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I'm freaking HUNGRYYYY! Eeerrrrgggg!

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Oh I just found out that my caloric consumption is only 240cal because that's all I can do. I get all of my Water in but can't do more than that with the options I have due to my allergies/intolerances .i bought a $4 bottle of muscle milk that had 40g of Protein and it supposed to be suitable for people with dairy issues but my stomach /intestines was tortured even though I took two lactaid pills before drinking. Idk what to do because either stuff had gluten, dairy, whey, lactose, stevia, or aspartame none of which I can have. SW:238 Cw:219 DOS: 6/27/16

Sent from my XT1028 using the BariatricPal App

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At the end of the day, you are the only one in control of your actions and behaviors. I know your post was directed to @vsganne2014.

I am not sure about her but I remember those first days, weeks, months exactly. I will never ever forget them. I know how scared I was, I know that I may have even 2nd guessed my decision because I was weak and exhausted. I was even tempted to go off plan.

So, I began reaching out to people like @vsganne2014 for help. And you know what, I listened because they knew what it was like. They lived it and they knew what mistakes might actually cause a problem, as an example...eating bacon.

You may not like the tough love approach and I understand that. Try to get past that and learn from people who lived it.

Honestly we are trying to help you guys but if you are not willing to listen or we hurt your feelings, too bad. If we get through to a few folks that are going through the start of their journey, then it's worth it.

At the end of the day, we believe in what we have done because as we followed instructions the weight came off, our health got better allowing us to be here for our children and grandchildren.

If you don't want to listen no one can make you. Clearly you don't listen to your doctor or your nut so what exactly are you looking for???

Someone to tell you it is alright to go off plan and do what you want? Well, you got that to from people that don't know or have yet to live this journey or haven't reached goal and may never.

If you think it is hard now, just wait until you can eat whatever you want because trust me, the honeymoon will end quickly and you will be right back where you started. I am RNY 22 months post op. I literally can eat anything I want. I know the moment I eat chips that tomorrow when I get on the scale I will show a gain. Yes....just from some chips. Do that more than a few days in a row and guess what, I am up 3-5lbs and freaking out. This is because I never ever want to be that sick 310 women who has diabetes, severe gerd, high blood pressure and stage 3 chronic kidney disease almost at a point where I needed dialysis all from eating whatever I wanted whenever I wanted.

It is time to pull up your big girl pants and do what you set out to do. For you, for your children for whatever reasons you started in the first place.

It doesn't matter to us who you do it for, just get yourself healthy.

If that seems mean to you, then I am sorry but it really is the truth and I think if you think hard about it, you will realize that doing what you are supposed to is the best thing you can do for yourself.

I applaud those willing to provide an honest kick in the pants because sometimes it is necessary.

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So here's the thing. We all have struggled with our weight. That's why we're here.

Some of us have different predispositions that lead to obesity, but we all turned to WLS as a tool to get better.

Everyone here is about to have surgery, or has gotten surgery. We've all failed and succeeded. And we've had to talk ourselves away from eating something we shouldn't. Many of us have spent the afternoon above a toilet because we ate something we shouldn't and threw it up, or heard/experienced a leak or WLS failure.

We ALL have problems with self control, some more than others. Otherwise why would we need surgery to help us eat less?

Before surgery, how many of us looked at the reflection in the mirror and told ourselves terrible terrible things? How many of us felt shame after eating a slice of cake or a serving or two of fries?

For many of us, tough love is the thing that helped get us to WLS and where we are today. In a way, WLS IS tough love, because it's an extremely difficult process that we did TO OURSELVES because we love our life and want to make it better.

The fact is, you chose to eat bacon very soon after WLS, when you could have eaten something else much healthier (which still would have been VERY wrong btw). A piece of chicken or turkey? But bacon is greasy, fatty, and has very little nutritional value. So not only did you choose to eat when you shouldn't have been, you chose to eat something very bad for you.

Sometimes people will respond to you harshly on here. Sometimes they'll post a repetitive post that has nothing to do with what you asked.

The best thing to do is to ignore or respond with grace. What you think of me, or they think of you, or you think of them, none of that actually makes a difference in our lives.

The thing that makes a difference for you is what you put in your body, and as we are all struggling with the same choices we want to see you succeed, and everyone responds to different kinds of statements.

What I am seeing is you getting upset at the harsh statements, and defending yourself. Don't defend yourself, you made a mistake. Accept it, move on, and don't repeat the mistake

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Oh I just found out that my caloric consumption is only 240cal because that's all I can do. I get all of my Water in but can't do more than that with the options I have due to my allergies/intolerances .i bought a $4 bottle of muscle milk that had 40g of Protein and it supposed to be suitable for people with dairy issues but my stomach /intestines was tortured even though I took two lactaid pills before drinking. Idk what to do because either stuff had gluten, dairy, whey, lactose, stevia, or aspartame none of which I can have. SW:238 Cw:219 DOS: 6/27/16

Sent from my XT1028 using the BariatricPal App

Have you looked into pea or hemp Protein? I am not familiar with them enough to offer any suggestions on brands but Google it to see if it's something you can have and maybe start there. Good luck!

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Love your surgery story. It is exactly what I am talking about. I am not sure that people realize how dangerous it is to go off plan to such a degree.

Then they wonder why they are in the ER bleeding and back in surgery. Yes, that happens. There are many stories on here of people ending up back in the hospital from everything to dehydrating themselves all the way to ripping their tummies open.

Thanks for sharing your story and from a doctor no less.

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I think your surgeon ripping your head off is a little extreme... he should have talked to you about alternatives or ways around dealing with the hunger pangs. Also, he should explain or clarify (in a professional tone of course) the reason behind the dietary restrictions after the surgery.

Most surgeons will have patients go through a series of stages in which the food gets thicker as you progress so your stomach can get used to how things are going to work. Also, your stomach has to heal internally, around where the stomach is stapled shut. Tissue has to grow over the staples to help make the stomach liquid tight, and thus prevent leakages.

Clear liquids are the most innocuous regarding that healing, but as the weeks progress the tissue inside the stomach grows more and thus can handle more serious foods and things with more substance. Also, liquids will pass through more quickly so it gives the stomach more time to heal on its own without anything in it.

I'm sorry you had a rough experience, but I'd say do the best you can to stick to the program outlined by your surgeon because that will ensure your recovery goes smooth and you don't run into any complications.

and...a month of Clear Liquids? YIKES indeed. I hope he's flexible on that!

Best of luck to you.

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So here's the thing. We all have struggled with our weight. That's why we're here.

Some of us have different predispositions that lead to obesity, but we all turned to WLS as a tool to get better.

Everyone here is about to have surgery, or has gotten surgery. We've all failed and succeeded. And we've had to talk ourselves away from eating something we shouldn't. Many of us have spent the afternoon above a toilet because we ate something we shouldn't and threw it up, or heard/experienced a leak or WLS failure.

We ALL have problems with self control, some more than others. Otherwise why would we need surgery to help us eat less?

Before surgery, how many of us looked at the reflection in the mirror and told ourselves terrible terrible things? How many of us felt shame after eating a slice of cake or a serving or two of fries?

For many of us, tough love is the thing that helped get us to WLS and where we are today. In a way, WLS IS tough love, because it's an extremely difficult process that we did TO OURSELVES because we love our life and want to make it better.

The fact is, you chose to eat bacon very soon after WLS, when you could have eaten something else much healthier (which still would have been VERY wrong btw). A piece of chicken or turkey? But bacon is greasy, fatty, and has very little nutritional value. So not only did you choose to eat when you shouldn't have been, you chose to eat something very bad for you.

Sometimes people will respond to you harshly on here. Sometimes they'll post a repetitive post that has nothing to do with what you asked.

The best thing to do is to ignore or respond with grace. What you think of me, or they think of you, or you think of them, none of that actually makes a difference in our lives.

The thing that makes a difference for you is what you put in your body, and as we are all struggling with the same choices we want to see you succeed, and everyone responds to different kinds of statements.

What I am seeing is you getting upset at the harsh statements, and defending yourself. Don't defend yourself, you made a mistake. Accept it, move on, and don't repeat the mistake

Really well said - I also wanted to add that sometimes its tough to read text on a screen because there's no emotive content there... so if someone were to write, for example "You shouldn't have done that." - it could come across harshly, whereas the person may have meant it in a tone more like "I understand what you mean, but just to be safe you really shouldn't have done that." Etc.

Like a few other posters had mentioned, we're here because we underwent (or will be undergoing) surgery as a tool to get better. It's not an easy road but we can all do it together.

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So here's the thing. We all have struggled with our weight. That's why we're here.

Some of us have different predispositions that lead to obesity, but we all turned to WLS as a tool to get better.

Everyone here is about to have surgery, or has gotten surgery. We've all failed and succeeded. And we've had to talk ourselves away from eating something we shouldn't. Many of us have spent the afternoon above a toilet because we ate something we shouldn't and threw it up, or heard/experienced a leak or WLS failure.

We ALL have problems with self control, some more than others. Otherwise why would we need surgery to help us eat less?

Before surgery, how many of us looked at the reflection in the mirror and told ourselves terrible terrible things? How many of us felt shame after eating a slice of cake or a serving or two of fries?

For many of us, tough love is the thing that helped get us to WLS and where we are today. In a way, WLS IS tough love, because it's an extremely difficult process that we did TO OURSELVES because we love our life and want to make it better.

The fact is, you chose to eat bacon very soon after WLS, when you could have eaten something else much healthier (which still would have been VERY wrong btw). A piece of chicken or turkey? But bacon is greasy, fatty, and has very little nutritional value. So not only did you choose to eat when you shouldn't have been, you chose to eat something very bad for you.

Sometimes people will respond to you harshly on here. Sometimes they'll post a repetitive post that has nothing to do with what you asked.

The best thing to do is to ignore or respond with grace. What you think of me, or they think of you, or you think of them, none of that actually makes a difference in our lives.

The thing that makes a difference for you is what you put in your body, and as we are all struggling with the same choices we want to see you succeed, and everyone responds to different kinds of statements.

What I am seeing is you getting upset at the harsh statements, and defending yourself. Don't defend yourself, you made a mistake. Accept it, move on, and don't repeat the mistake

I knw I don't have to defend myself from no1 but at the end of the YES I made a mistake.l but then again I could've just sugarcoated the whole thing and never mentions the damn piece of bacon that really wasn't big enough for this whole fiasco BUT it's never what u say it's how u say it. Then again I really could careless what any of u think of me cause like I said no1 knows me and I can turn around right now and stuff my face and die and not one of u would knw nor care! It's not the point. My point is that "tough love" doesn't work with every1. Besides all I can say right now is THANK YOU all. I can just skip all the negative comments and move on to folks that can point me to YouTube video or a website where I can educate myself since no1 has the curtesy to talk like human beings without putting their two cents in. My life doesn't influence yours in the slightest way. I can take some1saying something to me and I can get some insight on it but don't expect a gracious response when you're on here trying to make me feel like I'm an idiot over a HUMAN MISTAKE and no I will not ignore either because I did make a post for a reason far from having someone tell me something that I already knw ( that I was wrong) so how many times is everyone gonna tell how stupid my decision was?! I got the memo. No need to retouch again again on the subject do t u think? The mistake was done and I'm trying to move forward in the best way I knw how.

Gastric Sleeve Surgery 6/15/16 Miami,Fl

33yrs/mother of 2boys /5'6"

highest weight 300s in 2002-03

lowest weight 193 in 2014

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So here's the thing. We all have struggled with our weight. That's why we're here.

Some of us have different predispositions that lead to obesity, but we all turned to WLS as a tool to get better.

Everyone here is about to have surgery, or has gotten surgery. We've all failed and succeeded. And we've had to talk ourselves away from eating something we shouldn't. Many of us have spent the afternoon above a toilet because we ate something we shouldn't and threw it up, or heard/experienced a leak or WLS failure.

We ALL have problems with self control, some more than others. Otherwise why would we need surgery to help us eat less?

Before surgery, how many of us looked at the reflection in the mirror and told ourselves terrible terrible things? How many of us felt shame after eating a slice of cake or a serving or two of fries?

For many of us, tough love is the thing that helped get us to WLS and where we are today. In a way, WLS IS tough love, because it's an extremely difficult process that we did TO OURSELVES because we love our life and want to make it better.

The fact is, you chose to eat bacon very soon after WLS, when you could have eaten something else much healthier (which still would have been VERY wrong btw). A piece of chicken or turkey? But bacon is greasy, fatty, and has very little nutritional value. So not only did you choose to eat when you shouldn't have been, you chose to eat something very bad for you.

Sometimes people will respond to you harshly on here. Sometimes they'll post a repetitive post that has nothing to do with what you asked.

The best thing to do is to ignore or respond with grace. What you think of me, or they think of you, or you think of them, none of that actually makes a difference in our lives.

The thing that makes a difference for you is what you put in your body, and as we are all struggling with the same choices we want to see you succeed, and everyone responds to different kinds of statements.

What I am seeing is you getting upset at the harsh statements, and defending yourself. Don't defend yourself, you made a mistake. Accept it, move on, and don't repeat the mistake

I knw I don't have to defend myself from no1 but at the end of the YES I made a mistake.l but then again I could've just sugarcoated the whole thing and never mentions the damn piece of bacon that really wasn't big enough for this whole fiasco BUT it's never what u say it's how u say it. Then again I really could careless what any of u think of me cause like I said no1 knows me and I can turn around right now and stuff my face and die and not one of u would knw nor care! It's not the point. My point is that "tough love" doesn't work with every1. Besides all I can say right now is THANK YOU all. I can just skip all the negative comments and move on to folks that can point me to YouTube video or a website where I can educate myself since no1 has the curtesy to talk like human beings without putting their two cents in. My life doesn't influence yours in the slightest way. I can take some1saying something to me and I can get some insight on it but don't expect a gracious response when you're on here trying to make me feel like I'm an idiot over a HUMAN MISTAKE and no I will not ignore either because I did make a post for a reason far from having someone tell me something that I already knw ( that I was wrong) so how many times is everyone gonna tell how stupid my decision was?! I got the memo. No need to retouch again again on the subject do t u think? The mistake was done and I'm trying to move forward in the best way I knw how.

Gastric Sleeve Surgery 6/15/16 Miami,Fl

33yrs/mother of 2boys /5'6"

highest weight 300s in 2002-03

lowest weight 193 in 2014

Don't beat yourself up. You're a human being, I'm a human being, we all make mistakes. Unfortunately some may be less compassionate about it than others, and sadly it's the price we all have to pay for things like this on the internet. I will never talk down to someone or beat them up for making a mistake, so if I ever do come across that way in a post it's unintentional and I apologize in advance for it.

If you want to chat privately feel free to message me.

You're right, nobody knows you, but I'd like to think that we all do care about each other. That's why we're all here, right? I mean, that's why I'm here. I'm a single man living alone and going through this recovery by myself. I've battled with food all my life and need all the help I can get to make it through this process.

Hang in there... it will get better, I promise.

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If the piece of bacon was so small, why even eat it?

1 slice of bacon contains 3g of Protein, and the "tiny" amount you had couldn't have had much more than 1g if even that.

That amount of bacon wouldn't have cured any weakness or dizziness you were experiencing. Not with the nutritional value (or lack thereof) that it has.

It is all in your head, and you were creating reasons to allow yourself to make bad choices.

You have not been skipping over negative comments, you've been replying back to them with aggression and immaturity.

You can go back and read tons of topics similar to what you have posted on this forum. People who respond similarly to you end up getting MORE replies they hate, and more people that tell them they were wrong because from the way they reply it doesn't seem like they get it.

People who respond with grace, admit their mistake, and accept it aren't met with harshness. Those posts disappear because there's no reason for them to continue.

Reading your posts, it doesn't seem like you understand. "I've heard hunger can be dehydration but I don't feel dehydrated" most of us don't understand the difference. You can not biologically feel hunger after sleeve surgery, you're no longer making the hunger hormone.

"I don't think the amount of bacon I ate was wrong" It WAS wrong, because bacon has no nutritional value and is solid, and ANY amount of solids, especially a WEEK after surgery can tear your stomach open and result in your death.

You mentioned that you had a band to sleeve revision. These bad choices that you made are the reason your band didn't work for you. You need to learn to make better choices so that your sleeve works for you.

Your doctor is frustrated with you because he knows you make bad choices and nothing you have shown him indicates that will change, therefore he regrets your surgery.

You think that no one here would care if you die. Umm... we would. People responding with harshness are doing so because they don't want to see that.

Many WLS programs require people to attend therapy or support meetings. I would highly suggest you start taking part in such things, they will help you. They have helped many of us.

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Yeah, WLS is tough. And compliance is tough.

Guess what -- compliance is what's required for you to succeed long-term.

If you can't hack compliance, you're going to wind up in the same place you started -- obese.

I am totally serious about this. All this "Nobody's perfect, honey!" is a terrible response to someone who ate bacon five days post-op.

And yes, I've read every post here.

Shaking my damn head.

Well damn... Aren't we just the epitome of self control and discipline?!? If u were so good at it then you yourself wouldn't have needed surgery to begin with, with that said. I'm not on here be criticized or to be pitied. I searched for a forum to be informed, to find out if I was the only one going through things and to educate myself on something that I am new to. So please spare me with the self righteous bullshit! You and evry1 else who feels The need to taller about me Or My situation like u knw me. Everything is learned, unless u are so damn special that u were born knowing already.

Gastric Sleeve Surgery 6/15/16 Miami,Fl

33yrs/mother of 2boys /5'6"

highest weight 300s in 2002-03

lowest weight 193 in 2014

I've lost 100 pounds. I've been below my goal weight for 14 months. I weigh 135 pounds. I am 70 years old.

I got to this point in the last two years -- by which I mean I have accomplished my WLS goals -- by being compliant with my surgeon's instructions. Period.

You can have your big fat hissy fit if you want to. And you can keep eating bacon if you want to. Or eat any damn thing you want to when "life gets too tough." See how far that gets you.

Nobody has it easy after WLS. Not you. Not me. Not anyone. It's tough.

So get tough. And you'll win, too.

Congratulations on your weight loss and all that you have accomplished. Your are the perfect example of a person that I would call a "keyboard worrier"! Why cause any1 can sit behind a cellphone or computer screen and talk out their ass all day and it wouldn't even matter. U don't knw me. U don't knw my life not what I've been through and harsh and being rude not only to me but for every1 else that's tried to give a positive comment doesn't make any more then any1 here. The only difference between u and I is that I'm 21 days into this and u are 14 months, so don't act like you forgot what it felt like the first couple of days and even weeks. Yes every1 struggles, evry1 feels depressed and evry1 at some point thought "what did I get myself into" and no1 deserves to be talked down to because u feel some type of way about what's being said. If u don't agree say that or just don't say **** at all, move on to another post or something. But how dare u act like u don't remember those 1st couple of days when u feel so crappy with something that's been done to you body and have no idea how to get rid of it or fix. So go shake you're damn head somewhere else if u don't have any other way of giving insight to a person without talking down to them.

Gastric Sleeve Surgery 6/15/16 Miami,Fl

33yrs/mother of 2boys /5'6"

highest weight 300s in 2002-03

lowest weight 193 in 2014

Please don't try to speak for "evry1" because you definitely aren't speaking for me. ;)

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Yeah, WLS is tough. And compliance is tough.

Guess what -- compliance is what's required for you to succeed long-term.

If you can't hack compliance, you're going to wind up in the same place you started -- obese.

I am totally serious about this. All this "Nobody's perfect, honey!" is a terrible response to someone who ate bacon five days post-op.

And yes, I've read every post here.

Shaking my damn head.

Well damn... Aren't we just the epitome of self control and discipline?!? If u were so good at it then you yourself wouldn't have needed surgery to begin with, with that said. I'm not on here be criticized or to be pitied. I searched for a forum to be informed, to find out if I was the only one going through things and to educate myself on something that I am new to. So please spare me with the self righteous bullshit! You and evry1 else who feels The need to taller about me Or My situation like u knw me. Everything is learned, unless u are so damn special that u were born knowing already.

Gastric Sleeve Surgery 6/15/16 Miami,Fl

33yrs/mother of 2boys /5'6"

highest weight 300s in 2002-03

lowest weight 193 in 2014

I've lost 100 pounds. I've been below my goal weight for 14 months. I weigh 135 pounds. I am 70 years old.

I got to this point in the last two years -- by which I mean I have accomplished my WLS goals -- by being compliant with my surgeon's instructions. Period.

You can have your big fat hissy fit if you want to. And you can keep eating bacon if you want to. Or eat any damn thing you want to when "life gets too tough." See how far that gets you.

Nobody has it easy after WLS. Not you. Not me. Not anyone. It's tough.

So get tough. And you'll win, too.

Congratulations on your weight loss and all that you have accomplished. Your are the perfect example of a person that I would call a "keyboard worrier"! Why cause any1 can sit behind a cellphone or computer screen and talk out their ass all day and it wouldn't even matter. U don't knw me. U don't knw my life not what I've been through and harsh and being rude not only to me but for every1 else that's tried to give a positive comment doesn't make any more then any1 here. The only difference between u and I is that I'm 21 days into this and u are 14 months, so don't act like you forgot what it felt like the first couple of days and even weeks. Yes every1 struggles, evry1 feels depressed and evry1 at some point thought "what did I get myself into" and no1 deserves to be talked down to because u feel some type of way about what's being said. If u don't agree say that or just don't say **** at all, move on to another post or something. But how dare u act like u don't remember those 1st couple of days when u feel so crappy with something that's been done to you body and have no idea how to get rid of it or fix. So go shake you're damn head somewhere else if u don't have any other way of giving insight to a person without talking down to them.

Gastric Sleeve Surgery 6/15/16 Miami,Fl

33yrs/mother of 2boys /5'6"

highest weight 300s in 2002-03

lowest weight 193 in 2014

First of all she's well over two years in, she's been under/at GOAL 14 months.

Second how can you assume her first weeks were like yours? You says surely she can't have forgotten. I will bet you a donut she hasn't but her first weeks were very different from yours because she made a commitment to do the work and just stuck it out.

C'mon people!!!! I always say to myself it's only a day/week/month/whatever. I've got this, I can do anything for a day/week/month. And it's true! No you don't have to avoid bacon forever, but REALLY?!?! You can't avoid it for a month?!!! This time is IMPORTANT to your health and your life and your success. Didn't you realize ahead of time it would be HARD?!! Hopefully you made the commitment to do it anyway.

I have confidence you can do it, why don't you? OK, you slipped, fine. Now get over it and move on with a renewed commitment don't look for pats on the back saying it's OK. Acknowledge it was a mistake and get back on track and say THANKS to the people who give you good solid advice rather than enabling you.

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Thank you! Thank you very much to you all.

Gastric Sleeve Surgery 6/15/16 Miami,Fl

33yrs/mother of 2boys /5'6"

highest weight 300s in 2002-03

lowest weight 193 in 2014

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You are very welcome. Best of luck to you.

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Once you post on public forums it isn't really just about you anymore. A lot of people read these forums, pre-op and post-op for information. The responses that people give aren't just about you, they are for all the other people in the same situation that never post and just lurk.

Advancing your food stages before time can jeopardize the health of the patient. People can easily end up on a feeding tube because eating before you are supposed to and stressing your new stomach and cause scar tissue and other issues.

So for everyone that reads this and is thinking about doing the same thing, they need to know it is not the right move.

If you don't want the opinions of strangers do what normal people do and talk to your friends.

The first few weeks after surgery I wanted to eat, head hunger was getting to me. I kept remember an old friend from college that had bypass surgery and ate KFC within 2 weeks of surgery "just a taste" to see if they could, and ended up on a feeding tube with all kinds of long term issues. My health and safety is what prevented me from going off plan, that lasted long enough for me to have some results that encouraged me to stay on plan.

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

      · 3 replies
      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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