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Lap-Band Failure Rates

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I, of course, have to wonder how many of the people in the "failed" catagory have endrcrine problems, such as Cushing's....

It doesn't matter how much I eat, or don't eat for that matter. Calories have nothing to do with those of us with Cushing's, they seem to be irrelevent. The Band will never help us unless and until we get our endocine issues resolved.

I would so love it if an endocrine screaning was part of the pre-band work-up. I think it would save not only heart ache over not being able to lose weight with the band, but save lives too.

Strength and Courage

Absolutely - even as simple as looking for a marker for cushings- adding a cortisol check to the bloodwork would probably do wonders. It would at least point people in the right direction, be it cushings disease or cushings syndrome. At least they would know that they have an issue with their adrenals. Adding the cort-stim test would be an even better option since it would not only rule out cushings, but also it would differentiate between the disease and the syndrome in one fail swoop.

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I too was self pay, and I just told a soon to be banded member that I'd do it again in a heart beat! No regrets here.....yet, Dec will be 3 years for me, and I DO worry about losing my band.

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Has this happened to anyone else.?My surgery was all set. Pre-op is tomorrow.

Dr. Mejias office called THIS morning... ONE WEEK before surgery and said that my portion (the part insurance won't pay) is due before surgery. I had to cancel and they seemed to care less. Just said "ok". The end... my dreams dashed...



I went to see Dr. Mejias after my pre-op because the NICE folks at St. Mary's hospital told me do go ahead with pre-op and then talk to Dr. Mejias the next day (keeping my scheduled appointment) I did. Basically, he said they had just started this "new policy" and unfortunatley I had been caught in the middle and that is why I only got a week's notice that the part insurance didn't pay had to be paid ONE WEEK before surgery. He offered no payment plan. I paid off my gall bladder surgery that I had on July 25th. I got the bill from that surgery early August and paid it off on Oct. 4th.

A friend of mine (who happens to be an attorney) called the office for me and was told by the office manager that " I did not pay my bills".

I walked out.... not because I could not come up with the money but because no one has a right to treat another human being the way I have been treated by Dr. Mejias. I think they call it "God syndrome" when a doctor thinks he can treat people the way Dr. Mejais treated me. He said he would tell patients at the seminar (the one I attended 8 months ago) that they would have to pay the part that insurannce did not pay upfront from now on. Should I attend those seminarts to make sure he does or just hand out flyers before hand. People really need to know that this will happen with them. Should I take it a step further and sue because the office manager is giving out "personal information" about me. My friend is chomping at the bits to do that!

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A few things.. first, I don't see any reason to flame the OP.

The risks ARE out there. For me, I didn't want to be blind to them, I understood them going into this. But honest to God the 'risks' of not having SOMETHING done were immenent. I already had pre-diabetes, and crippling back pain at 23. I weighed my options (no pun intended!!). And Lap-Band was the best option for me. I do and did come to the realization that the band might not 'work' for me. So far, it's great. I have had to have a port revision surgery. I was devastated the day I realized I had to go back under the knife, and I am ALL self pay. So this was another blow. And by the way, the hospitals made me pay everything in advance. But I'm back on track and peachy keen again!

Anyway, my big selling point was.. if this band doesn't work for me.. I can still get RNY. I'm not planning on the band failing, and I'm working it by taking each day one at a time, but if it ends up the band won't help me get to a 'normal' weight.. I will likely have the RNY. If I had RNY and RNY didn't help me, or knowing "What if.. I could have had the reversible, healthier, and more agreeable for having kids surgery.. but instead I jumped right into RNY and now I can't undo it", it would be much more complicated.

For now, I am very happy with my decision this far! I think it was worth every penny so far. My crippling back pain is gone. I lived with it for 3 years at such a young age, and now.. poof. I would have paid $100,000 if someone said they could make that pain go away!!!

And they do place the band at a 'specific' angle now, I'm not sure exactly how recent it is, but it is different from bands years ago.. and they use the extra stitches to help it heal in place. I'm sure even a year from now, something will come up that makes it less-riskier. C'est la vie.

My doctor due to my port complication (his first port complication), now places all ports where he replaced mine at.

And I have watched the band fail someone at my doctor's office. She hasn't lost hope, in fact I don't think she realizes.. or maybe this board is just full of quick losers LOL.

She was banded January 2007.. when I went for my July fill, I was down about 40lbs at that point. She was gushing to all the other patients that she had lost 3lbs since surgery. I wouldn't be excited about that quite honestly. And she looked about my pre-band stature (120-150lbs overweight).

When we left, my husband made the remark.. you have to choose to eat right if you want to lose with it, they told you guys that (duh). But he just realized all of a sudden how much I work my band ;D

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good information. i have been doing well as far as my weight loss. id say im a success. ive lost over 100lbs. up and down 10lbs here and there. but overall steady weight loss. the acid reflux is the only down fall ive had. if i had to do it all again, id do the same thing. hopefully i can lose another 20lbs and keep it off for good.

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I loved your reply, it was very intellegent.

We do have to weigh out all of the risks, and they should be public knowlege.

I was banded a week ago, and I am praying that I am going to do well, there are lots of people who seem successfu, but I would like to know more about long term results as well.


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I agree with Mandi78.. I'm sure statistics are better nowadays with improvement of the band. Not only that but there is more information and advice for living with the band so people know what they can and cannot eat, as well as how to tell if they are at the right fill or not.. I would still rather have the surgery at risk of failure..than KNOWING that I'm doomed to be fat the rest of my life if I stay as I am.

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You've got to wonder what the source of those problems with the band is in a lot of cases - the erosion, slippage, pouch dilation.

I mean, the major problem with the band is that it is user driven. And in any group of majorly obese people, you are definitely going to find a huge percentage of people who simply cannot remain complaint in terms of what they eat, how much they eat etc. I really wonder how much user error is involved.

What I'd really like to know is what can *I* expect and how can I influence that?

I mean can a totally complaint person who works on developing good habits, incorporates a lot of exercise, eats the right foods and doesnt have their band tight - does not PB and have overfill episodes etc has regular care but not a lot of mucking around filling and unfilling their band expect to keep their band and keep their weight off?

Because that's my personal experience of banding and I'm not blowing my own horn and suggesting I'm morally superior because I've been "good" and done it "right". But it is blatantly obvious to me that not many people have such a smooth journey. And I wonder how much the fills and the tight restrictions and the PBing etc contributes to the poor outcome over the longer term?

It would be nice to feel safe but unfortunately I think we all took this risk when we decided to be banded, I dont see why you should be flamed for posting it, but yeah, people dont necessarily want to think about it early on.

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None of the surgerys are 100% effective.

Rny shows that after the initial WL 3-5 years later PT start to gain weight back. There new stomach pouch has gotten bigger.

Vertical banding patients most likely will end up with the and later one.

Many RNY PT have to have surgery again or are now getting the LB.

I work with someone who had RNY 6 years ago she wishes that she had the band now. Her biggest complaint is that she doesn't have restriction any longer.

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This reply will probably not be very popular, even on this thread. I was banded about 1.5 years ago. I lost about 15 pounds before the surgery and another 30+ shortly thereafter...much due to limited eating (protein shakes and soft foods) as well as a great deal of exercise. During this time, I was regularly PB'ing as well as just plain vomiting. Numerous attempts were made to find the ostensible "sweet spot" but either there was no restriction or I was vomiting. When I first mentioned to my surgeon some months ago that perhaps the band was not for me, he said that he had never had to remove one...thus cowed, I agreed to give it another shot. After yet another adjustment and several more months of vomiting due to as little as a sip of liquid or a small, well-chewed bite of egg, I flat out told him I wanted it removed. I never knew when the vomiting would happen....sometimes in my waste basket at work, other times I managed to make it to the nearest sink or toilet,several times in a napkin at a restaurant...definitely no way to live. By the way, I should tell you that during all this intermittent vomiting, I also managed to re-gain all the weight I had lost except for my pre-band loss, as when I wasn't vomiting, I had no restriction. About a month ago, I quit all the low/no fat junk as well as processed foods and went to "real foods", ie, organic raw milk (yes, real, creamy full-fledged milk), meat, butter, eggs, cheese, vegetables. I am now easily sated and have lost 11 pounds. In addition, I feel terrific...my blood pressure is down considerably (108/70) and my energy level has exponentially increased. The only problem that remains is the intermittent vomiting due to the band, which will, thankfully be removed in early November. My regular physician said that the surgery to remove it is less risky than having this piece of plastic in my gut which could, at any time erode. What was I thinking? We fat folk are so desperate to try anything that we will, in fact, try anything. For me, I'll be grateful to be done with it and simply go on eating real food which, unlike the no/low fat nutrition-void, chemical filled junk we pump into our systems, actually satisfies and assists in weight loss. Check out your local organic farms...buy local, know your food source...try sites like the Weston A. Price Foundation and learn to love real food again. You may want to read a book called "An Unburdened Life" which can be ordered from this site. I wish you all the best.

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Sorry you had such a poor time with your band Scout. I am one of the lucky ones who does eat whole foods, and drinks whole milk(can't stand the watery blue skim stuff!), I also prefer real butter, to the low fat margarines...with my band in place, and helping me to limit how much I eat of pretty much everything! The only thing that has given me real problems were a glazed donut (like I really needed it!!!) and a piece of popcorn chicken that I slipped into old habits with, and did not chew well enough. I continue to eat the chicken...and to do my best to avoid the donuts!!!

I do not believe there is any one answer to everyone. The band is working for me, and has for many before me. It has also obviously failed for some.

Most medical interventions are that way---a certain medication will work for some and not others. I wish you luck on finding what works for you. Hope your new avenue is the right one for you.


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thanks for the post fabfatgirl. I actually had my consultation today and brought up the long-term complications with banding and I've been told that the issues of complications are isolated mainly to the old Inamed and VG lap bands because the bands were less flexible and often input too tight on patients. I've been told that lap banding IS still considered to continue to be the main weight loss surgery of choice and that mini-gastric bypass is set to be obsoleted in the future. The new AP band is larger (I saw one today) which prevents the fitting frmo benig too tight..more flexible than the older style bands..and the balloon style band is designed to cushion the stomach and prevent erosion. I'm not sure how long the AP band has been in use but I've been told by my surgeon that there have been no complications with it at this point. I was advised that the European and Inamed brands were inferior and that the AP band is now the best choice for new banders.

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Hi All...

I thought I'd do a short update on my successful band removal yesterday. Everything went well and I was able to come home late in the afternoon. I'm feeling so much better now that the band is gone. Here is something to keep an eye on. The surgeon who removed it found that it had been causing scar tissue to build up on my liver. This would not have been caught had I not made the wise decision to have it removed. Apparently, the band had been rubbing against my liver, thus causing the scar tissue. I have no idea how much damage was done but will certainly be following up on this with my doctor. So...after 1.5 years of PBing and vomiting, I now have liver damage. Boy, I am so glad to be free of this thing. If I could share one bit of advice, it would be to encourage those of you, whether successful or unsuccessful with the band, to please have yourself checked out for possible complications that you may not even be aware of, which could be doing significant physical damage. As in my previous reply, I plan to remain on my organic, whole foods regime, continue to increase my exercise at a reasonable rate, and enjoy the steady weight loss I am experiencing without the nasty side effects of the band. I wish you all health and success. God bless.

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I was advised that the European and Inamed brands were inferior and that the AP band is now the best choice for new banders.

This doesn't make any sense as Inamed/Allergan makes the AP Band. :confused: The company was once known as Bioeneterics... then became Inamed...and then was bought out by Allergan...but it's ALL the same.

Obtech was known as the Swedish Band but were bought by Ethicon-Endo (Johnson & Johnson)... so once again, same thing. In the States they're using the brand name Realize.

Mid-Band was a French company that we don't hear about here in the States.

The AP is supposed to be an improvement over previous models... but they're all based on the same basic design. I don't think the AP Band has been out long enough for them to honestly say whether or not there are a lot of complications. I hope it's better... but still... I'm a little skeptical.

BTW, Allergan is recruiting people for a clinical trial of the AP Band...so I don't think they really know how this will perform long-term

Clinical Trial: LAP-BAND AP Early Experience Trial (APEX)

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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