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I'm shocked!!! The lapband isn't magic???

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I was banded in July and my husband thought I would lose more weight. It's a slow process. In a way, I am sorry I told people, because I think they were expecting a more dramatic weight loss. I thought it would be faster too.

Daniell - how much have you lost - its not an over night process - 1 to 2 lbs a week - I know that 1st week the pounds dropped of like flies but then one week only 1 lbs gone - I too was banded in July - come over to the Lucky #7 it's a great group you will get support advice etc. Look under monthly support groups - July 07..

What are you eating, how much are you exercising

- when do you go for your 1st fill.

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You should be proud of your weight loss. Look what a difference it has made in your life. I have to admit, I get alittle discouraged when I go on the site and see other's that are taking it off faster. I have to remind myself that it's about changing your life and dealing with the addiction. I find going to OA meetings helpful.

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I was banded July 19th at Cedars Sinai. Since surgery I have only lost 18pounds and exercise 4 times a week. I had my first fill last Wednesday and they added 1cc. I feel alittle restriction, but not as much as I thought. The doctor said, if he added more I would be obstructed. I know alot of my hunger is in my head and I have to admit I am still grazing, but working hard to break the habit.

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You should be proud of your weight loss. Look what a difference it has made in your life. I have to admit, I get alittle discouraged when I go on the site and see other's that are taking it off faster. I have to remind myself that it's about changing your life and dealing with the addiction. I find going to OA meetings helpful.

Danielle - Don't know who you meant this for - but do you want to know how i have lost the weight 30 lbs - I have worked by a$$ off - I go to the gym 5 days a week - walk 13 miles and do some weight - I eat fish mostly every night with veggies - eat sf pudding - yogurt and healthy request ice cream. I may add 1/2 cup rice or Pasta to my meal at night - i eat about 1000- 1200 calories a day. I am doing more work that the band is I will tell you that.. The band doesn't exercise for you and with out exercise the weight is going to come off alot slower,

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I was banded July 19th at Cedars Sinai. Since surgery I have only lost 18pounds and exercise 4 times a week. I had my first fill last Wednesday and they added 1cc. I feel alittle restriction, but not as much as I thought. The doctor said, if he added more I would be obstructed. I know alot of my hunger is in my head and I have to admit I am still grazing, but working hard to break the habit.

18 lbs is great - also if you don't have as much to lose - that weight loss will be slower too - 300lbs is going to lose the first few pounds quicker than someone who is 200 lbs. Ok now we know the problem - gotta find a soultion. What kind of exercise are you doing??? What are you grazing on?? Can you up your exercise - I have be reading where interval train is great for lossing weight - walk 5 minuts fast then run 1 minute - walk 5 = run 1 - increase as you can - those little burst of energy are eating up your fat...

What can yo do to stop the grazing - can you at least find something low in calories to nosh when you are hungry - can you save your a.m. snack for later when you really have the urge to nosh...

Well, I gotta get the kitchen cleaned my GS made a mess and get read for work tomorrow - will talk to you later.


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Indio Girl

Yeah, your definately doing more work than me. I am impressed, when do you find the time to walk 13 miles a week? I could be doing better. You get what you put into it, it isn't magic. Before the surgery, I had this major anxiety attack, because I realized it wasn't magic. I knew I would have to create the change I wanted. That takes being responsible and sometimes I don't want to be.

I was thinking of using your doctor for fills. I live in Hemet and going to L.A gets to be a pain.


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Indio Girl,

Thanks for your feed back. I'm impressed, your work too! I have to admit, I thought you have all this time, because you don't work like me.

Wow, no more excuses. Thanks for responding.


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Indio Girl,

Thanks for your feed back. I'm impressed, your work too! I have to admit, I thought you have all this time, because you don't work like me.

Wow, no more excuses. Thanks for responding.


Dainelle - I'm 52 - I get up at 5 a.m. drop my grandson (he lives w/me) off at school and am at my desk at 7:30 a.m - I work til 4 - pick up my GS and come home change clothes go to the gym immediately and get on the treadmill - i usually do 2 miles everday minimum and 2 days i try and do 3 miles. Once I got cleared on 9/5 I started adding the weights - at first i was doing 1 mile in half hr then slowly built up - i am now doing a 17 or 18 min mile and not sweating as much at the end of the 2 miles. I go to the gym everday execpt Thrus & Sunday (did go on sunday when I was on vacation) I make sure i carve 1 hr a day for me. I do not ALLOW myself the to make any excuse as to why i can't go to the gym today. cuz if i do i will miss one then 2 then 3 and end up not going - You have to WORK to get thin & healthy - just being thin doesn't mean you are healthy... Danielle there are no magic answers for us - the only answer is to eat less and exercise - the band helps with the protion control but thats only 25% of the battle - the other 75% is up to you.

Good Luck you can do it if you put your mind to it...:)

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Indio Girl

Yeah, your definately doing more work than me. I am impressed, when do you find the time to walk 13 miles a week? I could be doing better. You get what you put into it, it isn't magic. Before the surgery, I had this major anxiety attack, because I realized it wasn't magic. I knew I would have to create the change I wanted. That takes being responsible and sometimes I don't want to be.

I was thinking of using your doctor for fills. I live in Hemet and going to L.A gets to be a pain.


I LOVE DOCTOR BOBBIE & KRISTEN his main gal... Ya, Palm Springs is alot closer than LA - I was just at a bbq today and my Uncle is thinking of moving to Hemet he says people are freindly there... Who knows my Uncle changes his mind every other day :) Where were you banded Mexico???

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when you are properly restricted, you WILL eat little amounts of food and if you follow the guidelines you should lose on average 2 pounds a week.

i'm sorry, i have no sympathy for people who eat around the band (milkshakes all the time, etc) and complain that they are not losing weight.

you will have to work at this to be very successful.

losingjustme - I agree with you 100%

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I'm newly banded, but I read a whole lot more than I ever post. I have spent hours and hours this last week doing a lot of reading here. I have read a lot of posts that its obvious that the people recognize that this a just a TOOL to help in weight loss. I have also read many posts where people were banded 2 or more years ago and have only lost 40 lbs. How in the world is that even possible? The physics of weight loss are simple. MORE ENGERY EXPENDED THAN CONSUMED = WEIGHT LOSS... Are their really people undergoing this operation that don't understand this?

I am not judging anyone, please don't think this. But its like I see people FREAKING out if they dont feel "their restriction". What that says to me is that we are relying totally on our bands to do the work. For me I feel as if its going to be a lot more "headwork" than anything. I dunno, I could totally freak out if I don't feel it either. I just feel like as if I am scared that I will totally be dependent on the band to do everything when I know from that start that no matter what I have to do my part of eating right and moving my body.

I read the results of the studies and its right there in black and white. People with lapband lose only 30-40% of their weight? What they aren't saying is why is this happening? It could be a multitude of things. But I like many others felt this was the best course for me and am committed to do the right things and let the band be my aid. I think it just goes to show that those so called "thorough psych evals" are hogwash.

If any this doesnt make sense, forgive me. I tend to ramble when I have a lot of thoughts. Also, not trying to offend anyone. Just food for thought.

Yes you are right! But if you could do it with out it you should not have had the band in the first place. It's called addiction and the lap band is not a magic wand to cure you over night!!! we have to learn but it take's time believe me I am down almost a hundred pounds thank god, but its been 4 year's, I would have not been able to done it with out it, I am 39 I have three children two granchildren I would not be able to play with them if I would not had this surgery. that's right without this surgery! but you can in time learn to control it it's not magic for sure but pretty darn close. so no matter how slow or how fast it the fact it's coming off and that's the good thing about this band the slower the better it is for you in all the way's you look at it!! Every on here I bet know extacly how to lose weight and could even teach you but it's like I said before addiction to food !!!

Good luck all on your weight loss!!!




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I was banded in July and my husband thought I would lose more weight. It's a slow process. In a way, I am sorry I told people, because I think they were expecting a more dramatic weight loss. I thought it would be faster too.

I hear you---Same has happened to me. I have not even had my first fill. surgery 8/10/07, first fill 9/24/07 . We need to slow down. When people ask me how much weight I have lost I tell them ---The band has not been turned on yet. They stop. If anything is said ---I then add My body has to heal FIRST then we will work on every thing else. Do not let any one make you feel bad. It is my guess that around November I will be in full swing with the lap band program. Right now I am working on eating quality foods------not quanity . I eat no junk. no soda. no candy. My goal is to become AWARE of what I eat. I am not trying to tell you what to do---just food for thought. Janice

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I hear you---Same has happened to me. I have not even had my first fill. surgery 8/10/07, first fill 9/24/07 . We need to slow down. When people ask me how much weight I have lost I tell them ---The band has not been turned on yet. They stop. If anything is said ---I then add My body has to heal FIRST then we will work on every thing else. Do not let any one make you feel bad. It is my guess that around November I will be in full swing with the lap band program. Right now I am working on eating quality foods------not quanity . I eat no junk. no soda. no candy. My goal is to become AWARE of what I eat. I am not trying to tell you what to do---just food for thought. Janice


If that is your goal you can accomplish it! I am over a year now and NOTHING I do mean, NOTHING goes into my mouth without forethought and deciding if it is a good choice.

And people expect WLS surgery to be like magic, they don't think about the fact it has to come off the same way it went on, 1 pound at a a time! :D Silly people...

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I was banded on the 23rd of August and recently started on full liquids (well it's been about a week). After three weeks of nothing but liquids (two clear and one full), I have actually only lost 4 pounds. I would have assumed that by the sheer drop in calories alone I would have reamed out more Water weight than that. My body seems to be clinging like grim death to every pound. I mean I know that these initial healing stages aren't accurate weight loss stages because we take out water weight at first and then when we start back on real food we will more than likely gain some of the weight back at first, but has anyone ever had this problem? I am seriously NOT cheating, I am not taking in anything particularly high in calories (skim milk, the broth from vegetable Soups and lots of Crystal Lite and water), so I am a bit baffled as to why I haven't dropped at least a couple more pounds.


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I was banded on the 23rd of August and recently started on full liquids (well it's been about a week). After three weeks of nothing but liquids (two clear and one full), I have actually only lost 4 pounds. I would have assumed that by the sheer drop in calories alone I would have reamed out more Water weight than that. My body seems to be clinging like grim death to every pound. I mean I know that these initial healing stages aren't accurate weight loss stages because we take out Water weight at first and then when we start back on real food we will more than likely gain some of the weight back at first, but has anyone ever had this problem? I am seriously NOT cheating, I am not taking in anything particularly high in calories (skim milk, the broth from vegetable Soups and lots of Crystal Lite and water), so I am a bit baffled as to why I haven't dropped at least a couple more pounds.


Passive - How much Protein are you getting in daily?? That may be your problem - I think but not 100% sure that 99% of all the doctors want you to get a minimum of 60 grms of Protein daily. Also weight loss will depend on how much you need to lose, age and metabolism

It what you listed above is all you are eating then i am 99% sure you aren't getting your protein - I will make shakes w/unflavor powders?utm_source=BariatricPal&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_campaign=CommentLink" target="_ad" data-id="1" >unjury Protein powder 20 grams per serving - add yogurt (5 gr) - so that's 25 just for Breakfast and I will add 1/4 banana & some rasberries

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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