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Face work - how to find a surgeon?

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Green Thanks. 9 hours is a long time to be out. I wonder if I could even get a FLift because I have asthma. My band surgery went real fast,(25 minutes). When I came to, my lung felt like I had pnuemonia. It took days to clear them of mucus.

I know one needs to find the best surgeon. Don't think I could come up with $25,000. Seems that full face lift may be out for me.

I guess you stay in house or motel, until you can go outside and avoid stares.

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I've had serval plastic surgeries, last being the lapband.

You know, I've always wanted rhinoplasty...but have been terrified. My nose is bad enough w/o a mishap.

I'd like to find a surgeon who knows about ANGLES and RATIO... not one that says "what kind of nose would you like"

I want one for MY face, based on my angles, ratio, eye settings,etc.

Oh, I'm part American Indian so I have a broad nose.

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Green Thanks. 9 hours is a long time to be out. I wonder if I could even get a FLift because I have asthma. My band surgery went real fast,(25 minutes). When I came to, my lung felt like I had pnuemonia. It took days to clear them of mucus.

I know one needs to find the best surgeon. Don't think I could come up with $25,000. Seems that full face lift may be out for me.

I guess you stay in house or motel, until you can go outside and avoid stares.

In fact you raise an interesting issue. I smoke, I had to give it up 3 weeks before the F/L, and I have always, even when I was a child, had serious problems whenever I get a cold or the flu. I come from the Mucus family and I would inevitably be left with ear or lung infections. This has continued to be a Very Bad Thing for me as an adult. I had surgery on my ear drum when I was in my late 30s because of an ear infection.

When I was going through my battery of tests to clear me for plastic surgery I had a lung X-ray and this was okay. But 6 weeks before I was due for the surgery I caught a summer cold and the end result of this was bronchitis, confirmed by another X-ray. My doc commented that she suspected that I was in fact an undiagnosed asthmatic. And it is true that we do have asthmatics in our family.

By the time I arrived for the surgery I was off antibiotics but still on two different inhalers and my lungs were kind of off norm. I mentioned this to both my surgeon and to the anaesthetist. They judged that it was safe to go ahead (and remember that no doctor, especially a high-profile plastic surgeon, wants a patient to croak on his watch) and I trusted in their judgement. The morning following the surgery I was kind of lung-y and they did have me use an inhalator and sent me home with a prescription for one.

To tell you the truth, my problems lasted a day or two and then were gone. Now I have problems again. You see, I caught another damn cold and as a result I am Lung-y. And I am still blowing my nose. This has been going on for 3 weeks now. I caught it when I went to vote in the provincial election. Ugh!

The only way you will be able to know whether your asthma will mess you up is to consult with a good surgeon. A friend of mine who only has one kidney and as a result can't tolerate long operations had fat introduced into her face and then the surgeon sculpted this so that her face looked fuller, younger, and more childlike. It certainly plumped out the wrinkles and the scrawny bits. In fact it was much cheaper, way less invasive, the recovery time was short, and she looks good. She had it done in 2 sessions and each session cost her 2Gs. But I gather that face work is complicated: it depends on how you age (saggy or scrawny/sunken), what your health is like, and how deep your pockets are.

My suggestion would be that when you are close to your goal you go visit someone good and discuss your personal situation over with him.

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I've had serval plastic surgeries, last being the lapband.

You know, I've always wanted rhinoplasty...but have been terrified. My nose is bad enough w/o a mishap.

I'd like to find a surgeon who knows about ANGLES and RATIO... not one that says "what kind of nose would you like"

I want one for MY face, based on my angles, ratio, eye settings,etc.

Oh, I'm part American Indian so I have a broad nose.

I think noses are really tricky. A friend of mine had a friend who was very attractive but who wanted her nose redone. My friend said that she ended up looking like Dick Tracy.

My mum had a big schnozz and once visited a plastic surgeon. He looked at her and said to her that she looked like a confident woman and then suggested to her that she really didn't need to have her nose redone. And so she didn't.

As for me, I like, I mean really, really like, interesting noses. I very much like the AmerInd noses which I have seen. My own schnozz is not all that small and looks Greco-Roman. My eyes are large but when I lived in France I had men swooning over my nose! Go figure.... lol

And I do agree with you. I think noses are tricky. If you have strong features a bland little nose will look pretty damn silly. If you are going to have it modified you need to have a surgeon who has an artistic eye do this for you. In fact this holds true for all face work: there must be a marriage of technical mastery and the artist. Face work ain't like TTs and Tit Jobs.

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Face work ain't like TTs and Tit Jobs.

You got that right. Face work is so much more delicate.

If a plastic surgeon ever says "so who's nose do you want?" then you better run in the opposite direction. A good surgeon takes what you have and improves it. Your nose should always look like it belongs with your face, not Angelina Jolie's face.

I had rhinoplasty when I was 17. It was my high school graduation present from my mom. My nose always bothered me. Every time I met someone new, I thought they were staring at my nose. My grandmother kept telling me that my face would grow into it. Yeah, right. She did not want me to have surgery because she had a nose job in the early 1950s and it went horribly wrong. They actually operated on her nose from the outside! It left bad scars and caused the skin and nasal valve on one side to collapse, which they could never repair successfully. She hated her appearance so much (both before and after the nose job) that she cut her face out of all the family photos. After she died, I found some photos that she missed. They were pictures of her with her original nose. The funny thing is that I had her exact same nose - the one she kept telling me was just fine and that I would grow into!

Anyway, I've never once regretted the nose job. I look so much better now. My right nasal valve did collapse 17 years after the surgery, which is not uncommon, but it was fixed with a quick reconstruction surgery.

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I must confess that one thing which I really don't get is the North American obsession with gigantic tits. I lived for some years in France, the home of haute couture, and certainly France is not a tit-obsessed country. In fact, big tits are a problem when you are wearing elegant clothes. They ruin the line of the clothing, that is to say, the way the clothes fall. Another problem is that big tits make you look fatter than you are. This is because they push the material out from your body, this makes you look even bulkier, and this is why during those years while I was fat I always wore jog bras. I wanted to smash my breasts as close to my body as possible in order to minimize my size.

I have read that designers now have to rejig their haute couture in order to fit American women because so many of them have had tits installed. I have got to confess that the giant tit thing seems much more Hugh Hefner, strip joint and trailor park than Audrey Hepburne elegant, upscale classy, or even Sex in The City. With giant jugs you simply cannot wear funky or elegant clothes without risking looking men's magazine material or worse. And then you've got to think about them implants when you are 80, incompetent and incontinent. Those boob mountains are still going to be out there and endlessly perky.

I never got the big boobs thing and I still don't. Mine are now hovering between a B and a C and, I have been pleased to note, haven't been much affected by either age (I have never had children) or weight loss. This is a real relief to me.

The reason I was most anxious to lose weight was vanity. I wanted to have the fun of wearing funky or chic clothes again before I died and during those fatty years this was a challenge. I certainly have never had the desire to buy gigantic tits and ultimately find myself looking like sex dolly who is long past her sell-by date.

I am aware that my comments sound awful harsh but these are a reflection of my true feelings. I just don't get it. Never have.

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I guess I posted the above because I want some of you all to explain to me what the big boobs thang is all about. Colour Green curious is all.

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I must confess that one thing which I really don't get is the North American obsession with gigantic tits. .

Green - I am a So Cali girl - and I agree with you 100% - I don't get the big boob mentallity??? I think they are ugly personally

I am a c right now - but not as lucky as you - I have grandma titties and by the time I get to goal - the will be a b (they were a small b when I was a in my 20's) - I wouldn't mind a lift and to be a full b - but i don't want D's

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Green - I am a So Cali girl - and I agree with you 100% - I don't get the big boob mentallity??? I think they are ugly personally

I am a c right now - but not as lucky as you - I have grandma titties and by the time I get to goal - the will be a b (they were a small b when I was a in my 20's) - I wouldn't mind a lift and to be a full b - but i don't want D's

Cool to hear that someone else is on the same page. :biggrin1: I thought that mine were sad and droopy until I watched a Lesbian make-out session on the L-Word a few weeks ago (please note that up here in Canada we are way behind you on some of the TV shows we get to watch). There was a young blondie who had tits which were just like mine!!! Wow, I thought to myself. :whoo:

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Cool to hear that someone else is on the same page. :biggrin1: I thought that mine were sad and droopy until I watched a Lesbian make-out session on the L-Word a few weeks ago (please note that up here in Canada we are way behind you on some of the TV shows we get to watch). There was a young blondie who had tits which were just like mine!!! Wow, I thought to myself. :whoo:

Truely - I would spend the $$$ on my face before my boobs - heck with a bra on they are just fine

I don't get showtime anymore - so I do watch it - but it was a good soap opera type show - I think I read somewhere that you watched All My Children too :P - Me too - well really haven't watched much lately - hate the story lines - it's gotten boring - but next week Zach (my most fav man) is going to get hit by a car and green is going to help him...

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I guess I posted the above because I want some of you all to explain to me what the big boobs thang is all about. Colour Green curious is all.

Getting a breast augmentation can be about different things.

1) Some women get large breasts because they think that's what men like. Most men love boobs, any size or shape, but given their choice, most will take big ones over small ones. Big boobs make us more attractive to men.

2) Round, firm, perky breasts are associated with youth, and as a woman ages, she may long for the youthful breasts she had before breast-feeding a couple of kids. Only implants can give you that firmness back.

3) Some women may actually look better with implants. I myself have wide hips and if I didn't have large breasts, too, I would look unbalanced. I can see where pear-shaped women would want implants to give their bodies a more balanced look. Now, keep in mind, I'm not talking about Pam Anderson boobs. I'm talking about women who want to go from an A or B cup to a D. Pam Anderson is way, way past a D.

And if you want specifically to understand why big boobs are an American obsession, well that's a more complicated subject because it's related to many aspects of our culture. Keep in mind that some groups, like blacks and Latinos, are even more desirous of large breasts than Anglos in America. In the most basic terms, large breasts = femininity. And you know how we love to do things to the extreme here in the U.S.

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Nope, Indio, don't watch All My Children. I won't watch any telly at all before 7 PM at the earliest. After 7 PM I won't answer the telephone. Haha. I am a real prime time TV junkie.

And thanx, Enterprise, for your input on the boobs question. I really appreciate it. And I can see that if you are wide-hipped then you will want larger boobs in order to balance out your shape. I still do think that many women have opted to turn themselves into cartoon-like women by choosing to have really big tits installed. I can understand wanting have 'em hauled up from hanging around the waist, though. This was why I had a face lift. :P

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Nope, Indio, don't watch All My Children. I won't watch any telly at all before 7 PM at the earliest. After 7 PM I won't answer the telephone. Haha. I am a real prime time TV junkie.

And thanx, Enterprise, for your input on the boobs question. I really appreciate it. And I can see that if you are wide-hipped then you will want larger boobs in order to balance out your shape. I still do think that many women have opted to turn themselves into cartoon-like women by choosing to have really big tits installed. I can understand wanting have 'em hauled up from hanging around the waist, though. This was why I had a face lift. :P

OK is Bjean who does :0) by bad ...

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I still do think that many women have opted to turn themselves into cartoon-like women by choosing to have really big tits installed.

I agree with you on that. So many of them look like hard cantaloupes, sitting right under the skin. If you can tell that they are fake, then the plastic surgeon didn't do a good job in my opinion. Any type of plastic surgery should leave you looking normal and natural. I think we have Hollywood to blame for the watermelons that a lot women end up with.

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I watch All My Children. I have watched it since it started.

I had no idea that face lift cost that much. I was thinking it

was more like10,000 I am going to have to wait a long time and

maybe I will inherit some money. That's a lot of money!

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