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Help me understand a few things please.....

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I am in the beginning stages of the lap band process i.e. application submitted etc.

I am a 52 year old single mom of a 10 year old with a dog and a cat and we live in a tri-level townhouse. The bedrooms are upstairs.

I have been doing a tremendous amount of reading on all the lap band boards the fast few month and the recovery information seems to really vary. While I know it varies, I'm trying to get some real sense of what I will be like after surgery and how much I will/not be capable of. For instance:

*some people say they left the hospital and went shopping

*some people say they were in pain, groggy and slept for a week

*some people felt great and were walking all over the place

*some people went back to work 2 days later

*some people needed 2-3 weeks off

Being a single mom, I really need to wrap my brain around this. I need details! From the car ride home after surgery to the next day etc. How was sleeping. Could you bathe? Will I be able to walk up 3 flights of stairs to my bedroom. Will I be able to cook for my son and I?

I understand one can't drive for a week. Was that your experience? To feel more secure about the whole thing, I need to make sure I know what to expect and make sure I have sufficient resources in place.

Any answers are greatly appreciated!!!


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I am 52 and married. My husband surprisingly was a big help. A 10 year old can help with whatever you will need. I am retired, but I wouldnt have wanted to go back to work before 1 week. The day of surgery I was groggy and came home and tried to nap. The phone kept me awake but I was fine. I took my pain meds for about 3 days. Most of the pain was from the gas settling in my chest and upper back. You will be able to cook, but it wouldnt hurt to have some things in the freezer to get you by for a few days. I was surprised that it wasnt as bad as I thought it would be. Hope that helps, I know everyone is different and heals at a different pace.

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Many people are very uncomfortable for several days with gas pain because the surgeon fills the abdominal cavity with CO2 to give him/her room to work. Not everyone gets gas pain (my surgeon said no one knows why some people have it and others do not).

I was one of the fortunate ones so I bounced back quickly. I had some discomfort around the port but needed nothing for pain at any time, so I was never groggy.

I waited until day 2 to take a shower and had no problems. I live alone and told no one about the surgery but I was fine. I couldn't climb steps before the surgery so I can't comment on that.

You really don't know what to expect until you're there. Age isn't a factor--I'm 56. Best of luck!

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some people say they left the hospital and went shopping

Very few people are capable of that I'm afraid. I am 55. I basically slept for two days.

*some people say they were in pain, groggy and slept for a week

I started feeling a lot better by the 5th day. I was still in pain (from the gas more than anything else), but I was alert and moving around okay

*some people felt great and were walking all over the place

Whether you feel great or NOT, you DO need to be "walking all over the place". Walking is what makes you feel best of all and is extremely important the first week.

*some people went back to work 2 days later

Yep, some did. I was banded on Wednesday and went back to work the following Tuesday. I don't think I personally could have been very functional prior to that time. Especially if you are having a lot of problem with the gas. I was still taking pain meds at that time.

*some people needed 2-3 weeks off

Somehow I think many of those folks were just waiting to get back to "100%". You'll tend to tire a little easier at first. But I would say that most people notice a dramatic turn for the better about the 5th day.

I had no restrictions on driving. I actually drove the third day after surgery (Friday morning, after Wednesday morning surgery). I was concerned with the "sitting" in the car hurting my stomach, but it wasn't the case.

At the very least I think I would make sure you are able to just heal the first three days and not be expected to carry on with your family life as usual. Because this is laporoscopic surgery you'll find that you are up and about VERY quickly. My incision pain was very topical, and not bad at all. The main discomfort was the gas.

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I would be happy to share my experiences....but it will be that of a "newbie" as I am 8 days post-op.

I considered my self as a semi-active person. I play sand volleyball once a week for 7 months out of the year and the other 5, I bowl every other week. I am a mother of 4 (however my oldest will be beginning her first year at college in 2 wks). Needless to say my youngest starts preschool next week. The other 2 are in elementary and middle school. You can say I spaced them! Bottom line....I'm busy. Two weeks before my surgery I started on the 'ol treadmill at our YMCA (worked wonders for my motivation!) As far as your concerns go, I wll relate them to my own:

*some people say they left the hospital and went shopping

I did leave the hospital the same day as my surgery. I wasn't excited about it, but the insurance co. is the boss so I complied. That day, thanks to a lovely prescription from my doc, was a blur.

*some people say they were in pain, groggy and slept for a week

I did experience some pain.......mostly trying to get out of bed. That took a bit to get my routine down, but again that prescription was a help. I did not ever feel groggy and have decreased my meds within 2 days and continue to do so.

*some people felt great and were walking all over the place

By day 3 I was walking more. I do live in a two-story house so I did try to climb the stairs each day from the beginning to work out some of the bloating I was feeling (almost completely gone 3-4 days)

*some people went back to work 2 days later

If I were to work at a desk, I could have gone back on the fourth day. I would probably have moved a bit slower that everyone else....but it would be possible. On my seventh day (yesterday), I went grocery shopping. I would not have qualified for speed shopping, but I accomplished the task and frankly it felt good to be out! That night I went and cheered on my volleyball team. My toes were wiggling to get back in that sand!

*some people needed 2-3 weeks off

Frankly I was feeling puiny on my fourth day thinking about all the people that said they went back to work in 2 days. What was wrong with me? My doctor told me I could resume volleyball in 2 wks and I'm thinkin.....no way! I'd rip a stich for sure! Try to remember that we are all going to have different experiences. And not to set your experiences off of others. It can be fantastic reading all the threads people post on this site! It has helped me ten fold. It's even more fun when you do share someone else's experience. Makes you feel normal! But remember if you don't, you're still ok. Good luck to you on your journey!


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I spent the first 3 days post op in bed napping and reading and really enjoying the prescription meds. My big pains came from gas. I really should have got out of bed and walked around more! On the 4th day I was washed, wearing day clothes, and goofing on the computer. The stairs were not a problem for me but the drive home from the surgery was. My husband and I took a cab and he drove energetically, speeding up, making lots of sudden stops, and sudden lane changes. I was still stoned out of my mind and was left unsecured by a seat belt in the back seat. The result was that I flopped around as I passed in and out of consciousness and my port incision began to bleed. By the time I crawled into bed I was dripping blood. It was messy and if I hadn't been so stoned I would have been scared. It was a good thing that it was only a 15-20 minute trip.

You might want to place a piece of furniture near your bed that you can grab on to when you need to get up. I have a bookcase next to mine and this really, really helped during those first few days.

Good luck on your surgery. :)

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for all these great replies! this is exactly the kind of information I am looking for. Just hearing everyone's experiences is what helps me so much. And I'm sure eveyone else who is planning on doing this surgery appreciates it as well!

Keep em' coming!


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Had surgery on Wednesday. I could go upstairs the same day. Today is the first day i have been downstairs. Gas is the problem!!!! BAD GAS,BAD GAS!!!! Make sure you have GAS-X Strips. Could have showered on second day, but wanted to wait untill today.

I had a problem waking up in the hospital. Came home and went right back to sleep. Just walk alot. Trying to get in the Protein shakes. It's been hard. I know it will be worth it, but right now.....Not so much!


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Since you are a single mom, the best advice I can give, being only 4 days postop myself, MORE IS BETTER.

Take as much time off from work as you can. If you feel like going back sooner, great, if not you have the extra time to heal.

Get an adult to help you the first 2 or 3 days. You will be glad you did. I'm sure your son would love to be a help to his mom too. My 10 year old son did.

I would count on sleeping in a comfortable chair and ottoman or recliner instead of climbing the stairs at least the first few nights. The pain meds can make you dizzy and you don't want to fall!

Make sure you get everythink you need to recover before you go to the hospital. (ie: heating pads, tylonal liquid, your RX pain meds, Gas-X, liguid diet supplies for post-op.etc.)

Make your son's meals before surgery and freeze them. Or just buy a bunch of stuff he can make himself. Arrange for someone to taxi him for the first week after surgery because you can't drive.

The main thing to remember is to concentrate on taking care of yourself. Give your body what it needs to heal quickly and try not to overdue it before your'e ready. Everyone wins in the long run. Hope that helps.

Oh and by the way, I had my surgery 4 days ago and am feeling much better today. I want to do more, but when I get up and move too much, I feel like I've run a marathon. The first day post op was a blur. Day two, I was moving more, a little uncomforable due to the gas, but the pain meds help. Why it helps with gas I don't know, but don't think your a bigger person if you don't take them. the Dr. gives them to you to make your recovery more comfortable. USE EM if you need em!

Day three was very gassy, farts galore! Stay close to the bathroom, I had a few near misses. And here I am at day four and feeling ready to face the world, all be it slowly. Good luck to you. And remember your attitude will effect the way you recover so keep it positive. :heh:

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As I'm sure everyone is different I can only tell you of my experience. I had more trouble with my root canal than my lapband surgery. I didn't need any of the pain meds. I had it done in Mexico and left the hospital 16 hours after surgery and walked the streets of Monterrey immediately after leaving the hospital. I walked the Houston airport from end to end the next day. I came home and day 3 went to work and day 8 rode 4 wheelers for 5 hours. I truly didn't have any of the gas and no more pain than I would from say monthly cramps and I'm 43. PM me if I can be of any assistance with any questions you might have and I wish you all of the luck in the world and trust me, you will do wonderful.


Sherri Jo

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I am sorry but I can't relate to any of this. I feel so bad for everyone that had pain, gas pain or any kind of pain. I guess I was just lucky. I never had pain of any kind.

I had the band on a fri. and went back to work on Mon. I was out walking 3 dogs the day after surgery.

All I can say is everyone is different. I live alone, and didn't need help with anything. I slept in my bed and never used any pain medication.

I wonder what makes the difference that some people have so much pain and some don't?

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I was banded on August 15rh, which was a wednesday, I am self pay so was home 3 hours after the surgery. The next morning I walked the dog, large dog. I felt like crap for the first 30 hours. By friday I was feeling much better, and I went out for lunch (soup) went shopping and went for a pedicure. No one said i couldnt drive, so I drove on friday. I had some trouble sleeping the first 3 nights due to gas pain in the shoulder, so I needed naps during the day. I would buy some frozen dinners for your son, and have stuff that he can make himself a sandwich. I would let him rent some video games and movies, to keep him happy and busy. I did not want any one around to "help' me, as I would felt like I had to be social. The first few days I was on Clear liquids, so I certainly did not need help to pour some broth in a cup and put it in the microwave. I had a shower the day after surgery. no problem. I could have gone to work on the monday after surgery, but I a had 10 sick days, that if I didnt use by september 01, I would lose. So needless to say I took the time off. I cleaned out my garage, rented a steam cleaner and cleaned my carpets, sorted some boxes in my basement etc. Not exactly in bed recovering.

The gas can be the biggest problem, I had a hyster last year, and the gas was also the problem with that. The only way to get rid of the gas is to walk walk walk walk. Walk as soon as you can, as often as you can and as long as you can. It is also important to keep your legs moving to prevent blood clots the day of surgery. (according to my doc).

Good luck, you will be fine!!

By the way I also had a hiatal hernia repaired at the same time, which apparently is very common.

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I took a shower the day after surgery. Took three weeks off after surgery. Only pain was gas pain,pretty bad for a couple of days. Still have some in shoulder every now and then. Drove two days after surgery, no problem. Stairs- just go up easy. It is different i think for everyone. I was lucky. Best of luck. Donna

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I think I took it worse than what I had read about before I went into surgery. I didn't expect it to be too terrible in the pain department, but I was way wrong. I was in excruciating pain for the first 2 days.. I didn't take my pain meds because I didn't want to be loopy, and ended up pulling a muscle due to the funny way I would hold myself.. so I ended up taking 4 more days to 'recover' due to the muscle problem, and that was 6 days total. And that's my own stupid fault! I think if I'd stayed on pain meds those 2 days, I would have been fine. I went back to work on day 5, despite the muscle pains, but I have a desk job. Clothes bothered me at first due to them rubbing on the incisions (despite being covered up). I was in the hospital 24 hours, and then we had to drive 3 hours home.. it wasn't too bad, I kept a pillow on my lap.. mom was driving like a bat out of hell, so the only bad part was her sudden stops and starts. My opinion is that you would be able to cook within a few days as long as you take it easy (no throwing dough up in the air!), and walking 3 flights.. might take a while..

Just my 2 cents :)

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