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NJ September Chat

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Well well well....lookie here, its SEPTEMBER !!

Good morning lovies, hope your all having a great weekend. Can you believe the summer is kaput!

coffee is calling.....brb.

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My thread from yesterday .......

We are heading to a kiddy Water park today.

Took DD to see Mr. Bean's Vacation yesterday..... strange but cute movie. I ate so much popcorn with butter my eyeballs were turning yellow... WHY do I do that?

After this week (labor day) all the chit, garbage, junk in my house IS OUT !!!!! I'm feeling tired and old again (partly is due to having my period for 9 stinkin days LOL) but mostly is because of the way I'm eating.

Anyway..........have a wonderful weekend goils, ttyl.


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Good Morning!

Well, I am on my way to the drug store to get some meds, I was pulling weeds in the flower beds and there must have been some poison ivy in there. Needless to say I have it all over my face, arms and legs. I called the doctor and he is sending something out for me.

Good Morning Eileen! Nice to see you today! I haven't checked the old thread out so I guess I will do that and post later.

Everyone have a great weekend!

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Oh Betty, poison ivy sucks, my dh has it on he legs too. Be careful not to get it in your eyes....lordy be girly. ;)

Well the Water park was really cute, it was the right age for toddlers and kids up to about 8. I've never seen so many men with ta ta's bigger than mine LOLOL.

Oh well, I better get to bed....my dogs are barking (feet that is lol).



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Good Morning,

Boy am I beat...but the cleaning must go on (and laundry oy).

We are taking DD fishing with her new Barbie fishing pole today up at the lake. While DH, DD and BIL are out on the lake, I'll be reading or scrap-booking in the car *evil grin* I'm just worn out and don't feel like riding the choppy Water in a fishing boat...ya know.

Thats about it for my day... I still can't believe its September already.... I miss the summer and its not even officially gone yet ROFLMFAO.

Whats the crew here doing today?

Ohhh Jerry Lewis is on tomorrow....can't forget to watch him. I love that guy.


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Well our summer is gone too, but yesterday was hot!!! I got highlights and they look really cute. I will have DH take some pics later. I also went to sears and got some GREAT deals on shorts for DH and DD. All the clearence is an additional 50% off, moaking most stuff 90% off. I got DH lands end shorts for $3, and some nice t-shirts for $2. He needed new stuff for the trip and for next summer. He is hard on clothes so it's nice to see him in new things. We also got some great deals on shoes. I found sketchers for me for $13. They had swimwear too.

We also went to build a bear and got the new ghost that came out for halloween. He is soooo cute, his eyes and heart glow in the dark. He is only $16, and I had a gift card and coupon so he cost me only $2.

Today we are going to get packed for the trip. I am going to do some cleaning. And of course laundry. We are getting a waterbed, and I need to make sure the carpet in my room is vaccumed before it gets set up next week. My house is a wreck, I can't do big cleaning and it's driving me nutz.

How is everyone? What are you all up to?

How is school for those that have gone back? We are loving Abi's new teacher. She is young, pretty and really sweet. This is her 4th year teaching so she has loads of energy and still loves the job. ;) Abi was only half day last year, so the full day 1st grade is a big step. She loves packing her lunch and going to art and gym. I think it's going to be a great year.


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We just had a 4.7 earthquake at 10:29 and a 2.5 quake at 10:31!

Rockin and rollin in So Cal -- woot!

The kids didn't even feel it but I got that woozy rolling feeling and yup we had one :bounce: it took a few minutes for my heart to return to normal. I've lived thru a couple of real bad ones and I still get spooked.

Hey, I have some great news.... My Moms biopsy was NEGITIVE for cancer and I'm praising God for answered prayer. She went to work this morning and we're in the middle of a heatwave and all is well.

Mandy: Your post was so uplifting. I want a build-a-bear.... all my kids have one or two and I've never gotten one for myself. Downtown Disney 's locations is the largest store created. We had Garrett's B-day there once, it was super fun. I'll take you there next year. How's your healing? Take it slow but steady.

I'm on my way to a BBQ. My friend Patty(yeah we have the same name) is having a birthday/pool party this afternoon. The last hoorah before school next week. Catch you guys later.

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Patty, I love build a bear. I have the new dino, he is sooo cute. All fun green and fuzzy. Abi wanted the Ghost and I told her if she went to school with no tears and no pants wetting issues we would go get him. Well we got one friday afternoon. Our first week back at school was so good. I'm going job hunting as soon as we get back from Disney. I wanna work! I can only clean the house so much, and then I'm bored and eating.....ugh!

We went to the store today, had to have groceries. I love Aldi, anyone else go there? Today I got a marinated turkey breast, and it's going on the grill for supper tonight. It was $6, and all I have to do it cook it. ~Mandy

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Well I'm in a funk! I am tired of a lot of things. But the main one is DH! So he is out in the garage cleaning and here I am. I'm heading out to the store in a few, alone by my self, why not!

I hope you all are having a good day. My kids are great and so are the pets.

DBIL is now staying with us. It's been ok except all his stuff is in the bonus room and the living room. I swear my home hasn't been mine since January.


Enjoy your day.

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Hi all!

We are back safe and sound from our weekend at the rally. We had a blast! Rick took me shopping, and bought me a new jacket, my old one was a tad big now!!!! I bought a girls jacket this time, the leather braid, matches my chaps! My cousins wife, makes leather goods, belts to furniture! She took up my chaps, they were simple to redo---but my old coat, was a mens classic motorcycle jacket, the new one is girly. Rick insists he loves it and it looks good he said. I am not so sure, it feels snug, and I still have this belly---but you know I don't really care what others think---if he thinks I look good, I can deal with it!

I am tired, and heading to bed, just letting everyone know we made it back safely. Tomorrow we are off to cut wood! Will check in when I get back if I can find the energy to move, it is hard work!

I hate summer coming to an end, but it was a GREAT weekend!


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Good Morning and Happy Labor Day,

Patty glad you guys are safe. EarthQuakes would scare 10 lbs off of me...... hmmmmmmmmmm lol. OH PRAISE GOD !!! your Mom is okay... I am so glad to hear that :rolleyes: All is well isn't it.

Dianne, whats up snookums...... sorry your having a rough time *HUGS*

Kat that jacket sounds awesome and womans size to boot.... that in itself must feel so good. I love leather. Glad you had a good time.

Mandy I LOVE build a bear. Between me and my DD we must have 15 of those things. Last one we got was the Autumn Bear...she is beautiful. I love the colorful ones.

Well so much for relaxing on Labor Day.. I'll be cleaning DD's closets out LOL and the computer DUMP room.


Well kiddies....have a great day.



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Hey Everyone, Man it's September already huh? It's been great having a three day weekend....hmmm I need to come up with something that will allow me to work from home all the time and is fun and brings in a good pay. Geesh not asking for much huh? hahaha. Things are good at work though, extremely busy and can be stressful but, at least it's good and I'm learning more.

DH and BIL are out fishing since 4:30 am this morning. I noticed DH left his cell phones home so there is no way of getting ahold of him...makes me nervous because they use it when out on the ocean to call during emergencies but, at least he still has the cb/radio on the boat too. Since he got up so early...that pretty much means he's done for the day and will be snoozin on the couch. Thats ok too, I have a bunch of laundry to do, start to plan packing for the trip and some Reiki work to do to prepare to start teaching new students. Funny, plenty to keep me busy but, I'm here surfing the net. I need to make sure to get moving after I finish this posting just so I DO get some things done today. DH always says there isn't anything wrong with taking it easy Sherry...but errrr when I do that I always regret it becuase then I feel I wasted the time. Silly me!

Well, the weight still isn't moving but, I haven't been a very good bandster either :rolleyes: I have to say I don't like this unfill at all. You'd think I would of learned over the past year NOT to do some of the things I've been doing lately...like eating candy for lunch with Chrispy the other day lol. It was good but, when it comes down to it, the candy wasn't that great well other than the English Toffee. Good thing I only bought 2 pieces of that WHEW!

Wow all this talk of freezing and canning...is making miss my jelly making times. I used to get some Concord Grapes from my friend's father. He had a big vine and always had some left over from his wine making. He'd give me a big basket of them and I'd send him a few jars of the jelly when I was done. Lots of work but it was soooo good. I have one of those freezer bag things too. DH uses it for his fish all the time. I just never though to use it for the meats and stuff. Can you say DUHHHHHH hahaha. I'm going to have to do that. We've been using a food service called Family First Foods for all our meats. We buy the meat in bulk and pay it off over 5 months. The meats are raised organically in Penn and then cut and packed the same day then quick frozen. The meat is sooo tender. It's a bit on the pricey side though but, let me tell ya the T-Bones are a bandster heaven item. It's so tender you can literrally cut it with a fork. All their beef, chicken and turkey items have been fantastic. We're going to have to place an order again soon. I'm trying to hold out so I don't have that big bill each month for a while. Oh and they individually freeze the pieces too. Probably why I forgot I can use my freezer bag thing huh? hahaha

Well, only a few weeks for Disney. Wow, it's coming quickly. I'm getting really excited. We went to Six Flags New England on Saturday...whew I did the first big ride when we got there and was dizzy for about 20 min. This thing went through loops, turns, twists, upside down and around then again all backwards. I screamed bloody murder the entire ride. So I didn't ride too many more after that. I went on those swing things with my son and he said "I don't know you" hahaha. I said yea I know the things you do for your mother lol. He's a good sport. So they road on some major rollercoasters and my son got a kick out of shooting people with Water cannons as they crossed the bridge from the ride they just took. People forget that they can get wet that way and all start screaming. It's pretty funny. So I got my sea legs back and decided to ask the guys to ride the tea cups with me. OMG never EVER will I look at the teacup ride the same again. The guys had it spinning so freaking fast I told them they had to stop or i was going to hurl. When we got off the guys were laughing and DH was saying how they couldn't see when they spun it it was going so fast. One lady heard him and said you were going way too fast..that was mean when she looked at me lol. I think she saw the green. Anyway..that was it for me. I was done. Ummm thankfully I think Chris won't be spinning the teacups in disney so fast...if she gets me on them :) I think I'll stick to riding the Dumbo ride and It's a Small World lol. I'm such a wuss!

Well I better get going and do something around here. I hope you folks are enjoying your holiday!

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Sherry, I LOVE the big rides. I am sooo sad that Rock N' Roller Coaster will be closed when we are there. That is my all time fave. I guess we will just have to do tower or terror a million times instead. Abi also loves the big rides. She was so mad at us when she was too short to ride splash mountain. It took her 2 days to talk to us again, and then all she said was you guys are mean. I think I liked the silent treatment better. :rolleyes: Well this year she is tall enough to ride everything, and we are sooooooo excited about it. I took some cute pictures of her last trip doing a thumbs up by the height requirement sign, for the rides she was finally tall enough for. She rode everything, and loved it. Let me know if you need any ride tips or info. Also remember there is a chicken exit on all most all of the rides, so you can still hang out with Chrispy in line and then just ditch out last minute. My mom does this all the time. Also you guys HAVE to ride Soarin', watch the Finding Nemo musical, and I believe Beauty and the Beast is a must. ~Mandy

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Morning girls,

Just a quick check in, doesn't look like we will go get wood as planned. Rick's neck is reacting to the hay we did VERY early yesterday morning----long story!!! Anyway, he has degenerative bone disease in his neck from a long ago whiplash injury, so is hurting.......

I had to chime in---I take my grandkids to Build a Bear, it is part of the yearly birthday thing!!! We occasionally go for other holidays or special times, but EVERY birthday!!! I am totally draw to the opposite ones Eileenie!!! I love the old antique looking classic bears, the ones who look so sad compared to their colorful comrades!!! I have several on the shelf sitting together in the kids playroom---aka, the guest room!!!

Ok, I am off to get some things done, my house is a wreck, and I know any second now, DH is going to be ready to DO something!!!!



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I am glad to here everything with your mom turned out great!!! Also glad that no one was hurt in the earthquake. thats one positive about NJ we dont get any earthquakes!!

hope everyone had a great weekend and labor day!

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