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I'm shocked!!! The lapband isn't magic???

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This is the wonderful part aspect of the band - we are allowed to make choices. I have spent the last 2 years watching what my thin friends eat - it is a heck of a lot less, and of better nutritional quality, that what I was eating. The band is going to allow me to eat the way they do and be satisfied. That's the difference; not being so hungry that I would be ready to eat the arm of the person next to me because I was "dieting". My new lifestyle will see me be able to make good food choices, lose some of the weight and be able to walk/exercise, and occassionally have a drink, or a piece of carrot cake. Big deal - that's what life and living is all about! I for one, intend on enjoying it.


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Something I want to add is why think of someone elses 30-40 lb loss in a year as bad. THEY LOST IT! hell I have never managed to lose 30lbs and keep it off. If the band does at least that much for me the booyah!

I plan on working my but off to be a BIG LOSER but hell I would never snarf at someones 30-40lb loss. because it is still a loss!

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I guess my approach to the band is different. I have spent a lifetime on diets...some worked and some didn't. I am an EXPERT in losing weight (as I assume most of us are)! I have succeeded in losing a lot of weight on a few diets. I have always said I know how to lose weight and I know how to gain weight....I just don't know how to maintain my weight. MAINTENANCE is the reason I am having this surgery. I am not looking at lapband surgery to make it easier for me to lose weight. I know I am going to have to make healthier food choices, cut down on my portions and exercise. But, when I reach my goal I do expect the band to assist me in maintaining my weight. I want to be at my "sweet spot" after I reach goal...not necessarily before.

When I went into my consultation with my surgeon I had to show him that I had made serious attempts to lose weight in the past and I believe this is one of the pre-requisites to being approved to have the surgery. I am self-pay as this surgery is not covered by insurance in Canada. I think paying for this surgery yourself gives the added motivation that you are doing this for the right reasons and not looking for a quick fix. I look at this as a permanent solution and not a temporary fix. Believe me, I would rather take the $16,000.00 and go on a trip to Europe with my family, put in down on my mortgage or pay for part of my dream car.:eek:

If anybody expects this to be easy then possibly their surgeon did not properly explain what their committment had to be to make this work??

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you are right, the band is a tool. if people use it properly (eat right and exercise) then it works better for them.

if people are sucking down milkshakes and whatnot, then they wont lose weight.

i am not saying that we have lots of people here doing that, but i've seen it happen. you have to use your band as it was designed - as a tool.

yes, it sucks "dieting" at times and it really sucks getting up at 4:20am to go work my @$$ off, but it is working.

:clap2: Sooooo true!!! :clap2:

It's a GREAT tool...and I DO rely on its restriction...BUT there is no way on earth I'm going to rely on it to get me past head hunger and cravings. That's all up to me. So, yes, there is a lot of head work, eating right, and exercise that must contribute to my weight loss.

I am SO thankful that I can't clean my plate any more and I can't have seconds. That is all thanks to the band! But I am the one that isn't eating tubs of ice cream...I am the one that isn't having bags upon bags of chips...I am the one that's not demolishing boxes of Cookies...I am the one that hasn't seen an empty candy bar wrapper in months...I am the one getting up at 4:30am to swim at the Y...I am the one riding my bike...That's ALL me :eek: And that's why I SHARE the credit for my loss with my buddy, the band :clap:

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As a banded patient as well as a Bariatric Nurse Coordinator. It sounds like you are ready, you are going to do great. Yes it is a tool, but it is the BEST tool that I can imagine. I was 250 lbs in june of 2006 and used my TOOL to the fullest, listened to my body and made WISE choices and lost 112 lbs in 8 months. The band is used to help hold the food in the upper stomach longer resulting in feeling full longer, it also help you get full faster resulting in less food intake. But, if you fill it with icees, snowballs, icecream etc. the band is not going to stop you at all. The important thing is Protein first and good quality foods. I am sure you are going to do great, best of luck.

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Hi All,

I'm with Bonjosie 100%


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I'm newly banded, but I read a whole lot more than I ever post. I have spent hours and hours this last week doing a lot of reading here. I have read a lot of posts that its obvious that the people recognize that this a just a TOOL to help in weight loss. I have also read many posts where people were banded 2 or more years ago and have only lost 40 lbs. How in the world is that even possible? The physics of weight loss are simple. MORE ENGERY EXPENDED THAN CONSUMED = WEIGHT LOSS... Are their really people undergoing this operation that don't understand this?

I am not judging anyone, please don't think this. But its like I see people FREAKING out if they dont feel "their restriction". What that says to me is that we are relying totally on our bands to do the work. For me I feel as if its going to be a lot more "headwork" than anything. I dunno, I could totally freak out if I don't feel it either. I just feel like as if I am scared that I will totally be dependent on the band to do everything when I know from that start that no matter what I have to do my part of eating right and moving my body.

I read the results of the studies and its right there in black and white. People with lapband lose only 30-40% of their weight? What they aren't saying is why is this happening? It could be a multitude of things. But I like many others felt this was the best course for me and am committed to do the right things and let the band be my aid. I think it just goes to show that those so called "thorough psych evals" are hogwash.

If any this doesnt make sense, forgive me. I tend to ramble when I have a lot of thoughts. Also, not trying to offend anyone. Just food for thought.

Even with all the disclaimers about nonjudgement, I find this type of post offensive. It is not even necessary to point out that others have not achieved what you deem as appropriate weightloss. That is called taking someone else's inventory. Let them worry about how much they rely on the band, and how much they move and expend. Don't we have enough of the world judging us without turning on one another? And by the way, even losing 40 pounds can translate into lower blood presure and a deacreased risk of diabetes and cancer. That equals success to me!

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Even with all the disclaimers about nonjudgement, I find this type of post offensive. It is not even necessary to point out that others have not achieved what you deem as appropriate weightloss. That is called taking someone else's inventory. Let them worry about how much they rely on the band, and how much they move and expend. Don't we have enough of the world judging us without turning on one another? And by the way, even losing 40 pounds can translate into lower blood presure and a deacreased risk of diabetes and cancer. That equals success to me!

I agree with Sue. Until you have the band you can't judge how someone feels. When you have lost restriction it can become VERY frustrating, it is a tool but is also a tool that needs to work, if you have no restriction then the tool may not be working!

I found your comment to be rude and offensive as well.

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I also agree with Tsunami1967 and Boo Boo. I thought this site was for support not judgement. We all know the problems that all of us face. Instead of criticising we should offer support to others having problems. I did research on Gastric by-pass and lap-band and chose the lap-band because the weight loss is slower. That is what we all have to remember. It is better to loose it slow than have it fall off very quickly! I for one want to give my body and skin the time to adjust to the weight loss. I was under the impression that it was supposed to come off at a rate of 2lbs. a week. I've seen friends who have had rapid weight loss and now need plastic surgery to fix the sagging skin. Now I am not saying I won't have that, but if I can prevent some of it I'd prefer that. We have to keep in mind that this is not a quick fix. If you think about it, in 6 months the average weight loss according to the suggested weekly weight loss should only be 52lbs. I congradulate the ones that have lossed 30 to 40lbs and I know they feel better about themselves for it. If any of you are having problems, you can talk to me and I will be your own personal cheerleader. Once again lets support each other and not judge each other!!!

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You guys have said it all. We don't need to judge other till we walk in their shoes. We are here to support each other. I haven't lost as much as other and I admit that I'm not perfect, but trying to be perfect has lead me to where I am now. So I am proud of the 31 lbs I have lost since March and I am proud that my diabetes med has been cut in half. So take pride in all that you have done and don't be so hard on us people who are not perfect to the T.

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I'm newly banded, but I read a whole lot more than I ever post. I have spent hours and hours this last week doing a lot of reading here. I have read a lot of posts that its obvious that the people recognize that this a just a TOOL to help in weight loss. I have also read many posts where people were banded 2 or more years ago and have only lost 40 lbs. How in the world is that even possible? The physics of weight loss are simple. MORE ENGERY EXPENDED THAN CONSUMED = WEIGHT LOSS... Are their really people undergoing this operation that don't understand this?

I am not judging anyone, please don't think this. But its like I see people FREAKING out if they dont feel "their restriction". What that says to me is that we are relying totally on our bands to do the work. For me I feel as if its going to be a lot more "headwork" than anything. I dunno, I could totally freak out if I don't feel it either. I just feel like as if I am scared that I will totally be dependent on the band to do everything when I know from that start that no matter what I have to do my part of eating right and moving my body.

I read the results of the studies and its right there in black and white. People with lapband lose only 30-40% of their weight? What they aren't saying is why is this happening? It could be a multitude of things. But I like many others felt this was the best course for me and am committed to do the right things and let the band be my aid. I think it just goes to show that those so called "thorough psych evals" are hogwash.

If any this doesnt make sense, forgive me. I tend to ramble when I have a lot of thoughts. Also, not trying to offend anyone. Just food for thought.

Guinessgirl - you are 1000% wright the band is only a tool and most of the work is up to you- imho i think that even thought people know this prior to surgery they still think in the back of their minds that this is the magic pill - I am doing most of the work - the band helps me feel full on a small amount of food- but i still have head hunger issues - there are a few who have metabolism problems - but they aren't the majority -

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I don't think Guiness was trying to be rude or judgemental - she never put anyone down - she stated the FACT that with the lapband it is expected that the overweight person would lose 30 to 40% of the amount of weight they needed to lose - it's the same as bypass but we have 2 yrs to do it and bypassers have to do it in one.

There are people who do lose 100% of the weight that have to lose but the statistic are that we won't. FACT ladies & Gentleman - it was in the paper work you signed and read at your doctors office.

Here is her post - where is she being judgemental - Please point it out to me cuz i am totally missing it.

I'm newly banded, but I read a whole lot more than I ever post. I have spent hours and hours this last week doing a lot of reading here. I have read a lot of posts that its obvious that the people recognize that this a just a TOOL to help in weight loss. I have also read many posts where people were banded 2 or more years ago and have only lost 40 lbs. How in the world is that even possible? The physics of weight loss are simple. MORE ENGERY EXPENDED THAN CONSUMED = WEIGHT LOSS... Are their really people undergoing this operation that don't understand this?

I am not judging anyone, please don't think this. But its like I see people FREAKING out if they dont feel "their restriction". What that says to me is that we are relying totally on our bands to do the work. For me I feel as if its going to be a lot more "headwork" than anything. I dunno, I could totally freak out if I don't feel it either. I just feel like as if I am scared that I will totally be dependent on the band to do everything when I know from that start that no matter what I have to do my part of eating right and moving my body.

I read the results of the studies and its right there in black and white. People with lapband lose only 30-40% of their weight? What they aren't saying is why is this happening? It could be a multitude of things. But I like many others felt this was the best course for me and am committed to do the right things and let the band be my aid. I think it just goes to show that those so called "thorough psych evals" are hogwash.

If any this doesnt make sense, forgive me. I tend to ramble when I have a lot of thoughts. Also, not trying to offend anyone. Just food for thought.

I think that the reason that not everyone statically doesnt' get to goal weight is that we have an Addiction and they arent always cured even with the band or bypass - we all have hear stories of banders & bypassers who gain ALL their weight back... And yes we do put the hope into this band that - that wont' be us - but how many of us have loss our weight and said "Im never going to put it back on again" and then turned around and put it all back on if not more

We can't put our head in to the sand and pretend this isnt fact. is it hitting to close to home. is that why everyone want to jump on her.

Am I suppose to be supportive of you eating ten candy bars a day and crying that you aren't lossing weight -H*LL NO... this is all the poor girl was talking about - And I will stand my her on the firing lines

Cuz if you get on here and tell me you are eating candy - i am going to be surportive about the what ever is causing you to eat - but as your friend - i am going to tell you - pull those boot straps up and get back on the Band Wagon - cuz drowning your sorrow in food ain't cutting it..

Also some times we need a little slap in the face to wake us up and not go back to our old destructive eating habit.

We are FAT and we all got here by sticking fork after fork of food in our mouths and not exercising - Eating high fat - high surgar foods and in large quanities...

What we have to change is our brains - it's too bad they can't band them - then we wouldn't be having this discussion...

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I also agree with Tsunami1967 and Boo Boo. I thought this site was for support not judgement. We all know the problems that all of us face. Instead of criticising we should offer support to others having problems. I did research on Gastric by-pass and lap-band and chose the lap-band because the weight loss is slower. That is what we all have to remember. It is better to loose it slow than have it fall off very quickly! I for one want to give my body and skin the time to adjust to the weight loss. I was under the impression that it was supposed to come off at a rate of 2lbs. a week. I've seen friends who have had rapid weight loss and now need plastic surgery to fix the sagging skin. Now I am not saying I won't have that, but if I can prevent some of it I'd prefer that. We have to keep in mind that this is not a quick fix. If you think about it, in 6 months the average weight loss according to the suggested weekly weight loss should only be 52lbs. I congradulate the ones that have lossed 30 to 40lbs and I know they feel better about themselves for it. If any of you are having problems, you can talk to me and I will be your own personal cheerleader. Once again lets support each other and not judge each other!!!

It's not the manner in which you lose weight that causes your skin to sag it's your genitics and how long your skin has been pushed out. Thinks of a plastic garbage bag - fill it with 5 lbs of rock hold it and then take them out - bag didn't sag - now put 100 lbs of rocks in that bag - watch the bag streach and now take the rocks out - is the bag still streached out - yes... and if you are lucky enought to have some great genes - and haven't been fat for a long period of time - you might not need surgery regardless..

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I was banded in July and my husband thought I would lose more weight. It's a slow process. In a way, I am sorry I told people, because I think they were expecting a more dramatic weight loss. I thought it would be faster too.

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