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I'm really glad I found this website so maybe I can find others who feel the same way.

I am about to be one week post op, and honestly, this week has been ROUGH.

When I was researching surgeries and getting myself excited, I went to people telling their stories via YouTube. So, when I started having a hard time, I went back to YouTube to check those same people's week one experience.


Maybe this was just my experience. I dont know. Maybe if anyone else wants to share their first week, I can see some more realistic points of view.

My pain level seemed to never go below a 7/10 at any given time until yesterday, when it didnt get bad until night time. This seemed to really bother me during my first two days where I was in the hospital, and the nurses didn't show up until a good 45 minutes after you called them. Maybe that adds to my sourness. My nurses were awful. I signed a waiver saying I wouldnt try to get out of bed without a nurse.....my nurses never came. I would call so I could go to the restroom, they wouldnt show. I would call to walk, they wouldnt show. My nurse even came in and taught me how to turn off the IV alarm after the second time it went off so i didnt have to keep calling her (which bothered me because, what if something was seriously wrong???? I feel like after I hit the call button my boyfriend shouldnt have to go out 30 minutes later when I'm in tears to physically go find my nurse)

When I got home, I was never hungry.That was nice. My surgeon gave me two specific types of Protein shake: nectar and Bariatric Advantage. They told me to start with Nectar because its thinner. I haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaated it. They all tasted like toothpaste and I was choking them down. I had no nausea switching to BA, but they were right, it was INCREDIBLY thick. I was doing them with 8oz coconut milk and 4-6 oz of Water just to the point where i didnt feel like I had to chew through them.

Today on day 6 is the first day I felt hungry. I think its because my family was making themselves my weakness today: grilled Peanut Butter sandwich. I almost want to drool typing it, I love peanut butter so much (LOL.)

I dont know why, but my emotions have been a train wreck this week. I broke down because I couldnt have peanut butter. I decided to try seeing if I've lost any weight to maybe boost my spirits, and yes, I've neared 15 pounds lost this week, but my "fat pants" I wore to the hospital are tight. I learned this is because of the swelling, but in my incredibly emotional state, the fact that I'm losing weight but my clothes arent filtting made me even more upset.

Pretty much, I've been emotionally upset, and I desperately want at least soft food. I've been counting down the days until I can have anything EXCEPT a Protein shake. (is that healthy to want food that bad?). And I've been hurting. Oh! I also have zero energy. I probably slept 20 hours a day those first two days after I was released from the hospital. That's made it rough to get all my fluids in.

I've hated this week. I've truly hated it. Did anyone else have a rough first week post op?

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Many people have very rough 1st weeks. You are not alone. My experience wasn't horrible, so I really cannot relate to what you experienced. The nurses at the hospital were so attentive; sometimes too attentive! I just wanted to sleep and either the nurse or the assistant, or the phlebotomist, or a doctor, or housekeeping kept coming in my room all times during day and night. I couldn't wait to go home so I could get some sleep! I fortunately did not have horrible pain so I was only on pain meds for about 4 days. After that I just felt sore. My only advice is to force yourself to get up and walk at least 5 minutes every 2 hours, and to be sure you are sipping your fluids throughout the day and night. You will get to the pureed food stage soon enough, and you will find yourself really loving that food! We have all been where you are at, and yes it can be daunting.

By the way, grilled PB sounds great. I'm also a huge PB lover. However, after surgery so far it just doesn't taste the same to me anymore. Perhaps this will change in due time, but right now it's a no go. I'm a little sad about that. Also the Protein shakes that tasted decent to me prior to surgery now don't. I don't understand why you have to use Bariatric Advantage? Try a different brand like Premier Protein Shakes. They taste pretty good and they have 30 grams of Protein per drink. Get 2 or 3 in a day you are set for your protein.

Take care and hope things continue getting better for you. I'm 6 weeks out as of this Monday and feeling pretty good. I'm on soft foods and will probably be here a little while before moving to regular foods. I've had a few things that are regular foods, but trust me, I'm not pushing it because dumping syndrome is horrible!

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How many calories are in premier Protein? I was only given a few Protein options as well. I wouldn't say this week was super rough but I have definitely had my moments. I had major nausea the day of surgery and have had significant pain in my incisions. Mainly I am just sooo sick of liquid Protein.

Sorry you are having such a hard time. Just remember that this is such a short time period in the scheme of things. And I will try and remember that as well.

Edited by Katrinakit

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@@Katrinakit there are 30 grams of Protein and 160 calories in Premier Protein, and only 1 gram of sugar. It also contains a lot of other Vitamins. I'm 9 months post op and I still drink them daily, especially when I'm having an "ew food" day.

@@Alyssa Toner my first several weeks were friggin horrible. There were people who had the same surgery at the same time as me and were on the same floor and they were walking laps and feeling great by the night after we had surgery. I barely walked in the hospital compared to everyone else (maybe like 4 laps total in two days) not for lack of trying - I was in serious pain and could barely move. I was on prescribed pain meds for like two weeks, though I only took them at night and in the morning by the end of the two weeks, and then I moved to tylenol. I didn't begin feeling like myself until about 2-3 months ago, honestly. I felt exhausted, depressed, hormones were all over the place... it really sucked. This lasted pretty much the entire first 6 months. Now, I'm 9 months post-op and I can say with complete honesty and sincerity: IT WAS ALL WORTH IT. I would do it again 10 times over to have what I have now, and feel like I feel now. I've lost about 150 pounds since my RNY 9 months ago, and I feel great. I feel like I am normal, like I can do anything I want and be anything I want, and like I actually have a happy, healthy future ahead of me. I can move so much easier, and when I'm hungry, I can eat a small amount of healthy food and then I'm satiated until it's time to eat again. Is this what it feels like to be "normal"? Because it's amazing. And soon, you'll be there too. It's hard in the beginning for everyone, and some more than others have it really tough. But this is just a phase, like the pre-op diet. After all these phases (especially if you do them right and really try hard to take care of yourself and make good habits) you're going to have the rest of your life to be happy, healthy, and free to do and be whatever you want. Hang in there! It gets easier! Here's the progress picture I made just a couple hours ago. I hope it gives you a little hope and a little push to make it through this uncomfortable time. :) http://imgur.com/RxWZFMB

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My first few days were not too bad, but then it really sucked when I went home from the hospital. For me, days 3 and 4 were the worst. I no longer had IV meds and I could barely get down my meds because I'd gag and throw up every time. The meds were so awful to take that I just quit them and dealt with the pain and nausea. BUT, if it helps, I'm in week 2 now and it's gotten much better! Hang in there, this awful phase will be over very soon. And remember to be kind to yourself. This is not only a physical stressor your body is under, but an emotional one as well. I have found myself incredibly emotional since surgery, but this week it's turned to positive emotion. There are moments that I want to cry tears of joy for how grateful I am and how excited for the future I am. When you're feeling down, just remember all the reasons you made this decision in the first place. It's all uphill from here.

Also, regarding those people who said it wasn't that bad : I've decided surgery is similar to giving birth. It horrible, painful, embarrassing, and sometimes scary and traumatic. But the passage of time dims the memory of all that, and instead you start to focus on the positive outcome. For the new mom, it's a baby. For us, it's the healthier life. And that crappy first week becomes a distant memory that doesn't actually seem so bad in retrospect.

Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

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Cervidae, you look absolutely marvelous!!! Keep going! You are gorgeous!

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@@Cervidae your pictures truly are a great inspiration! Thanks for sharing.

@@Alyssa Toner, hang in there! I am 11 days post op, and while I may be one of the luckier ones that hasn't had a lot of issues at all, I can still empathize with you... I am still quite sore... it's on my left side, and it's like when I was younger, would drink too much Water and then run and you'd get this stitch in your side... on this stitch is always there. I get cranky at night because I can't sleep the way I want to. But each morning, each day, I find that everything is getting just a little easier. I actually was able to put the dog's bowl on the ground today without kind of tossing it down there... LOL

My Doctor has me on specific Protein right now too, for the first 6 months. Bariatric Advantage, New Direction, and Chike. My NUT claims it's because of the type of Protein in these shakes, coupled with the other nutritional elements. I don't know how I feel about it, because I do love Premier Protein shakes - except I tried their dry powder and I DO NOT care for that. Everyone is different, and you just have to keep trying different flavors and brands until you find a few you can handle.

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@@Katrinakit there are 30 grams of Protein and 160 calories in Premier Protein, and only 1 gram of sugar. It also contains a lot of other Vitamins. I'm 9 months post op and I still drink them daily, especially when I'm having an "ew food" day.

@@Alyssa Toner my first several weeks were friggin horrible. There were people who had the same surgery at the same time as me and were on the same floor and they were walking laps and feeling great by the night after we had surgery. I barely walked in the hospital compared to everyone else (maybe like 4 laps total in two days) not for lack of trying - I was in serious pain and could barely move. I was on prescribed pain meds for like two weeks, though I only took them at night and in the morning by the end of the two weeks, and then I moved to tylenol. I didn't begin feeling like myself until about 2-3 months ago, honestly. I felt exhausted, depressed, hormones were all over the place... it really sucked. This lasted pretty much the entire first 6 months. Now, I'm 9 months post-op and I can say with complete honesty and sincerity: IT WAS ALL WORTH IT. I would do it again 10 times over to have what I have now, and feel like I feel now. I've lost about 150 pounds since my RNY 9 months ago, and I feel great. I feel like I am normal, like I can do anything I want and be anything I want, and like I actually have a happy, healthy future ahead of me. I can move so much easier, and when I'm hungry, I can eat a small amount of healthy food and then I'm satiated until it's time to eat again. Is this what it feels like to be "normal"? Because it's amazing. And soon, you'll be there too. It's hard in the beginning for everyone, and some more than others have it really tough. But this is just a phase, like the pre-op diet. After all these phases (especially if you do them right and really try hard to take care of yourself and make good habits) you're going to have the rest of your life to be happy, healthy, and free to do and be whatever you want. Hang in there! It gets easier! Here's the progress picture I made just a couple hours ago. I hope it gives you a little hope and a little push to make it through this uncomfortable time. :) http://imgur.com/RxWZFMB

Wow! Everything you said was so encouraging! Thank you so much for what you wrote! I feel like I just want to give you a hug you've encouraged me so much!! ^_^

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"@@Alyssa Toner" A bad experience in the hospital is enough to set off a bad recovery. You should notify the Patient Advocates office of the hospital. Your hormones are all out of whack from surgery - so it will get better! 15lbs is awesome! Once the swelling goes down - you'll feel so much better. Get your Protein, fluids and Vitamins in. Stay strong!

Oh and grilled PB sandwich - never heard of it but does sound good! You'll be able to have one again someday.

Edited by KristenLe

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"@@Alyssa Toner" A bad experience in the hospital is enough to set off a bad recovery. You should notify the Patient Advocates office of the hospital. Your hormones are all out of whack from surgery - so it will get better! 15lbs is awesome! Once the swelling goes down - you'll feel so much better. Get your Protein, fluids and Vitamins in. Stay strong!

Oh and grilled PB sandwich - never heard of it but does sound good! You'll be able to have one again someday.

I agree. You should complain about how they treated you. Sounds like a horrible hospital with incompetent staff

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Well the first day of surgery was bad for me, i made myself walk i was given Jello and broth.. i had to take that first week. In 2 weeks i did loose 21 pounds.my surgery was may 12, i have lost nothing since the 21 pounds. But being honest not sure if im eating enough or what..

wish i had a picture of what my pouch looked like, that way i know how far to eat. I have eaten things i wasnt suppose to..and it just kept me at the same weight. I can drink Water when i eat

not good!, its a bad habit for me that i need to change. So starting today and all next week im going to stick with Protein and thats it. 3xs a day with 16oz of Water. And see if i break that plateu of stalling i know i dont get more than 800 calories but i dont like this stalling ,but everyone says embrace it. Im not gaining any weight im just at a still.

Also i love Peanut Butter also, and i did take a baby spoon and had a little bite 1st week after surgery. Just didnt taste like skippy smooth lol

I know exciting that we can loose so much weight, but it isnt to exciting once reality sets in that we can no longer eat what everyone else eats or whats on a menu, or at a ristorante ...

Hang in there..we arent robots and we arent programmed we are human..just get back up for everytime you feel like you have fallen.,I cant wait to see myself 4 months from now..im still with in the month..i go back to work june 13

Best of luck

Sent from my SM-G925P using the BariatricPal App

Edited by yguess

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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