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Lap-Band Failure Rates

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I was banded in 07 and was told yesterday I have slippage and need fix or replace and not sue I will have it replaced but have a month to make decision. Trying to find out what others know. cardshark :(

OK, as somebody who has been banded 6+ years, I have to say that at least 60% of the people I know who were Banded around the time I was Banded or soon after no longer have their Bands. I know that if I post something like this in the General forums... I get a lot of hands over eyes and mouth saying "no no no ... that can't be true..." because most newly Banded people do not want to hear this. I can't find any concrete statistics from Inamed/Allergan.. nor do I think they keep them (or want to keep them)... but I did find this study:

A 10-year experience with laparoscopic gastric ban...[Obes Surg. 2006] - PubMed Result

I guess I'm feeling bad because I one person I tried to convince to try the Band has just had to have her Band completely unfilled due to severe reflux... and she is barely one year out. She's loss maybe 40% of what she needed to, but is now, regaining. I think that so many of us try to paint the Band as positive that we don't talk about the negative... and that we don't accept/realize that this surgery really isn't successful for a lot of people... this study shows a nearly 43% failure rate at 5 years.

Laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding versus Rou...[surg Obes Relat Dis. 2007 Mar-Apr] - PubMed Result

This study shows a failure rate of 35% at 5 years for the Band.

I wonder what the real figures are. I'd love to know.

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I found out on Friday that my band had slipped for the 2nd time. The first time we tried to correct it with a complete unfill and then slowely adding Fluid back. After a year of doing that and no weight loss, it was determined that it had slipped again. Therefore, I am having the band removed and the gastric bypass done instead. I guess you can say that I now get to be added to the "failure rate" of the band. But you know what? I would do it all over again in a second. Yes, the complications are horrible at times and sometimes not getting to eat like a normal person was frusterating....but I lost over 150 pounds at one point, I have kept 100 of those pounds off 5 years later. I have learned to love myself and be confident, those are things that I would have never gained without this band. The band changed my life, if even only for 5 years. For that I will be forever greatful wether you call my band a failed band or not. Just my thought!!! :)

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I kept getting the "come visit us again" emails and never did...until today...and there you are!

I'm looking up exactly what you posted about for my sister, who--she must have been drunk at the time after watching ME suffer for three years--mentioned the LapBand. I've talked her down from that--her BMI is like 54 or something and she's old like me...it would merely be "the first step to her next surgery," as the band OFTEN (as we have learned) is--and I'm looking at those who have revised to the sleeve, as I think she'd do well with that. (She would not stay on top of the malabsorption issues and would be the first to say so. If she were here. Which I don't think she is.

How's your life?!? You finished the patio, right? And that man came home? (Did we keep him or decide it was time to change HIM out, too?)

I hope you are well.


I joined this group in 2003 when I was banded. I would be very surprised if more than 5 of the original members still had their bands. :-(

kerrib, I think it's time for you to have an endoscopy, if you haven't already.


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That may be a changeable position. Over the years, I have learned that getting the band removed is like breaking up a marriage or other relationship. At first, you kind of defend the guy because to call him names would cast doubt on YOUR decision to hook up with him in the first place. But, with a little distance and after meeting someone who DOES treat you right, you can finally say that the first guy was an asshole and you should never have put up with his BS for that long.

For years now, I've watched "band survivors" go through those stages. They probably don't happen to EVERYONE, but be prepared that they could happen to you.


I found out on Friday that my band had slipped for the 2nd time. The first time we tried to correct it with a complete unfill and then slowely adding Fluid back. After a year of doing that and no weight loss, it was determined that it had slipped again. Therefore, I am having the band removed and the gastric bypass done instead. I guess you can say that I now get to be added to the "failure rate" of the band. But you know what? I would do it all over again in a second. Yes, the complications are horrible at times and sometimes not getting to eat like a normal person was frusterating....but I lost over 150 pounds at one point, I have kept 100 of those pounds off 5 years later. I have learned to love myself and be confident, those are things that I would have never gained without this band. The band changed my life, if even only for 5 years. For that I will be forever greatful wether you call my band a failed band or not. Just my thought!!! :)

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Complication here as well. Three years ago my band slipped. A complete unfil got it back in place but each time any amt of fill is added it slips again so I've been unfilled now more than two years.

After being at goal, I eventually gained back 40 pounds. The band itself provides some restriction so I've given up on having fills and have joined Weight Watchers. I've lost 10 pounds in about a month, so weight is headed in the right direction.

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It's interesting to see how many of us relative "oldies" have made their way over to this thread. I'd love to see a poll of how many of us have either lost our bands, or need to lose them (as in my case - I'm working on approval for a revision). Or are having complications that aren't yet being properly diagnosed -- I was treated as someone who first needed a series of unfills, then who needed to change eating habits, then who was just "one of those" responding unfavorably.

OP is more generous than me. I'm going on 6 years out, and would have to cite the failures I've seen upwards of 75% - 80%. I've seen it at abou t95% or higher for women who have had babies with a band.

I do not have much faith in the lap-band (or any other brand of AGB) as a long-term solution. I'm just not seeing enough people keep their bands.

I was diagnosed with a slip last month. I believe it happened in 2008 (when I had an onset of stnrage symptoms, that didn't seem to add up to a "slip"), but my body is tolerating it. As in - I still have moderate restriction, I am not getting sick, etc. But my slip was described to me as "profound" and options such as unfill for self-repositioning, or surgical repositioning are not an option. My options were "live with it like this, and since you're tolerating it, maybe you can even get a fill some day" or "removal." I'm going removal, and revision to a sleeve.

Years ago my surgeon told me my band would slip if I didn't follow the rules. I'm not a model bandster - I eat carbs, I'm not a rigorous exerciser... but I followed the rules, and even better than rules if it worked out better for me.

I don't hate my band. I'm sad to see it go. I didn't have constant misery or pain, I didn't hate the consequences it enforced, or intolerances, or a lot of the other "baddies" people often experience. It helped me lose 175 pounds and if it hadn't moved, I would still be happy keeping it. Though I would be more and more wary that it's probably gonna have to come out one of these days.

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I was busy forming my reply in my head when I read Mandi's post---and she said it for me!!!

Yes the results of this study, several years old, are still studying the first lap bands installed (???right word????). The fact with ANY surgical procedure is that the first ones teach them things...how we respond today will help them with how they band people next year or the year after.

We had the benefit of their failures, to help our surgeons develop new techniques to reduce the complications cited.

I have no doubt they still exist. But we have no idea what post op plan these patients were given in 2003. We have no idea if they were warned of the vomiting issues.

Years ago they developed a band, and it was not adjustable. People lost weight well, but when they lost to a point of no restriction, they began regaining weight. That band, led them to develop the adjustable band. The failure rate of it was high---but look where it led us!

One of the MAJOR advantages of the band, is our ability to move on to other different surgeries, if there is a safer, better surgery found.

This is in no way meant to flame, not at all, I just wanted to try to keep in mind when the study was done, and how we are benefitting from the study as we speak!


So what are the current results of the band?

I'd like to hear what type of results are happening now if the methods have changed.

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I agree 100% with you - I was self pay and would do it again in a heartbeat---

Wow, this is scary! I was banded 8 days ago! I want a refund! Haha, just kidding... I too read a lot about the stats and understood and understand the risks of this surgery. It is not created to make you lose all you excess weight and then you look like Pam Anderson! Going into this, I knew that I had to diet and exercise along with the band to guarantee weighloss.

In addition, I did a lot of research on erosion and slippage, etc. There are precautions you can take to decrease these risks. Like the doctor said, "You have to take care of your band." And that's true. I am not relying on the band to just suck all the fat out. I hope people feel the same way.

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Dyingbreed, I have no idea what the new stats are, I am personally no longer researching it! I realize it is not an ideal solution, I am fairly well convinced there is not an ideal. There are problems with any WLS, and drawbacks to any weight loss program, one of the biggest being that WE have to WORK it. The fact that most of us are not very good at that is part of what landed us here needing it. If they could band our brains, or bypass the problem areas of them, perhaps it would be easier!

I made it to my goal weight, went through some personal problems, very emotional time in regards to my daughters health, and I was put on steroids due to recurring hives, and I regained almost 40 pounds. I have been unfilled for 3 years now. Not due to a problem, but I was unfilled in preparation for an unrelated surgery, and I have a history of vomitting with anesthesia, so I was unfilled, and never had an issue with regaining, so never had myself filled again. I have the old band, which will hold 4 cc.'s and at my fullest, I had 1.5. So I have NEVER been super tight. I prefer it that way. The band itself gives me mild restriction, and I am happy with it.

Since that time, I have lost part of the regained weight, and I know, if I were to exercise, and be serious about it, I could lose the rest....I am simply complacent. I am in a size 10, and for my height of 5'9" I feel comfortable there. I would love to lose the wings I now have as opposed to arms, but......life goes on, and I wear sleeves! LOL I was in a car accident in January, and have been seeing a Dr. 3 X a week since then, I am now doing physical therapy, and lo and behold, I am losing some inches again! LOL I t works when I do.

Sorry, I am not up to date on stats. I know they are out there, I found them when I was researching getting banded.

Sleeves were not being done when I was banded, but I am still uncomfortable with removal of my stomach! I like the ability to be returned to my before shape I guess----not really, I am glad that shape is gone! Not sure what I would have chose if it had been an option, I know I would have researched it as well. I did the bypass, as well as the band, and another option at the time. Then made the choice I was comfortable with. It was still fairly new.......and as with all things, they learn more, with each one done, and as the days and years go by, and it may be that they learn that banding is not the best option. For me, it got me off of ALL prescription meds, for High Blood Pressure, pre-diabetes, arthritis........my blood pressure is normal, my blood sugars are normal, and my knees do not ache when I walk. I can go in any store around and buy clothes, I have energy, and the ability to exercise, where before it hurt! It might not be for everybody, and it might not be for any of us forever, but I know the last 6 years with the weight going down as opposed to up---have added not just length but amazing quality to my life! I have learned healthier eating habits, and through these boards, I have found a support system that I fully lacked before----they know the struggles, they know the daily work it takes, they "get it". Some of them, most actually, are still banded, a couple are now sleeved, and one is now bypassed.......but they are still support------we ALL just want to find something that works for us. It is not a one size fits all.

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Dyingbreed, I have no idea what the new stats are, I am personally no longer researching it! I realize it is not an ideal solution, I am fairly well convinced there is not an ideal. There are problems with any WLS, and drawbacks to any weight loss program, one of the biggest being that WE have to WORK it. The fact that most of us are not very good at that is part of what landed us here needing it. If they could band our brains, or bypass the problem areas of them, perhaps it would be easier!

I made it to my goal weight, went through some personal problems, very emotional time in regards to my daughters health, and I was put on steroids due to recurring hives, and I regained almost 40 pounds. I have been unfilled for 3 years now. Not due to a problem, but I was unfilled in preparation for an unrelated surgery, and I have a history of vomitting with anesthesia, so I was unfilled, and never had an issue with regaining, so never had myself filled again. I have the old band, which will hold 4 cc.'s and at my fullest, I had 1.5. So I have NEVER been super tight. I prefer it that way. The band itself gives me mild restriction, and I am happy with it.

Since that time, I have lost part of the regained weight, and I know, if I were to exercise, and be serious about it, I could lose the rest....I am simply complacent. I am in a size 10, and for my height of 5'9" I feel comfortable there. I would love to lose the wings I now have as opposed to arms, but......life goes on, and I wear sleeves! LOL I was in a car accident in January, and have been seeing a Dr. 3 X a week since then, I am now doing physical therapy, and lo and behold, I am losing some inches again! LOL I t works when I do.

Sorry, I am not up to date on stats. I know they are out there, I found them when I was researching getting banded.

Sleeves were not being done when I was banded, but I am still uncomfortable with removal of my stomach! I like the ability to be returned to my before shape I guess----not really, I am glad that shape is gone! Not sure what I would have chose if it had been an option, I know I would have researched it as well. I did the bypass, as well as the band, and another option at the time. Then made the choice I was comfortable with. It was still fairly new.......and as with all things, they learn more, with each one done, and as the days and years go by, and it may be that they learn that banding is not the best option. For me, it got me off of ALL prescription meds, for High Blood Pressure, pre-diabetes, arthritis........my blood pressure is normal, my blood sugars are normal, and my knees do not ache when I walk. I can go in any store around and buy clothes, I have energy, and the ability to exercise, where before it hurt! It might not be for everybody, and it might not be for any of us forever, but I know the last 6 years with the weight going down as opposed to up---have added not just length but amazing quality to my life! I have learned healthier eating habits, and through these boards, I have found a support system that I fully lacked before----they know the struggles, they know the daily work it takes, they "get it". Some of them, most actually, are still banded, a couple are now sleeved, and one is now bypassed.......but they are still support------we ALL just want to find something that works for us. It is not a one size fits all.

I'm just nervous because I would be a self pay, and dropping $17k for something that will go bad by the time I have it paid off would suck.

I don't want to go through all of this, and then 5 years later need to get it removed.

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Thanks for sharing your personal stories everyone. I have a slippage and am angry right now. I started having problems at the end of last summer. I couldn't eat anything and was throwing up everyday. I had a upper GI fluoroscopy and was told I was fine. I wanted all the liquid taken out for a few months to let my system recover, but said no that I should just have some liquid taken out. I listen to my doctor for fear of gaining weight (which he said would happen guarantee) and only had 1 cc taken out. He's a doctor and I'm not, he should know best. However, I made it clear I had stomach aches and something didn't feel right with a list of my symptoms. I have been to 3-4 visits these past few months and each time is i was unfilled a little bit, so I felt better. Now my band is in the middle of my stomach instead of at the top it has been slipping slowly for the last 9 months. I should have listen to my gut instinct.

My timeline:

-2 1/2 years with the band (lost 70 lbs total)

-First 6 months not much weightless, higher filled each doctor visit

-6 to 17 months lost weight

-1.5 years with the band had my first problem

-Went through a year of lower adjustments and now need surgery

-This past year no major weight loss or weight gain (3-9 lbs up and down)

Whoever is reading this, I'm not pro or anti-band right now... I am angry and scared. I don't want to have another surgery. I have less than a week to make up my mind and don't know if I should have the band removed or repositioned. I have no answers or insights just questions.

Good luck to all who are having problems and hope we each come to the conclusion that is best for each one of us. Any more info, studies or advise, please keep sharing.

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I don't want to discourage people from doing what they want to, it's your body... and I will tell you that for a while, the band DID work for me, until it DIDN'T. Now, I am band-free, but gaining. And gaining.

My band sprung a leak after 2 1/2 years of positive loss and changes to my life.

Would I do it again, I would have to say no. This cost me a lot of money, a lot of mental and physical anguish, and I'm headed right back to where I started (in terms of weight). Every single day has been an emotional and physical struggle since my band broke, and since it has been removed... even more.

I am struggling with taking it out after a sever slip (middle of my stomach) or having it repositioned. I am scared it could slip again or that my stomach could get more damaged and lead to other problems. Thanks for sharing your story and good luck to you and hope you have gotten through this and are living well band-free.

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I am in a similar situation, I was banded 5 years ago. I did great year one and was down 50+lbs and felt great, that's when the acid reflux began. Over the coarse of the last 4 years, I have had 4 upper endoscopies , several barium swallows, most showing nothing but reflux until last year. I had an END, last September which showed many hemorrhagic ulcerations, aka bleeding ulcers. Since then it has been a battle, acid, then pain, nausea, then diarrhea. Ugh!!! I am now set for the next upper endoscopy, having constant reflux and stomach pain, I am begging for a revision to the sleeve. I am tired of constant pain and aggravation. Bad part can't gently in for endoscopy for 2 weeks. I hope all goes well for you all and pm me if you want to talk.

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What I meant by the procedure having improved is modifications that have been made. For instance, correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't believe they used to stitch the top and bottom portions of the stomach together around the band but they do now to prevent slippage.

mandi that technique has been around for some time. i had my band in 2006 and it was stitched. my band slipped a little over a year later after losing around 70 lbs. I did have surgery to fix my band, but the dr did warn me that usually when a band slips that its common for it to slip again in the future. I still took that chance and sadly after about 1 1/2 years i had a slip again. at that point I had my band removed.

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Great original post by @@fabfatgrl back in 2007! And more recently added to by @@kjhack

Personally, I feel completely mid-sold to.

The band was sold to me as a permanent surgery. In my experience it has not been permanent and I've had to have 2 more surgeries and am awaiting a further one.

I completely agree with your point ... where are the TRUE longterm results with lapband?

My impression is that by 10-15 years out 1/3rd or more patients have had their bands removed for various different reasons like:

- weight regain

- unacceptable symptoms

- severe complications (like erosion, slip etc)

- or mechanical device failure.

I had mechanical device failure at 10 years out :( ... so clearly this influences my thinking and I am declaring this here for the sake of transparency.

I was sold the device as a PERMANENT weight loss tool. I was advised that it was not intended to be reversible and once you have it out in you should think if it as being a lifelong solution. Instead what I experienced was a TEMPORARY result and will have to have for 2 more surgeries (which I never should have needed of it really was permanent).

I am now preop conversion to gastric sleeve - as having had my band removed for mechanical failure I then regained all my weight until I'm obese again :(

I don't think we've heard the last of lapband failures and how patients have been misled by the manufacturers about the supposed success rate and as you say the lack of complete data on what happens in the longterm .

Edited by Band2Sleever

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