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@@silverwhitemoon You are 2 months post-op but already know you will have reflux forever? Hmmm...too bad you didn't have that future prediction ability prior to surgery!

Ah, sarcasm! How intelligent and insightful!

Now you are bullying anyone who supports my opinion.

Why not stop following and move along?

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She's kinda like Penny from 600 lb life... drama queen, doesn't want help, wants to blame everything on everyone else and wants to stay overweight, as well as eat whatever she wants and then be in denial about an eating disorder and blame it on everything else..

Sent from my SM-G930T using the BariatricPal App

P.S. I am no longer overweight.

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There's no need for personal insults, in my opinion.


The Queen of the Sleeve Cult

Then why sling them?

Just move on. Leave us who dislike our sleeves here. We simply want our voices heard. m

Why do you want to silence us so much?

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@@silverwhitemoon You said: *Exactly. I was under the impression that I would be able to eat anything - just in smaller amounts. That really isn't the case. I feel like I have set myself up for having digestive problems for the rest of my life. Also, I can't ever just eat. I have to worry about eating too fast, not chewing enough, whether the food I am going to eat will digest properly or whether it will contribute to the reflux that I now have after VSG that I didn't have before. I am two months out and regret doing this to myself. *

Your sidebar says that you joined this group 10 years ago, and had surgery this June. I can't see how, since you had 10 years to research, you could possibly have held this impression about eating anything you want? I KNEW going in to this that I'd likely have foods I'd never eat again. That I can't 'just eat'. That reflux was a very real possibility of the surgery. The more I see 'regret' stories like this, the more I wonder if there should be a test of some sort that people have to take and pass before they're allowed to have a surgery like this. What on earth did you THINK having 3/4 of your stomach removed was going to do to you? Just make you full faster?

What were your expectations, seriously?

Yes!!! A test should be given, psych evals should take place, patients should be given clear and full information.

And all information, from A to Z should be given pre op, not post op on discharge as in my case!

Warnings about changes to staff pay should be announced to patients before surgery, so they might decline being admitted during industrial action.

The program should be longer, more intensive, more thorough.

We were TOLD that six weeks out, we would be eating "normally", just in smaller quantities!

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Omg nothing Is ever your fault.. of course you didn't become obese because of your food choices!! Lol. Why would anyone ever think that could be the case?

Sent from my SM-G930T using the BariatricPal App

I was not in control of all of my food choices due to disability.

I have said that I could have reduced my intake to my now "normal" 300 to 400 cals a day to lose weight as it is clearly possible!

I have said that I made this decision, I laid down on the operating table.

That's the point of this thread.

Decision making.

If you took the time to intelligently listen to the point, instead of personally insulting me, more understanding would be achieved.

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And my point is proved!

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I believe in a pre-op post you indicated you were 90% incapacitated and homebound because of your illnesses. You also said you knew the risks but it was worth it. You were also encouraged to go to the hospital right after surgery when you were experiencing complications and you didn't feel like waiting there all day. You didn't follow up with problems you were having but now blame the care you received and the infection control at the hospital. I honestly can't believe this thread is still active. We all know you regret surgery and are miserable but please stop blaming your surgeon, NHS or suggesting those of us who have surgery could have lost weight on our own.

My bariatric team admit that none of my problems were created by my actions. I monitored my temperature every day post op. I was in telephone contact with the hospital from the moment my temperature spiked. I presented to the post surgical ward continuously.

I followed up continously or I would be dead now.

No one followed up with ME!

I did contract c dif from the NHS healthcare system, an abscess did form that should not have, serious errors were made and the PALs system here agree and are going to try to work on my behalf to better my care and others. I am not the only one.

If it bothers you that I think "some" people could lose more weight naturally, that's your problem.

Check out "people's" pre op diet weight loss stats.

I do NOT blame my surgeon. I DO think the NHS should review my LOCAL hospital's bariatric, post op and c dif care regimes.

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I used to drink coffee everyday. Now i cant even stand the smell of it. I think about foods I used to eat, now I know a lot of it I can't have, or I can but only 2 or 3 bites of it.

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I couldn't stand the smell off coffee for about the first 5 months. I'm 6 months out now and I have 2 cups a day. Things change.

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That is great for you!

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This wasn't a comment for you Gina

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There's no need for personal insults, in my opinion.


The Queen of the Sleeve Cult

Then why sling them?

Just move on. Leave us who dislike our sleeves here. We simply want our voices heard. m

Why do you want to silence us so much?

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I was actually standing up for YOU. And thank you, but I'll read and post where I please.


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I think you're the only one who needs to stop posting in these threads. I understand your struggle but even the most helpful of information presented to you and your situation you continue to be unreceptive, condescending, and belittling to whomever it may be. I truly wish you the best and I strongly urge you to seek professional mental health counseling to help you through this life changing surgical intervention that you already have made up in your mind you will always regret.

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If you took my statement that "some of us" could have worked harder to lose weight (because I clearly could have starved myself to lose weight, that's what my sleeve is doing), as a personal judgment against you, then it has clearly struck a nerve in your psyche, not mine.

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And no, no you really didn't. ;) I know who I am and that I made absolutely the best decisions FOR ME. Your possible judgment has absolutely no bearing on my "psyche", I promise you.

That said, by your logic, clearly those who have taken a little deeper look at your story have "struck a nerve" in yours...


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There's no need for personal insults, in my opinion.


The Queen of the Sleeve Cult

Then why sling them?

Just move on. Leave us who dislike our sleeves here. We simply want our voices heard. m

Why do you want to silence us so much?

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Gina, I want it to be clear that I'm not looking to silence you in any way whatsoever. What I am looking to do is find out why some people (and I'm not really talking about you, but others who've posted in this thread) seem to have so very little information/understanding of the procedure they've had, and what can be done to change that. If someone says "I thought I'd be able to eat anything, just less of it", then they weren't truly knowledgeable about what was going to happen and IMO, true 'informed consent' was not obtained prior to surgery.

I was given a couple of lightweight handouts prior to my procedure, but I supplemented that with copious research...it would be impossible for ME to go forward with anything this serious without investigating it to the limits of my ability. Maybe it's because I work in healthcare, and am married to someone who works in healthcare, that I've never assumed that any doctor/nurse/caseworker has the time, concern and/or inclination to tell me EVERYTHING that may possibly arise from any procedure, medication, etc.

Your situations sucks, plain and simple. If I had been in your shoes, with the health concerns you already had, I wouldn't have considered VSG for even a moment. But clearly, the information needed wasn't readily available to you and I find that concerning, in an abstract sense. Is it a shortcoming of the NHS system, or is it global and involving many/all healthcare systems. I have family who've lived in Europe all my life and they've used nationalized health systems with great success, and I have family in the US who've been utterly and completely failed by our for-profit health systems.

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At the end of the day Gina doesn't want any advice or help from us. I tried weeks ago to give advice but she just becomes aggressive/ defensive and downright rude. Not being funny Gina but you need some serious help. Mentally. You need some counselling. You think I'm on the side of the NHS but in one of my first posts I told you to take it further. Your trust pays millions every year in insurance policies for people who try and sue. Get a solicitor if you think it's the fault of the hospital. Get a second opinion. Go to a different hospital. Do anything you can but PLEASE STOP having a go at people who are only trying to help!!!

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And I told you that I have both a counsellor and a GP, AND a PALs advisor who agree with me.

You are not trying to help. You are trying to silence me here.

You are definitely wasting your time there.

I AM going to a different hospital where possible and if you are as obsessed as you appear to be, you will have read that.

I have also said that I am starting the process of using PALs to address failings and IF I have permanent injury due to any of the treatment I received, I will address it.

I don't believe in suing the NHS, as I said.

Whistleblowers will always get bullied, and that is why people die. No one wants to speak out.

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Hi Gina, I hadn't seen until this post that you are seeking treatment in a different hospital and I am very glad to hear that. Although the NHS is one organisation you still have many choices about how to proceed and I think you will do well to take advantage of that. Hopefully also using the PALS ('Patient Advice and Liaison Service' for those unfamiliar with the NHS) will point you to a suitable outlet for your issues with the service you have received. I can see from your previous posts that you are determined to use your voice as a whistleblower, and I think that would be most effective directed inwards towards those within the NHS who can make a difference rather than outwards into the void.

On another note, I just wanted to make a quick point about your suggestion that some people could have effectively lost their unwanted weight without surgery - keep in mind that people do lose weight all the time, the main issue for most is keeping it off and that is where the sleeve as a restrictive tool is most effective.


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She's kinda like Penny from 600 lb life... drama queen, doesn't want help, wants to blame everything on everyone else and wants to stay overweight, as well as eat whatever she wants and then be in denial about an eating disorder and blame it on everything else..

Sent from my SM-G930T using the BariatricPal App

P.S. I am no longer overweight.

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I'm not trying to be cruel, but if your stats are accurate then you are more than overweight, you're still obese. I'm not judging, I'm obese too, but you need to remember the facts. Your obesity is likely contributing to your ongoing issues.

For someone who wants to raise awareness you certainly seem to enjoy telling people to stop reading/posting on this thread. We are all sorry you're going though so much pain and regret. I hope you find a good counselor who can help you work through some of this.

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I have been following this thread for a long time and never said anything, honestly I was hoping that people would stop responding to Gina's obvious desire for attention and stop posting but daily I keep coming back and seeing this ridiculous thread on the board.

Gina is clearly very mentally ill and clearly needs some help to address her issues as she obviously has a strong desire for negative attention.

The bottom line is both Gina and SilverWhiteMoon character show two very important things, a lack of knowledge prior to the surgery which in spite of not being told by their doctors they could have easily learned all their misgivings in one single Internet search so I'm not really buying the whole I researched the surgery line. And 2) they are both still very early post op and therefore not qualified to say much about the quality of life forever postoperative VSG

Furthermore as far as Gina just wanting to get the word out about what could happen and wanting people to rethink the surgery I actually think in your mentally ill way you are harming people and possibly deterring people from having a life saving procedure. The complications that you suffered are so very rare that they barely warrant a side note and we have Already established that things may not be from the surgery but more from an incompetent staff that performed your surgery. The fact of the matter is your situation is just to rare to warrant this much attention it certainly shouldn't take up twenty some odd pages on this message board, it's gone too far. You have taken it to far now. Stop now. Stop deterring people from this procedure based I. Your unfortunate choice in a Bariatric team.

And people is she doesn't stop, then for the love of god just stop posting on this thread, let it die and stop giving this mentally ill woman attention.

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I have been following this thread for a long time and never said anything, honestly I was hoping that people would stop responding to Gina's obvious desire for attention and stop posting but daily I keep coming back and seeing this ridiculous thread on the board.

Gina is clearly very mentally ill and clearly needs some help to address her issues as she obviously has a strong desire for negative attention.

The bottom line is both Gina and SilverWhiteMoon character show two very important things, a lack of knowledge prior to the surgery which in spite of not being told by their doctors they could have easily learned all their misgivings in one single Internet search so I'm not really buying the whole I researched the surgery line. And 2) they are both still very early post op and therefore not qualified to say much about the quality of life forever postoperative VSG

Furthermore as far as Gina just wanting to get the word out about what could happen and wanting people to rethink the surgery I actually think in your mentally ill way you are harming people and possibly deterring people from having a life saving procedure. The complications that you suffered are so very rare that they barely warrant a side note and we have Already established that things may not be from the surgery but more from an incompetent staff that performed your surgery. The fact of the matter is your situation is just to rare to warrant this much attention it certainly shouldn't take up twenty some odd pages on this message board, it's gone too far. You have taken it to far now. Stop now. Stop deterring people from this procedure based I. Your unfortunate choice in a Bariatric team.

And people is she doesn't stop, then for the love of god just stop posting on this thread, let it die and stop giving this mentally ill woman attention.

I absolutely agree with you although I wouldn't dare diagnose another's mental wellness on the internet. Well, at least, not out loud. ;)

You are absolutely right about a lot of your points and my continued discussion here is not at all for the benefit of the OP, but for the benefit of those who are reading, researching and deciding.

It became clear that the "lack of knowledge" complained about initially is easily discovered with a few clicks around the internet. The further damage/debacles that developed were not fully explained until further discussion was provoked. Without that further discussion, many reading could have easily come to the conclusion that this potentially life saving surgery does not come without MANY potential and **hidden** risks. Now that we know the backstory and the medical condition of the OP pre-op, it's quite apparent that her case is highly unlikely to repeat itself. I still find it puzzling that she has no desire to pursue this romper room of a surgery team legally but insists on only "raising awareness" on a message board, one that she herself did little to no research on before her procedure.

This story has taken on so many twists and turns, one almost needs a road map to follow it. I think the commentary has certainly cleared up what could have been huge misconceptions about the sleeve quite nicely if one has the patience to read it all. :D

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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