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Too excited to go to bed yet, but having some random questions bang around in my head. I'll ask the "brains" behind the board for help... (2 weeks today until I'm "banded"!!!)

Vomiting... I don't mean PB, but what if you have the real flu sometime and part of that illness is vomiting? I'm talking flu vomiting. Does the restriction of the band reverse the process and actually keep vomit in your larger stomach? What kind of situation would this cause?

Sex... How long did you wait after your surgery???

Kids... Has anyone else had the surgery and also have 4 or 5 year olds around? My little boy loves to jump on Daddy, but I want to explain to him that he can't for a little bit. Suggestions on what to tell him?

Pre-Surgery Diet - My surgeon has put me on absolutely no diet before my surgery. Only no liquids after midnight the night before. However, I've been on and will continue to be on a "less" see-food diet and it has resulted in about a 10 pound loss. I'm not going totally crazy, but I always start diets fast. My question... as I get closer to my surgery should I be eating more or less? I'm guessing probably less because of the liver thing, but how long can I wait before my "last supper"??

I'll probably have more, but I'm sure some bander can help with these... thanks!!!

(I also ordered a Bodybugg today...:whoo: hopefully it will help me drop a couple more pounds before the 28th!!)

Thanks everyone!!

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You can still vomit after banding. You want to do anything necessary to avoid it, but you can still physically do it.

Sex... each doc has their own suggestions, each doc is different. You won't want to do anything for a few days, you'll be sore and burping. :)

Kids... you won't be able to lift anything over 8-10lbs for a couple weeks or more after surgery. Your children won't understand and they will forget, so plan on a big "OUCH!"

Pre op diet... each doc has his own way of doing things. Some require a liquid diet that they just happen to sell. ;) Some are low carb, low fat, adequate Protein. Mine requires a low carb, low fat, adequate Protein diet for those over a 40BMI.

The truth about liver shrinking diets is that they don't really shrink your liver unless you are on the diet for six weeks or better. But, when you lose even 10lbs it does help so that your liver isn't slippery and slimey during surgery and every pound you lose makes life easier for your surgeon. If it is easier for him it is safer for you.

Good luck on your surgery day!!! It's will be a GREAT day!

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Sex: We were told nothing...but wanted nothing to do with it until about the third week.

Pre-op diet. My surgeon's pre-op diet was one day of liquids before surgery. That's it. As far as the last supper...my surgery was July 10th...July 8th was my birthday....I'm surprised I'm not still stuffed and hungover... It was a true evening of excess... I would suggest not drinking too much the day before if you do a liquid diet...I was hungover and couldn't eat anything greasy...not good.

I have three under 4...I pretty much just holed away in my bedroom all day while they played with their daddy. Don't tell on me...but my recovery was actually shorter than I let on...It was like a vacation!!!!

Best of luck to you!


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re: Vomiting:

I haven't been sick one day since Banding...no colds, no flu...nothing. I've been only preoccupied with the various sliming and PBing. Given the choice, I'd druther live THIS way that preOp.

re: Sex

My doc indicated he wasn't interested in having sex with me postOp. In fact, he moved recently back to Canada.

re: kids

I am blessed by having only adult children. Grandchildren are located clear across the country on the opposite coast. No jumping problems.

re: diet

If your doc & nutritionist haven't given you specific instructions, I'm surprised.

re: "Last Supper"

I somehow managed to view this as my "First Supper" of the rest of my life....it was wonderful, as a sort of blissful prelude for what was to come.

I had been on a modified Atkins lots of salads with Balsamic Vinegar dressing only....did you know that stuff is fermented much like wine? I had thought it was just vinegar with sprigs of balsam in it....

For me, the symbology of "Last Supper" was not the tone I wanted to have as a launching pad into the next phase of my life. "First Supper" concept changed my notions and helped jettison much emotional baggage about overeating.

Good luck in your journey....

Excuse me all but i gotta ask Jack a question.... What do you do for a living or if you are retired what did you do?? By the way you write I think you are/were writer of some kind or a professor... You are so i don't know if my vocabulary is big enought to find the word i am looking for. But I enjoy your sense of humor and your writing style.

Back to the topic at hand...

Vomit - haven't been sick - so can't answer but think it already has been

Sex - What's that :)

Granddaughter 3 - just told her LaLa had an ouwie (sp)

Pre-0p - every doc is different - i had 7 days liquid w/fish veggies for dinner - prior to pre-op diet - last supper from 5/31 to 7/8 gained 5 lbs between 5/31 & 7/6 - I ate all the bad foods that i like.

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Sex: We were told nothing...but wanted nothing to do with it until about the third week.

Pre-op diet. My surgeon's pre-op diet was one day of liquids before surgery. That's it. As far as the last supper...my surgery was July 10th...July 8th was my birthday....I'm surprised I'm not still stuffed and hungover... It was a true evening of excess... I would suggest not drinking too much the day before if you do a liquid diet...I was hungover and couldn't eat anything greasy...not good.

I have three under 4...I pretty much just holed away in my bedroom all day while they played with their daddy. Don't tell on me...but my recovery was actually shorter than I let on...It was like a vacation!!!!

Best of luck to you!


OMG 3 under 4 - Ya i would have taken that vacation too... you deserved it :)

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Thanks for the kind words. I am a semi-retired chiropractic physician. The passion of living at times overwhelms me and my keyboard babble-fingers just gotta dance!!!

To bad I don't live in your city - cuz if I did then I would be your patient and I bet you would have me cracking up (literially and figurelativly) sp...

I need a good chiropractic Dr.. Mine retired and I don't like the young ones - they want you to keep coming back - my old doc just fixed me usually the 1st time and that was it... didn't have to go back for weeks.

Again I always enjoy your post....

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Everybody adores Jack. I don't think there is a person on the boards that doesn't look forward to his posts. He is funny, has a way with words, puts things in their proper perspective, tells it like it is, he's honest.. he's everything good in the lives of the banded.

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Everybody adores Jack. I don't think there is a person on the boards that doesn't look forward to his posts. He is funny, has a way with words, puts things in their proper perspective, tells it like it is, he's honest.. he's everything good in the lives of the banded.


CONGRATULATIONS - only 9 lbs to go - How fantastic :clap2::clap2::clap2:

Did you ever post those pic??? I want to see the skinny you that you don't reconiges in the window ;)

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Too excited to go to bed yet, but having some random questions bang around in my head. I'll ask the "brains" behind the board for help... (2 weeks today until I'm "banded"!!!)

Vomiting... I don't mean PB, but what if you have the real flu sometime and part of that illness is vomiting? I'm talking flu vomiting. Does the restriction of the band reverse the process and actually keep vomit in your larger stomach? What kind of situation would this cause?

I got given a supply of anti-nausea tablets, and if I can't keep the tablet down (hasn't happened yet) I have an Rx for the injectable type.

Sex... How long did you wait after your surgery???

I was out of the hospital. So two days.

Kids... Has anyone else had the surgery and also have 4 or 5 year olds around? My little boy loves to jump on Daddy, but I want to explain to him that he can't for a little bit. Suggestions on what to tell him?

At the time of surgery, I had a 7 year old. I prevented him from jumping all over me my locking him in a broom closte for the duration of my recovery.

Kiddin!! (someone will think I am for real, I am sure)

We explained that Mummy had had an operation and her tummy was sore. Kids take these things in better than we give them credit for. I expect, if your kid(s) are anything like mine was, you will be well looked after by your Jr nurse!

Pre-Surgery Diet - My surgeon has put me on absolutely no diet before my surgery. Only no liquids after midnight the night before. However, I've been on and will continue to be on a "less" see-food diet and it has resulted in about a 10 pound loss. I'm not going totally crazy, but I always start diets fast. My question... as I get closer to my surgery should I be eating more or less? I'm guessing probably less because of the liver thing, but how long can I wait before my "last supper"??

I'll probably have more, but I'm sure some bander can help with these... thanks!!!

(I also ordered a Bodybugg today...:whoo: hopefully it will help me drop a couple more pounds before the 28th!!)

Thanks everyone!!

My pre op diet was so long ago now, I think someone who is where you are now could give a better answer to that one.

Best of luck!

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CONGRATULATIONS - only 9 lbs to go - How fantastic :clap2::clap2::clap2:

Did you ever post those pic??? I want to see the skinny you that you don't reconiges in the window ;)


No, I still haven't posted a photo. I still cringe each time I see my reflection in a mirror let alone a photo. Yikes, a few more pounds and a lot of plastic surgery and then I might be able to bring myself to do it. :D

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No, I still haven't posted a photo. I still cringe each time I see my reflection in a mirror let alone a photo. Yikes, a few more pounds and a lot of plastic surgery and then I might be able to bring myself to do it. :confused:

Well gf we don't have to see you naked :) - clothes on would be just fine - they hide all that saggy skin. but it would be nice to see a before & after - as you know those pics carry alot of weight (no pun intended:o) They are always a great motivater...

But i undertand the whole skinny person in the mirror but the fat chick in the head issues. imho i think that's one of the reasons we eventually gain our weight back itis cuz we don't realize that we are skinny - cuz our head tells us we are fat..-

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But i undertand the whole skinny person in the mirror but the fat chick in the head issues. imho i think that's one of the reasons we eventually gain our weight back itis cuz we don't realize that we are skinny - cuz our head tells us we are fat..-

Do you know what I have discovered? While I was fat I got pretty damned old! I have wrinkles around my eyes that ever used to be there. I have this rooster thing going down my throat. And jowls... OMG!

I never thought about the concept of regaining because we never realized we lost weight to begin with. That's really an interesting thought.

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Do you know what I have discovered? While I was fat I got pretty damned old! I have wrinkles around my eyes that ever used to be there. I have this rooster thing going down my throat. And jowls... OMG!

I never thought about the concept of regaining because we never realized we lost weight to begin with. That's really an interesting thought.

Ya, well i'm older than you so I don't know what my face is going to look like un-puffed.:confused: - but i tell you a face lift will be my 1st surgery - tummy if need be will be the 2nd as that can be hidden by clothes and I don't have anyone looking at me nake d:rolleyes:

I have always thought that (don't realize we are thin)- and it occured to me when I saw an ex-boyfriend after i had gained weight and he said "what did you do to that beautiful body" and i thought to myself - what body - you see when I was thin i didn't really realize it that i had it going on and was thin and cute - (whole self worth issues and from being heavy as a child) ... My personal insight..

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Okay... I'm 5 days from surgery and as the time stamp will attest (5:00am) I'm getting a little nervous.

Couple more "random questions" for the brilliant members of the board...

(And thanks everyone for their answers to my first set...)

I'm thinking about my diet the next couple of days. I have lost about 12 pounds in the last month so I think that has helped my liver. And I want to "do good" this week but don't really want to starve myself. I'm thinking lots of Water and salads, eh? I'll try to keep away from the fast foods which is a challenge in and of itself for me, but I've got to start tearing away at some point.

As far as today's grocery shopping trip goes. I'm having surgery on Friday. Here's my list so far...

  • Sugar-free popsicles
  • Crystal light in those little packet things, right?
  • Sugar-free kool-aid

And that's it? I guess the first week that's your life, eh?

Okay, one more...

Since I am self-pay - how do insurance companies handle health-issues that "may" have resulted from lap-band surgery. I'm guessing just from some of the other problems folks have had things like dehydration if the band is too loose so you might have to go to the ER for an IV. Or if you get acid-reflux that needs your PCP to look at. Or if you're so hot after you get all skinny, that women literally throw themselves at you and you suffer a broken leg.

Will an insurance company suddenly look more heavily at stuff like that and possibly not pay for coverages - I'm not sure how that happens with a "cosmetic" surgery such as my insurance company looks at this as. (The only thing cosmetic is that I'm having the "GOODYEAR" taken off of my side and I won't be flying over the Super Bowl any more...)

Just curious. My guess is that if you were to have a nose-job and then needed help with something sort-of unrelated to that it would be fine. But where do they draw the line?

Oh, one more thing... I've recently changed insurance companies to United Health Care. And they have a really nice website where you can post your medical history. This is great because I don't EVER keep track of that stuff, so if I have the flu or whatever, you go online and put in your doctor's visits, etc. I'm debating whether to put the lap band surgery in there. Wouldn't that allow them to mess with me later on? I don't want to be dishonest, but I don't want to give "them" a reason to crap on an elective procedure down the road.

(Okay... I need to sleep now...)

Thanks everyone! I'm getting really nervous, so keep me in yoru thoughts!!! :paranoid :tired

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Chris- I have UHC and they covered my lapband surgery- if you have some sort of complication I asssume they would investigate anyway to make sure they are compelled to pay-so I think posting your history would be a good idea- it is amazing what we forget -I know that a lot of people that have some plastic surgery and get it covered through insurance do because it is an impediment on their health and not just cosmetic so I beleive if you had some issues that were endangering your health- the health insurance should pay.

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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      Bought a treadmill and some 5 lb weights. Time to get off my butt and get moving!
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      1. DaisyChainOz

        That's a great choice! 😊

    • DaisyChainOz

      Surgery done!  Really looking forward to the next chapter 🥳😁
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      3. Alisa_S

        Fantastic! Best of luck to you & I hope you're healing nicely & not having much pain!🙏

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