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So I'm in my 6th month of supervised diet with my pcp required for wls. I started out at 380 which has been my hw, and I managed to get down to 363. I was so proud of myself. Well I got put in a boot for 6wks and couldn't do anything. And with that I let diet slip and started with the cokes again and junk food. Ever since I go my boot off tho I've been telling myself I'm gonna start over tomorrow and get back on track, I haven't been able to kick the cravings or to keep my will power in check these last couple weeks. I don't know how to get back on track, my mom suggested that I start drinking Meal Replacement shakes twice a day and then eating dinner. She said the shakes helped her cut the cravings. I've found some with 30g of Protein. Anyway, anyone else have will power issues? Or issues with unsupportive spouses? He always seems to sabotage me, I've asked him to keep his junk food at work as well as sodas but it hasn't helped. Ugh just completely frustrated right now.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G870A using the BariatricPal App

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hi Kyn,

I haven't had my surgery yet- or even have a date set. but, I have had to have good willpower to keep weight off though. You have to just remind yourself of why you started this. imagine where you want to be. imagine how happy you will be!! ..and how far away that will be if you keep falling off track. its common to have slip ups. I mean this is a journey and no one said it was easy! you will have bumps in the road.. but you have to remember that you are stronger than that. the more you give in to the cokes, the chips, the whatever it is, the harder it will be for you to say no next time. & the longer it will be until you're at your goal. the fact that you aren't where you want to be now should be enough motivation. try the meal replacements! is your foot better? I find that when im active- I try to eat better. try getting up and going for a walk? :) gosh I hope this helps a little!!

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hi Kyn,

I haven't had my surgery yet- or even have a date set. but, I have had to have good willpower to keep weight off though. You have to just remind yourself of why you started this. imagine where you want to be. imagine how happy you will be!! ..and how far away that will be if you keep falling off track. its common to have slip ups. I mean this is a journey and no one said it was easy! you will have bumps in the road.. but you have to remember that you are stronger than that. the more you give in to the cokes, the chips, the whatever it is, the harder it will be for you to say no next time. & the longer it will be until you're at your goal. the fact that you aren't where you want to be now should be enough motivation. try the meal replacements! is your foot better? I find that when im active- I try to eat better. try getting up and going for a walk? :) gosh I hope this helps a little!!

It does help:) and yes my foot is better, no more boot!!! I'm hoping to be able to get my recreation membership for my family this payday so I can go use the pool whenever I want, since my foot I've found that normal exercise hurts too much, my foot Dr said I got the stress fractures from my weight and the fact I work so many hrs on my feet. So I'm hoping the pool will help they have Water arrobics that I'm looking forward to trying.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G870A using the BariatricPal App

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If you are craving carbs, sweets and sugar, etc., the only way to stop the cravings is to cut these things out completely. The more you eat the more you want. Your mom is right, do two shakes/day and a healthy Protein and veggies only dinner....no starches/carbs! And make sure you read the labels on your shakes. A lot of so called Protein drinks are loaded with carbs. Look for 20-30g Protein and less than 5g carbs. A few days of clean eating will purge those cravings.

You'll have to eat this way for your preop diet and for a long time postop, so might as well get used to it. You need to get your head back in the game. If you are continuing to struggle I strongly suggest getting counseling or seeing a therapist because the mental aspect of successful WLS is much harder to deal with than the physical part and it goes on forever.....

And as for your husband, unless he is holding you down, pouring Coke down your throat, he is not sabotaging you, you're doing that yourself. You are the one having surgery, not him and it's not fair to ask him to adapt your new chosen lifestyle for himself.

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@@Kindle provided spot-on advice! The only way to get back on track is to cut the carbs and sugars.....on average about 4 days of struggling and as long as you don't cheat during that 4 days it'll get much easier.....during that time have lots of high Protein Snacks available......sliced turkey, eggs.....anything high Protein and low carb and if you get hungry only allow yourself to have those snacks......The thing about a low carb diet is if you cheat once with a high carb item it sets you back to the very beginning....so it's important to not let the high carb foods past your lips! :)

You have to get your head in the game and do this for you.....I agree with Kindle, your husband can't be expected to change his lifestyle....you're the one doing surgery so do this for yourself. This is also the best time for you to kick your soda and caffeine habits.....it's much easier to do it now rather than during your pre-op diet or worse yet post-op.....Take on one thing at a time.....if you currently drink 3 soda's a day and they contain caffeine, switch to caffeine free....use those for one week....after one week then cut the caffeine free down to just one a day....do that for a week.....after the two weeks cut them out all together.....this worked for me and I was a Diet Coke Queen!!! I never thought I could kick that habit but I did and I'm very proud!

Good luck on your journey towards health. Please keep posting and letting us know how you're doing.

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Ditto on the tackling one thing at a time. It would suck to go through all your withdrawals at the same time postop. And yes, one little carb cheat while trying to clear carbs will set you back to the beginning. Basically because from a biochemical standpoint, your brain reacts to sugar (and most artificial sweeteners) similar to how it reacts to cocaine. It's highly addictive.

I stopped smoking, caffeine and alcohol all before surgery. Cold turkey on the smoking 3 months preop. A lot of folks need to wean down through vaping or Patches, but I just threw all my cigs away and never looked back. I didn't drink sodas, but I did drink 20-40oz of coffee/day. Weaned off both caffeine and coffee by going half caf then Decaf then switched to decaf herbal tea. Took about 2 months. Then there was the alcohol. I drank 2-3 large cocktails/night plus mass quantities on the weekends. I stopped drinking completely the day I Started my 2 week preop diet. It was December and I made it through a funeral, a birthday party and 2 Christmas parties sipping on ice Water and Protein shakes. Funny how nicotine and alcohol were better stopped cold turkey while it was the caffeine that went better by weaning slowly. But I Guess that's the nature of highly addictive substances.

So you just need to find your motivation and hold on to it. Why do you want this surgery? Would you rather trade it for a 12 pack of Coke? Every time you are faced with temptation, ask yourself which choice will get me closer to goal and go with that one. The more times you say no the easier it gets. conquering your cravings becomes empowering. And likewise, each time you cave it makes it easier to cave the next time.

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Hello everyone, I am 4 weeks post op bypass and iv had lots of help and advice from a fantastic group on Facebook, it's following a low carb high fat diet and it's got lots of tips and recipes and loads of support, if anyone would like to join please let me know we are uk based and very friendly xx

Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

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So yesterday I went and stocked up on shakes I've got ten days worth of them in the fridge. So today starts day one.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G870A using the BariatricPal App

Way to go!!! The hardest part is starting, so you've already made the hardest step!! Yay!! Keep us posted!!!

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So I'm in my 6th month of supervised diet with my pcp required for wls. I started out at 380 which has been my hw, and I managed to get down to 363. I was so proud of myself. Well I got put in a boot for 6wks and couldn't do anything. And with that I let diet slip and started with the cokes again and junk food. Ever since I go my boot off tho I've been telling myself I'm gonna start over tomorrow and get back on track, I haven't been able to kick the cravings or to keep my will power in check these last couple weeks. I don't know how to get back on track, my mom suggested that I start drinking Meal Replacement shakes twice a day and then eating dinner. She said the shakes helped her cut the cravings. I've found some with 30g of Protein. Anyway, anyone else have will power issues? Or issues with unsupportive spouses? He always seems to sabotage me, I've asked him to keep his junk food at work as well as sodas but it hasn't helped. Ugh just completely frustrated right now.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G870A using the BariatricPal App

I went to therapy through my Bariatric Program to help with emotional eating! I just left being "cleared" for surgery! I can't tell you how much it's helped me - including non weight loss issues. I feel completely ready for life after surgery!

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So I'm in my 6th month of supervised diet with my pcp required for wls. I started out at 380 which has been my hw, and I managed to get down to 363. I was so proud of myself. Well I got put in a boot for 6wks and couldn't do anything. And with that I let diet slip and started with the cokes again and junk food. Ever since I go my boot off tho I've been telling myself I'm gonna start over tomorrow and get back on track, I haven't been able to kick the cravings or to keep my will power in check these last couple weeks. I don't know how to get back on track, my mom suggested that I start drinking Meal Replacement shakes twice a day and then eating dinner. She said the shakes helped her cut the cravings. I've found some with 30g of Protein. Anyway, anyone else have will power issues? Or issues with unsupportive spouses? He always seems to sabotage me, I've asked him to keep his junk food at work as well as sodas but it hasn't helped. Ugh just completely frustrated right now.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G870A using the BariatricPal App

I went to therapy through my Bariatric Program to help with emotional eating! I just left being "cleared" for surgery! I can't tell you how much it's helped me - including non weight loss issues. I feel completely ready for life after surgery!
Ive cleared my psychological evaluation, she didnt recommend any therapy. I don't emotional eat mine is out of boredom, most of my shifts at the hospital where I work is sitting n a little room watching heart rhythms for 12-14 hrs. So once I was put on non weight bearing status for my fractures in my foot I couldn't do anything so I was put in the monitor room for 6wks, and not being able to actually do anything sucked and I just quit watching my snacking. And since then my boss likes me in the new position so I'm there more often than I am out on the floor walking like I used to. And now the junk food and crap has spilled over to the house. And I honestly don't think it's too much to ask my spouse to keep his junk food and sodas at work, we drink tea when we are at home. It helps to keep my cravings at bay to not have it n the house. He can go buy him a soda if he wants as long as it's not brought into the house in bulk.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G870A using the BariatricPal App

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@@Kyn13 I wasn't required to go to therapy but I asked for it. My issues were boredom eating (which is part of emotional/mindless eating). I also have a SO that eats chips, soda, ice cream but he doesn't have a weight problem. He's not the one having WLS. Temptation is always going to be there - you need to be able to be around junk food and be able to pass it up. I don't want to make my SO sacrifice because I can't control my eating. I encourage therapy to deal with this before surgery.

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The more Protein I eat, the less I want carbs.

One thing I realized through this whole process is that I already was pretty much an expert on nutrition because of all the other diets and programs I had tried. My problem is that, like a petulent child, I did not want to to give up the grease, salt and sugar that came with everything I was eating and drinking.

You gotta want it it Darlin'. You gotta want it so badly that you don't give a flying fig what someone else is eating in front of you. Take all that money you are spending on factory made edibles (I just can't call them food) and save it to buy new clothes as the pounds come off.

Think of the montrous incomes and bonuses paid to the executives of the corporations that produce pop, Cookies, candy, chips, orange mac and cheese in a little blue box......all of that, and think of how it has impacted your health while enriching their pockets. It can be their money or your money.

They were getting rich while my spine was collapsing under my weight. They were getting rich while I had a stroke. They were getting rich when my knees were being replaced because they could not hold my weight.

You need to grab that bull of indulgence by the horns and show it who's boss. Each lttle success will enbolden you more and more. Here is a link to my favorite thread. To date, it has 1,340 reasons why the rest of decided to take charge of our health and get bariatric surgery.


Hang around here for moral support. I wish you the best.

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Ok so I had a couple of questions regarding the time frame for my visits for weight loss with my pcp. When I started all this I thought I was going to be switching from UHC to BCBS well I thought I had to wait a full 24 weeks to even make an appointment with my surgeon. So I called to clarify turns out I only need one appointment for each month for 6 months they don't count the weeks so I moved my appointment up from the 30th to today. So that I can get all my paperwork in, she said it take 14-21 days for the insurance to give approval... I'm hoping to know something by the 1st of july... think this is the pick me up I needed

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G870A using the BariatricPal App

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        Fairlife has strawberry, vanilla and of course chocolate. No more calories than other protein drinks. Stay away from Premiere, they're dealing with lawsuits due to not being honest about protein content.

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