companies or managers, we would not have time to take care of ourselves or our family. We all have enough stress in life and three dollars and a poor experience will not ruin my day. Stress kills. Have peace within yourself and never go back there again if you choose.

Blessings for a nice night!

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Ok, so here are the screenshots of the whole conversation on the Facebook review. I edited the screenshots in order to protect everyone's identity. A lot of my friends got on the review to defend me. Two of my friends went way overboard and began cussing the owner's friends out (one of them is autistic). I did not appreciate them doing that, and you can see in some of the pictures where I tried to contain them. The owner's mother-in-law and friends got on there to insult me. One began cussing me and calling me names. Sorry if some of these are a bit confusing, lol.










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It's about standing up for ones self. If everyone had a.... just let it go attitude then these people will continue to think there behavior is acceptable. And it's not. People should be able to speak with a manager about goods and bads. A manager should take all comments and use it as a tool to improve where things need to be improved and remember the good things also

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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