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I'm officially sleeved! I had my surgery on 7/19 and all seemed to have gone well. I wasn't in too much pain that first day, but the following day when they took away my Happy Button a/k/a morphine, some pain kicked in. I would walk a few laps from my room to the nurses station only to get a little nauseous and headed back to my room. Could not sleep well at night since I had a 97-year old roommate with a hip fracture and alzheimer's that snored ALL night. The clear diet they gave in the hospital was not working, so I just drank the Water. I came home yesterday and am trying my best to get the liquids down. Does anyone else hear a gurgling in their throats as the liquids settle in the stomach?

Yes, it almost feels like when I take a sip it sits at the top of a funnel and then five seconds later I feel it go through to stomach with funny noises. I wonder if that has to do with the hiatal hernia I had repaired. It doesn't hurt but is definitely uncomfortable

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As I have mentioned I am having my gallbladder taken out first. Then about 8 weeks later my gastric sleeve surgery. The date for my gallbladder is the 25th of July! :D This coming Monday. I decided to have it removed because I honestly don't want complications down the line, ya know?

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I'm officially sleeved! I had my surgery on 7/19 and all seemed to have gone well. I wasn't in too much pain that first day, but the following day when they took away my Happy Button a/k/a morphine, some pain kicked in. I would walk a few laps from my room to the nurses station only to get a little nauseous and headed back to my room. Could not sleep well at night since I had a 97-year old roommate with a hip fracture and alzheimer's that snored ALL night. The clear diet they gave in the hospital was not working, so I just drank the Water. I came home yesterday and am trying my best to get the liquids down. Does anyone else hear a gurgling in their throats as the liquids settle in the stomach?

Yes, it almost feels like when I take a sip it sits at the top of a funnel and then five seconds later I feel it go through to stomach with funny noises. I wonder if that has to do with the hiatal hernia I had repaired. It doesn't hurt but is definitely uncomfortable

Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

Someone post op called it the death rattle, lol. She said I'd know what she meant when I heard it, and not to let it freak me out.

Sent from my VS990 using the BariatricPal App

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Thought I would post my entire story as a bit of record keeping...

Arrived early for the 6.30am admission. Nurses collected us, I had weigh-in with my clothes on, then remove all clothing and get changed into the hospital gown (buttons down the back). They also give you hideous elastic undies to wear - if you have your period you aren't allowed to have a tampon, so they give you different undies and a pad. I had to do the walk of shame to the bathroom with these undies and pad in hand to change into. Realised after I'd changed, that a back button was undone, hastily re-did it before walking back, hoping that it popped undone while I was sitting down in bathroom.

Wish I had weighed myself in the gown, however I weighed myself naked before I left for the hospital, so will use that as my pre surgery weight.

The nurse went through the questionnaire again. She put an anti nausea patch behind my ear. They put on the compression leggings. My Dr came in for a friendly and encouraging chat, we lifted up my gown and he wrote the procedure and his name on my stomach. The Anaesthesiologist visited asking the usual questions. The pharmacy nurse visited, collecting any regular medicine I take. And the Anaesthesiologist partner visited last to take me to the surgery room, she also asked my original nurse to put on the compression pads (look like cricket leg guards), which the nurse was a bit miffed by as they should do it in theatre. I wasn't worried either way...

Walked out with the Anaesthesiologist partner, who said there would be a lot of people in the theatre and not to worry. Which was nice of her. I walked in and about 3 ladies were getting things ready around a table. I lay down onto the bed, and the Anaesthesiologist partner unbuttoned the back of my gown underneath me. She unbuttoned a couple around my throat too, and put in some pads to measure my heart / lungs I assume.

The Anaesthesiologist couldn't find a vein in my inner elbow, so he put the needle in my hand. He told me I was about to receive two glasses of wine and some sunshine - which reminded me of the last time I had general anaesthesia. They then said they were giving me oxygen and put a mask on my face, telling me to take deep breathes. I knew this was sleep time, so I closed my eyes, took about 6-7 breathes and I was out.

Next thing I remember is opening very tired eyes and having the nurse say something while I was in the recovery room with other people. Not sure how long after that but they wheeled my bed into the elevator and into my room. This part is a bit hazy, I'm not sure how long I was in and out of it, but at one stage she offered me Water through a straw, which was great. I thought I wasn't allowed anything the day of surgery. I think she got me to swallow drugs at that stage, or measured my blood pressure and pulse, and when she left I told her I was going to sleep for a bit which she of course told me to go ahead with.

At this stage I had no pain. I was still basically in one position on the bed. Slightly upright, arm at each side. I could reach the mini jug with a straw in it. I cradled the jug in my underarm, and would snooze for a few minutes, then sip. I found out pretty quickly I could sip a lot without regurgitation or nausea. This differs for everyone. Definitely sleep as much as you need to - the nurses will wake you for medication and blood pressure tests, so just wake up, take it, then go back to sleep.

I can't remember if I did my first walk in my clothes or the gown. Either way I definitely remember I had the IV attached as I walked. I think that when the nurse came back around 12-1pm, she said she could wipe the dye off my stomach. I sat up and was still feeling OK. After a sponge down she said there was some she couldn't reach (around the side of my breasts). I told her I could do it... this part is a little hazy, however I think she also asked if I wanted to get into my own clothing. She unplugged the IV, and I went into my bathroom and got changed quite slowly, and washed my body with a cloth while she waited outside. The dye was in a lot of places.

I then went for a walk (or it was before I got changed, like I said, can't remember the order). The walk was OK but I'm glad I only made it a short one. I came back to the room and continued to drink Water, as I hadn't been able to pee in the bathroom when I went to get changed.

And so the day went, sleeping, sipping, burping, txting, walking laps, playing games on my mobile, snoozing, and always drinking. I was able to pee later in the day, and she took out my IV. I still had a needle in each hand which was super annoying when getting dressed, or going to the loo. I guess they leave them in just in case they need to hook you back up to the IV.

My Dr came in the afternoon. I was standing up walking around in my room when he came, and I told him I was up to my fourth bottle which he was shocked by. He said not to drink too much, so I slowed it down. He also said not to use the straw due to people getting air caught in their chest... I stopped using the straw, however the straw was the only reason I was able to drink so much in recovery, and I didn't have air pocket problems. Who knows if that extra water I had contributed to me getting out of bed faster than orders, or having a less inflamed stomach and being able to drink more. Or did damage! Dr also said to keep walking, slipping, etc.

I told my visitors not to come, as it meant I could do my own thing. Plus it was only 2 nights away.

The nurses continued to visit me every few hours for meds. Although the pain wasn't bad, it hurt a lot getting out of bed. I still haven't mastered that. Watched around one episode on my laptop, but couldn't be bothered. I went to sleep around 9pm, waking up at midnight for meds, then again at 5am. I wasn't able to get back to sleep after the early morning, but I snoozed during the day. I also had the compression paddings on, which make a lot of noise as they squeeze your legs using the machine... I left the lights on dim for the nurses - take ear buds and a sleeping mask :)

Day 2 my Anaesthesiologist made a visit. He said I was doing good, and told me to take photos through my journey which I thought was sweet. I was still on water only, didn't feel hungry however at one stage after a shower when I'd taken more pills on an empty stomach I got a bit queasy. I rang the bell, told the nurse, and by the time she returned with some drugs it had passed. I took the pill anyway. She said passing gas helped with queasiness.

I thought they would change my dressings, but they didn't. They said they are waterproof and I could shower in them, then take them off in a couple of days, and if there are white strips stick to my skin, just to leave them. The one where they pulled out my stomach has dried blood. The rest are all OK. Apparently the stitches used dissolve.

Had another early night, waking at midnight, then being up since 5am on Day 3. Was starting to feel a bit wired with all the drugs and lack of sleep, but still OK. Physical therapy women visited giving me a breathing thingy. NUT visited going over the diet again. I'm on liquids for a week, then introducing quarter of a cup of mushy food if tolerable.

At this stage (day 3) the other WLS patient was only just getting out of bed. So bear in mind that some people take awhile to get over the general anaesthesia. I was due home that day, and she was going to stay another night.

I was really bloated during the 3 days, still am a bit now. Some places felt numb due to the strong pain meds, and other areas itchy, like below my neck. They finally took the needles out of my hands, gave me a lot of medication and off I went.

Got home, had half a Protein shake for lunch, then the other half for tea. As I don't have issues swallowing liquids, I'm going to try and up my Protein level today. Am very interested to see whether the restriction kicks in for solid foods, as I don't feel much at the moment. Won't rush it though, will stay on liquids for awhile.

Energy wise I'm OK. Still a bit wired feeling from the drugs. Going to go for a walk, then hopefully do a bit of work from home - groan. Am still wearing my compression leggings. And yes, I get gurgle noises when drinking. I also do the cough test to try and get out any lung congestion.

Am hoping I get good results long term. Seems weird to have no restriction yet. Enjoying not being hungry though. Still have the patch on, lasts 3 days, will take off tonight.

Edit: Just wanted to add, by Day 3 the skin on my face was super dry. To the point of being wrinkly. I lathered myself in Bio Oil when I got home. Also, I slept with the bed up on night 1, thinking it would be easier to do the nurse things during the night. That was a mistake as it gave me a sore upper back and neck. Would've been easier to raise the bed with the machine when required.

Edited by roguegambit

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Thought I would post my entire story as a bit of record keeping...

Arrived early for the 6.30am admission. Nurses collected us, I had weigh-in with my clothes on, then remove all clothing and get changed into the hospital gown (buttons down the back). They also give you hideous elastic undies to wear - if you have your period you aren't allowed to have a tampon, so they give you different undies and a pad. I had to do the walk of shame to the bathroom with these undies and pad in hand to change into. Realised after I'd changed, that a back button was undone, hastily re-did it before walking back, hoping that it popped undone while I was sitting down in bathroom.

Wish I had weighed myself in the gown, however I weighed myself naked before I left for the hospital, so will use that as my pre surgery weight.

The nurse went through the questionnaire again. She put an anti nausea patch behind my ear. They put on the compression leggings. My Dr came in for a friendly and encouraging chat, we lifted up my gown and he wrote the procedure and his name on my stomach. The Anaesthesiologist visited asking the usual questions. The pharmacy nurse visited, collecting any regular medicine I take. And the Anaesthesiologist partner visited last to take me to the surgery room, she also asked my original nurse to put on the compression pads (look like cricket leg guards), which the nurse was a bit miffed by as they should do it in theatre. I wasn't worried either way...

Walked out with the Anaesthesiologist partner, who said there would be a lot of people in the theatre and not to worry. Which was nice of her. I walked in and about 3 ladies were getting things ready around a table. I lay down onto the bed, and the Anaesthesiologist partner unbuttoned the back of my gown underneath me. She unbuttoned a couple around my throat too, and put in some pads to measure my heart / lungs I assume.

The Anaesthesiologist couldn't find a vein in my inner elbow, so he put the needle in my hand. He told me I was about to receive two glasses of wine and some sunshine - which reminded me of the last time I had general anaesthesia. They then said they were giving me oxygen and put a mask on my face, telling me to take deep breathes. I knew this was sleep time, so I closed my eyes, took about 6-7 breathes and I was out.

Next thing I remember is opening very tired eyes and having the nurse say something while I was in the recovery room with other people. Not sure how long after that but they wheeled my bed into the elevator and into my room. This part is a bit hazy, I'm not sure how long I was in and out of it, but at one stage she offered me Water through a straw, which was great. I thought I wasn't allowed anything the day of surgery. I think she got me to swallow drugs at that stage, or measured my blood pressure and pulse, and when she left I told her I was going to sleep for a bit which she of course told me to go ahead with.

At this stage I had no pain. I was still basically in one position on the bed. Slightly upright, arm at each side. I could reach the mini jug with a straw in it. I cradled the jug in my underarm, and would snooze for a few minutes, then sip. I found out pretty quickly I could sip a lot without regurgitation or nausea. This differs for everyone. Definitely sleep as much as you need to - the nurses will wake you for medication and blood pressure tests, so just wake up, take it, then go back to sleep.

I can't remember if I did my first walk in my clothes or the gown. Either way I definitely remember I had the IV attached as I walked. I think that when the nurse came back around 12-1pm, she said she could wipe the dye off my stomach. I sat up and was still feeling OK. After a sponge down she said there was some she couldn't reach (around the side of my breasts). I told her I could do it... this part is a little hazy, however I think she also asked if I wanted to get into my own clothing. She unplugged the IV, and I went into my bathroom and got changed quite slowly, and washed my body with a cloth while she waited outside. The dye was in a lot of places.

I then went for a walk (or it was before I got changed, like I said, can't remember the order). The walk was OK but I'm glad I only made it a short one. I came back to the room and continued to drink Water, as I hadn't been able to pee in the bathroom when I went to get changed.

And so the day went, sleeping, sipping, txting, walking laps, playing games on my mobile, snoozing, and always drinking. I was able to pee later in the day, and she took out my IV. I still had a needle in each hand which was super annoying when getting dressed, or going to the loo. I guess they leave them in just in case they need to hook you back up to the IV.

My Dr came in the afternoon. I was standing up walking around in my room when he came, and I told him I was up to my fourth bottle which he was shocked by. He said not to drink too much, so I slowed it down. He also said not to use the straw due to people getting air caught in their chest... I stopped using the straw, however the straw was the only reason I was able to drink so much in recovery, and I didn't have air pocket problems. Who knows if that extra water I had contributed to me getting out of bed faster than orders, or having a less inflamed stomach and being able to drink more. Or did damage! Dr also said to keep walking, slipping, etc.

I told my visitors not to come, as it meant I could do my own thing. Plus it was only 2 nights away.

The nurses continued to visit me every few hours for meds. Although the pain wasn't bad, it hurt a lot getting out of bed. I still haven't mastered that. Watched around one episode on my laptop, but couldn't be bothered. I went to sleep around 9pm, waking up at midnight for meds, then again at 5am. I wasn't able to get back to sleep after the early morning, but I snoozed during the day. I also had the compression paddings on, which make a lot of noise as they squeeze your legs using the machine... I left the lights on dim for the nurses - take ear buds and a sleeping mask :)

Day 2 my Anaesthesiologist made a visit. He said I was doing good, and told me to take photos through my journey which I thought was sweet. I was still on water only, didn't feel hungry however at one stage after a shower when I'd taken more pills on an empty stomach I got a bit queasy. I rang the bell, told the nurse, and by the time she returned with some drugs it had passed. I took the pill anyway.

I thought they would change my dressings, but they didn't. They said they are waterproof and I could shower in them, then take them off in a couple of days, and if there are white strips stick to my skin, just to leave them. The one where they pulled out my stomach has dried blood. The rest are all OK. Apparently the stitches used dissolve.

Had another early night, waking at midnight, then being up since 5am on Day 3. Was starting to feel a bit wired with all the drugs and lack of sleep, but still OK. Physical therapy women visited giving me a breathing thingy. NUT visited going over the diet again. I'm on liquids for a week, then introducing quarter of a cup of mushy food if tolerable.

At this stage (day 3) the other WLS patient was only just getting out of bed. So bear in mind that some people take awhile to get over the general anaesthesia. I was due home that day, and she was going to stay another night.

I was really bloated during the 3 days, still am a bit now. Some places felt numb due to the strong pain meds, and other areas itchy, like below my neck. They finally took the needles out of my hands, gave me a lot of medication and off I went.

Got home, had half a Protein shake for lunch, then the other half for tea. As I don't have issues swallowing liquids, I'm going to try and up my Protein level today. Am very interested to see whether the restriction kicks in for solid foods, as I don't feel much at the moment. Won't rush it though, will stay on liquids for awhile.

Energy wise I'm OK. Still a bit wired feeling from the drugs. Going to go for a walk, then hopefully do a bit of work from home - groan. Am still wearing my compression leggings. And yes, I get gurgle noises when drinking. I also do the cough test to try and get out any lung congestion.

Am hoping I get good results long term. Seems weird to have no restriction yet. Enjoying not being hungry though. Still have the patch on, lasts 3 days, will take off tonight.

Thank you for sharing! Glad you are doing so well.

Sent from my VS990 using the BariatricPal App

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Ok 26ers it's Nancy K., 25er! this has been a 18 month process for me and damn if it ain't here! I'm excited but nervous a bit and want it to be about 4 in the afternoon July 25...It's a trip, I've got to say, but lately I've had friends/coworkers making the are you sure, isn't this extreme, you're really not going through with this, are you? comments. the person I get the most negative crapiola from is very heavy herself. she makes comments like, " wow, i'd never do something so extreme. I've heard lots of people gain it all back etc, etc., etc." has anyone else experienced this?

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Hi, my surgery is Wednesday and no because I refused to tell anyone. Maybe later after its done but probably not.

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Ok 26ers it's Nancy K., 25er! this has been a 18 month process for me and damn if it ain't here! I'm excited but nervous a bit and want it to be about 4 in the afternoon July 25...It's a trip, I've got to say, but lately I've had friends/coworkers making the are you sure, isn't this extreme, you're really not going through with this, are you? comments. the person I get the most negative crapiola from is very heavy herself. she makes comments like, " wow, i'd never do something so extreme. I've heard lots of people gain it all back etc, etc., etc." has anyone else experienced this?

Ugh! That sux that peeps are doing that to you. As if we aren't nervous enough. I've been lucky with everyone I've told being very supportive. The one person that said something like that to me was also very overweight and is an exersize junkie. I thought for sure out of anyone she would understand my struggle.

Good luck on Monday! We'll be thinking of you. Check in when you are able.

Sent from my VS990 using the BariatricPal App

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Ok 26ers it's Nancy K., 25er! this has been a 18 month process for me and damn if it ain't here! I'm excited but nervous a bit and want it to be about 4 in the afternoon July 25...It's a trip, I've got to say, but lately I've had friends/coworkers making the are you sure, isn't this extreme, you're really not going through with this, are you? comments. the person I get the most negative crapiola from is very heavy herself. she makes comments like, " wow, i'd never do something so extreme. I've heard lots of people gain it all back etc, etc., etc." has anyone else experienced this?

Let it go in one ear and out the other. I have told very few people for that very reason. But some have been questioning. I just pretend to listen and fantasize about all the amazing clothes my small body will be wearing. Keep your eye on the prize. A new healthy and happy you!!!! So glad we are all in this together. Nobody NOBODY understands like we all do. So excited you are a day before us so as soon as you are up and about check in on MONDAY!!!! we will all be eagerly waiting. Prayers for you girl!!!! We got this!!!!!!!

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Here's a packing list I've started, although I've heard alot of peeps say to pack next to nothing. Like, am I REALLY gonna want to put makeup on?

*Gas X strips (although my surgeon said dont, the nurses will be mad if you self medicate)



*biotene spray

*listerene strips

*those little disposable toothbrushes with paste on (colgate maybe?)

*hair ties




*Body wash


(Some said we wouldnt be able to focus on a book on pain meds)



*Ear buds

(If u dont have a long charger cord bring extension cord)

*Eye mask

*Ear plugs





*Driver's license

*Insurance card






*Pillow (for ride home)

*Baby spoons

*Go home comfy outfit


*Flip flops

*Heating pad?

*Medications (bariatric folder says to bring)

*Bariatric folder

This is what I've come up with. If you have any opinions or ideas let me know!

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It's funny I had my surgery Monday, I wore a comfy outfit there, which I then used to come home, the rest of the time I was in a hospital gown. I wasn't allowed to shower until I got home, so no Shampoo or body wash for me. I don't think you'd need the baby spoons because all I was allowed was liquid while in there. Definitely didn't care about makeup..lol. I was fine with no heading pad or gas x till I got home. They have you on pain meds and at least for me the gas wasn't too bad until I got home anyways. I brought my license and insurance card, but they never asked for them, so my husband took them home. All I really brought was a small bag with my toothbrush, biotene, hair brush, cell and charger, and a spare pair of undies(you never know..lol) and pads because my lovely friend showed up that morning.

Sent from my SM-G925T using the BariatricPal App

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It's funny I had my surgery Monday, I wore a comfy outfit there, which I then used to come home, the rest of the time I was in a hospital gown. I wasn't allowed to shower until I got home, so no Shampoo or body wash for me. I don't think you'd need the baby spoons because all I was allowed was liquid while in there. Definitely didn't care about makeup..lol. I was fine with no heading pad or gas x till I got home. They have you on pain meds and at least for me the gas wasn't too bad until I got home anyways. I brought my license and insurance card, but they never asked for them, so my husband took them home. All I really brought was a small bag with my toothbrush, biotene, hair brush, cell and charger, and a spare pair of undies(you never know..lol) and pads because my lovely friend showed up that morning.

Sent from my SM-G925T using the BariatricPal App

Thanks! I'm thinking of downsizing quite a bit

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Hi, my surgery is Wednesday and no because I refused to tell anyone. Maybe later after its done but probably not.

I feel the same way. This is hard enough. I don't need anyone else's negativity.

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