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NJ September Chat

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Hi Girls-Sorry I have been so sporadic in my posts, I am not ignoring y'all!!!

My mouth---omg, it was soooo horrible!!! I got some sort of viral infection. The inside of my mouth turned blood red, and swelled all up!!!! My tongue was not really affected, nor my gums, but the roof, of my mouth down into my throat, the insides of my cheeks, and my lips---hurt so bad, and were HUGE!!!!! I looked like I said---Botox gone bad!!!

I went to my Dr. who looked at it, and was feeling my glands, which were somewhat swollen. And then he found my thyroid massively enlarged, and kinda blew off my mouth. He got me a little spooked over my thyroid as well, so I let him brush me off with a prescription. It ended up being a tube of ointment to put on a sore in your mouth---I had no sores, just the whole thing was red and swollen!

So next I went to my dentist, because I could not get back in to the Dr. My dentist, fit me in, but looked at it, and said he really had no idea, he thought I needed a Dr. to culture it. So since my Dr. was closed I went to an Urgent Care Center. I needed something, I had to go to Albq. the next day to take Rick for his check up. So the moron PA's at the urgent care were convinced it was a herpes type of break out in my mouth and prescribed according to that. I did not fill it. The next morning, before we left, I just showed up at my Dr.'s he freaked out at how much worse it was!!! He said it was not herpes related, there were no sores. He give me some steroids, and a Rx for antibiotics if it gets worse....and something is working, it is better. Not 100% yet, but it is improving. Thankfully!!!! Appreciate everyones concern!!!!

Becky did not have a heart attack, they still think it is esophageal spasms. She has a scope next week.

Rick has to go the boy who worked for hims funeral tomorrow. I would be going with him, but am headed out in the morning to take my Dad to Albq. to have his surgery on his carotid artery. There is a high risk of stroke during and following the surgery, so all prayers will be greatly appreciated.

I ask that you also include my oldest DD. She has some testing of her own going on, and this Mom is in full blown panic. She has several swollen lypmh glands. We are not talking a bit swollen, but huge!!! Her neck looks on one side, like she has the mumps. She goes to the Dr. tomorrow. She too tried to get help at our local worthless Urgent Care Center!

Patty---hang in there, take it a day at a time!!!

I am taking my laptop, and have connection at the motel. Last we were at this hospital, there was none, so will likely just check in in the evening.

Hugs to all---safe travels Sherry & Chris! ENJOY!

Will check in soon, I am up waiting for a load of laundry and the dryer just buzzed!!!!


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Hello Y'all!

Sorry I have been MIA so much, just have been extremely busy. I don't seem to have enough hours in the day anymore.

The poison ivy is much better, but not completely all gone yet and still have some itching. I will survive it though!:whoo:

Kat - I am so sorry to hear about your friend, but much more worried about you with your mouth and all the problems you have had lately. My heart goes out to you. I think you have had your share of problems this year and I know you are ready for a much better year a head. How did your dad do? My thoughts and prayers are with you and your whole family.

Patty - I am glad you ex came and helped you out! He must be nice to come out and help like that.

Eileen - Hey lady! Good to see you here more often.

Sherry and Chrispy - I hope you have a great time on your vacation. Yes, I have done a lot of the charity rides in the past. They are getting bigger and bigger here, and it makes it a little scary when you get a bunch together (and I am talking hundreds here) and so many don't know how to ride or when to stop. We have had people run inot others here just because they don't know how to handle their bikes. So, the last year we kind of stayed out of them for that reason, but we still like them. I still haven't rode this year, I was going on Saturday, had it all planned and then when I got home from the store my DH told me the neighbors ask us over to Celebrate the graduation of his son's g-friend, so we went over there instead. Hopefully next weekend I can get out on my bike for at least once this year!

Mary - It is good to see you here again!

Darcy - How is the house coming? Have you finished moving everything yet?

Cindy - You need to stop and smell the roses. Take a few days of me time and enjoy it instead of working all the time.

Well, I know I probably missed a bunch of you, but I need to get supper on the stove and get moving before I decide not to do anything. It was a long day and I am tired.

Catch you all later! Please know that even if I don't post I am thinking about all of you and most of the time at least reading stuff.


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Good Afternoon everyone,

Greetings to Pat..... who came by to say hello. Where ya been??

I was pacing the halls yesterday.... just edgy. I really don't like being unemployed and I'm struggling with all that. My Ex has gone MIA and I don't know where he is. Won't answer at home, work or 2 cell phones. He is supposed to have visitation tonite, but my gut says he's not gonna show. Thats really bad for the kids and I'm none too happy with situation. Plan B is to have dinner set up and a devertion for the boys in case Dan dumps them tonite. I hate this.

Anywho.... I made some phone calls yesterday and I signed up for a Divorce & grief workshop at the Crystal Cathedral. I did this 3 yrs ago and need the support again. The boys can babysit themselves and with cell-phone in purse I got dolled up and went. Met some familar faces and new ones, but mostly felt better for having the courage to face my fears. I have been fighting the blues for 3 weeks and though the turn around isn't instant I was able to get up this morning, drop off kids and get to chores in quicker time. It was the sittin around that was killing me. I'm feeling better and I wanted to share that.

I don't have any solid plans for the weekend -- don't know if I get the boys or not. Maybe I'll drop in on my monthly Disney meeting -- they are always fun people to hang with! See ya! :waytogo:

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Hey everyone! Just got back from Disney and what a blast we had!!! Man, are we pooped though. lol. The highlight definitely was getting a chance to meet Mandy, Abi and Dave. Mandy is sooooo sweet in person and Abi was the cutest thing on the planet. We were immediate friends and even rode together on Expedition Everest. We spent the morning with Mandy and her family in Animal Kingdom and it was just great. THANK YOU Mandy!! It was really great to meet you and your family. Oh, and Soarin' was fantastic!

Well I gotta run. Just wanted to pop on and say hi, and let you know that we're home. My guess is you won't hear from Sherry tonight. :eek: Her hubby had flowers and balloons waiting for her when she got home. Awww... Not me. I had a text message asking if my phone was broken. Amazing how romantic some men can be. Ugh.

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I am so glad you are back safely Chris, you and Sherry, and that you had such a good time, I could have guaranteed you a wonderful friend in Mandy!!! Someday I hope too to be able to confirm it from experience!!!

Patty, good for you---my SIL leads a grief support group now, for many years she did divorce support. Then she remarried, was delirously happy, and he died of a glioblastoma brain tumor, so 4 years later, she is now leading a group of her own. I am glad you have plans!

I am home from taking my Dad to Albq. for his carotid artery surgery. It went well, they postponed him for a day, so we were there longer than planned, but he did wonderfully, he is home, and up and around! We go back in 2 weeks for a check up and then in 4-6 for the other side to get done. There is a VERY high risk of stroke during the surgery, so we are half way there, one side is done and he is well. Rick and our friend Gary, rode down on the day of the original surgery, and planned to be there, but then they cancelled Dad, the guy before him DID have a stroke during the procedure....so they had to get back home for work. I stressed girls I cannot tell you....I was worried to death over Dad, but the little things about made me nutso!!!

When I was making motel reservations I was getting 2 rooms...my Mom who has suddenly become quite insecure, was upset, she did not want to stay alone in the motel while Dad was in the hospital. So we compromised, and got a suite, so I could be with her. When we got there, there was not a suite available...nor an extra room (HUGE state fair going on...with name draw concerts each night.) So we ended up in a standard double room, my parents and I. My Dad wants to go to bed with the sun going down, and get up long before it comes back up---and he makes coffee (not a coffee drinker, and just the strong smell in the confined space was pissin' me off!!!!), showers, turns the TV on....while I am trying to sleep, because I laid in bet melting for hours through the night. But their bed was closest to the A/C so they got cold....but it was also closest to the TV, and he is a bit hard of hearing. And OMG do not get me started on the crossword puzzles!!! They both got a book of puzzles, and are non stop interupting my reading asking me for answers, clue is blah blah blah, and it is 6 no 7 letters, it is blank blank and then I think it is an r, if that answer is right then blank then another r ....over and over and over!!! I love my parents, I truly do....I did not love living with them again!!! Then they cancelled the surgery, so we had most of the afternoon free, but did they want to go to the fair, no--too much walking. The botanical gardens? No---too much walking. My Dad walks 5 miles a day, I don't think unless pushed my Mom walks 5 feet!!! When we were having to walk around the hospital which is huge, she was huffing and puffing...it scared me!!! She will be in next! I told her and Dad she needs to start walking, and I will go out and Kinsey and I will get her and she WILL start walking every day!!! I sound so tough!!!!

Hope everyone is ok---miss hearing from everyone!!!


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Kat, you are too funny. What is it with us old people. My mother is 76, and I'm getting ready to buy her house, so she can have some money to spend now, rather than leave the house to be sold after she dies, (obviously the money won't do her any good then). So I had it inspected for moisture today, the guy told her she had mold under there, well needless to say, she's already asked two times today if I've talked to anybody about taking care of the mold. Cold, OMG, she brings a blanket if she rides in my car for more than an hour, in the summer! I can't imagine having to sleep in the same room with her, LOL.

Sounds like you're a great daughter and caregiver..hugs!

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Hello Y'all!

Pat you look absolutely beautiful! I love your picture!

Kat - Glad things went well with your dad, nothing worse than waiting and waiting and waiting. My Mom used to freeze all the time. You would go to her house and it would be 100 degrees and the stove oven was open and going with a blanket and a heating pad on her. I would sweat so bad while I was there! I guess they just freeze when they get older!

Glad you gals all had such a wonderful time on your trip!

Guess what????? I finally got to go riding today! Gosh it felt so good. We even went up to the Harely center to see if I could find something for my birthday which is tomorrow. I found some things, but not what I wanted and ended up not getting anything! They had some t-shirts there that was really pretty, I went looking for them and couldn't find anymore. Well, I started looking at them a little closer and they were $175 dollars! I almost died! Nothing special, just a name I guess!

Well, I have to run and get things going, the neighbors are coming over to Celebrate my b-day.

Hope y'all have a great day!

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Hey guys :)

Listen, I know this isnt really along the lines of your support group, and I hope you wont be offended that i am sort of interjecting here, but I have a question about BC/BS of NJ, and I know that since you all are from Jersey, theres a chance that you might have the same insurance plan I do.

I live in texas, but I have bcbs of Jersey, and my question was this, (and I have already posted this question in the insurance forum, I just thought maybe someone here could give me extra insight), if you had BCBS, did you have to participate in the 6 month medically supervised diet program? I'd really appreciate the response, and again, I am sorry for intruding on your conversation!



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Angelica, please do not worry at all about interupting, you are welcome anytime!!! However, you might have to be a bit patient at getting one of the actual Jersey girls to answer!!! There are many more of us who chat on this thread, from other areas!!! Your post cracked me up...you are in TX with NJ form of BCBS, and I am in New Mexico with BCBS of TX!!! And yes, we ARE in the New Jersey thread!!!

Can't help you with the NJ side of things, with mine 2 years ago it was a 12 month medically supervised program to get coverage with BCBS of TX. I understand our policy has since changed to the average 6 months. They all vary as well as having different coverages per employer. Many times an insurance will cover WLS, but the employer has exclusions.....such a mess!!! Good luck to you as you navigate through the insurance! And welcome to LBT!!! Feel free to pop in with us here anytime!

Betty, I am SOOOOOO glad you finally got to go riding!!! I cannot ever see myself spending $175.00 on a shirt! I am such a tightwad!!! My Dad once told me I pinch a penny til Lincoln screams for mercy!!!

I hope you have a wonderful birthday---how fun, wish we could all stop by to Celebrate with you!!! ENJOY!!!!

Pat, I know, my parents, and especially my inlaws (both in their 80's) are always freezing!!! I have been myself lately. They think it is something to do with my enlarged thyroid. I am due to have an ultrasound, they are thinking it may have a tumor...fun, fun, fun! I cannot imagine being in the room with them before my surgery, holy smoke I burned up all the time!!! Since I lost the outer layer of insulation, I have done better---but still roasted in that room!!!!

Sherry I see you here, you must be posting at the same time I am, I am so glad you are back safely---hope you had a good time, Chrispy said y'all had a blast with Mandy!!! Color me jealous!!!

Well I too have a birthday party here tomorrow, so better get some cleaning done. My sons, MIL, SIL, and niece all have birthdays this month, so we are doing one big party. Going to light the fire pit, roast hot dogs, and have an ice cream sundae bar....should do wonders for my weight!!!!

Talk to you all soon!!!


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<p>Happy Birthday Betty!<img src="http://www.LapBandTalk.com/images/smilies/happy.gif" border="0" alt="" title="" smilieid="60" class="inlineimg" /></p> <p> </p> <p>Hey everyone <img src="http://www.LapBandTalk.com/images/smilies/happy.gif" border="0" alt="" title="" smilieid="60" class="inlineimg" /> We're home ahhhhh. What a great trip! I can't say it was relaxing because we were on the go everyday for at least 10-12 hours each day but, it was so much fun. It was nice to be able to relax and see everything for the first time. The prior two times were not so good because I as with the ex and he's not so easy going. Chris and I were relaxed about what we were going to do and when we'd do it and truly we saw and did so much. Just about everything actually which was cool. The worse part was I had blisters on my feet like you wouldn't believe but, I was determined to not let it ruin the trip and walked on the damn things everyday. They pretty much got numb enough to walk on most of the time. The worse day was the last day but, that was an easy paced day. It rained, no poured the afternoon we got there so Chris and I bought these head bands that had wires with sparkly blue mickey heads on em and wore them all week. The best $6 we ever spent hahaha. They were alot of fun and actually people noticed them and we even got Free Fast Passes because of them and of course the fact that we dressed alike two of the days hahaha. We were in line for Tower of Terror because we couldn't get Fast Passes for them when all of a sudden a guy says Apparently you two are together here ya go and hands us 2 fast passes. We said thank you and asked how he knew we were together lol. He said the antenna's gave him the thought of Tweedle Dee and Tweedle >>>. Chris said that's ok I'll be Dumb if it gets me the passes, he said I was thinking more of Tweedle Dink but, HELL we didn't care hahaha. We got on the ride in 5 min rather than 40! Yippee!!! hahaha We also got in trouble by some snob nosed 20something chick because she said I screamed too much on a ride. Snot nose said "You know this ride was designed for 10 year olds, I think I'm deaf" WHATEVER BIT**! Chris and I had made friends with the guys in front of us in line and they thought it was alot of fun with us screaming. (I'll be honest, I really screamed cause I forgot how fast and rough the ride was and if I don't scream my stomach will flip...not so pretty!) Anyway we brushed that jerk off and kept going. Thankfully we never saw them again cause she would of heard us again but WORSE! Fun fun but, if Chris and I end up going on vacation next year...we've already vowed its a nice quiet resort where we can park our butts on beach lounges, with a drink in one hand and a book! AMEN Sista! Can I tell you the Lion King show was just awesome and ummm Cindy...the Dole Whips were awesome. I never had that before and man I wish they were around here...hmmm actually maybe i'm better off that they aren't hahaha. Chris is right...we had alot of fun meeting Mandy and her family. Talk about lots of information and hints about the park etc. Thanks for that Mandy!! It was great seeing the shows at night from Mexico and from the Hot Dog stand. Awesome views, quick exits <img src="http://www.LapBandTalk.com/images/smilies/happy.gif" border="0" alt="" title="" smilieid="60" class="inlineimg" /> Oh we got a bits relaxed at Planet Hollywood too hahaha. Talk about food YIKES but the drinks were great! I had the best time...spilling some secrets lmao. I think I surprised Chris with a few of them but, that's all in the past and all in fun *wink* Funny we were talking about how unromantic men can be and usually my hubby isn't a romantic but, when we came around the corner to my house there were four balloons in the front yard. Two red stars, one Welcome and one I Love you, floating above the hedges <img src="http://www.LapBandTalk.com/images/smilies/happy.gif" border="0" alt="" title="" smilieid="60" class="inlineimg" /> I told Chris ok I take it back, I guess he can be romantic. When I got in the house and up the stairs there was a beautiful bouquet flowers for me awwwww. Talk about feeling welcomed home. I guess he missed me hee hee. They even kept the house clean THANK GOODNESS! lol Thanks again Chris for a wonderful trip!</p> <p> </p> <p>Betty - I'm so glad you got to ride your motorcycle <img src="http://www.LapBandTalk.com/images/smilies/happy.gif" border="0" alt="" title="" smilieid="60" class="inlineimg" /> I bet it felt wonderful! I'm glad your poison ivy is finally clearing up too. I haven't had that in ages...knock on wood. Hmmm, I've had blisters though haha. HAPPY BIRTHDAY</p> <p> </p> <p>Patty - hope your ex shows up to take the boys. How odd that he's not answering any phones. Geesh men can be weird and you need to tell him he needs to answer no matter what, I mean he has no clue if you're calling because something happened to one of the boys. </p> <p> </p> <p>Pat - Girl....it was great to hear that sweet voice of yours this past week. It was so nice of you to call while we were in Disney. Would of been even more fun had you made it there too <img src="http://www.LapBandTalk.com/images/smilies/happy.gif" border="0" alt="" title="" smilieid="60" class="inlineimg" /> I'm glad to see you're hear and hope someday we can visit. Hmmmm Chris.....maybe we'll have to visit Pat on that vacation next year hmmm. She's near the Water lol. I bet she knows of some places we can go to enjoy the views too lol. What ya think Pat?</p> <p> </p> <p>Eileen - What cha' doing in Maryland? I hope it's a good trip and not for a bad reason. I think I missed why you were going. Hope you enjoy some of the time there. It can be quite beautiful especially the harbour.</p> <p> </p> <p>Cindy - How did you do with your parent association emails? Do you have a hard time getting people to volunteer for the things you plan? I know it was always the same people helping when I had to plan church fairs and stuff. The others would roll there eyes and just figure it will get done so why volunteer grrrr. Thanks for the hint about the dole whips yummy!</p> <p> </p> <p>Angelica - Unfortunately, I'm not from NJ nor do I have BCBS of NJ. I wish you luck in your Quest for information. You know you can always call your patient advocate at BCBS and ask questions. They are very helpful I've found.</p> <p> </p> <p>Kat - Girl....you've had quite the time these past months huh? I sure hope things slow down for you. How weird that that happened to your mouth. I hope its better today. I get so frustrated when the docs don't know what's going on! Sounds like I wouldn't of survived that night in the hotel...I think I would of ended up sleeping in the car. God bless ya! My prayers are out there for your DD hope it all works out. </p> <p> </p> <p>Well, I'm sorry if I missed anyone.....it's definately not intentional...more of my mind still buzzed from the sugar rush of the week hahaha. Back to basics on Monday. Back to a Protein based diet until I can get this thing to have a slight fill again. Hope you all have a wonderful day!</p>

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Good Morning Ladies,

Angelica I answered your questions in the insurance thread you posted http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f8/bc-bs-new-jersey-40315/ don't ever feel you are intruding here because your not...please feel free to become part of this little group...these ladies are THE BEST !!!

Disney girls, glad your back.

Pat & Betty....its so good to see you both.

Crapola.......some ones at the door. BBL


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Can I tell ya the edit mode STINKS on this website! I just fixed one word and BINGO the whole post is a mess. Oh well, I can't retype all that lol

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