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harsha, i am noticing everyones responses can bd diff. thanks for responding. did ur pits miss u when u were in hosp? i just cant have them jump on me or i will die-lol

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i need help. my surgery is 12/19 but i am thinking of post op. here are a few of my q's...any help would be great!

1) what is the pain like?

2) does the stomach hurt or just incisions?

3) how do u not get dehydrated?

4) can my 2 pitbulls jump on me? they love to play & lay ontop me

5) how many days after surgery can i not drive for?

6) does the weight come off rt away?

7) what is recovery like?

8) can i sleep on my stomach? or will it be painful?

9) what is the post op diet like?

10) is it true my hair will fall out?

ok, enough for now...lol

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1) I had NO pain from the surgery. NONE! Possibly because it was overshadowed by HORRIBLE back pain. My back is full of arthritis and I can't do hospital beds. I have had 14 major surgeries in the last 2 1/2 years and my back just gets worse and worse after each one. Anyway, the first thing I remember after surgery is waking up to HORRID back pain and instantly getting off the bed to stand up to end the pain. Needless to say, this sent the nurse and my S/O into a panic. Decided I would go to the bathroom while I was up. (they weren't happy with me.) Then I was moved to a recliner, crammed pillows all around me, and slept sound for the next 4 hours. Woke to look at the clock and told my S/O to go home. No use staring at me sleeping when we have a house full of kids at home.

2) The morning after surgery I felt a bit stiff, as if I had been doing sit ups when I wasn't used to that. Nothing bad. Offered Dilauded but taking only Tylenol at that point.

3) The nurse brought in sixty, 1 oz medication cups, stacked upright. I was to sip one every 15 minutes (when awake) and stack them upside down so it was easy to see how much I had drank, and how much I still needed to drink. I'm still doing this at home 5 days out.

4) No. No. and more no. I have 6 kids at home, all with disabilities. They cannot climb on me. No.

5) My weight the day I started the pre-op diet was 212. Surgery day was 204. Today on day 5 post-op I am 197.

6) Now that I have *finally* pooped, I feel about 90%.

7) I have had no real issues other than being constipated. Again, once I was able to go, life is good. The head hunger is the worst part for me. I really want to TASTE all the stuff! And I made christmas Cookies with my kids today. Killer!!!

8) The first 3 nights I was only able to sleep on my back. The last two nights I've been on my sides. (I haven't been able to tummy sleep since I had breast cancer and its required surgeries 2 1/2 years ago.) I tried it once a few weeks ago and thought I would suffocate. LOL

9) It is HARD. If I didn't have kids in the house who need to eat meals maybe it would be easier? Last night I was at a restaurant with friends (planned months ago and unable to cancel) and it was HARD, but I did it. I am having a hard time getting my Water in. Finally set alarms on my phone to drink so today is a bit better.

10) Probably but not for a couple of months. And it won't ALL fall out (I did that with chemo, liked myself better bald! LOL) just get thin. I have been taking Biotin for the the last 2 1/2 years because my hair is thin on a good day. Hoping that helps a bit. I'll start it back up again in a couple of weeks.

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I'm gonna be straight with you... the pain right after surgery is horrible. It was very hard to get comfortable for the first couple nights I actually regretted my decision. Your incisions won't hurt at all. The pain is all from the gas they fill you with during surgery. I recommend buying gas x strips that dissolve on your tongue and taking them with you to the hospital.

In the hospital they will have you on pain killers and fluids so you won't get dehydrated there but once you leave you will want to make sure you are drinking small amounts all day long. They don't expect you to meet your hydration goals right away so take your time. Try setting alarms on your phone to remind you to eat or drink. You will have no desire and may forget about eating all together.

As far as your animals go... they will need to stay off of you for a few weeks at least. Have them lay next to you instead. You don't want to risk opening an incision.

I am only 2 months out and have lost a little over 40 pounds. It will take time but you will definitely notice a difference. I feel like I already have a lot more energy, and don't have a double chin anymore.

Recovery isn't too bad once you get home. Just make sure to walk as much as you can both in and out of the hospital. The walking will help with the gas pain also.

I was able to sleep on my stomach about a week after surgery. Try laying on your side.

Post op diet isn't as bad as pre op because you have no appetite so you don't really feel like you're missing much. All liquids though.

You will lose some hair. I am actually going through this right now. My doctor said Hair loss usually happens 3-6 months after surgery. Start taking hair skin and nail Vitamins right after surgery to help.

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I'm gonna be straight with you... the pain right after surgery is horrible. It was very hard to get comfortable for the first couple nights I actually regretted my decision. Your incisions won't hurt at all. The pain is all from the gas they fill you with during surgery. I recommend buying gas x strips that dissolve on your tongue and taking them with you to the hospital.

In the hospital they will have you on pain killers and fluids so you won't get dehydrated there but once you leave you will want to make sure you are drinking small amounts all day long. They don't expect you to meet your hydration goals right away so take your time. Try setting alarms on your phone to remind you to eat or drink. You will have no desire and may forget about eating all together.

As far as your animals go... they will need to stay off of you for a few weeks at least. Have them lay next to you instead. You don't want to risk opening an incision.

I am only 2 months out and have lost a little over 40 pounds. It will take time but you will definitely notice a difference. I feel like I already have a lot more energy, and don't have a double chin anymore.

Recovery isn't too bad once you get home. Just make sure to walk as much as you can both in and out of the hospital. The walking will help with the gas pain also.

I was able to sleep on my stomach about a week after surgery. Try laying on your side.

Post op diet isn't as bad as pre op because you have no appetite so you don't really feel like you're missing much. All liquids though.

You will lose some hair. I am actually going through this right now. My doctor said Hair loss usually happens 3-6 months after surgery. Start taking hair skin and nail Vitamins right after surgery to help.

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I think we need to be really careful about "you will" feel this or that. Everyone responds to this procedure so differently, it is impossible to say that. I had NO pain related to surgery, only my really bad back. (arthritis). I had no gas pain from this surgery. (14 major surgeries in the last 2 years, I am familiar. ;-) )

The day after discharge I was walking a mile on my treadmill. I'm day 7 now and have been walking 2 miles for a couple of day.

I had to meet certain hydration goals before discharge.

I was hungry from day 2 on.

Your incisions should be completely closed (scabs gone and everything) by day 14. If they're not, see your doctor. Day 6, my animals - and my kids - are all over me without any problems.

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I am telling what my doctors have told me and what I have experienced for the last two months. Thanks.

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seeingme--thanks for ur response. i was starting to get scared bc of all the negative/horrible comments. i know ppl dont mean it, but it just comes across scary! i just wanted to hear ppls stories!!!

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1&2: My pain was horrible but I also had a hernia repair. I made sure to ask for meds when my pain level was at like a 2 or 3 because let's be real it takes nurses awhile to get the meds then for the meds to kick in. I also found that ice packs were a god sent after surgery to help with pain control. Definitely get up and walk around to help with the gas :)

3: keep drinking!! My doctor had a regiment set 4oz an hour...make sure you take slow sips, to this day I still get some pain if I take to big of a sip and I'm pain free (1wk post op)

4: As far as the dogs I have 2 dogs that like to lay on me as well and to be honest you won't want them on your stomach (atleast I didn't the thought made me cringe) so I kept a pillow there for "protection" just in case.

5: my post op appointment was yesterday and doc said when you are back to yourself and def not on the pain meds..makes sense since he sent me home with liquid narcotics

6: 1 week post op and I've lost 17lbs so I guess it depends on the person but from my 6 years of research and various contacts it's supposedly going to come off quickly. Yay!!

7: my recovery hasn't been too bad so far but don't over exert yourself for sure...make sure you still get plenty of rest :)

8: I have no problem sleeping on my stomach now but for the first few days I slept semi reclined like in a recliner...helped with the gas pain too!!

9: post op diet...I'm shocked they didn't tell you this as well...in the hospital I was only allowed Water and ice until I had my contrast test then "bariatric clear liquids" so broth sugar free Jello etc. I continuously was letting ice melt in my mouth because it didn't hurt to swallow the miniscule amount. Hospital Jello was crap but when I got home for the last week I lived on Protein shakes, v8+h20, h2o, Tomato Soup, jello (box has less after taste) and my doctor allowed me to have 4oz activia yogurt only the vanilla

10: my hair hasn't fallen out :)

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thanks laceemouse! ur msg def helps. how is ur success story going?

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I think I have had a slow recovery compared to most people. I now have meds for stomach acid and possible ulcers and am feeling better. I still can't eat much and have to eat really slow, but I am losing well and feeling better every day.

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1&2: My pain was horrible but I also had a hernia repair. I made sure to ask for meds when my pain level was at like a 2 or 3 because let's be real it takes nurses awhile to get the meds then for the meds to kick in. I also found that ice packs were a god sent after surgery to help with pain control. Definitely get up and walk around to help with the gas :)

3: keep drinking!! My doctor had a regiment set 4oz an hour...make sure you take slow sips, to this day I still get some pain if I take to big of a sip and I'm pain free (1wk post op)

4: As far as the dogs I have 2 dogs that like to lay on me as well and to be honest you won't want them on your stomach (atleast I didn't the thought made me cringe) so I kept a pillow there for "protection" just in case.

5: my post op appointment was yesterday and doc said when you are back to yourself and def not on the pain meds..makes sense since he sent me home with liquid narcotics

6: 1 week post op and I've lost 17lbs so I guess it depends on the person but from my 6 years of research and various contacts it's supposedly going to come off quickly. Yay!!

7: my recovery hasn't been too bad so far but don't over exert yourself for sure...make sure you still get plenty of rest :)

8: I have no problem sleeping on my stomach now but for the first few days I slept semi reclined like in a recliner...helped with the gas pain too!!

9: post op diet...I'm shocked they didn't tell you this as well...in the hospital I was only allowed Water and ice until I had my contrast test then "bariatric clear liquids" so broth sugar free Jello etc. I continuously was letting ice melt in my mouth because it didn't hurt to swallow the miniscule amount. Hospital Jello was crap but when I got home for the last week I lived on Protein shakes, v8+h20, h2o, Tomato Soup, jello (box has less after taste) and my doctor allowed me to have 4oz activia yogurt only the vanilla

10: my hair hasn't fallen out :)

Sent from my XT1585 using the BariatricPal App

Hair loss doesn't start until 3 or 4 months post op.

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1&2: My pain was horrible but I also had a hernia repair. I made sure to ask for meds when my pain level was at like a 2 or 3 because let's be real it takes nurses awhile to get the meds then for the meds to kick in. I also found that ice packs were a god sent after surgery to help with pain control. Definitely get up and walk around to help with the gas :)

3: keep drinking!! My doctor had a regiment set 4oz an hour...make sure you take slow sips, to this day I still get some pain if I take to big of a sip and I'm pain free (1wk post op)

4: As far as the dogs I have 2 dogs that like to lay on me as well and to be honest you won't want them on your stomach (atleast I didn't the thought made me cringe) so I kept a pillow there for "protection" just in case.

5: my post op appointment was yesterday and doc said when you are back to yourself and def not on the pain meds..makes sense since he sent me home with liquid narcotics

6: 1 week post op and I've lost 17lbs so I guess it depends on the person but from my 6 years of research and various contacts it's supposedly going to come off quickly. Yay!!

7: my recovery hasn't been too bad so far but don't over exert yourself for sure...make sure you still get plenty of rest :)

8: I have no problem sleeping on my stomach now but for the first few days I slept semi reclined like in a recliner...helped with the gas pain too!!

9: post op diet...I'm shocked they didn't tell you this as well...in the hospital I was only allowed Water and ice until I had my contrast test then "bariatric clear liquids" so broth sugar free Jello etc. I continuously was letting ice melt in my mouth because it didn't hurt to swallow the miniscule amount. Hospital Jello was crap but when I got home for the last week I lived on Protein shakes, v8+h20, h2o, Tomato Soup, jello (box has less after taste) and my doctor allowed me to have 4oz activia yogurt only the vanilla

10: my hair hasn't fallen out :)

Sent from my XT1585 using the BariatricPal App

Hair loss doesn't start until 3 or 4 months post op.

I have read that but thanks :) I'll be happy to lose some hair for better health :)

Sent from my XT1585 using the BariatricPal App

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1) what is the pain like?

The first day was tough and I was sore and nauseous, day 2 I was better, and every day after that was better and better. Take you meds! Surgery was Nov 18, 2016 and today I feel fabulous!
2) does the stomach hurt or just incisions?

I had pain on my left side and a little at incision points
3) how do u not get dehydrated?

4) can my 2 pitbulls jump on me? they love to play & lay ontop me

No, I have a 2 year old and I would wait before you let that happen. I'm fine to have her jump on me now...maybe 2 or 3 weeks out
5) how many days after surgery can i not drive for?

I drove 4 days post
6) does the weight come off rt away?

It takes awhile to get the fluids they put in out of your system then it drops
7) what is recovery like?

First 2 days were tough and day 4 I was shopping
8) can i sleep on my stomach? or will it be painful?

I could about 3 weeks out. I slept on my side 4 days out
9) what is the post op diet like?

It wasn't so bad, you won't be hungry anyway. I am now pretty much eating all Protein. I LOVE IT! It has been easy peasy for me so far. The pre op diet kicked my butt!
10) is it true my hair will fall out?

Yes, maybe it will and maybe it won't but most likely you will lose some 3 months post. I haven't yet but I'm expecting to.

Wishing you so much good luck on your journey!!!!

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mamasuperhero-omg! i love ur name, that is great! ty for taking the time to answer my q's-i appreciate ur honesty. im stating to get scared now---a few days til surgery & ppls responses are so diff! i hope i do as well as you!!

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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        That's a great choice! 😊

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      Surgery done!  Really looking forward to the next chapter 🥳😁
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        Fantastic! Best of luck to you & I hope you're healing nicely & not having much pain!🙏

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