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Experience with Dr Huacuz or the Molding Clinic in Tijuana?

Guest strikeuptheband

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Visit Dr Huacuz's site and call the toll free number. Dr Romero will answer and is very informative, he is acting as coordinator for Dr Huacuz. I woulld ask him about the large deposit.

If youd like to email me I could give your more info k..

Best of luck.


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Surgery in Mexico.. You hear all sorts of horror stories regarding surgery in Mexico, some may be true others not likely. What most people arent aware of are these two small factors, first as human beings we were blessed with a brain in which we can use to decipher the truth – conduct research and make up our own minds instead of taking the words of others and second that the medical education and training the surgeons recieve parallels our own here in the United States.

What worries me about negative feedback or comments regarding heresay is that someone reading may contribute the written word with the truth and that isnt always the case. This same person may opt against a life saving surgery because of these same false comments. While it is extremely important to research your surgeon and I advise checking out atleast 3 of the referrals, it is always been common knowledge that in some cases during any type of surgery, done anywhere in the world by any surgeon with any amount of experience – complications may arise. This isnt always the fault of the surgeon and can happen for many different reasons.

Currently studying to get my Registered Nurse’s license, Im actually just a mom, a wife and a woman. I had a million questions and asked them all I think. When I was researching my lap band here are some of the questions I asked the surgeon and the answers I was given. After finding all of this out I consented to the surgery and am extremely pleased with the results.

First – After personally speaking with a spokesperson from Inamed the makers of the lapband I was told in order for a surgeon to purchase these lapbands he must first be medically experienced as well as properly educated to operate, preferrably a bariatric surgeon or gastrointerologist, he or she must then complete an extensive training program and then he or she must be proctored for atleast 25 patients each. Only then are they allowed to purchase the band.

There are doctors or surgeons out there operating out of their own clinics and or other hospitals who do the weight loss surgeries, whats important to realise is only a few of them have gone through Inamed for actual certification – which in actuality “certification” doesnt exist a doctor claiming certification only means he or she has completed the necessary trainings and seminars.

Some of these doctors include, Dr. Huacuz, Dr.Kuri, Dr.Lopez Corvala, Dr.Aceves and a few others, the surgeons I have named above each have an average of over 300 patients each.

While having surgery done in Mexico may be troubling for some its important to keep in mind that Mexico and it’s top surgeons have been doing these procedures for years longer than our American surgeons, case in point when I recieved my first fill here in the U.S. my doctor said he infact had been trained and proctored by a Mexican surgeon.

The facilities in Mexico may be a bit more humble then we’re used to here in the states. But the technology, experience and educaton is there. Whats important is to research your surgeon- not the hospital. A respectable surgeon wouldn’t jeopardize the health of his patients nor his reputation at a clinic or hospital that was unprepared in any way.

While a great deal of our insurance policies are flawed in the sense that they dont cover these necessary surgeries, its vital that we dont allow ourselves to fall victim or prey to a surgeon who doesnt meet the highest standards.

Please do your research people, and dont discourage others from going to this doctor or that doctor because of a negative comment you may have heard, sure voice your opinion but in the end offer the advise that they do the research themselves as you could be doing more harm than good.

Make sure your surgeon has gone through the Inamed process, make sure his credentials are in order, contact atleast 3 of his referrals or testimonials, if you opt for a band other than Inamed thats your choice but make sure the experience is there and his patients are pleased with the results. Ask how many operations of type the doctor has perfomed ask for potential complications. Make sure your surgeon is a Bariatric Surgeon, this is also extremely important, while many doctors are qualified to do other surgeries this should be his main focus.

Be informed, be well..

Personally I had my lapband surgery done by Dr.Huacuz in Tijuana Mexico 4/2/2005, since then I have lost 35 pounds. I have healed nicely and my American doctor has said the work the surgeon did is some of the best he’s ever seen. I enjoyed the surgeon and his team so much that I decided to go back for a gallbladder removal surgery 7/5/2005 and a post op fill. Both of which were a great success.

I dont mean to be an advertisement for any particular surgeon, I can only say that my experience was terrific I am happy with the decisions I have chosen and I have since referred many of my family and closest personal friends all of which have had their experiences mirror my own.

One of the biggest factors for me was the doctor was very affordable, more than most and that was important to me at the time, the fact that I recieved impeccable service and was treated like family was above and beyond my greatest expectations.

If anyone is interested in more info, please feel free to email me at gitanavdothot@aol.com.

Best of luck to you all!


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I have just heard from another board that the Molding Clinic is having their ability to use the Inamed band taken away. I guess too many proper charges over the years. Is it true that if the band isn't Inamed that the doctors here in the states don't help you?


Hello, I'm new and just doing research. I will share what i have found about Molding, Huacuz, Ponce de leon, and verboonen there, FWIW. Do your OWN research of course.

A huge number of complaints and problems! Inamed tells me there are more problems there than at any other MX clinic (or US, for that matter). Not only the usual occasional minor problems, but some VERY major ones. I am a doctor myself, but I doubt I am getting any better info than anyone else can get with looking.

The complaints and problems seem to be from all over the US, going back 2 yrs or more, and from mutliple people - not just a few. There will always be a few complaints against any surgeon or any doctor, as no one is perfect, and some patientsd are just impopssible to satisfy. But when there are so VERY many about one place, I begin to wonder.

This is what i found re complaints and problems:

Tijuana Bandsters post numbers 936, 765, 820, 940, 968, 1017.

SmartBandsters post numbers 68565, 63835, 63788, 63776, 63749, 63748, 38669.

Jessie Aroni, who seems to be some kind of expert on SmartBandsters commented negatively in post # 63776.

Mexican Bandsters post numbers 13243, 13227, 13225, 13215, 13213

Bandsters number 96291 - a bad infection just a week ago, from Huacuz after 2 port surgeries in 2 months. I haven't gone back very far into Bandsters yet. It appears this patient was given no post-op teaching and got a very bad port infection from soaking in a bathtub.

Also, Bandsters post 94333. i haven't goner back very far into Bandsters yet.

I also found several complaints from people who were promised an Inamed band but were given another one, and then had trouble getting fills. One lady has had no fills at all and lost no weight at all because the doc she arranged at home to fill her Inamed band will not fill her other band, and she cannot leave her very ill husband to fly back to MX.

Honestly, I have found no more than 3 complaints against ANY of the OTHER doctors, and none at all against Dr Lopez, Dr Ortiz, and Dr Kuri, other than a late surgery because the patient before had trouble, or some late fills and even a missed plane becuase the morning surgery went way longer than expected. This, to me, is acceptible since surgery time can never be predicted. Inconvenient, but not dangerous.

. I've spent many hours on this so far, and my brother is a PI and has contributed some interesting info about prison time and fraud charges against one of the Molding doctors.

My "family" doctor is literally family - my sister in law - and she is researching for me too. Her husband is a MX atty and has found other interesting info. She says the bands are all about the same, all with good and bad points. but the Inamed band is the only one approved in the US. you guyz peobably know all this already.

One of the former people in the support group i went to had a Sweedish band and had an erosion, which the stats say is more common with this band. Another had a French midband and had a bad slip and had to have it removed because she could not find a US doctor to help her when she got in trouble on a vacation to the Midwest. She was way too sick to fly back to Mexico as her MX doc wanted her to. For this reason alone, I would personally get only a Inamed band. I would never have a band not approved in the country I lived in.

Also, Inamed is the only company that requires an intensive training program before allowing it's bands to be used. Still, they admit that some docs are much better than others. My brother found several TJ docs who would have put in a Midband or Sweedish band the next day, if he came up with cash. This clearly tells me they are not trained well. They didn't even ask him if he had any health problems. unbelievable.

My brother also found 3 patients in the last 6 months who went to Dr Lopez or Dr Kuri directly from Molding hospital with very big problems that these docs had to work hard to fix. Dan Mill at Inamed confirmed this, when he saw bro had the facts. Didn't deny it, which impressed bro.

I'm sure most if not all of you found this stuff too. Couldn't imagine putting my life in the hands of a surgeon I had not checked out very well, especially when there are not FDA guidelines in place. There are dentists or worse putting non-Inamed bands in in MX, since it is not regulated.

As far as Belighter, there are tons and tons of complaints against them too, on almost every Board, but not too relevant here - except that Dr verboonen uses them as a referral source. CAn't imagine why, or why Belighter would want to align with this clinic. Lots I haven't found, I'm sure.

I know we are all desperate because of our weight problems, but still take the time to do your background checks. It could save your life. Buyer Beware, IMO.

LOVE the colors and other choices here! GREAT SITE!


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I have just heard from another board that the Molding Clinic is having their ability to use the Inamed band taken away. I guess too many proper charges over the years. Is it true that if the band isn't Inamed that the doctors here in the states don't help you?

Very hard to find a US doc who does fills on the Swedish Band or any other band other then the Inamed band they are out there but far and few between.

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That's what I thought. It looks to me like Inamed is making some very important decisions about their reputation and services. I think this is a good sign.


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Don't Go Here Or Betancourt Medical In Tj Mexico...horrible Experience..they Are Even Using My Pictures And We Were Very Unhappy My Wife Almost Died......don't Trust Them!!!!

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I just got back from Tijuana. My doctor was Dr. Huacuz. I had a great experience and am thrilled that I chose his facility. I was in a nice area. The day after my surgery I walked a couple blocks to the mall and felt completly safe the entire time. It was nice and americanized. If anyone has any questions please feel free to call me. I would hate for someone to miss out because of what people "might" think it is like there. I have experienced it first hand.

amanda sanchez



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Amanda, would you recommend Dr. Huacuz for a nose job? Was anyone there getting one done?

Dr. Huacuz did my band 2 years ago and although I'd go to him in a heartbeat for that or other WLS...even a nip/tuck....I just wonder about noses.....what do you think?

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Amanda, would you recommend Dr. Huacuz for a nose job? Was anyone there getting one done?

Dr. Huacuz did my band 2 years ago and although I'd go to him in a heartbeat for that or other WLS...even a nip/tuck....I just wonder about noses.....what do you think?


Are you aware that he is not a plastic surgeon but a general surgeon? That's kinda like going to your podiatrist for a nose job. Be careful here. A certified plastics person would be much safer, this is your face!

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Yes, I do realize he is a very skilled surgeon and he does mostly bariatric procedures. I've known many who have had their plastics done there and with great results.

Many in the US are accustomed to going to ENT for allergies, dermatologist for acne, -the list goes on. When a good family doctor can take care of most issues. (most-not all)

You are right- this is my face and I want the best. And just because someone paid their dues and went to a seminar to join a society- that's not good enough. I am looking for skill and results.

But I am doing my homework and searching for patients of Dr. Huacuz and am finding them. There are many who get their lapband from a plastic surgeon (not a bariatric surgeon)

Edited by lapbandtalker

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Yes, I do realize he is a very skilled surgeon and he does mostly bariatric procedures. I've known many who have had their plastics done there and with great results.

Many in the US are accustomed to going to ENT for allergies, dermatologist for acne, -the list goes on. When a good family doctor can take care of most issues. (most-not all)

You are right- this is my face and I want the best. And just because someone paid their dues and went to a seminar to join a society- that's not good enough. I am looking for skill and results.

But I am doing my homework and searching for patients of Dr. Huacuz and am finding them.

Just because someone went to a seminar and joined an organization does not mean they are board certified.

Dr. Huacuz has a very long list of infections and such and nothing is ever his fault. Not the misplaced bands, leaky staple lines, lacerated livers, necrotic intestines, or the many infections.

But... you have to go to the one you want. Personally, I'd rather have someone trained in that field but I'm silly that way. ;o)

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Please do not have surgery there. Someone I know had a very bad experience there. They do not have an ICU and that is very risky if you are about to have surgery. Have it in the u.s.:thumbdown:

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