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What I wish I had known...

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@@TracyBar - The hormone dump lasts about as long the major weight loss is happening (testosterone and estrogen are stored in the fat). Then you get a big testosterone boost because estrogen levels drop when you lose weight. That effect can also last a 1-3 months.

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@@TracyBar - The hormone dump lasts about as long the major weight loss is happening (testosterone and estrogen are stored in the fat). Then you get a big testosterone boost because estrogen levels drop when you lose weight. That effect can also last a 1-3 months.

Thanks - this does not bring me joy! LOL

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I have fibromyalgia, CFS and IBS-D. My blood tests were coming back really bad and the pre op assessment unit weren't happy to go ahead but the anaesthetist overrode their decision and the surgery was done. Had I known my blood results and what they meant, I certainly wouldn't have gone ahead. Yes I think the change in my stomach has affected my bowel condition. Imodium and codeine don't work now and I don't know why. So I can't control the problem, so I have to stay home near my bathroom. Fibromyalgia is such a bizarre affliction, I can't tell you in which ways this has had an impact. I am certainly in alot of pain and the shock of all of this must be aggravating my fibro and CFS.

I discussed all of this at great length with my bariatric team. They just said, don't worry about it.

Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

Hi Gina. I have IBS as well. I was hospitalized as a toddler for a week - diagnosis: nervous stomach. Which of course became Spastic Colon, then IBS. Now, at 54 I got so fed up with how I was feeling that i decided I wasn't going to feel like it another day. I started doing research. I discovered while doing research that sorbitol and other sugar alcohols are in so many things (xylitol, mannitol, etc.). Even in my toothpaste. And more importantly, I was taking Cipralex Meltz which contain sorbitol - I can honestly say I felt poisoned. So - lactose intolerant, IBS and a pretty bad intolerance for sugar alcohols (something I figured out 5-6 years ago but didn't know I was ingesting every single day). When I went to my doctor and explained all these thing she said - "I know what's wrong with you!" - She told me about the Low FODMAP diet - a Doctor in Australia (with celiac) discovered the correlation between certain foods and intolerances, and sugar alcohols and their effect on people with gastro-intestinal problems. The biggest factor for me has been removing sorbitol completely. I'm super vigilant about this. My brain-fog just disappeared, my gut/bowel was so much better after that. I'm fairly good at not eating the many fruits and vegetables, fructose, fructans, etc that are all part of this. I just could not understand why when I ate I avoided dairy but my almost instant diarrhea happened all the same. It was awful. I'm not completely out of the woods, but I feel control for the first time in my life! I downloaded the app, bought the book and haven't looked back. My IBS is one of my major concerns when it comes to getting the gastric sleeve operation. I'm very concerned about foods going through my system too quickly and making my life miserable due to the food bypassing the absorption in the small intestine and through to the large too quickly resulting in chronic diarrhea. I see my doctor August 11 and it'll be a question I'll be asking for sure. She may not know the answers but she may be able to send me to see somebody that does. I really think that you should try this diet, especially as you have IBS. Perhaps you already know about the Low FODMAP diet? If so, sorry I've wasted your time with this very long message! lol The Protein shakes you're drinking - check the ingredients. Become familiar with all the sugar alcohols so you can recognize them when you read ingredient lists. Most people with IBS also have lactose intolerance. Do you have it? Protein Shakes are an issue for me - it's also a concern if I get the sleeve surgery as the Protein Shakes are a necessity from what I know. I can't have things like sugar-free popsicles (probably have sorbitol), shakes if they have dairy or sugar alcohols/sorbitol, etc. Dieting usually means low-fat, low-sugar foods. I won't be able to ever have those items, so will need to always have whole foods only - no processed. I will need to have a Protein shake chosen beforehand that doesn't bother me. If it bothers me before surgery it'll be a nightmare after. Please look at this diet - there are so many doctors that don't know about it. Find a dietician who knows about it and get some help from him/her. Check your toothpaste, your foods/drinks, gum, mints, sugar-free pop (btw I can't have aspartame either). Good luck - would be so nice if this is a big help for you :-)

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Its good to know that the watching doesn't go on forever!

Having said that, for the people who I haven't told (non have said anything yet but Im only 5 weeks out) if they ask I'll just say I'm on high Protein, low carb diet and that I'm counting calories. It's the truth! Sort of ;-)

Jo x

My line is "I gave up on fad diets and did EXACTLY what my doctor told me to do".
Now that's a smart response!

Sent from my XT1254 using the BariatricPal App

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@@TracyBar - The hormone dump lasts about as long the major weight loss is happening (testosterone and estrogen are stored in the fat). Then you get a big testosterone boost because estrogen levels drop when you lose weight. That effect can also last a 1-3 months.

Thanks - this does not bring me joy! LOL

Forewarned is forearmed. I didn't really know about it until several month post surgery. I could not figure out why I found myself wanting to watch chick flicks when the estrogen was oozing out, but it was comforting to realize I wasn't becoming a wus. I wish I had known about the testosterone boost. Geez, It was dang potent stuff. I had sex three times one day (I'm a 53 year old guy, but I was behaving like a randy teenage boy...but it was fun). Many ladies experience a similar rush. So try to get your significant other in shape when it happens. They might actually put up with your pre-op and liquid phase diet moodiness.

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Thanks - this does not bring me joy! LOL

@@TracyBar - The hormone dump lasts about as long the major weight loss is happening (testosterone and estrogen are stored in the fat). Then you get a big testosterone boost because estrogen levels drop when you lose weight. That effect can also last a 1-3 months.

Forewarned is forearmed. I didn't really know about it until several month post surgery. I could not figure out why I found myself wanting to watch chick flicks when the estrogen was oozing out, but it was comforting to realize I wasn't becoming a wus. I wish I had known about the testosterone boost. Geez, It was dang potent stuff. I had sex three times one day (I'm a 53 year old guy, but I was behaving like a randy teenage boy...but it was fun). Many ladies experience a similar rush. So try to get your significant other in shape when it happens. They might actually put up with your pre-op and liquid phase diet moodiness.

Those hormones are amazing! I'll have to let my husband know - he's onside with me for the surgery, so he should be just fine with the benefits too!

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Thanks for this especially the part about this not being the "easy way out" but the most effective one. I'm six months out, 77 lbs down and people notice. Boy do they notice. I have chosen to be completely honest with people when they ask what I did to lose the weight. I know everyone has a personal opinion on this but I feel if I wasn't being honest I wouldn't be doing somone who could benefit from the procedure any justice. I have though for a couple days been struggling on how to reply to the "easy way out" comments without coming off as an a-hole because I still want to plant that seed that this is a great tool for weight loss.

As for the watching part my 7yr is the biggest VSG food cop ever. She is always calling me out on my food choices which in turn forces me to make better descions. In the process her recognizing that the potato chips I'm reaching for are bad has her making better choices for herself as well. She has become my favorite "health food guinea pig" buddy.

And, I'm need to apologize to my husband. Until today I hadn't realized my hormones were being weird at all. Looking back though, I think I owe the mister a back rub and an uninteruppted day of video games....maybe two.

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@ - thank you so much for your honest and eye-opening post. I absolutely love the surgical team I'm working with (I am finishing up the last pre-op tests) and they are very quick to answer questions I pose to them, but I didn't know about about many of these things, including the hormone dump. I'm so thankful for this group! Thank you all so much for sharing your stories!

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The fffff

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Oops. Excuse my last post. Love this post so so true! Thanks for sharing

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He didn't watch we he ate and drank. He didn't gain but didn't lose much either. bread and other carbs got the best of him. He says he wasn't mentally prepared for what need to be done after op. He paid cash for his surgery and never had to see a dietitian nor counseling, I guess he had no guidance.

Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

That's my worry - I'd be paying cash and I think I need the dietitian and counselling. Some is provided but both places I'm considering are a long way from my home.
Do it. ..I paid cash and seeing the dietician and therapist was great. I see the dietician with my surgeon at each eating change. I had surgery July 26th.

Sent from my SM-N900V using the BariatricPal App

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He didn't watch we he ate and drank. He didn't gain but didn't lose much either. bread and other carbs got the best of him. He says he wasn't mentally prepared for what need to be done after op. He paid cash for his surgery and never had to see a dietitian nor counseling, I guess he had no guidance.

Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

That's my worry - I'd be paying cash and I think I need the dietitian and counselling. Some is provided but both places I'm considering are a long way from my home.
Do it. ..I paid cash and seeing the dietician and therapist was great. I see the dietician with my surgeon at each eating change. I had surgery July 26th.

Sent from my SM-N900V using the BariatricPal App

Thank you - How are you doing? You had the surgery such a short time go - how would you gauge your recovery? I'm still scared about jumping into this - but I've done a lot of research and soul searching. I see my doctor next week - a bit nervous about what her reaction will be!

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Awesome post thanks for sharing.

I'm exactly one month post op today, time sure does fly.

During this one month I quickly realized that food was my be all and end all. I lived to eat!!

My one mistake pre-op was not figuring out what I'd do to fill in the blanks once food is gone. I'm working with a therapist to try and build a life without food being the cornerstone.

As for hormones, I'm single so do not have the joy of sharing that rush with someone

I didn't tell anyone about my surgery. Told my co workers I'm having a hernia repair. I'd hate to be under the microscope.

If anyone asks how I'm losing weight, clean eating, working out and plenty of sleep. That outta shut them up

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I have fibromyalgia, CFS and IBS-D. My blood tests were coming back really bad and the pre op assessment unit weren't happy to go ahead but the anaesthetist overrode their decision and the surgery was done. Had I known my blood results and what they meant, I certainly wouldn't have gone ahead. Yes I think the change in my stomach has affected my bowel condition. Imodium and codeine don't work now and I don't know why. So I can't control the problem, so I have to stay home near my bathroom. Fibromyalgia is such a bizarre affliction, I can't tell you in which ways this has had an impact. I am certainly in alot of pain and the shock of all of this must be aggravating my fibro and CFS.

I discussed all of this at great length with my bariatric team. They just said, don't worry about it.

Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

Hi Gina. I have IBS as well. I was hospitalized as a toddler for a week - diagnosis: nervous stomach. Which of course became Spastic Colon, then IBS. Now, at 54 I got so fed up with how I was feeling that i decided I wasn't going to feel like it another day. I started doing research. I discovered while doing research that sorbitol and other sugar alcohols are in so many things (xylitol, mannitol, etc.). Even in my toothpaste. And more importantly, I was taking Cipralex Meltz which contain sorbitol - I can honestly say I felt poisoned. So - lactose intolerant, IBS and a pretty bad intolerance for sugar alcohols (something I figured out 5-6 years ago but didn't know I was ingesting every single day). When I went to my doctor and explained all these thing she said - "I know what's wrong with you!" - She told me about the Low FODMAP diet - a Doctor in Australia (with celiac) discovered the correlation between certain foods and intolerances, and sugar alcohols and their effect on people with gastro-intestinal problems. The biggest factor for me has been removing sorbitol completely. I'm super vigilant about this. My brain-fog just disappeared, my gut/bowel was so much better after that. I'm fairly good at not eating the many fruits and vegetables, fructose, fructans, etc that are all part of this. I just could not understand why when I ate I avoided dairy but my almost instant diarrhea happened all the same. It was awful. I'm not completely out of the woods, but I feel control for the first time in my life! I downloaded the app, bought the book and haven't looked back. My IBS is one of my major concerns when it comes to getting the gastric sleeve operation. I'm very concerned about foods going through my system too quickly and making my life miserable due to the food bypassing the absorption in the small intestine and through to the large too quickly resulting in chronic diarrhea. I see my doctor August 11 and it'll be a question I'll be asking for sure. She may not know the answers but she may be able to send me to see somebody that does. I really think that you should try this diet, especially as you have IBS. Perhaps you already know about the Low FODMAP diet? If so, sorry I've wasted your time with this very long message! lol The Protein Shakes you're drinking - check the ingredients. Become familiar with all the sugar alcohols so you can recognize them when you read ingredient lists. Most people with IBS also have lactose intolerance. Do you have it? Protein shakes are an issue for me - it's also a concern if I get the sleeve surgery as the protein shakes are a necessity from what I know. I can't have things like sugar-free popsicles (probably have sorbitol), shakes if they have dairy or sugar alcohols/sorbitol, etc. Dieting usually means low-fat, low-sugar foods. I won't be able to ever have those items, so will need to always have whole foods only - no processed. I will need to have a Protein Shake chosen beforehand that doesn't bother me. If it bothers me before surgery it'll be a nightmare after. Please look at this diet - there are so many doctors that don't know about it. Find a dietician who knows about it and get some help from him/her. Check your toothpaste, your foods/drinks, gum, mints, sugar-free pop (btw I can't have aspartame either). Good luck - would be so nice if this is a big help for you :-)

I was put on the low fodmap diet six years ago. I was not lactose intolerant before my sleeve but I am now. Thanks for the thought and the time you took to message me.

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I needed this! I am going through a long stall now! I have lost and gained the same 2 pounds over the last month. It is nice to know I am not alone and even if I am doing everything right, the dreaded stall may still happen.

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    • BabySpoons

      Sometimes reading the posts here make me wonder if some people just weren't mentally ready for WLS and needed more time with the bariatric team psychiatrist. Complaining about the limited drink/food choices early on... blah..blah...blah. The living to eat mentality really needs to go and be replaced with eating to live. JS
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      1. Bypass2Freedom

        We have to remember that everyone moves at their own pace. For some it may be harder to adjust, people may have other factors at play that feed into the unhealthy relationship with food e.g. eating disorders, trauma. I'd hope those who you are referring to address this outside of this forum, with a professional.

        This is a place to feel safe to vent, seek advice, hopefully without judgement.

        Compassion goes a long way :)

      2. BabySpoons

        Seems it would be more compassionate not to perform a WLS on someone until they are mentally ready for it. Unless of course they are on death's door...

    • Theweightisover2024🙌💪

      Question for anyone, how did you get your mind right before surgery? Like as far as eating better foods and just doing better in general? I'm having a really hard time with this. Any help is appreciated 🙏❤️
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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

    • BeanitoDiego

      I've hit a stall 9 months out. I'm not worried, though. My fitness levels continue to improve and I have nearly accomplished my pre-surgery goal of learning to scuba dive! One dive left to complete to get my PADI card 🐠
      I was able to go for a 10K/6mile hike in the mountains two days ago just for the fun of it. In the before days, I might have attempted this, but it would have taken me 7 or 8 hours to complete and I would have been exhausted and in pain for the next two days. Taking my time with breaks for snacks and water, I was finished with my wee jaunt in only 4 hours 😎 and really got to enjoy photographing some insects, fungi, and turtles.
      Just for fun last week, I ran two 5Ks in two days, something I would have never done in the past! Next goal is a 10K before the end of this month.
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    • Teriesa

      Hi everyone, I wrote back in May about having no strength. I still get totally exhausted just walking from room to room, it’s so bad I’m using a walker with wheels of all things. I had the gastric sleeve Jan. 24th. I’m doing exactly what the programs says, except protein shakes. I have different meats and protein bars daily, including vitamins daily. I do drink my fluids as well.  I go in for IV hydration 4 days a week and feel ok just til evening.  So far as of Jan 1st I’ve dropped 76 lbs. I just want to enjoy the weight lose. Any suggestions or has anyone else gone thru this??  Doctor says just increase calorie intake, still the same. 
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      Decorative Wall Cladding & Panels | Stone Art By SKL
      Elevate your space with Stone Art By SKL's decorative wall claddings & panels. Explore premium designs for timeless elegance.
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