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CRAZY ATES: GET TO KNOW ME Back2School Edition

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Even with all the activity revolving around my surgery this month, I can't help but notice it's BACK TO SCHOOL time. I'm a little pouty because I didn't get to go with my GrandDoll shopping for uniforms and supplies....but WAIT'LL NEXT YEAR!!!!

So, today's “GET TO KNOW ME” is designed to take us back!!


I GOT PICKED ON FOR: being skinny!!! Having freckles, too!

MY FAVORITE TEACHER WAS: Mrs. Harry (4th grade), because I was her pet and she wouldn't tolerate anyone picking on me! :heh: Every morning about 10 AM she would send me on a errand -- go to the cafeteria and purchase her two yeast rolls right out of the oven. She'd give me three nickels and I could eat the third roll on the way back to the class. :whoo:

MY WORST TEACHER WAS: Miss Kiel (6th grade), she taught math by putting problems on the board, sending people up to work them and paddling you if you got them wrong. :omg: I was terrified of her, but made great grades in Math that year!

MY BEST MEMORY IS: One fall I was playing on the bike racks and lost my brand new birthstone ring in the dirt and leaves. I cried because I'd begged for it for so long and was so proud of it. My friends and teachers helped, we searched for days. A few months later, the fall leaves had all blown away and I was just standing there kicking my toe in the dirt when I glimpsed something. Sure enough, it was my ruby ring!! Everyone -- even people who'd not helped in the search --remembered it and were happy for me.

MY JUNIOR HIGH EXPERIENCE: Was not the best, not the worst. Biggest shock was that some people who were very good friends in elementary, were suddenly in a different social strata and acted like they didn't know me. I still hate that to this day and try to be the same with people whereever we are or whoever we're with.

MY FAVORITE TEACHER WAS: Mr. Causey, because he was a Science teacher at heart, stuck teaching Math and it was SO easy to ask him a question and get him to lecturing for the whole hour and guess what, no math!

MY FIRST CRUSH: There were too many to count!!

MY MOST EMBARRASSING MOMENT: Pretty much the whole thing was one long embarrassment!:car: Isn't that par for the course?

MY BIGGEST ACCOMPLISHMENT: Editor of the newspaper in 8th grade.

THE DUMBEST THING I EVER DID WAS: I skipped a LOT of school. I mean A WHOLE LOT! Never got caught, although I did have to stoop to forgery on the attendance portion of my report cards. Once we skipped and went down to the river -- had a hard time explaining a sunburn to my mom, but I managed. "Well, we had to run laps, and, like, she made us do it one at a time, so we were standing in the hot sun waiting for everyone to get done...."

LAME, huh?

MY HIGH SCHOOL WAS: Bogalusa High School -- More of the same.

SCHOOL COLORS:Black and Gold

SCHOOL MASCOT: Lumberjacks (always the buffest guy with a full beard willing to wear flannel shirts year round! LOL)

MY BEST SUBJECT: Made straight A's in Typing and Shorthand

MY WORST SUBJECT: Geometry!!! Only class I ever legitimately failed! I still don't get it! Algebra either. I've diagnosed myself with borderline dyscalculia -- that's my story and I'm sticking to it!

MY CLIQUE: A handful of other "on-the-fringes" -- just not quite cute/smart/rich/popular/hot enough to be with the IN crowd. Plus my school had all these sort of Greek "service" clubs with initials -- there was pledge week and the more popular you were the more pledge badges you wore -- nothing like having other popular kids FIGHT over you! (I woulda KILLED for one of those stupid paper cutouts pinned to my sweater!:tired)

MY MUSIC: Strictly Top 40s -- Aerosmith, Boston, Kansas, Gary Wright ("Dream weavah..."), some disco, some r&B, etc. JUST NOOOOOO country! Wasn't into albums much -- I was the queen of the 99 cent 45, tho!

EXTRACURRICULARS INCLUDED: I took piano for many years -- never was good, just consistent. Didn't really do anything else...no sports. Just rode my bike for hour upon hour. Friday and Saturday nights we 'rode around' -- made the circuit which started at one end of town in the Hardee's parking lot and looped through the Sonic Drive-in on the other end. Whole trip took about a half hour, going slow enough to see and be seen, y'know.

Then of course there were those trips out to the company pasture....tsk, tsk, all those windy little roads to get lost on! LOL :D

PROM WAS: Non-existant -- it'd been a big racial issue in the '60s and was discontinued until long after I was out of school.

MOST MEMORABLE EVENT: There is a popular recording studio near my home town and we were called into an unannounced assembly in the auditorium one day and treated to a live, impropmtu Stevie Wonder concert.

FOR KICKS WE: Skipped P.E. every day because our teacher -- the head football coach -- never came out of the field house. So we'd go eat lunch, come back for 4th period, then go have another lunch!!!

I STILL CAN’T BELIEVE THAT I: Didn't finish!! I got married at the end of my Junior year and moved to TX. I fully intended to go back to school, but the level of education was significantly higher and I was terrified of failing something and being humiliated in front of my husband and his family. I got my GED a few months later. And even squeezed in a few semesters of community college in my late 20s.

MY GRADUATION MEMORY: See question above!

TO COLLEGE OR NOT TO COLLEGE: See question above!

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What?.....too much......?

Remember, you don't have to answer every question. I'm just trying to prompt some conversation.

Don't be skeered!!

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Man, did I drop a stink bomb with this one, or what?? Nobody's biting.

Guess I'll put on the old thinking cap and try something different.

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Gosh this is fun! don't know why more pple didn't respond.. was school thaat painful??

I GOT PICKED ON FOR: nothing much.. (i'm ducking.. sorry) Don't remember.

MY FAVORITE TEACHER WAS: Mrs. Brumbaugh (6th grade),She taught my sister and my 2 brothers and being I was the only one who had siblings odler than me in my class, i was treated royally by her. No kidding though, she was the first teacher that made everything FUN. Every subject! LOL my BEST memory was when we took a trip to the local bakery and got to see how ev'g was made and got to BUY an'g! Chocloate covered danish! YUMMMM still my favorite till today! And then had to write about the experience and then the experience of eating our danish and the textures and taste of it.. lol... i waannt one now!!!

MY WORST TEACHER WAS: A cross between Mrs. K (12th grade) English who picked on me. Mrs. Heyward (12th grade) Accounting who told me to sit down to "get a big load off my feet" :omg: and Mrs. Winthrop (7th grade) English, who was just waay too old for us.. like in her 70's forsure.. or maybe 80's ?? lol.. maybe just 60 and that was old then...

MY BEST MEMORY IS: WAAAAAAY to many for me to remember. To me school was fun fun fun!!! I always tell my parents I don't remember what I learned.. so don't know what they paid tuition for (private girls school).

MY JUNIOR HIGH EXPERIENCE: Awkward. I was very depressed a lot.. yet full of life so couldn't stay taht way. Suffered from serious serious self esteem issues..

MY FAVORITE TEACHER WAS: Mrs. Teichman, she cared, she was vulnerable, she new how to teach and loved us.

MY FIRST CRUSH: I was a late bloomer. 12th grade.. too embarassing to say what I did to catch his attention.

MY MOST EMBARRASSING MOMENT: oooh golly .. the way my mom dressed me... lol

MY BIGGEST ACCOMPLISHMENT: having EVERY girl in my class thinking they were my best friend. From the nerds to the most popular. I believed in being nice to all.

THE DUMBEST THING I EVER DID WAS: Told a teacher she was a bitch. LOL... (see Mrs. K from my worst teachers). Put crazy glue on a teachers chair.. DUH it dries like in SECONDS!!! didn't accomplish much other than detention when I was ratted on.

LAME, huh?

MY HIGH SCHOOL WAS: BY Los Angeles - more awkwardness though found my group...

MY BEST SUBJECT: English, Creative Writing, HISTORY!!!!! and spelling.

MY WORST SUBJECT: Math, math and math on ANY level! Science, biology, chemistry

MY CLIQUE: We were IT!! A group of 4 that was nice to everyone and FUN!!!! I repeat FUN!! Could make a joke out of a tomato!! and crack the school up with it. Everyone wanted to be with us.. eventhough they also wanted to be LIKE the snobs... I was the in between person. And BOY did I get in trouble with that. Being nice to all and listening to both sides of a fight got both sides mad at me one time too many.. It was a good lesson for life. Forsure.

MY MUSIC: Milli Vanilli.. Blame it on the Rain!! till they disappointed me and got caught lip synching.. lol. still love it though!

EXTRACURRICULARS INCLUDED: School Choir. From age 5-17 when I headed it. It was the "it" thing to do. Any school activities I was the first one cheering and having fun! Volleyball, bike riding, and cutting class.. lol

MOST MEMORABLE EVENT: All my friends winning school council my senior year. From grades 9-12! It was great.. I just managed the "elections" and watched the snobs .. fall .. the Cookies crumble!!! Senior YEAR from begining till end was WILD!


- Spend class time in bathroom and had it synchronized taht when anyone walked in; in a second there were only 2 feet under every stall.. but really 4 poeople in one. We practiced.

-For 2 weeks in 10th grade we had clas in the school lunchroom, raised our hadn to "go to the bathroom" and the teacher not knowing what we were up to said yes.. and very nicely walked to the "bathroom" door to school kitchen where we ate to our hearts content and didn't get caught.

-Played the game "guess who" in middle of class. by pointing to the hair and saying "blonde" and shaking yes or no.. we did it for years... and cracked up the class.

-went through 11 english teachers in 12th grade.. no one lasted we were terrors.. lol

I STILL CAN’T BELIEVE THAT I: Miss all of it.. w/ all the fun and grief and time...

MY GRADUATION MEMORY: Giving one of the speeches and suddenly seeing my mothers hand waving up and down trying to get me to slow down; I was so nervous.

TO COLLEGE OR NOT TO COLLEGE: working my way through..lol, for the rest of my life at the rate things are going...

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MY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL WAS CALLED: Colonel Ledyard and Freeman Hathaway

I GOT PICKED ON FOR: being the shy kid and the new kid in Freeman Hathaway.

MY FAVORITE TEACHERS WERE: Mrs. Barnes (1st grade) because she was really nice and kind of like a grandmother to us.

MY WORST TEACHER WAS: Mrs. Doomer(2nd grade) She was so mean because I wouldn't participate in class. I was extremely shy.

MY BEST MEMORY IS: My friends and I playing during recess.

MY JUNIOR HIGH EXPERIENCE: Was pretty fun. I did enjoy school when I wasn't sick. (I had mono in 7th grade)

MY FAVORITE TEACHER WAS: Mr. Purcell (7th or 8th grade) he was always so funny and made class fun to be in.

MY FIRST CRUSH: Eric Campbell (my boyfriend 6th-7th grade, yes I know that's too young):)

MY MOST EMBARRASSING MOMENT: I came into the school one morning on crutches (after spraining my ankle) and it was raining. Both my crutches went flying out from under me and everyone just walked right by me. Then finally my friend Malcolm came along and helped me up.

MY BIGGEST ACCOMPLISHMENT: Swing choir in 8th grade. Only so many people were in it and you had to audition.

THE DUMBEST THING I EVER DID WAS: I can't think of anything off-hand. Maybe I mentally blocked it out.

MY HIGH SCHOOL WAS: Fitch High School and then Ella T Grasso Southeastern Regional Vocational Technical School (started in Culinary Arts but, I couldn't stand the heat so I got out of the kitchen and into the Barbering/Hairdressing Department)

SCHOOL COLORS:Blue and Silver


MY BEST SUBJECT: Made straight A's Algebra

MY WORST SUBJECT: Social Studies!!! I was bored with all the past history stuff. Never have been a History Buff!

MY CLIQUE: A handful of us that weren't popular, but we weren't Geeks!

MY MUSIC: Then, 80's music, oldies (because my parents listened to it), and the new 90's stuff just coming out.

EXTRACURRICULARS INCLUDED: I did cross country, cheerleading, yearbook, volleyball, track, and a little softball. In junior high I hung around in the neighborhood with my friends playing kickball, basketball, and even touch football with the guys. Sad fact, a lot of times I was better than them. Didn't last long though in high school they were a lot better.

PROM WAS: Junior prom was boring I went stag, again not popular but hung out there with my friends.

Senior prom was a joke. We still in line forever for pictures, our food took forever, they barely played any slow songs. So we left after the food, went and changed at a friend's house and went bowling. Then around midnight or 1 in the morning we went to McDonald's for some better tasting food, and then went camping.

MOST MEMORABLE EVENT: In 6th grade we were all escorted to the gym/cafeteria to watch the launch of the Challenger Space Shuttle. Needless to say, shortly after they quickly got us back up to our classrooms so the teachers could better cope with us I guess.

I STILL CAN’T BELIEVE THAT I: Didn't finish college!! My grandmother that I was closest to died and I moved back home. I have about a year and a half left to go. I'm trying to payoff bills so I can move back down to Va to finish and get my degree.

MY GRADUATION MEMORY: It was very emotional once we got finished with the ceremony because I think it then hit us that most of us would probably never see each other again. After the ceremony they took us for our ALL NITE GRAD PARTY! That was a lot of fun. :whoo:

TO COLLEGE OR NOT TO COLLEGE: Liberty University in Lynchburg, Va.

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Thanks for replying, you guys. I didn't think anyone was going to...EVER!

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I GOT PICKED ON FOR: having the last name Lukas-- rhymes with mucus. LOL

MY FAVORITE TEACHER WAS: Mrs Stoddard. She was a very nice lady AND her husband worked on the space shuttle so we got to see it and touch it. We also had space days, complete with Tang. LOL

MY WORST TEACHER WAS: don't rember

MY BEST MEMORY IS: Touching the tiles on the space shuttle.

MY JUNIOR HIGH EXPERIENCE: was not good. My parents divorced and I moved to a new town and school. It stinks being the new kid, especially in public school.

MY FAVORITE TEACHER WAS: Mr. Flannagan who I had for 3 out of 8 classes because he was so much fun!

MY FIRST CRUSH: Richie Grayson. I have no idea where he might be now.

MY MOST EMBARRASSING MOMENT: Can't say. Too embarrassing! LOL Let's just say I "became a woman" much too early in life.

MY BIGGEST ACCOMPLISHMENT: won third place for editorial writing in a state-wide competition, with my article about teacher Christa McAuliffe, who died that year when the space shuttle blew up.

THE DUMBEST THING I EVER DID WAS: I skipped a LOT of school.

MY HIGH SCHOOL WAS: Woodburn High School

SCHOOL COLORS: Blue, white and Gold


MY BEST SUBJECT: History and writting


MY CLIQUE: I had one very close best-friend and friends with everyone (my cousin was 2 years older and popular, that helpped), not in any real clique.

MY MUSIC: 80's radio play-- the Police, Tears for Fears, Wham, Metallica, etc

EXTRACURRICULARS INCLUDED: Mostly just hung out with friends. Though I did letter in Volleyball and High Liners (dance team).

PROM WAS: good. I went to two-- mine and boyfriends from other school. It was typical.

MOST MEMORABLE EVENT: Can't think of it right now. LOL

MY GRADUATION MEMORY: Got my GED Senior year so I could take a nanny job in Atlanta, 3300 miles away.

TO COLLEGE OR NOT TO COLLEGE: I'm currently attending University of Phoenix.

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