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I had my first mini consultation today. I'd had my mind made up for a Gastric Band but the Doctor I saw could only speak of the negatives of the Gastric Band. My only concern with the Gastric Band was that I have quite a physical job where I risk being physically kicked or punched which has the potential to rupture the port. He also mentioned many complications with the Gastric Band. However he could only praise the Gastric Sleeve...so now I'm stuck in limbo as to what to do???

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I had a LapBand placed in 2010 and revised to the sleeve in October. Please do a lot of research before you make a decision. Many surgeons aren't even doing the band anymore because of known complications. I had issues for three of the six years that I had a Band.

The last year that numbers were posted, LapBand had dropped to 5% of all WLS. Sleeve is now the most common of all weight loss surgeries at more than 50%.

I wish I had known about all the problems I would have-in the end, my esophagus got worn out from the work of pushing food through the restriction of the band. When I swallowed, food

would sit in my throat.

This is all my opinion, but also my honest experience.

Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

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My surgeon only does lap band in very limited circumstances -- low BMI and if the patient absolutely refuses any other bariatric surgery. He would not have done one on me, which is fine because after reading up about the common complications and lack of weight loss success, I would not have wanted one.

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@@bloomie85 This question has been asked a lot... What to do? Well that's a question only you can answer. I had my LB placed 7 years ago. I unlike @ have had zero complications... I listen to my body and when i was too tight i went to my dr and he took some out. I feel great.... Some people chose to keep a over tight band because they love the weight loss.... I chose not too... When i feel uncomfortable... i fix it...... and guess what I CAN DO THAT... Ask a sleever if they can.... hmmmm NOPE they can't. Their stomach is permanently removed.

I have to disagree with part of this statement (common complications and lack of weight loss success,).... I know there are places that are no longer doing the band.. this is true. But, the majority (not all) of the problems are "user error".... as as far as long term success... i know way more people that has had long term success with the band than some of the other WLS.... My self included... Nov 10 i made 7 years.... i have maintained an 80-100lbs loss. Im comfortable at my current weight of 130... the CEO of this site Alex is at 12 year...and many others.

People have to remember in the beginning the majority of the bands were done in Mex and patients was not given proper follow up and instructions.... plus they were putting in a 3CC band.... that is tiny.... My sister in Law was one of these people also.... had band removed and got GB.... and guess what... she is gaining her weight back... Again

there has been an influx of people doing .... Band over BP and Band over sleeve lately.

Anyway.... best of luck to everyone

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a lot of surgeons don't do the band anymore because of all the complications. I'd go for the sleeve or the bypass. Much better results and fewer complications.

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Your surgeon is the best one to answer the question of which is best for you.

A lot of people like the LB because it's reversible, and adjustable. However, it can slip and can erode the stomach. I also know two different people who got the LB and developed life threatening infections. That's always a potential complication for any surgery, but anytime a foreign object is being put in the body to be left there, it adds a few potential complications to the list.

It was not even an option for me because of my auto-immune disease. Each person is different. My surgeon doesn't like to do them because of the complications possible, but she still does them for certain patients that meet a narrow criteria.

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Here's the deal. You are going to get diehard fans of both sleeve and LapBand on here. You are going to have those who believe that their WLS is the only and best. They can find all kind of reasons why they are successful with the band or sleeve and others have failed. But the reality is, only YOU can choose what's best for you. A decision made with your medical team.

As I said earlier, do your research and trust what your surgeon tells you.

I was the biggest LapBand cheerleader in the world, until things started going bad. I believed that I would not have trouble because I did everything that was asked of me by my weight management center. I had regular routine care, but in the end, my LapBand slipped and I had a prolapsed stomach. I had swallowing issues and couldn't eat most solid Proteins.

Yes, in the end I had my LapBand removed and revised to sleeve and I don't regret it for one minute.

I no longer have to worry about food getting stuck and feeling like I'm going to die.

I no longer have to go I for adjustments and pay thousands of dollars over the years in co pays.

I can swallow my food and it goes down my throat.

So if the worse thing that I have to deal with is no more Band adjustments, big deal.

I'm not going to pretend that the sleeve is perfect, but I'm relieved

that my band is gone. I will never again be so smug as to think that my decision is the only right decision because it's not.

Edited by rkimom

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Hi YA, I am a RNYer, I'm 3 years out and had GREAT results I have been at my goal weight for 2 and 1/2 years. But, my hubby had his Lap Band for 13 years. Now he lost 100#'s but he started out at 515#'s. Which he didn't follow all of his guidelines but he did manage to keep the 100#'s off pretty much. Now fast forward to 2012 ( which was 13years after his Band) So it malfunctioned, he couldn't hold down even Water. So we went to the VA and was referred to a Bariatric Center 2 hours from home. He was going to have the band removed, gallbladder removed and a revision to the RNY. When they got in there the Band had eroded into his Liver!! There was to much scar tissue and bleeding so he backed out and told him that they would do the WLS after he healed. Well, he ended up with abscesses, and was deathly sick for 9 months, 3 of which he doesn't even remember. He ended up having a Wound Vac put in and went to wound care every day at first then every other day until he was healed. So he went back to get his RNY, but the Dr called him a PROBLEM CHILD. Wouldn't be getting the surgery from him. Now fast forward to 2016, we went to Mexico for his WLS. Still wanting the RNY. But his whole right side was solid scar tissue and he ended up with the SLEEVE. I'm not saying this to scare anyone but PLEASE make sure you know the problems of each surgery. You and your Surgeon are the only ones that can make an educated decision. Research everything before you decide. Good Luck

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I had my first mini consultation today. I'd had my mind made up for a Gastric Band but the Doctor I saw could only speak of the negatives of the Gastric Band. My only concern with the Gastric Band was that I have quite a physical job where I risk being physically kicked or punched which has the potential to rupture the port. He also mentioned many complications with the Gastric Band. However he could only praise the Gastric Sleeve...so now I'm stuck in limbo as to what to do???

Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

When I first heard of the band I knew I didn't want it. The idea of having something like that in my body all the time didn't appeal to me, and I also had no desire to go back and have another surgery if I wanted or needed it removed. I wanted one surgery and done.

When I first heard about the sleeve I knew it was for me. My first surgeon's visit in early August he told me he rarely does the band anymore, however, he did blame a lot of band issues on "user error". Still, he rarely advises anyone have the band.

I do have a story for you about rupture though, you may want to think about it since you job is so physical. I have a friend who had the band for several years. She had not met her goal weight but was losing well and was happy with it. Then she had a heart attack (I am sure it had nothing to do with the band, most likely years of obesity) Anyway, somehow her band itself ruptured. She thinks it had to do with the chest compressions she had during cardiac arrest. Now she is walking around with a ruptured band, scheduled to have a revision to sleeve in early 2017.

I agree with others, talk to your surgeon. Your individual needs and challenges will be taken into consideration.

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@@bloomie85, I was like you. I was in limbo for a while of lapband over sleeve. I decided to go with the sleeve because I didn't want to have a port and didn't know if I would feel the cord, get fills, get it adjusted, etc.

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@@bloomie85 The band v sleeve debate.... it always happens.

I'm a band member and for me.... i love it. that's not to say that crap can't go wrong... but crap can go wrong with any surgery. If you don't mind.... Go back and read some of the bad stories and watch how many are because THEY were non complaint.... they didn't go to the dr, they got comfortable with the weight loss and started not following the rules.... they will say things like.... I did great at first and then i started eating badly.... blah blah blah.... I have been on this site for over 7 years and have pretty much read it all.

Band members will support the band... Sleevers will support the sleeve and GB will support theirs..... We all want to believe our WLS is the best. And for me... the band is the best.

I have seen so many WLS people LB, Sleeve & GB all have success... but i have also seen a lot of failures. A few things i see with most all of the WLS:

(just my observation)..

successful (for the most part, not always) people follow the rules, They exercise, and i don't mean a few min a day for 2-3 days a week... i mean they are in the gym 5 days a week for at least one hour.... they pay attention to their bodies...when things don't feel right... they go to the dr. don't come here and ask random people what they should do.... they already know what should be done. They also see when they are slipping back into their old ways with eating badly.... I did this and when i didn't fit into my jeans... i got back on the wagon and lost the 20 i had gained and 20 more at 6 years out... so it can b done.

failures (for the most part, not always).... don't follow the rules... they don't exercise... they didn't learn to change the way and what they eat (or they only change till they lose). They relied on the WLS to do all the work for them. They get comfortable and forget and start eating around the surgery..... and when they gain it back then they blame the surgery... whether its the band, sleeve or GB... They don't want to look with in and take ownership of what they did to contribute to the failure.

Am i saying that there aren't legitimate complication out of the hands of the patient .... Of course there are....

Yes the band is more work... but i find that the work keeps me on track. It makes me accountable for me and my actions. It's like WW... you know you eat better when you are paying for someone to weight you and document your success and failures. With the others i find it's easier to get lazy and like WW... you do well until you stop going... and then you slip back into the old ways.

In the long run.... you should do what you feel is best for you.... go see a few more doctors... get more opinions... Do more research... get to know your body and really look into why you had success in the past and what you were doing during those successes... then also look at why you failed... Look at each WLS and see which one will better fit your successes.

Don't let any of use tell you what you should do.... YOU tell you what is best.

Best of luck

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@@bloomie85 The band v sleeve debate.... it always happens.

I'm a band member and for me.... i love it. that's not to say that crap can't go wrong... but crap can go wrong with any surgery. If you don't mind.... Go back and read some of the bad stories and watch how many are because THEY were non complaint.... they didn't go to the dr, they got comfortable with the weight loss and started not following the rules.... they will say things like.... I did great at first and then i started eating badly.... blah blah blah.... I have been on this site for over 7 years and have pretty much read it all.

Band members will support the band... Sleevers will support the sleeve and GB will support theirs..... We all want to believe our WLS is the best. And for me... the band is the best.

I have seen so many WLS people LB, Sleeve & GB all have success... but i have also seen a lot of failures. A few things i see with most all of the WLS:

(just my observation)..

successful (for the most part, not always) people follow the rules, They exercise, and i don't mean a few min a day for 2-3 days a week... i mean they are in the gym 5 days a week for at least one hour.... they pay attention to their bodies...when things don't feel right... they go to the dr. don't come here and ask random people what they should do.... they already know what should be done. They also see when they are slipping back into their old ways with eating badly.... I did this and when i didn't fit into my jeans... i got back on the wagon and lost the 20 i had gained and 20 more at 6 years out... so it can b done.

failures (for the most part, not always).... don't follow the rules... they don't exercise... they didn't learn to change the way and what they eat (or they only change till they lose). They relied on the WLS to do all the work for them. They get comfortable and forget and start eating around the surgery..... and when they gain it back then they blame the surgery... whether its the band, sleeve or GB... They don't want to look with in and take ownership of what they did to contribute to the failure.

Am i saying that there aren't legitimate complication out of the hands of the patient .... Of course there are....

Yes the band is more work... but i find that the work keeps me on track. It makes me accountable for me and my actions. It's like WW... you know you eat better when you are paying for someone to weight you and document your success and failures. With the others i find it's easier to get lazy and like WW... you do well until you stop going... and then you slip back into the old ways.

In the long run.... you should do what you feel is best for you.... go see a few more doctors... get more opinions... Do more research... get to know your body and really look into why you had success in the past and what you were doing during those successes... then also look at why you failed... Look at each WLS and see which one will better fit your successes.

Don't let any of use tell you what you should do.... YOU tell you what is best.

Best of luck

This was a really good post. I learned alot from this. My takeaway is that, you have to do the work no matter what and take time to listen to your body. :)

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@@teedsg Yesssssss someone gets it...

Not to say there aren't any successes with out lots of work.... but i see the LONG term successes are from those who put in the work and effort to MAKE it work ....

You get out of WLS what you put into it... and that's just a fact.

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I'm another former band revision (to rny) due to complications/breakage. there may be a possibility with complications after any surgery but with the band it is pretty high (especially when you look 5-10+ years out). it worked for me, then complications and it eventually broke. someone on another post said you need to look at it like you would breast implants. they need to be replaced every 10-15 years because it is a piece of equipment and they don't last forever. Mine lasted 11 years. others on here have some that are even older than that and still working. i am one of the lucky people who did not have heavy scar tissue or erosion that might prevent a revision or make it more risky.

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I had the band for 7 years, successful as well, lost over a hundred pounds, kept it off by eating right and exercising. No serious complications but did get an esophageal dilation a few times for being too tight. User error? No, I don't believe that. Perhaps in some but the band, overall, is more fussy. It depends on many things, like how your body adjusts to the band after adjustments, and it depends on the precision on who does your fills, their knowledge, their experience... Etc. For example, my first surgeon was excellent, found my green zone fast... But after moving, and my body changing due to weight loss, finding a competent surgeon/nurse was not as easy as some may think, especially since the surgeons tends to favor the sleeve over the band these days.... And unfortunately, for me, it not only required technician skill, but it costs $$ and time for each adjustment to find that green zone. Would I recommend it? Sure. I loved my band when I had it, but I think it's good to know all the aspects, the good, the bad and ugly. ^^

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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