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August Bandsters How are you Doing So Far

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What an inspiring bunch! Fran, congrats on getting to ONEderland! I'm 24 lbs behind you, so I should be there by Spring, if all goes well!

I totally surprised myself and am down 3 lbs this week, so I'm 4 lbs from the 210's (my January goal). Thing is, I need to get my mind back in the right place and stop pushing the envelope with portions. I'm choosing the right stuff most of the time, but not stopping till my belly actually hurts. NOT good! I decided I have to get back to the basic bandster diet from my clinic and see if I can get it back under control (3-4 oz lean Protein with a LITTLE bit of veg or fruit for main meal, milk for snacks).

I finally get how people get into the habit of adjusting to try and control their bingeing instead of dealing with the habit (and eventually have slips or erosions). It's really tempting to go in and get my band super-tight, even though I'm not really hungry.

A morale boost would be a big help right now, guys!

On a non-weightloss note, I have a line on a really nice job in San Diego. Part of me is thrilled at the idea of a new adventure in California (I've thought a lot about living there), but another part of me is scared about leaving family and friends behind, even if it's just for a couple years. I've gone over it with my therapist and she thinks it would really good for me, getting a fresh start, trying something new, etc. After all, if we really do only go around once, wouldn't it be worth having the experience?

What a roller coaster 2008 has been for me so far!

Hi Pizzicato,


As for you, with 63 pounds lost, I would say that you are doing wonderfully with your weight loss.:clap2::clap2::clap2:

Is it possible that you are being way too hard on yourself? Knowing what I know so far, I would certainly say that this might very well be the case. After all, you don't lose 63 pounds in 5 months without doing something right......

kaos-not-tagged-smiley-4709.gifCrazy Ates JANUARY Exercise Challenge kaos-not-tagged-smiley-4829.gif

5/30 Exercise Sessions


Banded 8/07/07 Dr. Miguel Zapata, Monterrey Mexico

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Okay I am as tight as Scrouge McDuck today. I have had a TERRIBLE time with TERRIBLE pain everytime I eat. I called the doc today to reschedule my fill (they wanted me to come in on Jan 21- uhhh NO!) and talked to the nurse about how tight I am. Her suggestion is that I should come in. Again I am 5-6 hours away with a terrible snowstorm blowing in to the mountain passes as we speak. However there is a bariatric surgeon in the neighboring town so I may call them tomorrow and see how much it would cost for a tiny unfill. If it is cheaper than flying over, I may do it. After eating my egg this morning I thought I was going to die. I just got through with dinner and it wasn't much better. I was doing fine for the last few days, but today this band just tightened up like there was no tomorrow. I usually am not hungry but today I actually got hungry (growling tummy and everything) because I just couldn't get food down. It is funny, I don't normally feel hunger in my stomach, but I can tell when I need food because it feels like my eyes are starting to sink in to the back of my head. I know, BIZARRE! Hey but I am an odd duck anyways! I was at 348 calories before I got some chicken pureed in alfredo sauce down. Normally I wouldn't eat as much alfredo sauce, but I wanted some calories! I am going to go to mushies for a few days and see if I can get that to work. If I have to go to liquids at any point I am going in to get an unfill. I really don't see how people would want to be this tight. I guess to each their own.

Pizzicato - So I think you got my opinion on being too tight. I just can't do this way tight thing. I think you are doing MARVELOUS! We are always going to have mental lapses and times when you are feeling down. I had that feeling just this weekend. Today I feel much better...well except the fact that I can't eat anything. GRRRRR

Well I am going to sit and watch tv. I am taking a night off from exercising. I just don't have any energy after the first day back at school!sleep.gif

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Hello everyone! Just wanted to check in, I haven't been in here for a few days. I have had the flu and an awful sinus infection and thought I better share because it scared me. First of all, this is the first bat of flu I have had since banded in August.....geez, what an experience. As if the nauseau wasn't bad enough from the flu, the throwing up made my stomach swell up like a balloon. My port area is/was really hard and I could barely get liquids down. It is subsiding now, but wow, it was awful.

Anyway, I am supposed to go for a fill today (I have had the appt scheduled for a month now). Before I got sick, I thought I could use a little tweak and be at perfect restriction, I am so close to my sweet spot, I know it. Now that I have had the flu, I think I am still a bit swollen trying to get over it which poses my next question.....do I let him give me a little fill or wait and go back in a few weeks if I need to. I am not pbing or sliming or anything, most things go down fine if I chew well, I do have to avoid some foods but who doesn't. I don't want to screw this up, I am finally starting to lose weight consistantly each week. I really think I am just going to have him check things out and wait a few weeks till I am 100% percent better before I get that fill. It is the smart thing to do really....don't you think? It is just kind of frustrating......

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Frangi and Salsa, thanks for the boost! I'm just trying to work through what's going on in my head lately. I know it's the compulsiveness taking over and wanting to suck up everything in front of me. It didn't really kick in until December with all the holiday grazeables around. I've set myself a goal for the week to stick as close as I can to the basic rules and see if it kicks me back into gear.

Thing is, most of my loss happened early on, and I was definitely slower the past month because I'd given myself a lot looser leash than I'd had before (eating more carbs, sugar, fat etc). I just need to get back on the wagon so I don't knock myself so much.

By the way, the last thing my therapist said to me last week was that I should quit the self-deprecation, and we weren't even talking about the weight loss stuff! Hmm...

Salsa, I'm so sorry you aren't feeling well. Let us know how the doc visit works out for you!

Badonkadonk, it's great to hear from you! Sorry you've been sick - hopefully it will clear up soon!

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Hi all, I was banded on Aug 28, 2007. Just found this forum and I like it alot. I started out at 379 10 prior to my surgery when I started my 10 liquid only diet. That SUCKED! Dropped 23 lbs alone there. One week of Clear Liquids and 1 week of whole liquids post op. Followed up with 2 weeks of pureed foods, never thought pureed chicken w/fat free refried Beans would taste SO GOOD!!!!!!

As of this morning, I'm down to 302. I am in the gym every morning before work for 50 minutes on the treadmill and 4 nights a week for circuit training w/weights. On my off days, I do 1-2 hrs on the treadmill.

Before the banding, I was almost ashamed to tell people I was getting it. Now, I tell everyone who asks if I've lost weight about it. Used as a tool, it is the best ever. I can still eat what I want, just not as much.

Thanks for the great forum to share.

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So here is the thing with this fill. I went to mushies (yogurt and cottage cheese) today and I am not having the excruciating pain that I was having yesterday, but there is a little pain and discomfort (pressure feeling in my chest). However, I am getting hungry in between meals. So I don't know if I am too tight, just right, or whining too much. I can still drink Water pretty quickly so I really just don't know. The obvious thing is that I am not chewing well enough, but really (I would take an oath) I think that I am chewing quite well. I don't want to have the fill taken out and then be too loose, but I also don't want to do anything that will hurt me. I just got my fill back after being completely unfilled and I don't want to go back to that feeling. I really wish I would have thought this long distance doctor thing out more. I just went in with this positive attitude that I wasn't going to have any problems and for the most part I haven't. Does anyone think it would hurt me to wait a week or two before making the trip across the mountains or do you think I should go in? :help: I checked on the doc here and it is 350 for a non-patient unfill, 500 for a fill:eek:! It would be cheaper for me to fly to my doc.

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Salsa, if you are able to stay hydrated and are able to eat some, I think I would wait a week and see what happens. Just be sure you are careful not to PB or anything. I met someone today that could not even sip Water because her band was too tight. She got a small unfill. Maybe stay on the mushies for a little while to see if everything works out. Let us know....Dave

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Salsa, I think you should probably still see the doc. IMHO, if you're only able to get mushies in and your calories are that low, and if solids are causing pain, you're too full.

You're getting hungry because the mushies go through too quickly!

Better safe than sorry - go see your doc!

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Well I talked to the doctor and he said to just stay on liquids and mushies until the 21st. Then I am to go in and have a small unfill. He said I could come in earlier and if it gets any tighter I will, but it is really tough for me to get days off. Planning for a sub is almost worse than being at school. The 21st is a not a school day so it should be easy to get over there. I guess I am back to post op diet!! He wants me on liquids no thicker than Protein Drinks until Friday and then thin mushies for 3-4 days and then I can advance to cottage cheese and refried Beans for the remainder of the time, assuming that they are not too difficult to get down. Oh well, I can do it. My doctor is all about not living on mushies and liquids. I know, from reading other posts, that some doctors allow their patients to be so tight that they can never eat anything but liquids and mushies. My doc believes, just like I do, that this is a lifestyle change and wants you eating real foods! I am not so tight that I can't get liquids and thin mushies down so he is not worried that I am going to close up like I did last time.

Well I have to finish grading some tests so I will chat later.

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Salsa, that sounds good. I'm on the liquid and mushie thing too and I almost enjoy chicken broth...LOL

I get the handheld chicken and stars Soup and strain out the stars! It is a LITTLE thicker than chicken broth and I like it better. I struggle with my Protein when I am on liquids because I don't like protein drinks and I can't do dairy since surgery. It just doesn't settle with me. So all of the powders I have to mix with Water or soy milk. I have only tried 1 brand of soy milk so far and I didn't like it. Has anyone tried a soymilk that doesn't look like cardboard water or taste like cardboard water?!?!

Well off to the store to scope out liquids for the next few days!

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Hi Salsa,

Good luck getting through this rough patch. I keep thinking I want to be super tight, but I think you have completely changed my mind about that now. It sounds very unpleasant, and I am sorry to hear you are going through this.

I thought I would share one of my favorite liquid diet recipes with you -- it is very simple quick and good:

Campbell's French Onion Soup, 1 can of Water, and 1/3 of a Knorr beef bullion cube. Heat and add some shredded Asiago cheese to the pot (or your bowl) just before serving.

The cheese is obviously optional, but it usually just about melts completely into the broth so you shouldn't have any problems getting it down.

YUM! And when you move to the mushies stage, this broth makes a very nice light gravy for mashed potatoes.

kaos-not-tagged-smiley-4709.gifCrazy Ates JANUARY Exercise Challenge kaos-not-tagged-smiley-4829.gif

6/30 Exercise Sessions


Banded 8/07/07 Dr. Miguel Zapata, Monterrey Mexico

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Wow - you're going to dropping pounds like crazy now! At least there's that as an upside. Hang in there!

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Wow - you're going to dropping pounds like crazy now! At least there's that as an upside. Hang in there!

You are right! That is an upside. I made my bf take my scale away from me. I was becoming too obsessed. So now I am only allowed to weigh on Sunday and Wednesday. So I will see how much I have lost since Sunday tomorrow morning. I only got in 550 calories today but I still got in my exercise. I am going to try and not slow down on the exercise. That combined with low calories should really boost the exercise. The doc actually told me not to worry about losing weight during this time because I may be hungry since I am only going to have liquids and thin solids. He said I may actually gain. I told him that is what he said when I had to be unfilled and that I take that as a challenge. He told me "I know, just wanted to keep you motivated! You take challenges to heart." He is AMAZED at how fast I am getting to my goal. I said, just wait until you see me in a few weeks, I have lost even more since my fill. It is nice when you get compliments from the doctor!

Thanks to all of you for the suggestions and well wishes. And thanks Frangi for the recipe, that sounds yummy! Where were you when I was on liquids before. Oh wait I wasn't here then. My bad!

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Hello All!

Ceradad, welcome, I'm glad you found us, Your weight loss is amazing!

Salsa, I don't like protin drinks either. I just tried Bolthouse Farms, Perfectly Protein Mocha Cappuccino. 42g of protein in a 1 liter bottle - 10 g/8oz. It's great! I used to drink iced coffe drinks from Dunkin or the kind you buy in the bottle - this is just as good and it gives you the protein.

I go in for my 3rd fill on the 23rd. I have lost the 4 lbs I gained during the holidays but I have felt like I had no restriction for the past 3 weeks.

Looking forward to that tight feeling!


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