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NJ September Chat

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Good Afternnon Y'all!

It is storming at my house right now, thunder, lightening and rain. We need it so I won't compalin.

The poison ivy is still pretty bad, but better than the first few days. My eye almost swelled shut, but it open now, but the itching is driving me nuts at times. My arms and legs are full of it too. I learned my lesson about pulling weeds and not paying attention.

The predisone (?) is making me gain weight which really makes me mad! But, I have to take it. Hopefully it will be over soon. He said it might take 3 wks to clear all up.

We had a nice weekend so far, we had a party here at the house on Friday, and the neighbors had one yesterday. It has been nice to sit and visit for a while with them.


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Wow, no storms here, but wish there were!

Finally, September is here, and my favorite season: fall! Not that we ever really have one, but I still like the idea of fall.

Sorry about the poison ivy, Betty. That is some bad stuff, and it does take time to heal. I hope it gets better for you super-fast!

Kat, I'm so glad you got a girlie biker jacket! I'm sure you look hot in it! Remember, Marilyn Monroe had a tummy, too! We are all way too brainwashed by seeing anorexic and airbrushed models on everything. Power to real women!!!!! You go, girl!

Mandy, can't wait to see what your highlights look like! I always highlight my hair, but I do it myself. I just don't want to pay to have it done. Did you do it or did you have it done pro-style? I'm so proud of Abi for her accomplishments during her first week of school! Great week!

Sherry, you and Chrispy are getting so closer to your trip! I'm happy for you! Of course, you MUST ride the Jungle Cruise, also! I concur with all Mandy's suggestions, as well. Get a Dole Whip while you are over there in Adventureland in Magic Kingdom. Yummy! And don't forget the Mickey Bars!

Eileen, does the laundry ever STOP? Nope. DH reminds me that it's like the lawn...you cut it, it grows, you cut it, etc. He's right, but dang it. I get caught up, then in 2 days, there's a pile again. Sheesh.

Happy September to EVERYONE! I'm so glad it's fall!



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What? Rockin Roller Coaster is closed?? Dammit! I'm totally bummed. Sherry is thanking her lucky stars, but I am bummed! lol. Mandy I can't wait for Soarin'! And Sherry, it's less than two weeks away. I can hardly believe it! And Mandy we still need to pick a day/time/place to meet. Then we can come back and post pics of us at Disney. :eek:

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OH I've been on the Rocking Rollercoaster before and I would of gone on it again! Just gotta give me a bit of time between upside down rides hahaha I screamed so much on that first Six Flags ride that John was hysterical! lol

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Sherry and Chrispy, I PM'd you my cell so we can get together in Disney. ~Mandy

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Good Morning,

Well its not officially Fall yet so lets not rush things Miss Cindy Lou :) ROFL. I too love the Fall but its what comes after that, that sucks (((winter ick))).

I have my School Bus flag hanging outside, just in time for the kids to start school tomorrow. PHOOOY, I missed Jerry Lewis singing yesterday, I love that guy. But DD's bedroom got a work over and my car is cleaned (inside), laundry is sitting here done but in a big massive pile and the food shopping got done :D

Today its the computer room and play room....nice vacation day eh LOL.

Betty glad your poison ivy is getting better...thats some scary crap when it gets in the eye.

Well its Breakfast time......... TTYL

Have a great day.


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hi everyone!

hope you all had a great long weekend! I was mostly lazy on sunday and monday after working all week at both jobs I took the 2 days off as a mini vacation the only thing I did was went to play mini golf - my new obssesion and I baked some chocolate chip Cookies yesterday and then I spent the rest of the day trying to force myself not to eat any and I did not succeed - I had about 4 and let me tell you 1 of my Cookies is the size of 2!!

I am super jealous of all you ladies that will be going to Disney. I went for the first time a few years ago and I was like a kid in a candy store...I LOVE IT!!!! i can wait to go back again!!!

have a great tuesday everyone!

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Good morning!

Looks like rain here today, which is fine, except for our streets are still torn up...and they are planning to pour our corner on Friday. That means we are parking our cars at the neighbor's house, and walking through the yards to get to our cars! Sounds like a lot of fun, doesn't it? Can't wait for all the road construction to be finished!

Otherwise, just my regular running around...

Just wanted to say "hi" and hope you have a great day!



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Morning Everyone..... I have not so good news. (long post)

I quit my job yesterday, it was that or get fired and ruin my personnel file. There is SO much I want to say and can't completely process whats happening to me. My desire to have a lapband has come with such an enormous price tag.... truely not an exaggeration. The year that I spent fighting with the insurance company and then hiring an attorney was hundreds of dollars and when COBRA ran out I was distraught. My dr just recently looked up my blood pressure stats; 176/78 much too high. I know that things at work weren't ideal and that my principal was a @$*&% but what could I do? I made a mistake in caring for a broken arm and since I wasn't trained I didn't feel that it was all my fault. My principal, instead of protecting me took every opportunity to throw daggers my direction. By March I was completely insane with worry for my job, my surgery, eviction and dealing with daily caring for my kids with just pennies in my bank acct. When I got appoved for my loan I was really hoping that life would settle down -- NO WAY. It was a gamble to take out $17,000. I have to pay back 225. a month for 5 years! (except now I don't have the district job) Anyway I took the checks to the Obesity center and they gave me a May 14th date.... except my blood pressure was SO high that they threatened to cancel it twice. When I called my Mom she tells me that on May 15th shes committed to go to Hawaii and unfortunately can't help me after surgery. I tell my best friend Lynne. She takes the day off but surgery isn't perfect and it takes 14hrs for recovery. When I get home that night at 11pm she tells me that she can't spend the night.... what could I say? She visits me every other day to see how I'm doing but she is distant. By day 5 she leaves town to be with her ex and I am lonely and in pain. When she returns home she tells me that she told the town gossip and a girl at work about my surgery -- I asked that my surgery remain confidential. I tried to stop the gossip at work but when I returned to work from my medical leave this is what happened:

Lynne my 30 yr friend told

Maggie (they both work at Meairs school) who told

Robin at Stacey School who told

Joan(this is robins Mom) and a teacher at Hayden(my work) ;)

I asked Joan how do you know this?? I haven't told anyone..... but I did and now my entire district was gonna watch me lose weight and I was on stage. I just ached inside. After a week I told my girlfriend how hurt I was and that "I felt like dying" a totally normal phrase when you've been blindsided and the following day I got a "dear john" letter.

"Patty, I feel we should no longer be friends, I don't want to be responsible for hurting yourself. I know this is a delicate time in your life. I am very proud of you for getting healthy. I was just bragging the truth. I wish you good luck." Good bye.

The next day when I got to work I was put on administrative leave. I never finished the school year -- that was on June 13th. Stunned and disbelieving are only 2 words I could use. What a nightmare. I was told that I didn't lose my job, so This last tuesday I came in to prep for the year..... waiting for me was someone from personnel and a union rep. They gave me options and they weren't pretty. I know I must sound like a drama queen but thats not ME. I just wanted my surgery to feel better, and to better mother my sweet kids. I don't want celebrity and I thought I had friends and honest compassion. I had neither. I just bared my soul and if I kept it in any longer it was gonna eat me alive. I'm OK with my job resignation. A job doesn't define me. Its an adjustment and feels really weird.

Hey, thanks for listening. It's been a long hard 18months and the journey isn't over yet. Gotta run, blockbuster is calling.... Ciao!

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Patty, I am so sorry about the job. I know that can be hard. I left a job that I LOVED because of the new business owners (one of which is my MIL). I cried for weeks about it. My co-workers were my family. I left in May and had my band in July. I was still fighting the INS company when I quit. It was hard but things got better. Have you considered getting Social Security for the kids? They would qualify due to medical issues. Abi qualifies but Dave makes too much money. But you being a single mom, and having 3 kids with medical issues, would qualify. I would look into it. My friend gets $1200 a month for her son (he's bi-polar) and it really helps. You can get the application online at the social secuity website. I would look into that. Remember we are here for you, and eating is NOT going to make you feel better. ~Mandy

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I second everything Mandy said! I would look into it, and also whether or not with the circumstances what your odds of unemployment are...of course I am sure they covered their butts. My one suggestion, and I do hope no one on here, us all being female, takes this the wrong way....

My DD and my best friend both have changed to different jobs recently, and they went from one field to another. My DD was a nurse, she is now an admin asst. in an oilfield company. Then my friend went from grocery management to the same oilfield company in another area. They have both commented on how much easier it is in their new jobs without the female cattiness going on all the time. There is no back biting, no fashion show, size police thing going on they said. It might be worth looking at another field. My DD began this new job, making $5.00 more per hour than she was in the field she trained for! My other DD works for a company that makes valves, for huge waterlines, and she and another older woman are the only women there--she has been there several years now, she worked as a vetrinarians assistant prior. Point is, look around, there are lots of options, maybe one where you don't know anyone right now would be best...then if you want to share your band story, it is YOU doing so, not a so called friend. And do not mourn her. She does not deserve your friendship. If she for one fraction of one second thought you might be serious when you made that statement, to further your depression with her lame ass Dear John thing is unexcusable in my book! I have shown more compassion to strangers who looked sad--good grief. She was not your friend. I understand mourning the friend you thought she was, but in reality she is not worth it!

Sending ((((((GIANT HUGS))))) your way----and remember when one door closes, another one opens---hang in there!

My bones have been scanned, I did NOT throw up on anyone! Will hear results from the Dr. but unless there is a new issue, probably not until next month.

OK, now sit back and laugh at me for a few minutes!! 4 years ago when I went to renew my license it was flagged, the computer said I have a hold on it in Tennessee. Interesting, considering I have never been to TN. Seems all the computer goes by in this case is name and birthdate--and it flagged. So I called the 800# to TN Dept. of transportation & safety. Talk to a dozen people, finally get this guy who is like normal to talk to, and he is kind of laughing, he ask for my description---saying everytime he asks that he feels like he is on a chat line! Anyway, he took the last 4 of my SS# and said they did not match, and that anyone in his Dept. should have realized the problem, because the other woman had a D in front of her SS# on their MVD records. Apparently in TN they flag all deceased persons licenses etc, for a year to help with identity fraud. So he faxed the paperwork to my local MVD office explaining that I was NOT the 5'3'' 123 pound DEAD, BLACK woman they were flagged on there!!!! No indeed I am not. So I finally got my license. So following my scan I go in to renew my license again....only to be told I have to go through a security clearance, as she is explaining this to me, my head is swimming! With the new homeland security fiasco, anyone who has ever had a flagged license or is obtaining a CDL etc. has to have clearance. I had to go to the Police Dept. and have an NCIC check run on myself. Then the officer had to hand deliver the paperwork showing I am not a wanted woman in the USofA. BUT.....the paper shows I can get my license...but I am still in the system as a PTTS. So he says I might want to look into clearing it up, because I cannot obtain a CDL, or a passport...I am not allowed on international flights now... and could be held at any border at any time. I am flabbergasted and asking why? He says it does not say---only that I am a PTTS. What the hell is that I ask....are ya ready my friends? I am a Possible Threat To Society!!!!! He said it is likely tied to the other "me" in TN, when she died she had both local and federal warrants. I ask this man, our esteemed Chief of Police, who do I see? How do I go about clearing this? There is a high liklihood of me traveling out of the country! He has no idea........aaarrgghhh I love incompetancy!!! By the time I left there, (yes I did get my license renewed, did it for 8 years this time) I was very likely a threat to several people. I need to be making calls, but wonder where the hell to call??? Guess I will start with our state office of the MVD...have to begin the run around somewhere!!!

Wish me luck!!!


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Hey Girls,

Patty I am praying for you and your family and I am so sorry this has been such an awful year for you. You are a strong woman and I know that Jesus will see you through this. Remember...when you see one set of foot prints, its Him carrying you sweetie :wacko:

Kat, glad you didn't barf during your bone scan lol and I'm really glad you got your license LOLOL love the story.

Well kiddies...... I'm off to bed. Have a great evening.

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Happy Birthday Patty!

Patty....when one door closes another always always opens. Don't look in the review mirror my friend, look through the windshield and follow the new road. You can do it!

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Happy b-day Patty!!! (((hugs))) ~Mandy

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