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Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)

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Some people don't know what PCOS is, but it occurs a lot in overweight women. It is the number one reason for infertility. It is a set of symptoms due to elevated androgens (male hormones) in women.


- Irregular periods
- Heavy periods
- Painful periods (usually excruciating pain that can occur in the lower abdomen, lower back, and down the legs)
- Excess body hair (usually above the upper lip and chin)
- Acne
- Patches of thick, dark skin (usually on the back of the neck)
- Infertility (hard time getting pregnant)

My symptoms are: Irregular periods (sometimes I skip a month, and sometimes I can bleed for up to 2 weeks), heavy periods (the heaviness usually only lasts for 2-3 days, so it's not major unless I take a blood thinner), bloody clots in the toilet (gross), very painful cramping that reaches it's peak on the 2nd day (The pain is so bad that I've begged for death. I wish I were joking. I usually handle pain very well, so that will give you an idea of how horrible this pain is. I've broken my tailbone, and it was no where near this extent of PCOS pain.), excess body hair (blonde hair on my upper lip and chin, and once I even had dark hair on my upper back, but it's completely gone... Weird...), dark line on the back of my neck (I always thought it was my normal tan color that I was supposed to be [since I'm part Native American] and that I was just extremely pale). I was even pre-diabetic a few years ago. I lost about 30 pounds and it went away. I have since gained all the weight back, but my blood sugar is still perfect.

My doctor told me that every year you let yourself remain overweight with PCOS, you have a 10% chance of becoming a diabetic. That 10% increases to an extra 10% each year.

I do get acne sometimes, but my skin is very clear 90% of the time, thank God. I do not yet know if I'm infertile, since I have not tried to have a baby yet.

I started my period on Wednesday after being 5 weeks late for my period. My ovaries were VERY unhappy about that. I could feel them vibrating (having spasms) and at times, it even felt as if I had rocks in my ovaries. It was an uncomfortable experience. But I finally had my period 4 days ago. Most people dread their period, but I was so glad to finally start. I think I probably had a cyst rupture because the bleeding that occurred was horrendous. I think the Xarelto my doctors gave me after the surgery helped me shed all the clots and even helped me pass a cyst. When I say the bleeding was horrendous, I mean it. There was blood all in my bed, all over my back, all over my legs, and all in my pants. There was blood all in my bathroom floor, all in my bathtub, and probably about half a pint in my toilet. I had to stop taking the Xarelto for 2 days because the bleeding was out of control. Thankfully, the cramping I experienced was manageable. I think the Xarelto helped in that aspect.

Anyone else have crazy symptoms with PCOS?

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Wow @@Hiraeth you have gone through the wringer! Hoping your symptoms ease up after surgery. I went for a year without a period. 6 weeks post op It came back like it never left. It wasn't painful (never has been) just mild cramping streak of blood when I wipe. It usually would pick up overnight going into day 2 and 3 but again no pain. I used to pass heavy clots in the toilet years back but that didn't last for very long. Anyways day 4 it starts to ease up, day 5 and 6 light spotting then its done. Day 2 and 3 I wear 2 tampons an overnight pad and a pantyliner because I'm OCD like that and I can't have any accidents. I would imagine if they were really heavy like yours I don't know what I'd do!!! Maybe live in the tub? lol.

Skin is clear, no excess hair. I have had some skin changes over the years. My face is duller, and dryer, as well as the rest of the skin on my body but I always attributed that to my lack of Water intake. I try to moisturize and exfoliate to compensate. I imagine now that my diet has changed and I'm more conscious about my Water intake my skin will get it's healthy glow back.

Other than that I'm sure I've had some symptoms especially with having high testosterone levels-- I've been moody, more irritable but that's been going on for years now so it's hard to say but I started noticing it shortly after my diagnosis I'm just used to It now.

So mainly my symptoms included

absence of periods

dry, dull skin

infertility (I have 2 but have not used any form of birth control since my 2nd and no pregnancy's)

Mood changes due to high testosterone

I was diagnosed after discussing symptoms with my OBGYN Rapid weight gain within 2 years, highly irregular cycles, blood work showed high testosterone levels and insulin resistance (6.2 hemoglobin a1c) ultrasound negative for ovarian cysts.

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Wow @@Hiraeth you have gone through the wringer! Hoping your symptoms ease up after surgery. I went for a year without a period. 6 weeks post op It came back like it never left. It wasn't painful (never has been) just mild cramping streak of blood when I wipe. It usually would pick up overnight going into day 2 and 3 but again no pain. I used to pass heavy clots in the toilet years back but that didn't last for very long. Anyways day 4 it starts to ease up, day 5 and 6 light spotting then its done. Day 2 and 3 I wear 2 tampons an overnight pad and a pantyliner because I'm OCD like that and I can't have any accidents. I would imagine if they were really heavy like yours I don't know what I'd do!!! Maybe live in the tub? lol.

Skin is clear, no excess hair. I have had some skin changes over the years. My face is duller, and dryer, as well as the rest of the skin on my body but I always attributed that to my lack of Water intake. I try to moisturize and exfoliate to compensate. I imagine now that my diet has changed and I'm more conscious about my Water intake my skin will get it's healthy glow back.

Other than that I'm sure I've had some symptoms especially with having high testosterone levels-- I've been moody, more irritable but that's been going on for years now so it's hard to say but I started noticing it shortly after my diagnosis I'm just used to It now.

So mainly my symptoms included

absence of periods

dry, dull skin

infertility (I have 2 but have not used any form of birth control since my 2nd and no pregnancy's)

Mood changes due to high testosterone

I was diagnosed after discussing symptoms with my OBGYN Rapid weight gain within 2 years, highly irregular cycles, blood work showed high testosterone levels and insulin resistance (6.2 hemoglobin a1c) ultrasound negative for ovarian cysts.

I'm so glad that you don't have to deal with the severe cramping; it's the worst part of PCOS, in my opinion. It feels as if someone is squeezing your ovaries as hard as they can, while sticking a knife in them. I just can't imagine how anyone is able to deal with this kind of pain for longer than 2 days. LOL that day, I really did stay in the tub for 2 hours. It was awful. Then I got the shower head, and yeah... You know where I'm going with this. It looked like 4-5 red beta fish fell out of me (good lord that's nasty). :blink:

What's weird about PCOS is that you don't always have to have cysts on your ovaries. They come and go, but they happen more often than the normal amount. I was given an ultrasound once, and they didn't see any. I always thought that was weird, but it's very possible.

The rapid weight gain, testosterone, and irregular periods tells me you definitely have PCOS. I hope this surgery helps us lessen and even completely cure it. >_<

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I have PCOS. I was diagnosed at 25 and had a hysterectomy at 34 due to extreme endometriosis and fibroids that had calcified. I had one ovary removed 2 years later, and still have the other one, which likes to be hateful at times. :) I am now 41 and was sleeved one week ago today.

I shared many of the same symptoms as you. I definitely feel for you. It's so hard and the pain and bleeding sometimes just rule your life. I definitely don't miss passing the clots. That was awful. My longest period was almost 90 days.

In addition to the symptoms you mentioned, I also had the following:

Ovarian cysts
Insulin Resistance

High Blood Pressure

Adenomyosis (found at hysterectomy)
Extreme fatigue

Contributed to high cholesterol

hair loss at various points (but boy did it like to grow elsewhere)

Dark skin on my inner thighs, around my neck, armpits, and sometimes discolored my face

Total shut down of my ovaries at one point

You would think with one remaining ovary, it would have lessened the non-bleeding issues. That was my hope, but no luck. I am hoping this surgery will help at very least keep my insulin resistance from turning into diabetes. I can live with a moustache and acne for that. ;)

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I was diagnosed with PCOS at 17 - due to very irregular but extremely heavy periods. I once bled for 3mnths straight and finally told my mum. I was put on the pill which masked those symptoms but of course my weight climbed. At 26 they new more about PCOS and when I went in for a routine pap - the new gp took an interest in my story asking all the usual questions. I started metformin and also a weight loss journey - a slow one. I look forward to shedding the weight post surgery now at age 32 and hoping for a normal cycle. For now it is every 2 months for about 5 days but it comes and goes as it pleases sometimes. I also often feel my ovaries having little pings of pain. Like they are trying to work or doing something. Still not sure if I should recommence on metformin as I was advised to stop while my stomach heals. Probably due to visit the gp again. Wouldn't it be nice if gps stayed put - I hate retelling my life story every 12mnth.

Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

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I have PCOS, which interestingly goes away with menopause. I had many of the symptoms and did two things...had a "thermal ablation" which is like cauterizing the uterus. I also had my tubes tied at that time. I then went on metformin and aldactone to lower my testosterone. It worked, acne cleared up, no bleeding, just crampy every month.

The only thing that helped infertility with PCOS was a very low-carb diet. The diet would kick my cycle into normal and I would ovulate.

I am currently waiting a surgery date for gastric bypass, and am formerly a bander.

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Wow I had that dark line before and I don't anymore! I never knew that was the cause. I was diagnosed with PCOS prior about 6 mths prior to my surgery. I still am on 2 birth control pills per day to prevent heavy bleeding and hopefully can be taken off soon. That is the only thing I have noticed still, the rest of my symptoms are gone.

Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

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Hello, I was diagnosed with PCOS 12yrs ago. I have almost every symptom of it and I got cancer from the over production of estrogen from my PCOS as well. I am cancer free now but still so heavy. I just started my 6 month journey towards surgery and have lots of question. I want to know why some people chose the sleeve over bypass and BPD/DS (switch) which has the longest success rate for overall weight loss. Why are you losing your hair after surgery. (this one majorly freaks me out cu my hair is the only thing on me that I love) I'm struggling to decide which procedure i should pick for the surgery. I want the most results. I weigh 378 and i got alot of weight to lose. I am 5'9'' though. from what i'm reading the weight loss for women with PCOS getting the sleeve isn't that great and I want to know if the women who have the other two maybe lose more weight and all. I have so many question. I just want to make the right choice. Can anyone help me.

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Hello, I was diagnosed with PCOS 12yrs ago. I have almost every symptom of it and I got cancer from the over production of estrogen from my PCOS as well. I am cancer free now but still so heavy. I just started my 6 month journey towards surgery and have lots of question. I want to know why some people chose the sleeve over bypass and BPD/DS (switch) which has the longest success rate for overall weight loss. Why are you losing your hair after surgery. (this one majorly freaks me out cu my hair is the only thing on me that I love) I'm struggling to decide which procedure i should pick for the surgery. I want the most results. I weigh 378 and i got alot of weight to lose. I am 5'9'' though. from what i'm reading the weight loss for women with PCOS getting the sleeve isn't that great and I want to know if the women who have the other two maybe lose more weight and all. I have so many question. I just want to make the right choice. Can anyone help me.

Sleeve or Bypass has fairly similar results but Bypass loses the weight in a shorter time frame. Your surgeon and team should help you decide what's best based on your situation. There's been successful people who have PCOS with both surgeries. Loss may be slower but not necessarily. Hair loss is a side effect from rapid weight loss. It may or may not impact you and it grows back. Don't let that deter you from getting surgery though. Your health is too important! @@Cervidae can speak to you about PCOS and RNY (Bypass)! She's been incredibly successful! Glad you are cleared from cancer!

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I, too, have PCOS. I was diagnosed at 19 when I gained 114 lbs in 15 months. My heaviest weight was 302, I lost 110 lbs 5 years ago, and have gained back 85. I don't have the issues with cramping or heavy bleeding because my period stops for a year or more at a time. I do get cysts, acne, and have a very serious facial hair problem that means I have to shave daily. My current weight is 275 lbs and I am interested in WLS in order to get my PCOS under control and for my husband and I to (hopefully) be able to conceive a child. We've been trying for 3 years and have had no luck, but we do have a 22 month old foster daughter we hope to adopt. I'm just curious about what the different options could mean for us. If anyone has a story to share I would love to chat!

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I have PCOS and the worst of it was when I was 25-35 years old. When I was 27 I gained 100 pounds in a year and kept gaining until I was 316. I have experienced many of the symptoms and can say laser treatments aren't as painful as people claim and will change your life. Low carb is the way to go with this and triple the exercise. Hiking and weights work best for me. 75 pounds came off that way, but I kept getting 'stuck'. So I got the weight loss surgery to use as an additional tool to get the rest of the pesky pounds off.

Both of my children were born after I had lost 40 pounds in weight and led more active and healthy low carb lifestyles.

I have curly hair, so it mostly hides the Hair loss from PCOS. I'm checking out wigs in case the hair loss goes nuts from the surgery.

Edited by GwenSue

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Hello, I was diagnosed with PCOS 12yrs ago. I have almost every symptom of it and I got cancer from the over production of estrogen from my PCOS as well. I am cancer free now but still so heavy. I just started my 6 month journey towards surgery and have lots of question. I want to know why some people chose the sleeve over bypass and BPD/DS (switch) which has the longest success rate for overall weight loss. Why are you losing your hair after surgery. (this one majorly freaks me out cu my hair is the only thing on me that I love) I'm struggling to decide which procedure i should pick for the surgery. I want the most results. I weigh 378 and i got alot of weight to lose. I am 5'9'' though. from what i'm reading the weight loss for women with PCOS getting the sleeve isn't that great and I want to know if the women who have the other two maybe lose more weight and all. I have so many question. I just want to make the right choice. Can anyone help me.

My surgeon said that there is no difference in rate of weight loss between bypass and sleeve. Though I said bypass, he recommended the sleeve instead due to the amount of dumping experienced with the bypass. Forget the lapband. For many reasons,which you can read about on this site, it absolutely not the way to go. The incidence of revisions alone speak to that.

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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