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Help! I ate real food!

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Be aware of everything you put in your mouth.

After 6 weeks about all I can eat comfortably is Soup, malt o meal and soft cheese.

You have to be patient.

Im trying to adjust as well after nearly 60 years of shoveling whatever I want in my mouth it is


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There is a difference between making mistakes and making bad choices. I'm leaving it at that. Bc I don't have nothing nice to say. A prescription diet is to be followed. If u take too more pills then prescribed what happens? U can die. This is not a choice it's a prescription. And hearing someone say we're all human yes we are. But it's not a mistake it's a really bad choice. I wish you nothing but the best from here on out and I'm not here to make you feel bad but to make sure you know that this could have seriously messed u up or killed u!!! Sometimes hearing the truth is what people need to not do it ever again and follow the prescribed diet so if my truthful thoughts succeed in this. That's what I want. I'm not putting her down. I'm simply speaking what she asked of when she posted on a public forum and that's. the truth about what she has done and how dangerous it was. But mistake no that's not a mistake being human no that's not being human that's making a poor choice. Is it human for someone to drink and drive and kill someone????? No that's a bad choice. Is it human to be a drug addict. No it's a bad choice. We need to learn the difference and that we have choices in this yes it's hard believe me I know I love food and I cook for my family every night I bake for them all the time. And would I love to have a bite ooooooohhh heck yeahhhhh. But I know I had this surgery for a reason and that was to start my life on a better track. There is nothing I would do to sabotage it!!! And in that I made a choice!!! Good luck and I hope your okay and I hope ur successful in the rest of ur journey. Nothing but the best!!

Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

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Why have surgery if you are not fully committed to following through with the program? If you are fortunate enough to not suffer consequences by eating badly you must know that you are jeopardizing your weight loss.

I personally had the op to change my life. I am 3 months post op and have lost 55 pounds. I only had a BMI of 37 to start with so it has been damn hard work and do occasionally allow myself small well deserved treats.

I truly wish you the best of luck reaching your goal weight, you are still in a position to change your mindset about what you consume.

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Sometimes I wonder if people post things just to get a rise out of others. Like, untrue things... just sayin'

Sent from my XT1585 using BariatricPal mobile app

And sometimes people are just being a horses rear end... just sayin. I posted and asked for help because I was desperate. You have a great night.

Sent from my SM-G900R4 using the BariatricPal App

Yes, unfortunately people can be real jerks. I learned this the hard way when I posted my mistake, bad choice, whatever the F/#^ you wanna call it-like it matters. You should go on my page and see what was written. Everyone will come out of the woodwork pointing fingers. What some people seem to have forgotten is that we obviously all have issues with food (food addictions) or else we wouldn't be on this forum. Yes, I understand you're scared because yes, what u did was risky and dangerous but u know this already. It's not like you posted saying....."I ate solid food and I don't give a flying &^/#!" So it's obvious that u know what u did was dangerous and you don't need an extra critic in you're life ...you need a good support system. That's what we SHOULD be doing for you. Some of us do....I would say that the vast majority dont. Those people that dont, should really take a damn hike. When I did it I understood that it was a huge mistake, I understood the danger I put myself in (after the fact). I told my surgeon at my two week post op and he said I was fine. He said... If you aren't feeling pain, your BM is normal, you don't have a fever,not throwing up....you're fine. Don't let them send you through the ringer. You know your body best. If you feel fine....then you're probably fine. I was terrified to tell my surgeon but I'm glad I did because he said it was no big deal and I knew that I would 100% be okay.....but If I hadn't told him..... I'd still be okay. The choice is yours to make and yours alone. Go to my page and look at some of the things people wrote.....you'll be so suprised-or.maybe not since it looks like you've attracted some real rude ones here lol. Also, those who supported and encouraged me wrote some things that might help you get through this.

Sent from my SM-G530T using BariatricPal mobile app

Edited by MTWilliams

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Well the bad news is that I still have not heard back from my surgeon (thank goodness for these boards right....????). The good news is that a) I'm still alive and B) I pooped! Whoo! Hoo! Thank you for the positive and understanding comments. Surgery was a very big decision for me and I have alot more work to do in the next year. Does having a problem with food make me human? ... yeah! I'd say so. Having weaknesses and imperfections MAKES ME HUMAN! I also have discovered that my caloric intake did not exceed 400 for that week so I was starving. To all of haters out there.... YOU ARE WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS WORLD! Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays people!

Sent from my SM-G900R4 using the BariatricPal App

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Well the bad news is that I still have not heard back from my surgeon (thank goodness for these boards right....????). The good news is that a) I'm still alive and B) I pooped! Whoo! Hoo! Thank you for the positive and understanding comments. Surgery was a very big decision for me and I have alot more work to do in the next year. Does having a problem with food make me human? ... yeah! I'd say so. Having weaknesses and imperfections MAKES ME HUMAN! I also have discovered that my caloric intake did not exceed 400 for that week so I was starving. To all of haters out there.... YOU ARE WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS WORLD! Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays people!

Sent from my SM-G900R4 using the BariatricPal App

You probably haven't heard back because he's probably saying......"another one of these calls....ughhhhh" lol. People swear like surgeons are dumb and haven't thought to include human error on the list of risk factors for these types of surgeries. Lol....

Sent from my SM-G530T using BariatricPal mobile app

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Well the bad news is that I still have not heard back from my surgeon (thank goodness for these boards right....). The good news is that a) I'm still alive and B) I pooped! Whoo! Hoo! Thank you for the positive and understanding comments. Surgery was a very big decision for me and I have alot more work to do in the next year. Does having a problem with food make me human? ... yeah! I'd say so. Having weaknesses and imperfections MAKES ME HUMAN! I also have discovered that my caloric intake did not exceed 400 for that week so I was starving. To all of haters out there.... YOU ARE WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS WORLD! Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays people!

Sent from my SM-G900R4 using the BariatricPal App

First, I am not a hater. (I know you did not call me one), I am concerned for you. You state it was a very big decision for you to have this surgery? You need to find out why you did this so that you don't continue to have these problems in the future. You want this to be your chance at getting healthy, I assume.

The most important reason, I am suggesting you talk to a therapist is because you said you were starving and that is why you did it. Well, the truth is that is NOT possible 1 week post wls. Your stomach was cut and the hunger hormone is not present for several months in RNY and forever in the sleeve.

You can live on liquids for a very very long time before you actually starve. So this means the head hunger has already gotten to you. This is important because head hunger never goes away and you have to learn how to live with it and choose the right foods to ensure you loose and maintain your weight.

I am shocked that you were actually able to eat a whole half of a sandwich at one week post op. I am two years out and if I do have a sandwich, i can eat just a few bites if there is bread.< /p>

I do wish you all the best, but i advise you to get some help to deal with your food issues now, before it is too late and another person decides the surgery did not work for them when in fact they chose to bypass the rules. One rule broken will lead to another and another.......before you know it, you will wonder why it is not working for you.

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Yes I believe my post I said best wishes and best of luck as well it's not that we're hating were worried about what's causing her to do this and why she is doing it not putting anybody down but given them honest device and if giving advice makes people use that type of language in your post I feel sorry I truly do. Some people just can't take constructive criticism some Can to me constructive criticism always work best for me maybe it doesn't work best for all but regardless of how you spell the words that you mean we all know what they mean and when I say what a mouth I mean what a mouth there is some constructive criticism for you. And I hope by the grace of God that your parents don't go on the site because if that was my kid talking like that I would be embarrassed and ashamed all over someone giving advice at that. Have a very merry xmas and best of wish to the all!!! Have a blessed day and a happy one at that!!! Stay classy not trashy!!

Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

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Sometimes I wonder if people post things just to get a rise out of others. Like, untrue things... just sayin'

Sent from my XT1585 using BariatricPal mobile app

And sometimes people are just being a horses rear end... just sayin. I posted and asked for help because I was desperate. You have a great night.

Sent from my SM-G900R4 using the BariatricPal App

Yes, unfortunately people can be real jerks. I learned this the hard way when I posted my mistake, bad choice, whatever the F/#^ you wanna call it-like it matters. You should go on my page and see what was written. Everyone will come out of the woodwork pointing fingers. What some people seem to have forgotten is that we obviously all have issues with food (food addictions) or else we wouldn't be on this forum. Yes, I understand you're scared because yes, what u did was risky and dangerous but u know this already. It's not like you posted saying....."I ate solid food and I don't give a flying &^/#!" So it's obvious that u know what u did was dangerous and you don't need an extra critic in you're life ...you need a good support system. That's what we SHOULD be doing for you. Some of us do....I would say that the vast majority dont. Those people that dont, should really take a damn hike. When I did it I understood that it was a huge mistake, I understood the danger I put myself in (after the fact). I told my surgeon at my two week post op and he said I was fine. He said... If you aren't feeling pain, your BM is normal, you don't have a fever,not throwing up....you're fine. Don't let them send you through the ringer. You know your body best. If you feel fine....then you're probably fine. I was terrified to tell my surgeon but I'm glad I did because he said it was no big deal and I knew that I would 100% be okay.....but If I hadn't told him..... I'd still be okay. The choice is yours to make and yours alone. Go to my page and look at some of the things people wrote.....you'll be so suprised-or.maybe not since it looks like you've attracted some real rude ones here lol. Also, those who supported and encouraged me wrote some things that might help you get through this.

Sent from my SM-G530T using BariatricPal mobile app

Glad I am not a newbie taking your advice. This is just my opinion and I am positive you could care less, but just because it turned out ok for you doesn't mean it will for the next newbie who does it.

This is a forum, and there are people who have been through this, some for many years. They are going to share experiences and concern when they see posts like this. Most folks responding her are concerned and asked her to contact her surgeon.

No where did I see anyone be mean about it. Every post was trying to help her see that she might consider getting some help to deal with WHY, she did this because at this point, her tummy is likely fine but will it be the next time? or the time after that?

It is clear that you don't care what others think when it doesn't agree with your point of view based on your vulgar responses.

I am older with 2 grown boys and 2 teenage granddaughters. I certainly hope they are not as vulgar when trying to get their point across. I would wash their mouth out with soap.

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I think that one of the reasons you get such strong responses to posts like this is because those that have had the surgery for a long time know the real struggles of this way of life. 'cheating', especially with rubbish like bread, triggers this response. They know how much of a struggle it is to change your way of thinking, eat correctly, get to goal, and stay there.

If you are eating bread, breaking the rules put forth to you long before you agreed to have your stomach cut out, and looking for a pat on the head... AT ONLY ONE WEEK OUT, then I'm afraid you don't understand what work you have in front of you on this lifelong journey.

This really isn't easy... and I'm only 6.5 months out... even I don't understand exactly how hard this is... not in comparison to the people that are years out from surgery. You MUST change your brain during this first year, the honeymoon phase, in order to be successful years down the road.

Eating 1/2 of a sandwich isn't the way to be successful.

Don't get defensive when you read tough love posts... the fact of the matter is, whether you like it or not, those people are telling you the truth.

Get counseling, and get in the game. You only have a certain period of time to lose the weight... then the real work begins... KEEPING it off.

Good luck to you. I'm sorry you are going through this because all I see is a person setting themselves up for failure (now go prove me wrong).

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You're going to be okay. I know what you're going through. People are going to be very hard on you...might even make u feel bad but do not listen to them. We're human and make mistakes. Pm me if u need support. I ate thanksgiving solids 6 days after surgery and I was fine buddy. Please pm me if u feel like you're up against the wall and have no one to turn to.

Sent from my SM-G530T using the BariatricPal App

I agree with MT. There are people on here who are so judgemental. We've all been through it. Be supportive and don't make her feel any worse. That I SMH too. Ridiculous!!! You go girl. You aren't gonna die. Just get back on track

HW: 360 SW: 323 CW: 296 RNY: 10.31.2016

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