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mild sleep apnea - I'm pissed

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I was actually sure I had sleep apnea before my study because I always wake up feeling like I haven't slept and on weekends, end up napping in the afternoons. Turns out I have a very mild case - only 6 episodes that night in the clinic. My pulmonologist indicated that was too mild to even treat with CPAP, for which I was grateful. So no one was pushing for me to buy anything. Unfortunately, the reason I feel like I haven't slept is because my alpha brain waves don't even stop - which they are supposed to when you enter REM sleep. For years I've been saying I can't get my brain to shut off a night. Turns out, I was absolutely right! Unfortunately, they didn't have any recommendations for how to get my alpha waves to stop as I enter REM...

I realize you have your opinion and nothing will change that - and that's okay you are most definitely allowed to have your opinion and frustration with the process. I would offer up that I think there are some legit reasons for having bariatric surgery patients get tested.

1. Sleep apnea is considered a comorbidity and will likely make insurance approval for the surgery easier - especially if the patient's BMI is borderline.

2. Since bariatric surgeons are focused on working with obese patients, they are probably more attune to the fact that obesity increases the likelihood of a person having sleep apnea and therefore more likely to recommend the testing to determine if there is a risk there.

I will say I was lucky in that my pulmonologist did a great job explaining the mechanism of sleep apnea, how obesity makes it more likely to occur and how the various treatment options work along with their relative effectiveness rates. CPAP isn't the only treatment option but it is typically the most effective.

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It is your opinion that it isn't a "scam" to get us to spend thousands of dollars on these tests and materials. I think differently. I am not going to buy this machine when I have a mild case of SA that will resolve once I drop the pounds needed. period

Whoa. Hold the flames there. It's my opinion yes - because I've worked as a licensed professional in the health care industry for more than thirty years. I know a few things. There is a big difference between asking you to be tested and requiring rental or purchase of equipment. The only way for the undiagnosed population to be diagnosed is to increase the number of people being tested. Obesity alone puts you at higher risk for sleep apnea, and sleep apnea may be a contributor to obesity.

It isn't very different from other screening tests, like colonoscopies, EKG's, and blood tests for diabetes.

I get that you're pissed about the out of pocket, but to attach a conspiracy theory to it is misinformed.

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It is your opinion that it isn't a "scam" to get us to spend thousands of dollars on these tests and materials. I think differently. I am not going to buy this machine when I have a mild case of SA that will resolve once I drop the pounds needed. period

Whoa. Hold the flames there. It's my opinion yes - because I've worked as a licensed professional in the health care industry for more than thirty years. I know a few things. There is a big difference between asking you to be tested and requiring rental or purchase of equipment. The only way for the undiagnosed population to be diagnosed is to increase the number of people being tested. Obesity alone puts you at higher risk for sleep apnea, and sleep apnea may be a contributor to obesity.

It isn't very different from other screening tests, like colonoscopies, EKG's, and blood tests for diabetes.

I get that you're pissed about the out of pocket, but to attach a conspiracy theory to it is misinformed.

First of all, everyone is entitled to their opinion. I have absolutely no emotions towards anything that anyone posts in this thread, that includes you. I do not take personally anything that you have said to me. So there are no flames to hold.

No one is arguing that there are people out here who need the test and who benefit from the machines or any other form of related treatment. The fact that you practiced medicine is going to give you a different opinion than most people on any medical related topic. My practicing law gives me a completely different world view than many others and it is my opinion that medical professionals order these tests for people that do not meet criteria for reasons other than the “wellbeing of their patients”. I don’t care what anyone says differently. Especially doctors as they have to believe what they’re doing and saying. Doctors have to cover their asses and do everything they can to keep those insurance rates at bay. At the end of the day its all about those dollar bills.

The only qualifying factor for me is being 100 pounds overweight. I do not have any other co-morbidity and my neck size does not meet recommendation. I also only scored a 3 or 4 on that pre-test they give you to see if you qualify to have the sleep test taken. Meaning I don’t have any noticeable sleep issues such as snoring, daytime sleepiness, falling asleep at stop lights or during conversation etc... I actually feel refreshed when I wake up after my 8-9 hours of sleep at night. My father on the other hand was someone who benefited from having the sleep study done and ended up with severe sleep apnea. The test was more than worth it for him.

I am not pissed about my out-of-pocket expenses. The reason being, 1. I knew what my contract was with the insurance company when I signed up and 2. I know that receiving medical treatment for things like this (anything considered cosmetic) will cost me a large sum of money. The cost of "treatment" is only a side effect of my reason for being pissed about my particular situation. So that was a null statement.

I am pissed because they told me I have “mild SA” then tried to push me into 1 very specific treatment option as if I wasn’t going to question them. As with cancer, they tell us that chemo and radiation is the only option we have if we want to survive when there are other approaches that can be taken. Of course, spending 100K plus on that route of treatment will always be the better option. But I digress.

There is nothing ignorant or misinformed about my opinion as it is just that, an opinion. I have family members who are medical professionals and I also work with people who a currently practicing medicine. Their personal opinions aren’t too far off. Anyway, this post isn't a political debate. It is my personal opinion on the medical professionals I am working with as well as my personal opinion on the level of care I am receiving to date.

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I was actually sure I had sleep apnea before my study because I always wake up feeling like I haven't slept and on weekends, end up napping in the afternoons. Turns out I have a very mild case - only 6 episodes that night in the clinic. My pulmonologist indicated that was too mild to even treat with CPAP, for which I was grateful. So no one was pushing for me to buy anything. Unfortunately, the reason I feel like I haven't slept is because my alpha brain waves don't even stop - which they are supposed to when you enter REM sleep. For years I've been saying I can't get my brain to shut off a night. Turns out, I was absolutely right! Unfortunately, they didn't have any recommendations for how to get my alpha waves to stop as I enter REM...

I realize you have your opinion and nothing will change that - and that's okay you are most definitely allowed to have your opinion and frustration with the process. I would offer up that I think there are some legit reasons for having bariatric surgery patients get tested.

1. Sleep apnea is considered a comorbidity and will likely make insurance approval for the surgery easier - especially if the patient's BMI is borderline.

2. Since bariatric surgeons are focused on working with obese patients, they are probably more attune to the fact that obesity increases the likelihood of a person having sleep apnea and therefore more likely to recommend the testing to determine if there is a risk there.

I will say I was lucky in that my pulmonologist did a great job explaining the mechanism of sleep apnea, how obesity makes it more likely to occur and how the various treatment options work along with their relative effectiveness rates. CPAP isn't the only treatment option but it is typically the most effective.

Yes, I agree with you. I am not arguing that point. There are definitely people out here who need and would benefit from the testing.

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Well I have a Cpap but insurance thankfully paid for it but since my surgery on 4/8 I have noticed I snore less! During the study they notified I labor to breathe and have restless leg syndrome and kicked 400+ times that night! I have dropped from 423>371 and fell much better but the machine is not always the way to go! They also have as stated above the mouth guards and even surgery which this was the only surgery I care to have! They also showed me the video which was disturbing to see so much activity even in my sleep!

Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

Edited by Lgr3

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Well I have a Cpap but insurance thankfully paid for it but since my surgery on 4/8 I have noticed I snore less! During the study they notified I labor to breathe and have restless leg syndrome and kicked 400+ times that night! I have dropped from 423>371 and fell much better but the machine is not always the way to go! They also have as stated above the mouth guards and even surgery which this was the only surgery I care to have! They also showed me the video which was disturbing to see so much activity even in my sleep!

Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

you kick 400+ times a night...wow! I can't even imagine that. I'm glad that they were able to help you figure out what was going on and treat you.

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I woke up three times during mine and did not get a cpap

Sent from my XT1585 using the BariatricPal App

At this point I'm ASSuming that it varies by physician whether or not they recommend a cpap or any other form of treatment with mild sa. Recommended at their discretion.

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I was required to have the sleep study done in order to have this surgery like many other people. I am pissed because I knew they were going to find a reason to have me purchase this expensive cpap machine. I do not have any issues sleeping. No snoring, waking up etc... yet I have mild sleep apnea (wake up 1-5 times a night). needless to say I am not happy.

I would really like for someone (preferably the doctors) to explain to me why out of the many areas of medicine they're one of the only I've heard pushing this study. I am having a double mastectomy and reconstruction done late 2016/2017. None of those physicians even mentioned a sleep study and sleep issues with respect to anesthesia…so it makes me really wonder. The surgeries I am preparing for are longer and more detailed than this one, so why wouldn’t they require all of these tests too?

Has anyone else had to deal with this and not want to purchase the machine? Did you just say f-it and go to Mexico? lol

My sleep apnea test was below 10, like 4 I think. I never had any issues, and I still suspicious my snoring cat contributed to the readings. My PCP tried to get me to purchased a cpap, but my pulmunologist who is also a sleep specialist said there was no reason to. My score was too low.

Everyone gets a sleep test in my practice. If it is severe enough you can have a lot of issues with anesthesia and pain medicine. It is best to talk to a sleep specialist because some doctors aren't great at interpreting results and CPAP isn't usually necessary for mild results.

Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

Edited by NewAngela

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I was required to have the sleep study done in order to have this surgery like many other people. I am pissed because I knew they were going to find a reason to have me purchase this expensive cpap machine. I do not have any issues sleeping. No snoring, waking up etc... yet I have mild sleep apnea (wake up 1-5 times a night). needless to say I am not happy.

I would really like for someone (preferably the doctors) to explain to me why out of the many areas of medicine they're one of the only I've heard pushing this study. I am having a double mastectomy and reconstruction done late 2016/2017. None of those physicians even mentioned a sleep study and sleep issues with respect to anesthesia…so it makes me really wonder. The surgeries I am preparing for are longer and more detailed than this one, so why wouldn’t they require all of these tests too?

Has anyone else had to deal with this and not want to purchase the machine? Did you just say f-it and go to Mexico? lol

My sleep apnea test was below 10, like 4 I think. I never had any issues, and I still suspicious my snoring cat contributed to the readings. My PCP tried to get me to purchased a cpap, but my pulmunologist who is also a sleep specialist said there was no reason to. My score was too low.

Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

lol, you think the cat contributed. I'm blaming my toddler and infant for waking me up. lol

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I was required to have the sleep study done in order to have this surgery like many other people. I am pissed because I knew they were going to find a reason to have me purchase this expensive cpap machine. I do not have any issues sleeping. No snoring, waking up etc... yet I have mild sleep apnea (wake up 1-5 times a night). needless to say I am not happy.

I would really like for someone (preferably the doctors) to explain to me why out of the many areas of medicine they're one of the only I've heard pushing this study. I am having a double mastectomy and reconstruction done late 2016/2017. None of those physicians even mentioned a sleep study and sleep issues with respect to anesthesia…so it makes me really wonder. The surgeries I am preparing for are longer and more detailed than this one, so why wouldn’t they require all of these tests too?

Has anyone else had to deal with this and not want to purchase the machine? Did you just say f-it and go to Mexico? lol

My sleep apnea test was below 10, like 4 I think. I never had any issues, and I still suspicious my snoring cat contributed to the readings. My PCP tried to get me to purchased a cpap, but my pulmunologist who is also a sleep specialist said there was no reason to. My score was too low.

Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

lol, you think the cat contributed. I'm blaming my toddler and infant for waking me up. lol

Yeah, I have a bunch of cats and I probably should have slept in a bedroom, but I slept on the couch and woke up with my snoring cat on my chest. She always snores, even when she is awake

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I woke up three times during mine and did not get a cpap

Sent from my XT1585 using the BariatricPal App

At this point I'm ASSuming that it varies by physician whether or not they recommend a cpap or any other form of treatment with mild sa. Recommended at their discretion.

Maybe. Mine said I didn't even test

positive for sleep apnea

Sent from my XT1585 using the BariatricPal App

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Well I have a Cpap but insurance thankfully paid for it but since my surgery on 4/8 I have noticed I snore less! During the study they notified I labor to breathe and have restless leg syndrome and kicked 400+ times that night! I have dropped from 423>371 and fell much better but the machine is not always the way to go! They also have as stated above the mouth guards and even surgery which this was the only surgery I care to have! They also showed me the video which was disturbing to see so much activity even in my sleep!

Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

you kick 400+ times a night...wow! I can't even imagine that. I'm glad that they were able to help you figure out what was going on and treat you.

Thank heaven they did

Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

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Has anyone else had to deal with this and not want to purchase the machine? Did you just say f-it and go to Mexico? lol

YES!!! Me, me, me. That's what I did. It was great, much cheaper and it was a huge PRIVATE room. You could walk around easily.

I hate sleep studies, all it does is guarantee a horrible night's sleep. But why not ask them to hold off on it post surgery? My sleep changed dramatically when I lost about 20% of my body weight.

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Has anyone else had to deal with this and not want to purchase the machine? Did you just say f-it and go to Mexico? lol

YES!!! Me, me, me. That's what I did. It was great, much cheaper and it was a huge PRIVATE room. You could walk around easily.

I hate sleep studies, all it does is guarantee a horrible night's sleep. But why not ask them to hold off on it post surgery? My sleep changed dramatically when I lost about 20% of my body weight.

They wanted it pre surgery to make sure things are "safe". Any more hurdles and I'm going to go to Mexico.

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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