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:help:well im 17 years old and weigh 250 and considering the lap band procedure...im a bit scared and have been reading manyyy posts about it....but i want to ask a few questions of my own and get some of my own stuff figured out....my moms insurance covers it...I am being homeschooled for this year if i do do this so that way it doesnt interfere with school in anyway then i will go back during my next year(as a senior in high school) ok sooooo... god i dont even know where to start.... if anyone answers any of them i will be veryyyy happy! :eek:

when you apply to get the lap band how long does it take for them to let you get it? do you have to lose weight first?

does it really hurt that bad? i can deal with quite a bit of pain but i dont want to be in agony....

is it really hard to have only liquids? im scared i wont be able to hold my urges back did anyone else have this problem?

Does anyone have a certain thing they had to give up for this surgery? how hard was it? I am a bigg soda drinker does anyone have any suggestions on how to cut it back before the surgery?

What are some problems people have been having due to this surgery? has anything been stressfull?

Does this really work? if i do get it can i count on loosing some weight? I mean i know it comes in due time but how long does it take? weeks months years?

lol i know alot of questions but i really need to get some of them answered to help me decide...still going...

anyone my age got it done and succeeded?

are the cravings really hard to overcome?

do you have to have a certain BMI to get it done?

if some people my age read this can you give me tips on how you got through it?

does anyone puke after a few days getting used to not eating so much?

How is sleeping, sitting, going to the bathroom and so forth? is it hard?

and lastly for now.... is it all worth it? have most of you had success or not?

well thats all i can think of at the moment i know i have more lol...i know people have different preffrences on things and different ways but i want to hear how others did it and how they feel and how they got through it thank you all verryyyyy much...i dont look at this as a cure all but i think it could help my self esteem and how i feel about the way i look and being in high school its really hard....:help:

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hi there, you sure do have alot of questions!!!LOL!!! Have you talked with your Dr. and His ir her nurses? I was very lucky to have delt with a terrific team...my nurse had it done about 10 months before i did.

personally it only took my insurance about 1 month for my approval letter. the wait was for the surgeon to have the opening to perform it. i was approved in feb and didn't have the surgeory until may.

I'm not a big fan of pain myself but i would have to say that it wasn't that bad. my stomach was sore where the largest incision was made but i went back to work 6 days after.

i would have to say that the liquid thing was a little hard... i was hungry, but i just called my nurse and she had me come in for my first fill. you might have the cravings for awhile but then your body gets used to not having it. being that you are a pop drinker i would have to tell you the you will not be drinking pop anymore. it literally makes my stomack hurt...so sweet and fizzy!!!!! the carbination is a terrible thing with the lap band.

i am post -op about 16 months now and i have lost between 75 and 80 lbs. i had 95 to lose when i started...it comes off slower then the gastric bypass persons but let me tell you this.... i don't have the hanging skin my friends have the had the gb. i have a bit more weight to lose and the summer is hard for me because my family is always camping and on the go so the whole eating thing is tuffer in the summer for me. don't get me wrong... i am still loosing...just not as fast as when i am 100% faithful.

you asked about the bmi...yes it has to be 40 or above or you need to have some co-morbibities. i started at 265 and my bmi was 42. i am 5 foot 6 inches. my bmi is in the low 30's now.

you asked if it was worth it.........YES!!!!!!!!!!! i would do it agin in a heart beat!! you will never regret having this life changing surgeory. i have never had any problems and i can do anything i want to. you asked about setting and bathroom and such... you don't even know that it's there once you heal. i mean... you can feel the port but nothing hurts. I am inthe dental perfession and i lean over alot and i have no problems.....

well... good luck to you!! I hope everything goes well for you... keep the faith and things will go smoothly for you as they did for me....

nmgirl....16 months post op and healthy as ever!!

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Hi Cortney

I am in the second month of my 3 month approval process so I haven't had the surgery yet. I will say though you have come to the right place to get answers to your questions so you can make a well informed decision. As a person who was the "perfect" weight at 17 and who definitely isn't now, I think that you wanting to get things under control now is a good thing. I am 41 and have type II diabetes which I know was brought on by my weight as well as hypertension and sleep apnea. Once I made the decision to have the lapband versus the gastric bypass I haven't had any feelings of doubt whatsoever. Since I have started the process I have been so happy I can't stand it. It took me two years to make a decision so it wasn't done overnight. I did my research, found this website, and have talked to many people. I did this as a birthday present to myself this year because I feel I'm worth it. I don't have the highest self esteem, but I love myself enough to want to stick around for a long time. I have a good support system with my friends, family, and now my "extended lapband family".

So Cortney, ask as many questions as you need to make you comfortable in making your decision. Let your mom know about the website and let her take a look at some of the information as well. Good luck in whatever you decide.

One of the questions you asked about was drinking soda. I was a heavy soda drinker myself, 4-6 a day. Its not for everybody, but I quit cold turkey. I had gone to diet sodas, but I believe it made me retain Water. So I just told myself no more sodas. I drink tea (there are so many different flavored sugar free teas on the market), Crystal Light (I get the generic brand from Walmart) and water. I haven't always liked water, but I drink mine with alot of ice. Wylers also has a drink mix similar to Crystal Light (Crystal Light is very expensive) and there is also a brand of fruit drink called Fuse thats pretty tasty. I also drink alot of Vitamin Water (the one Kelly Clarkson promotes) and its pretty good also. Hope that helps. Let us know what you decide. We're here for you.

Donna W


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when you apply to get the lap band how long does it take for them to let you get it? do you have to lose weight first? I had to wait a year after getting on my husband's health insurance, then it was a fairly quick process for me. I did not have to lose any weight prior to surgery.

does it really hurt that bad? I won't lie to you every surgery hurts at some point in time. It was more gas pain for me (the gas they pump into you) and just not being able to do anything for a few days.

is it really hard to have only liquids? not really, as long as you get the mind set that is all you can have. I had to do liquids for two weeks prior to banding and then the usual amount after banding. I thought I was gonna die without eating solid foods. I survived you will too. im scared i wont be able to hold my urges back did anyone else have this problem? temptation was always there, because I still had to cook for my husband and cook at my job.

Does anyone have a certain thing they had to give up for this surgery? I really didn't give up anything, only while on the liquid stage, and of course the junk food.how hard was it? I survived but the temptation is always there. I do give in at times, but there are things that I just cant eat. (For example any kind of fastfood burger...ugh, I just can't digest them and don't eat at those places anymore!)I am a bigg soda drinker does anyone have any suggestions on how to cut it back before the surgery? try switching to diet soda, then switch to crystal light, sugar free koolaid, flavored waters and things that are healthy and alright after surgery. Trust me most people cannot tolerate the carbonation after surgery.

What are some problems people have been having due to this surgery? I suffer from Constipation. But I had hard stools and problems prior to surgery, these problems have only gotten worse. I assume I have a slow digestive tract and it works at it's own pace. My doc has encouraged me to use benefiber, flax seed and up the Water and Fiber. I have done all of these things and more. I know others suffer as well with the same problems. has anything been stressfull?no not really, just having to adjust to the bathroom routine and trying to get things going.

Does this really work? yes, but you have to work the band, it doesn't do it all for you, it isn't a magic pill or potion. you have to eat right, drink your water, and exercise. if i do get it can i count on loosing some weight? you will initially loose weight without even trying while you are on the liquid phase. Then it will slowly slack off till your first fill, then as long as you follow the diet & exercise regimen you will succeed. some people lose slower than others so dont be discouraged. I mean i know it comes in due time but how long does it take? it varies from person to person. Most people lose around 100lbs in their first year to two years, some people more, some less.

lol i know alot of questions but i really need to get some of them answered to help me decide...still going...

anyone my age got it done and succeeded? I am not sure

are the cravings really hard to overcome? some are, my sweet tooth gets the best of me around my period time each month.

do you have to have a certain BMI to get it done? it varies with each doctor and clinic

if some people my age read this can you give me tips on how you got through it? a heating pad, my hubby's oversized recliner. plenty of sugar free pop ice and healthy liquids to start!

does anyone puke after a few days getting used to not eating so much?you cant puke after having the band, you will have to have anti naseua meds if you get the stomach flu or feel like throwing up

How is sleeping, sitting, going to the bathroom and so forth? answered up above, as for the sleeping I was most comfortable in my hubby's recliner for about 10 days after surgery, it was too uncomfotable to lay flat on my back, on either side and no way on my stomach.

and lastly for now.... is it all worth it? have most of you had success or not? yes, even if I never lose another ounce, i feel better, have more confidence, am healthier and have more energy! Best of luck!

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Thank you soooooooo much for your help :eek: no i have not talked to my doctor yet i think im going to take my time with this....what is a fill in the band? i keep hearing about it but what is it?

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The Fill Is When They Tighten The Band Around Your Stomach. It Restricts How Fast The food Travels Between Your Pouch And You Stomach. Its Actually Not Painful Either. My Dr Always Uses Lidocaine So Things Are Very Comfortable. I Have Had About 5 Or 6 Fills, But On The Other Hand I Have Also Had Releases. My Band Seems To Get Really Tight Around My Period And That Is When I Need Fluid Taken Out Sometimes. Right Now I Have 2.9 In My Band And I Am Golden Right Here. I Am Loosing And Can Eat The Proper Amounts. Good Luck To You!!

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when you apply to get the lap band how long does it take for them to let you get it? do you have to lose weight first?

It all depends on your individual insurance. Some have had approval within days, others it takes months, and is often denied, and requires an appeal. I would call the insurance company, or have your Mom, and find out what they require, most have different requirements before they will pay for it.

does it really hurt that bad? i can deal with quite a bit of pain but i dont want to be in agony....

In my own experience, this qualified as discomfort, not pain, I have had surgery before, and this was much less painful. But again it varies from person to person. Your young age, and overall health will be in your favor.

is it really hard to have only liquids? im scared i wont be able to hold my urges back did anyone else have this problem?

It takes discipline yes, we all had struggles from time to time with the liquids only phase. I found coming here, and venting, and hearing I was not alone helped me lots! Also that is when I began walking, because it got me away from anything I could eat, until the worst of the urge passed. As you learn more about the actual surgery itself, you will understand the importance of following especially the post op diet, and knowledge is power, it helps you overcome the cravings.

Does anyone have a certain thing they had to give up for this surgery? how hard was it? I am a bigg soda drinker does anyone have any suggestions on how to cut it back before the surgery?

I quit all soda--diet included--about 2 months prior to my surgery, began weaning myself off of lots of different sugar loaded things. It helps after the surgery with the cravings. Same with carbs...carbs make you crave carbs. This is not to say you will never be able to eat them again, just that during the hardest part, the liquid phase, being off of them before, helps keep you from craving them so badly following.

What are some problems people have been having due to this surgery? has anything been stressfull?

The big issues are slippage, where the band slides up or down, and you lose restriction. The other is erosion, where the band works its way into the stomach itself. Both as a whole are very rare. More common issues, include being over filled, and needing a quick unfill, acid reflux, and esophagus dilation, which can be helped by a few days of liquids again. Other issues include, Hair loss in some people (I was one) but it does grow back, and you do not lose it all! And an inability to eat some foods, at different levels of restriction.

Does this really work? if i do get it can i count on loosing some weight? I mean i know it comes in due time but how long does it take? weeks months years?

I actually lost weight prior to surgery, and my Dr. was not one who required that. But losing the sugar and flour, trying to help the cravings, caused me to lose pounds too! I am almost a year and a half out and have lost over 100 pounds. There is a woman who was banded the same time I was who has lost well over 200 pounds!!! Others have lost less, but, a lot of it depends on you---you can and you will lose with the band, if you work the band, and pay attention to eating healthy. The band makes doing that much, much easier, without the constant hunger.

lol i know alot of questions but i really need to get some of them answered to help me decide...still going...

anyone my age got it done and succeeded?

I really can't help you there---I have no idea. There was a 12 year old girl made the news not long ago for having it done---so yes it is being done. I personally do not know any to offer any info from.

are the cravings really hard to overcome?

Some are, others just go away, your tastes begin to change. I find foods high in fat not too tasty anymore, chewing them well, leaves a yucky coating in my mouth---I find I just don't care to have them anymore.

do you have to have a certain BMI to get it done?

This is a question the first call to the insurance should answer. Most surgeons I think require a BMI of 35. Less sometimes with serious co morbidities---high blood pressure, diabetes, sleep apnea etc.

if some people my age read this can you give me tips on how you got through it?

Hope they do!!!!

does anyone puke after a few days getting used to not eating so much?

We do our version of puking occasionally, here it is referred to as a PB---the biggest difference, is there is nothing but thick saliva (known here as slime) and the chewed food, no stomach acids, they are in the lower stomach, and do not get passed the band. It hurts to eat too much and PB---so it is a form of aversion therapy---it is unpleasant so we try not to do it. It is also bad for the band sometimes, it increases your risk for a slippage, and most of us have come to love and rely on our bands, have been highly successful with them, so we really do not want to lose them!!!

How is sleeping, sitting, going to the bathroom and so forth? is it hard?

The first days out of surgery, you move carefully, you have incisions etc. After that I don't have any issue with the band and sleeping, or sitting. I eat Cereal, or I have Constipation issues, because I eat less, bulky food.

and lastly for now.... is it all worth it? have most of you had success or not?

I would do it again in a heartbeat! I would take my Mother or my Daughter for it if they needed it---I am so pleased with my results, and the health I have regained---it was 100% without a doubt worth it!!!

I was taking a handful of prescription meds before surgery, now take none!!!!

Don't worry about asking too many questions, it is how you learn!!!

Welcome !


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hi cortney,

I am at the end stages of my lap band so i think i can help you alot. like your self i was a teenager struggling with my weight, at 18 i decided to have the lap band and it changed my life. I went from being 310 pounds and wearing a size 28 to 148 pounds and wearing a size 8/6.

it took them a few weeks to get back to me on their decision and i had to have doctors write notes about how the surgery is a must for me because of health risks. it is also good to write a letter your self to your insurance company explaning why you want the surgery and how it will improve your life. i would also suggest that you send a pic along with the letter.

I am a big big baby and i can honestly say this surgery does not hurt , yes your uncomfortable the first few days from tightness in your abdomin, and you may have sholder pain for the air they fill you abdomin with when doing the surgery. but i did the surgery over christmas break and i was at the mall in 3 days and back to school walking campus and doing normal activites with in two weeks.

the liquids are a little tough but it is worth it i lost 20 pounds right before my surgery and i have learned to eat a lot of different Soups and mushy foods. if the two weeks before your surgery you feel week from not eating any solids my doc suggested having a little salad with lean turkey to re engerize myself.

I havent really given up anything i just eat it in smaller portions. steak is really difficult as are some breads but you dont even miss them after a while and you forget to crave them. I drink a lot of dite coke cause i love it and it is filling and no calories like other drinks the bubbles may be tough when the band is tight i really like crystal light for those times.

i am not going to lie there will be hard days where no food stays down but the good days and the good feelings you will feel for your self will out way all the bad days and you wont remember them.

I had my surgery almost 3 years ago and i just hit my goal weight and decided to go a little more. the first year you lose a good amount if you stick to your dite and dont cheat on high calorie drinks and Snacks that go down easy. but the weight does come off and you start to feel amazing about your self and what you are doing.

I was your age and i know it is hard to eat different things then your friends when your on a dite but this is the great thing about the band you can eat almost everything they do but you can only eat little portions of it. I seceeded and am still doing it i couldnt have done it with out my friends and family they help me and encouraged me the whole way and the compliments you get and looks from guys will amaze you.

you will get use to puking when something is stuck dont try new things out and you will know when it is stuck try lifting your arms and streching it helps the food go down sometimes.

you will sleep fine go to the bathroom less because your not eating as much.

It is absoultly worth it i would recommend it to everyone and wish i knew about it in high school before college.

if you have any questions you can email me at jey501@students.jwu.edu or flyjy99 is my aol screen name feel free to ask me anything i do a lot of talks with teenagers so i am here to help and want you to experince the self esteem boost i have it is amazing i am shopping every day in store i have never been in and are much more outgoing then before. I still see a doc about my brain catching up to my body some times i still think i am much larger then i am it takes a while to get use to looking in the mirror and being like is that really me. I hope you go through with it . good luck !!!!:eek:

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Thank you alllll sooooo very much im 100% now that i am going to do this :) just need to get the insurance to say yes and im doing it :) Thank you all for your help!!!!!!!!!!

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