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Considering Lapband..should I? or shouldn't I?

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Hi all, I am new and I have been reading through some of your posts. I am looking into lapband, I have been approved for the loan and have talked with the people who arrange for the surgery to be set up. All I have to do is give a $500 deposit and set the date.. BUT :) here are my concerns. I know that losing weight will be good for me, but I am reading all the posts about the post op diet. I have even read that you can't drink while you eat or immediately after you eat.

I keep thinking that if I could make myself do these things without the lapband I would already be losing weight. Ok in my mind here is what I am prepared for

1) Get surgery

2) week 1 -4 liquid diet only

3) week 4-6 soft foods only

4) weeks 7 - forever eat only about 1/2 cup food, and can't drink liquids with meal period

5) for 36 months only consume 800 calories a day

6) then after 36 months never more then 1200 calories a day.

What I want:

I am ok with the first 3 steps, but after that I want my life to be normal. I want to set down and eat solid foods, but much less of it, and drink with my meals. I want to eat less but not count every calorie.. I don't need my life more complicated.

How do you guys do it? Please let me know all this will weigh into my decision.



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WOW, you just put to words all my fears about the surgery. Do I really have what it takes for the long-haul? If I could do all that's on the list, I wouldn't be in this situation. How will the band make the difference? I am looking forward to the groups response because what you said is the fear that's holding me back. Thank you, thank you for putting it to words for me.


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Not every nutritionist and surgeon has you counting calories, in fact many do not. Loads of us do count them, but not so much to stop ourselves from eating over a certain number, but so that we can see what is going in our mouths. Sure there are some surgeons who want you to eat X # or calories per day, and that's fine. But remember, once you reach your sweet spot with restriction you won't be able to eat a lot of food. And as long as you make the right choices or what to eat, then you shouldn't be consuming loads and loads of calories. Is it easy? NO! Is it hard? Sure it is. But is anything worth having really simple? Can you eat through the band? Yes you can, chips and ice cream and Oreos go down really well. But you have to be ready in your mind and in your heart to make the changes that will improve your life. I agree, I will NOT NOT NOT live on Protein shakes for the rest of my life. I will NOT eat only certain foods, if I want a piece of cheesecake, I'm GOING to have it, but it will be a tiny piece instead of a wedge of it. If I want a steak, I won't buy the cheap tough 1lb cut anymore, I'll buy a 3 or 4oz Filet and savor it.

I want to be able to eat normally (normally meaning well, not crappy), just smaller portions and that is how I view the band. I log every drink and every bite on fitday.com. I do not count calories, I do it to see what I am consuming. I stay away from things that say enriched flour or high fructose corn Syrup on the label. I chose good foods now and eat chicken or beef or cheese first, then eat 1/2-1 cup of vegetables and then if I have any room, I'll eat the carbs. But I'll eat the complex carbs most of the time. Occasionally I'll have an Oreo. But I'll put it in the computer.

I could never have had the bypass, I'd figure a way to eat around that, too. I'd much rather really learn good food behaviors and establish eating habits for life than eat crap and let the dumping and cramping try to keep me honest.

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what's a calorie?????????????? LOL

Seriously........ I don't count them... what I try to focus on is getting enough Protein and Water.... calorie smalorie.

Also you need to RETHINK normal. What YOU think is normal might be freaking absurd to me or to the person in the next cube.

I have a houseful of boys and we go to buffets and all the places we always did before.......

The first time I actually LOOKED around at the skinny people at the buffet I realized that NOT everyone was gorging themselves on 5 plates of food........ there were actually people there eating one plate and then pushing away the plate............. I'm RETHINKING Normal and I invite you to do the same.

I wrote on my blog the other ........................ it used to really annoy me to hear skinny people say..... "ohhhhhhh silly me I FORGOT to eat today!" (I was ... yeah right... )................ well... it happened to ME last Monday... I was in a rush and the next think I knew it was 4p.m. and I had NOTHING except my ritual coffee..........

ME... forget to eat? I would of NEVER believed it possible........ but it did... and no.... I have no idea how many calories I ate that day, most likley less than 800.........

Today... I've had

coffee w/sf Creamer

B: 1 packet of Weight Control oatmeal

L: I tried to eat some meat sauce for lunch but I'm stressed to day so after two bites I was full. w/ 3 wheat thin crackers

40 oz's of Water and counting...............

and it's 1:22 p.m. and I'm not hungry..........


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Hi all, I am new and I have been reading through some of your posts. I am looking into lapband, I have been approved for the loan and have talked with the people who arrange for the surgery to be set up. All I have to do is give a $500 deposit and set the date.. BUT :confused: here are my concerns. I know that losing weight will be good for me, but I am reading all the posts about the post op diet. I have even read that you can't drink while you eat or immediately after you eat.

I keep thinking that if I could make myself do these things without the lapband I would already be losing weight. Ok in my mind here is what I am prepared for

1) Get surgery

2) week 1 -4 liquid diet only

3) week 4-6 soft foods only

4) weeks 7 - forever eat only about 1/2 cup food, and can't drink liquids with meal period

5) for 36 months only consume 800 calories a day

6) then after 36 months never more then 1200 calories a day.

What I want:

I am ok with the first 3 steps, but after that I want my life to be normal. I want to set down and eat solid foods, but much less of it, and drink with my meals. I want to eat less but not count every calorie.. I don't need my life more complicated.

How do you guys do it? Please let me know all this will weigh into my decision.



WOW, you just put to words all my fears about the surgery. Do I really have what it takes for the long-haul? If I could do all that's on the list, I wouldn't be in this situation. How will the band make the difference? I am looking forward to the groups response because what you said is the fear that's holding me back. Thank you, thank you for putting it to words for me.


Bridget & Penny

I will give you my take on the band - this is my opinion and you will find that it can vary from others here - we are all individual and everyone chooses different ways to work with their band.

#1 - the band is a tool to help control your portions - it's not the magic pill to end all your weight issues - period end of story - it will do 25% of the work (controling portion size) but the remaining 75% is up to you(head work).

#2 - You have to make a lifetime committment to this - each doctor has their own set of rules as to your diet - Mine - no drinking 1/2 hr before, during or after meals (it's really not that bad - it's the time after that I really want to drink - but what's a 1/2 hr - it's doable.) I had a pre-op diet - my post op diet 10 days full liquids (includes creamed soups) 10 days mushie food - 10 days soft food - then regular - you must drink 64 oz Water - get minimum 60 grams of Protein - take Vitamins for the rest of your life.

#3 - The amount of food you eat depends on your restiction - at first i could only eat 1/2 c of food - then 1 cup - then 2 cup - I had my 1st fill on 9/5 - and can eat about 1 to 1 & 1/2 cups food per meal - I had more restriction at first but it has loosened up - will call to get another one shortly

#4 - I eat about 1000 - 1200 calorie a day - That you will find also differs between who you talk to and what their doctors say. imho this is a good amount of calories to lose weight with.

#5 - You must eat healthy - and i suspect you understand what that is - as if you are like the rest of us you have been on plenty of diets.(low fat - sugar free ect) plus you must excercise .

#6 - You say you want a normal life - is eating 3000 calories a day normal - Your normal life got you to the place where you are looking into the band. I would not say that's normal - Please understand I am not trying to be mean here - but we have to face the fact that we are FAT and have a major addiction to food. You will have this addiction for the rest of your life just like a drug addict (the band is not going to take away your addiction but is a tool to help control it) - You will have to deal with alot of mental issues as to why you eat - I will be full - but still want to continue eating (Head Hunger) - Bored - tired - stress all the reason we eat - those thing are never going to go away.

#7 - I'm 52, have high blood pressure, have been fat for most of my life

I love my band - it helps me feel full faster - I am not eating large portions - i am not eating 2nds or 3rds for dinner. But i gotta tell you I am doing most of the work by eating correctly and exercising - here is a typical days food intake for me

Breakfast - coffee w/unjury unflavored Protein powder (20 grms)

SF Yogurt (5 grms) or eggbeaters omelett w/ a little ham & cheese (i don't like sweet stuff for breakfast)

lunch - 1 cup of - veggies or cup of Soup w/protein powder or soft taco and some refired Beans or 3 oz hamburger patty

Dinner - 3 or 4 oz fish or ck (baked) or red meat once a week and veggies and 1/2 cup of brown rice or Pasta a small salad w/lite dressing or will have 1 soft taco and Beans or rice - or ck enchillad (1 cup)

I save my Snacks for night time as I am a night time eater - I usually have 1 or 2 sf choc puddings and a healthy request sf fudgecicle or maybe some watermelon.

On special occassions - I have had a slice of pizza - bday cake - etc but right now i am trying to loose weight and not maintain now so once I get to my goal weight - i will not return to eating like i use to "normal" cuz if i do that I will regain my weight - this is a lifetime change of eating habits.

If you watch a healthy skinny person eat - they aren't chowing down fast food - morning noon and night - they aren't eating tons of fried food tons of sweet etc.

What do you want?? Are you really committed to losing the weight and keeping it off for the rest of your life - if you want to be sucessful with the band - then you are going to have to make a LIFETIME commitment to eating healthy and exercising - your band will help with the Portion Control - but it doesn't band your head - and that's where 99% of the problems lies.

I also go to the gym 5 days a week....

Today is my 2 month band anniversary and as of last thrusday I have lost 32 pounds. (i only weigh in once a week) Without the the help of the band this would not have been possible in my humble opnion

It's up to you - how committed are you to change your life.....

Good luck on your journey....

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I can only echo what the others have said. It is a lifetime commitment - but it is a commitment to yourself, you deserve to be healthy.

I love my band most days, because I have very good restriction. I don't count calories at all and my surgeon never said I had to, I just try to make good choices. Lean Protein first, veggies (hardly ever for me, I hate them), fruit, and then some carbs if I have room which I often don't. I couldn't do this if I had to be on a "diet", I have proven this all my life. Is it frustrating, YES!, but only when I am struggling with wanting to eat more than I can with my restriction. If I let the band do it's job and quit eating when I am full, I am fine. I truly believe it was the right choice for me and the best decision I could have made. I cleaned out my closet yesterday because I know I will never be in those sizes again.

Consider why you have to drink with meals? Are you washing down great quantities of food? With the band you don't need to do that. You will learn to enjoy the food you can eat and not waste calories on liquids. If you are thirsty 30min-1hr after meals, then have all the zero cal liquid or Water that you want before the next meal.

I don't consider my life more complicated at all.

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Well everyone is different.

I only exercised once a month for the first 4 months (besides housework).

Now, I do a 'walk away the pounds 1 mile' every night.. and eventually plan to do more.

My fills never filled me up, after the post-op diet, it was like I didn't have a band.. could eat whatever.. Got fills, and it gave very minimal restriction, but I ate about 2-3 cups of food at a time. Then one fill felt better, and was eating 1-2 cups at a time--knew I still needed another fill (doctor makes me wait 1 month between each fill).

So this last fill, I'm still complaining--I can eat too much, and lost the restriction I had. Then found out I have a hole somewhere and my fills are leaking out. So, I have to get it fixed.

But the point is, you can only eat xxx amount at a time, and you're SATISFIED with that. It's not like, you eat xxx amount, and you're hungry and want more and can't have it.

Before I was completely deflated, my lunches were about 1/2 cup of food.. and I was done.. I didn't *want* more, my tummy was full. By dinner time, was another story though.

I make the wrong food choices sometimes, and I've 'overeaten' in terms of what my band wants, and you just pick up and move along.

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Bridget, I break the rules and drink with meals without a problem. I can still only consume 1/4 cup of food. Also, 800 calories is pretty low. You may find that you can still lose 1-2 lbs per week at 1k to 1200 calories. Good luck.

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Thank you all for such good information, tough band love as I have seen it called, and the encouragement. I appreciate the time each one of you have taken to "talk" about your experience. Since I know I have some head-work to do along with the band, I am wondering what kinds of things anyone has done.....Overeaters Annon, reading, counseling. I have been fat since 4 or 5 yrs old and have some work to do on 40 yrs of emotional eating (no significant emotional scars, just eat my feelings....and I'm a social worker........go figure!!). Addicted to food.....you bet!! That's where the challenge is for me, and I want to be prepared to take that on with as much commitment as the nutrition. Thanks again.


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Penny, I tried everything imaginable. I've been in therapy, used diet pills, Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, low fat, low carb, just about everything. I lost 30 lbs before being banded. I just felt that I was at a stop still. I started my preband weight at 282 and I couldn't be happier. I haven't seen size 18 in probably 15 years so I am stoked.

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Thank you all for such good information, tough band love as I have seen it called, and the encouragement. I appreciate the time each one of you have taken to "talk" about your experience. Since I know I have some head-work to do along with the band, I am wondering what kinds of things anyone has done.....Overeaters Annon, reading, counseling. I have been fat since 4 or 5 yrs old and have some work to do on 40 yrs of emotional eating (no significant emotional scars, just eat my feelings....and I'm a social worker........go figure!!). Addicted to food.....you bet!! That's where the challenge is for me, and I want to be prepared to take that on with as much commitment as the nutrition. Thanks again.



Weight Watches is my fav weight loss program - as it is the most well balanced (imho), you learn Portion Control etc - I am not going to a class or anything but am using that as my basis for weight loss - keeping a food diary, exercise - drink your Water - the eating healthy - diet whatever name you want to put on it -My main priority is to get my 60 Proteins and from there use what i learned in WW - veggies next then carbs.

I eat cuz i like the way it taste - I eat cuz I am bored... I don't go to a counsler but some here do. You have a tought job.

I am just doing it - I want to live for a few more. I had gotten to the point where i just slept away the weekends - ate and slept.. Was tired all the time - I want to be able to do things when I retire - h*ll just getting in and out of the car was a pain in the butt - i'm 5'4 and was 245 - gain 5 lbs from my last meal mentallity and now am 228 - I am highly motivated right now love watch the weight come off.. And when the motivation sags a little - the band doesn't let me eat as much as i use to..

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I still just don't know what to do and the more I learn the more I become worried, I can't do this. I recently learned I can't ever ever drink soft drinks again. Nothing cabonated.. Also learned no steak , no turkey as often it is not tolerated. So I am learning that it's not the amount that is restricted, it is everything basically. You see I had it in my mind when I started considering lapband that it would just make my stomach smaller and I would get by on much smaller portions. I was really ok with that. But learning all the other has put me saying Ok if I could quit drinking soft drinks, stop eating steak, never eat turkey , eat little to no sugar.. well heck if I could do that I could lose weight.

You see I feel my weight loss obstacle is more mental, I don't eat because I am hungry, I eat because I WANT TO.. so the lapband isn't going to help me not want mentally to eat.

So weighing it out and thinking maybe not for me.. Still considering, but just not impressed.

I was really thinking about why I want this surgery and the #1 reason is due to the fact that my father died at 53 with HBP and diabetes. It scares me because I don't want to die at 53.. but I am so honest when I say it's not an appearance thing. Sure it would be nice to be skinny, but my husband is so supportive .. he says I am anna nicole when she was heavy only voluptious, not fat. And I see the same thing in my mirror.. so I am not motivated by appearance and only health, and that is probably making me less "motivated" .....Just so confused.

Thanks for all your comments and suggestions.

Blessings to all of you


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I still just don't know what to do and the more I learn the more I become worried, I can't do this. I recently learned I can't ever ever drink soft drinks again. Nothing cabonated.. Also learned no steak , no turkey as often it is not tolerated. So I am learning that it's not the amount that is restricted, it is everything basically. You see I had it in my mind when I started considering lapband that it would just make my stomach smaller and I would get by on much smaller portions. I was really ok with that. But learning all the other has put me saying Ok if I could quit drinking soft drinks, stop eating steak, never eat turkey , eat little to no sugar.. well heck if I could do that I could lose weight.

You see I feel my weight loss obstacle is more mental, I don't eat because I am hungry, I eat because I WANT TO.. so the lapband isn't going to help me not want mentally to eat.

So weighing it out and thinking maybe not for me.. Still considering, but just not impressed.

I was really thinking about why I want this surgery and the #1 reason is due to the fact that my father died at 53 with HBP and diabetes. It scares me because I don't want to die at 53.. but I am so honest when I say it's not an appearance thing. Sure it would be nice to be skinny, but my husband is so supportive .. he says I am anna nicole when she was heavy only voluptious, not fat. And I see the same thing in my mirror.. so I am not motivated by appearance and only health, and that is probably making me less "motivated" .....Just so confused.

Thanks for all your comments and suggestions.

Blessings to all of you


Bridget - I giving you toughlove right now - so please don't take offense.

#1 My motivation was Health not my looks... I'm 52 and i want to be around to see my grandkids get married - I want a life - I don't want to be old and sick on tons of meds - already on 2 blood pressure meds.

There are tons of 50& 60 yr old women & men here who are doing this for their health not their appreance.. and wish they had done it years ago.

I CAN eat steak, turkey, I have had b-day cake - I have had a glass of wine, My doc doesn't say you can't drink soda - he say it's not good for you as it depletes your calcuim. I have had a soda - but it's not easy to drink - and it was not totally flat but a little flat.

You say your Dad died @ 53 and you don't want to end up in the same boat - but you don't want to do anything about it.

Most of us here did not eat cuz we were hungry - we ate cuz we like the taste of food - it's our addiction...

What aren't you impressed with - that's its not the magic answer to your weight issues - that you will have to work at it.

I think you are right - the lapband isn't for you - cuz it's not the easy way out - there are none - take it from a person who has be over weight most of her life. No matter what you do - weight watchers, jenny craig, nutri system, LA Weight loss, Atkins, South Beach - etc you have to work at it- You have to make healthly food choices and limit your portions.

Since you feel that your obsicale is more mental than phyiscal maybe you shoud invest in seeing a good physicoigist that helps people with their weight issues Good luck in your venture to be healthy

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Really thank you for the honest comment. I can handle people being honest with me. Things you say I might not like, but in the end I know there true and truth is always welcome in my court. Believe me I hear what you are saying. And I keep thinking ok.. food, death.. food, HBP, food death.. I know my risks, that is why I am here looking into this, I don't have any of the symptoms that come with being overweight, but I know if 5 years look out I know they will come.

I just worry if I spend $1,000's getting it and can't do it because mentally I still want the food, then what. And maybe I should seek a psychologist if that has honestly never crossed anyone's mind. I maybe different. Everyone else seems to be going into this thinking this is my new life and I will do whatever it takes, I am going into it thinking, bye to my old life and feeling a loss for the foods I will never be able to eat even in small portions... I would think it's a mental thing as well, and that is where I fear I would fail because if I had that kind of mental control Jenny craig, weight watchers etc would work.

I really am scared, and the fact I am a going to hospital in Mexico where I feel I won't have adequate follow up care scares me too. I can't fly to mexico every 2 weeks for support. But I am a self pay and with 4 kids, I can't afford 40,000 for this surgery and my insurance won't consider lap band, only RnY gastric bypass and I can't get my head around the fact that rearranging my insides is any more healthy then being fat in the long run.

Please feel free to hit me with all the tough love you have. I do need it, but at the same time if anyone else feared what I fear let me know. If you worried about the foods you couldn't have and the mental aspect of getting past the eating, tell me how you conquered that or infact if the lapband helped you conquer it.

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The way the lapband helps me the most is that i am just NOT hungry like i use to be. I can eat whatever i want. It all goes down just fine. But i am making MUCH better choices now because i have much more control. I do not crave things like i use to. It is wonderful. I was a self pay in Mexico also and i am so glad i did it. Donna

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