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6 days post op and screwed up bad...

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Wait, WHUUUUT!?!?! My advice to you was out of concern. I was sincere in my thoughts and in my advice. Never did I scold you or "batter" you. Never did I say you didn't take the process seriously, and never did I belittle you.

If you are taking my efforts to help you as a "kick", that's on you, not me.

Feel free to block me. And again, best of luck to you.

I won't block you but I do mean what I said. That is exactly how you and that other girl made me feel and I know that you know that. Perhaps some of us are just kinder when we speak to those who are stuggling, I don't know. It was hard to pick up on your concern and easy to pick up on the ridicule. Anyway, thanks for the goodluck.

Sent from my SM-G530T using the BariatricPal App

Don't sweat it. Take it as a lesson learned and move on. Also, don't sweat the rudeness you will seen on this site. I do not know how long you have been on the site but you will learn very quickly that there are about 3-4 people who only comment of people's threads to create drama. I do not know what they are lacking in their personal life to want to do this, but it's sad. I feel sorry for them. I do not answer to them, I do not pay them no mind. You should do the same. Btw, pudding was allowed on my plan, a week out as well (sugar free of course). Sure this site is for honest feedback but there is a proper way to give it without the person feeling belittled or like a failure. The girl admitted that she knew she messed up so why continue to rub it in her face that she did? Does that make you feel like the cool kid on the play ground? Perhaps, she wanted to unload the guilt she was feeling and get it off her chest but was ashamed and didn't want to talk to anyone she knew. It's much easier to admit mistakes to a group of people that you don't know. Perhaps, like me, she had this WILD idea that people in an advice/support forum might actually be supportive. Smh. Also, who are y'all to question what her doc says she can have and who are you to question why she posted what she did? You are just a member of a group, in no greater capacity than any one of us. Catty people are the worst. It's the holiday season! don't be so miserable. Be jolly

With that said, I too am a medical professional and I do think you should mention it to your surgeon for sure. If you feel fine and have no pain or vomiting then wait until your next visit, but do mention it.

Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

Gustavio, you're comment means the world to me. I really felt the support coming from you and that really helped me today. Yesturday I was in such a fragile mental state. After reading your comment this morning I felt so much better and really felt like I could learn from this mistake instead of just feeling shame and remorse.

Sent from my SM-G530T using the BariatricPal App

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Already going to counseling, I know why I put myself at risk. I have ptsd and also an eating disorder. Like I said.....I feel fine, in fact I feel better than I did yesturday. Prune juice is recommend if I feel I need it. I'll call him if I think it's necessary and I don't feel well. Thanks.

Sent from my SM-G530T using the BariatricPal App

I didn't read the whole thread before commenting, my bad. Good for you for being in therapy already, I think most of us would do much better post-op if we were seeing a mental health professional with training in eating disorders. Good luck to you :)

Thank you. Counseling does help but I only get 1 appointment every 1-2 months. It's not enough. It's something but not enough. This is the reason I joined this online community.

Sent from my SM-G530T using the BariatricPal App

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When I saw your post and that it was in the trending section I had an idea of how it was going to go and I thought...ahh poor person who thought it was a good idea to post here about blowing their post-op liquid diet. I hope you have thick skin.

I like to comment on all of the posts about screwing up the diets that everyone else followed religiously and never messed up, because I am generally a big proponent of doing what works for you, which is often directly against what the literature says you should be doing. My stipulation though is that rules can be bent a smidge at the phase when you're almost done with soft foods, and flat out broken at some point beyond the two month mark where you can't actually hurt yourself by eating anything, but just won't really do yourself any favors. In the first weeks after surgery, even I, the person who most heavily advocates for making informed decisions that don't always align with doctor's orders, tend to say to stick with the plan you are given because it does actually impact your health and safety.

That being said...clearly you know you made a mistake and since you've been commenting in here, you're doing just fine. Your mistake didn't hurt you this time, and so use this as a learning experience and move forward. We all screw up, but those of us who have maintained weight loss successfully know that when you fall off the wagon, you just have to get right back up. For the next few weeks, you aren't going to feel great, you will want normal food, and you are going to be cranky. It really does get better from here though and soon enough you will be back at a point where you can eat whatever you want (in small portions) and if your experience is like mine, you really won't have any great desire for food you shouldn't be eating.

The sleeve is a long and periodically miserable journey. I am now 38 months post-op and I have maintained within 3 pounds of goal (above and below) for about 20 months, and within 3-4 pounds of goal for about 2 years now. There are days I eat things I shouldn't, but for the most part I don't care a whole lot about food anymore. I weigh myself everyday and when I find that my weight is creeping up again, I go back to being more strict with my diet. Right now you don't have the value of hindsight, so I'll give you mine. For every bit of misery that the first few weeks- months caused, every single second was worth it. I remember sobbing to my best friend the first week that I had ruined my life. I spent most of years 2-3 puking everytime I tried to eat anything that wasn't a dry carb, and I still can't eat a bunch of stuff without getting sick. I look at my scars from plastic surgery and sometimes I feel ashamed. I look at cake and Cookies and sometimes miss my old friends. I then go put on my size 2 jeans and my xs shirt and I smile....because in the end, all of the feeling of missing out on something and being sick and tired and hungry, it all pays off.

You can do this. Time passes no matter what you do, so as long as you keep putting one foot in front of the other, handle every day as it comes, and use your past mistakes as ways to learn and do better in the future, soon enough you will realize that your life goes back to normal, except it's a new normal where you are healthy, happy, and when you can look back on this point and realize that all of the misery now was worth the future, which at some point will be your present.

Wow, I'm going to print this out. I teared up while reading it because I want to feel those feelings of contentment and happiness. I am miserable now, it could be worse but again I'm only 2 weeks out so we shall see. I'm going to look at what you've written here on my hard days because it'll be on those days that I'll need to remember to pick myself back up and put one foot in front of the orher. Thank you-from the bottom of my heart for your words of wisdom and support.

Sent from my SM-G530T using the BariatricPal App

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Wait, WHUUUUT!?!?! My advice to you was out of concern. I was sincere in my thoughts and in my advice. Never did I scold you or "batter" you. Never did I say you didn't take the process seriously, and never did I belittle you.

If you are taking my efforts to help you as a "kick", that's on you, not me.

Feel free to block me. And again, best of luck to you.

I won't block you but I do mean what I said. That is exactly how you and that other girl made me feel and I know that you know that. Perhaps some of us are just kinder when we speak to those who are stuggling, I don't know. It was hard to pick up on your concern and easy to pick up on the ridicule. Anyway, thanks for the goodluck.

Sent from my SM-G530T using the BariatricPal App

Don't sweat it. Take it as a lesson learned and move on. Also, don't sweat the rudeness you will seen on this site. I do not know how long you have been on the site but you will learn very quickly that there are about 3-4 people who only comment of people's threads to create drama. I do not know what they are lacking in their personal life to want to do this, but it's sad. I feel sorry for them. I do not answer to them, I do not pay them no mind. You should do the same. Btw, pudding was allowed on my plan, a week out as well (sugar free of course). Sure this site is for honest feedback but there is a proper way to give it without the person feeling belittled or like a failure. The girl admitted that she knew she messed up so why continue to rub it in her face that she did? Does that make you feel like the cool kid on the play ground? Perhaps, she wanted to unload the guilt she was feeling and get it off her chest but was ashamed and didn't want to talk to anyone she knew. It's much easier to admit mistakes to a group of people that you don't know. Perhaps, like me, she had this WILD idea that people in an advice/support forum might actually be supportive. Smh. Also, who are y'all to question what her doc says she can have and who are you to question why she posted what she did? You are just a member of a group, in no greater capacity than any one of us. Catty people are the worst. It's the holiday season! don't be so miserable. Be jolly

With that said, I too am a medical professional and I do think you should mention it to your surgeon for sure. If you feel fine and have no pain or vomiting then wait until your next visit, but do mention it.

Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

Gustavio, you're comment means the world to me. I really felt the support coming from you and that really helped me today. Yesturday I was in such a fragile mental state. After reading your comment this morning I felt so much better and really felt like I could learn from this mistake instead of just feeling shame and remorse.

Sent from my SM-G530T using the BariatricPal App

You know, I'm glad I could help. I too have been attacked on here by a small group that tend to feed off of each other's negativity. I was offended at first, but quickly found it funny that there was nothing better to do for them. Then just like with you, they tried to pass it off as caring "advice" lol please.....I wasn't born yesterday and don't need sarcastic or backhanded advice or concern. It's childish. Anyway, glad you are feeling better today. Don't be so hard on yourself. It's one day out of your journey. You got this!! Can't wait to see your results in the next few months.

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You posted for support and insight, I'm sure. Here's mine....take care of yourself, put yourself first, baby yourself, take the needed time to heal, and be kind to yourself.

I am six weeks post op and I am still eating mostly puréed Soups with added Protein, yogurt, cottage cheese, applesauce, Jello, and two Premier shakes a day. My challenge is in drinking enough liquid, not Protein intake.

Keep a journal of what you eat, your excercise, and how you are feeling. That has helped me. I wish for you the best.

Thank you for your support and advice.

Sent from my SM-G530T using the BariatricPal App

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Wait, WHUUUUT!?!?! My advice to you was out of concern. I was sincere in my thoughts and in my advice. Never did I scold you or "batter" you. Never did I say you didn't take the process seriously, and never did I belittle you.

If you are taking my efforts to help you as a "kick", that's on you, not me.

Feel free to block me. And again, best of luck to you.

I won't block you but I do mean what I said. That is exactly how you and that other girl made me feel and I know that you know that. Perhaps some of us are just kinder when we speak to those who are stuggling, I don't know. It was hard to pick up on your concern and easy to pick up on the ridicule. Anyway, thanks for the goodluck.

Sent from my SM-G530T using the BariatricPal App

Don't sweat it. Take it as a lesson learned and move on. Also, don't sweat the rudeness you will seen on this site. I do not know how long you have been on the site but you will learn very quickly that there are about 3-4 people who only comment of people's threads to create drama. I do not know what they are lacking in their personal life to want to do this, but it's sad. I feel sorry for them. I do not answer to them, I do not pay them no mind. You should do the same. Btw, pudding was allowed on my plan, a week out as well (sugar free of course). Sure this site is for honest feedback but there is a proper way to give it without the person feeling belittled or like a failure. The girl admitted that she knew she messed up so why continue to rub it in her face that she did? Does that make you feel like the cool kid on the play ground? Perhaps, she wanted to unload the guilt she was feeling and get it off her chest but was ashamed and didn't want to talk to anyone she knew. It's much easier to admit mistakes to a group of people that you don't know. Perhaps, like me, she had this WILD idea that people in an advice/support forum might actually be supportive. Smh. Also, who are y'all to question what her doc says she can have and who are you to question why she posted what she did? You are just a member of a group, in no greater capacity than any one of us. Catty people are the worst. It's the holiday season! don't be so miserable. Be jolly

With that said, I too am a medical professional and I do think you should mention it to your surgeon for sure. If you feel fine and have no pain or vomiting then wait until your next visit, but do mention it.

Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

Gustavio, you're comment means the world to me. I really felt the support coming from you and that really helped me today. Yesturday I was in such a fragile mental state. After reading your comment this morning I felt so much better and really felt like I could learn from this mistake instead of just feeling shame and remorse.

Sent from my SM-G530T using the BariatricPal App

You know, I'm glad I could help. I too have been attacked on here by a small group that tend to feed off of each other's negativity. I was offended at first, but quickly found it funny that there was nothing better to do for them. Then just like with you, they tried to pass it off as caring "advice" lol please.....I wasn't born yesterday and don't need sarcastic or backhanded advice or concern. It's childish. Anyway, glad you are feeling better today. Don't be so hard on yourself. It's one day out of your journey. You got this!! Can't wait to see your results in the next few months.

Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

Yes, I'm excited and so happy that I'm healthy. My recovery is going so well and I my family can already see my face slimming down. Thanks again friend! I'm so excited to share my results with you and the other members who have been genuinely supportive of me.

Sent from my SM-G530T using the BariatricPal App

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Girl. You seem to be obsessed with making me out to be some sort of mean girl monster. I'd think most anyone who cared to look at my posting history would think differently.

But hey, it's all good. If making me your personal witch hunt makes you feel good about yourself, have at it. I can take it.

My history: http://www.bariatricpal.com/index.php?app=core&module=search&do=user_activity&search_app=forums&mid=175552&userMode=content

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I was sleeved on the 18th as well..not sure why surgery post diets are so different but my team told me I could have turkey and ham on Thanksgiving. I had it no problems..

Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

They're all different. I've never heard of solid food within a week, your doc must be very liberal!

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I was sleeved on the 18th as well..not sure why surgery post diets are so different but my team told me I could have turkey and ham on Thanksgiving. I had it no problems..

Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

They're all different. I've never heard of solid food within a week, your doc must be very liberal!

They even told us in our last Bootcamp meeting before surgery that as long as it was 'wet'..soaked gravy, ranch whatever that it would be fine to have for Thanksgiving as long as we could tolerate it. She even suggested a deviled egg too. The hurtle was to be drinking 64 oz liquid before starting soft foods..I'm still mostly liquid Protein with shakes, Soups and chili but I am eating soft Protein not problem.

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My NUT told me I was okay for a bowl full of Pasta by week three.... After that I stopped listening to her.

Nice lady but jeeze louise... :unsure:

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Everyone makes mistakes it ok, you shouldnt feel upset about yourself. Just as long as u recognized you were in the wrong and the fact that you feel guilty is a good sign. My surgeon made me go on puree foods the day I got out of the hospital so every surgeon is different. I personally think you will be fine. Take Fiber chews or the powder Fiber. It helped me alot to do a BM after surgery. Im 1 1/2 mnths out, I'm on solid foods now. I hope everything is good with you. best of luck to you!!

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You know, @@MTWilliams I hope you don't regret posting this 'confession' on this forum. As food addicts, we often conduct our behavior in secret--stashes of candy & Cookies, eating (badly) when no one is around, I could go on. I know that's been my MO. I think (and I'm not an expert or a psychologist) you made a big step in tacking your eating addiction just by posting your indiscretion for everyone to read on this forum. Good for you.

And I think certain people that may come across as mean or judgmental to you right now are speaking out of concern. We can read a lot of tone into people's typed words. I have learned a lot and have been inspired by so many on this board. Hang in there. My surgery is one week from today. :)

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There will always be more Christmases with all the same favorite holiday foods you're used to but you will never have another chance to get this right. Get it right Now. The amount you ate is about what I might eat now 2 yrs post-op, but I would never have dared at 6 days out. And trust me, once you start breaking little rules, you break more rules and it's all downhill from there. I'm currently fighting back some recent weight gain that I know is due to completely poor food choices. A chip here and there was no big deal or a 1/4 c of dessert on an occassion. But then every third day was an occassion, then every stressful day at work was a occassion, now the people at the bakery know me by name and I'm up 15 stupid pounds and the thing is-chocolate tasted gross for months after surgery but I almost forced myself to eat it because I felt deprived on some level. But I wasn't and you aren't either. Trust me, some day you will get to Sample and taste all of those foods again, but not now and not altogether as a mini-feast. You survived this ordeal but Stop It Right Now-the disappointment you feel now will not even compare if you sabotage this amazing and severe step you have taken. If I could undo all the cheetos and macaroons of the past 2 months I would-my life would be the same but my clothes would fit a hell of a lot better. I didn't need them and I don't. Catch yourself now and put it an end to it, letting this be a lesson and not an "well I did it the one time and it was okay so . . ." One time makes two times okay and three and so on.... Anyway, congratulations on surgery and stick with the liquids. If pudding is a trigger then get rid of it.6 days out of surgery I was eating 1/3 cup of pureed bean Soup at the very most or a 1/3 scrambled egg...

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There will always be more Christmases with all the same favorite holiday foods you're used to but you will never have another chance to get this right. Get it right Now. The amount you ate is about what I might eat now 2 yrs post-op, but I would never have dared at 6 days out. And trust me, once you start breaking little rules, you break more rules and it's all downhill from there. I'm currently fighting back some recent weight gain that I know is due to completely poor food choices. A chip here and there was no big deal or a 1/4 c of dessert on an occassion. But then every third day was an occassion, then every stressful day at work was a occassion, now the people at the bakery know me by name and I'm up 15 stupid pounds and the thing is-chocolate tasted gross for months after surgery but I almost forced myself to eat it because I felt deprived on some level. But I wasn't and you aren't either. Trust me, some day you will get to Sample and taste all of those foods again, but not now and not altogether as a mini-feast. You survived this ordeal but Stop It Right Now-the disappointment you feel now will not even compare if you sabotage this amazing and severe step you have taken. If I could undo all the cheetos and macaroons of the past 2 months I would-my life would be the same but my clothes would fit a hell of a lot better. I didn't need them and I don't. Catch yourself now and put it an end to it, letting this be a lesson and not an "well I did it the one time and it was okay so . . ." One time makes two times okay and three and so on.... Anyway, congratulations on surgery and stick with the liquids. If pudding is a trigger then get rid of it.6 days out of surgery I was eating 1/3 cup of pureed bean Soup at the very most or a 1/3 scrambled egg...


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    • BabySpoons

      Sometimes reading the posts here make me wonder if some people just weren't mentally ready for WLS and needed more time with the bariatric team psychiatrist. Complaining about the limited drink/food choices early on... blah..blah...blah. The living to eat mentality really needs to go and be replaced with eating to live. JS
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      1. Bypass2Freedom

        We have to remember that everyone moves at their own pace. For some it may be harder to adjust, people may have other factors at play that feed into the unhealthy relationship with food e.g. eating disorders, trauma. I'd hope those who you are referring to address this outside of this forum, with a professional.

        This is a place to feel safe to vent, seek advice, hopefully without judgement.

        Compassion goes a long way :)

    • Theweightisover2024🙌💪

      Question for anyone, how did you get your mind right before surgery? Like as far as eating better foods and just doing better in general? I'm having a really hard time with this. Any help is appreciated 🙏❤️
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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

    • BeanitoDiego

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      I was able to go for a 10K/6mile hike in the mountains two days ago just for the fun of it. In the before days, I might have attempted this, but it would have taken me 7 or 8 hours to complete and I would have been exhausted and in pain for the next two days. Taking my time with breaks for snacks and water, I was finished with my wee jaunt in only 4 hours 😎 and really got to enjoy photographing some insects, fungi, and turtles.
      Just for fun last week, I ran two 5Ks in two days, something I would have never done in the past! Next goal is a 10K before the end of this month.
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    • Teriesa

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