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Week 1 post op but can stomach solids...

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Just my 2 cents but you can't tell a person's "tone" as you keep referring to in an online post. Maybe you're just being a little over sensitive and reading into things too much. But again, that's just my opinion.

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@@proudgrammy again I stick by what I said about having an online presence because you're here every day all day doesn't make you 'fit for the job' I am sure there are a few host's or VIP's or whatever they are called on here but until they have a medical degree/counselling qualification/have been personally met and vetted by Bariatric Pal Experts then I will take everyone's advice with a pinch of salt.

What I will point out is although yes my Doctor's here gave me certain advice there is a HUUUUGE variation in what people should eat and when in not only this country but all around the world. Some people are berating me for trying some foods too early and yet were told by a Doctor they could have 'solids' at the same time as I tried a slider food. So whilst I understand I should go by my Doctors advice there are Doctors give contrary advice to people that live just a few miles away from me.

I have taken on board legitimate comments regarding reasons WHY having foods earlier than prescribed can be dangerous, some of which I didn't think/know about so I appreciate that.

Edited by Aimee-Belle

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Returning to the original topic...Some doctors are much less conservative in their post-op eating approach. I was sleeved 3 weeks ago tomorrow and instructed to begin soft foods on day 8 after surgery. That included scrambled eggs, chicken, fish, Beans, cooked veggies (but no corn or celery) and fruits.We had no puree phase at all. In 2 more weeks I can eat salads and crunchy foods. I've had no issues at all. In fact I'm doing great and am down 22 lbs in those 3 weeks and 58 total.

My doctor is part of a very respected office called Atlanta Bariatrics - http://atlantabariatrics.com/ - and he does about 30 sleeves a month and has been for years.Believe me I researched him before committing to the surgery. Of course everyone is different so you should follow your doctor's advice.

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@@Babbs - Firstly CLEARLY I didn't start this thread to start arguments. If you bothered to go to the beginning to read the comments prior to this point you would see by comment 3 I was saying how 'Silly I was to do something against Doctors orders'. It was the continual flow of comments after on MY thread on MY question that I then thought hold on I know I've done something silly but support is what I need, what I got instead was several comments one after the other ALL stating the same thing in what I deemed to be not overly supportive manner It has developed into something else entirely organically.

@@LipstickLady - Your comments and tone is B*%chy I apologise for calling you that. To say you will mark that down to hormones and being Hangry is what we like to call 'passive aggressive' and again patronising. I am clearly not the only one to think that many people on here think they are WLS experts. However you are experts in YOUR weight loss journey. Not mine. And I'm pointing out something I've noticed which I am entitled to do and yet I'm being now deemed a martr. The words people used in their replies weren't rude, hence why I didn't comment before, it was the tone people use to reply to people asking for advice and support which was my issue not just in this thread but in others. There are those that show support and give sound advice in a polite and nice manner, they are able to articulate their response perfectly without making people feel like a pariah.

Again your words like - 'Do you think that most of us have not faced the same mental struggles as you? Do you truly believe that no one but you has had cravings and the desire to eat just a little something off doctor's orders? Of course we have.' Doesn't support ANYONE it's again not horrible words but it's your tone which to me says 'We've all struggled but not caved, this is your fault'. - THAT is how your comments read. I stand by what I said that I came here because I was looking for support, but you've been here longer than me and therefore made a 'host' by commenting loads and having an online presence not *in my opinion* because you are qualified for that position.

You may not be too familiar with internet forums so I will give you a bit of friendly insight.

First, there is no rule that the responses must stop when you feel you got the appropriate answers. There are threads on this board that get bumped after 2-3 years of dormancy, such is the way of internet forums.

Second, this thread is not YOURS. You posted on a PUBLIC FORUM. You will get answers from the public. Some will be very educated, some will not. Some will be warm and fuzzy, others will be blunt and to the point. And some, like yours, will be overtly hostile.

Third. You cannot interpret the tone of the author of the post. You can read the words but that does not mean you are clearly interpreting the intent of the message being presented. This thread was a perfect example. Everyone here was very polite, you simply CHOSE to read into the words and take them as unkind. That's on YOU, not on the people responding to the question you asked and the scenario you presented.

Fourth. Topics will go off course and discussion will ensue even after the initial question seems to be resolved. The topics presented are NOT just for the benefit of the person who initiated it, but also for other forum participants current and future.

If you CHOOSE to read my comment and tone as b!tchy, that's on you, not me. No skin off my back, quite honestly. You can block me quite easily, it's unlikely that I will change who I am because you choose to read something into my words that is not there.

I was being neither passive aggressive or patronizing. Anyone here who knows me will tell you that I have no problem telling you exactly how I feel, no passive aggressiveness needed. I simply made the comments here that I did because I remember that I took things (on the internet and in real life) very harshly at your stage of the game. Many people do. Many come back and even say, "Hey! Sorry I was such an idget. I've been really touchy with my family, too." Just like with pregnancy, your hormones are doing crazy things. It causes changes in personality. But that said, if you are insisting that this is your normal personality and you are this cranky all the time...again that's not on me. :D I was simply trying to be understanding and empathetic.

As for your opinion that my words "don't support ANYONE"? I didn't realize you spoke for EVERYONE. Cool Beans. I'm quite certain MANY will disagree. As for your opinion on why I am a host here and that I should not be? OK. You got me. ;)

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as far as @@LipstickLady - she's a successful VET with 3 years experience

when she talks, everyone listens !!! LOL

if "someone" refers to her as a bitchhh

her response was worded nicely

oh well

enough about her

i never really liked her :lol:

good luck (really!!)


Gasp. My heart. It is now broken.

:o :o :o :o


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I won't repeat all that was said here, but I will add that strawberries were off my diet for 6 months. The seeds are teeny and can get lodged in your suture line.

I've never met a strawberry worth the risk.

it's interesting how plans vary, or things change over time. At one month I was told I could eat anything, including berries. they have been one of my favorite treats.

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I won't repeat all that was said here, but I will add that strawberries were off my diet for 6 months. The seeds are teeny and can get lodged in your suture line.

I've never met a strawberry worth the risk.

it's interesting how plans vary, or things change over time. At one month I was told I could eat anything, including berries. they have been one of my favorite treats.

True!! :) I followed my surgeon's advice because I was paying him the big bucks. I'd advise anyone/everyone to follow the advice of their's. :D

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@@LipstickLady I think to the people who have only recently had surgery seeing the different plans presented helps them (it helped me) to realize that your new situation is not as fragile as it seems - and that there is a wide variety of ways to find your new normal without worrying you are going to "break your sleeve" to quote things I've seen posted on various threads. seeing so many people living at a good normal weight in so many different ways can help us to find the courage to discover what works for us as individuals.

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@christinamo7.... I'm somewhat new to this forum... I do find it interesting seeing all the variety... Finding out no every doctor had the 2 week liquid diet helped me big time, now I found a doctor that doesn't make you have a two week diet as long with that he is also at a center of excellence and a BSBC center of distinction... All things I learned about on here.

We should all agree to disagree with any poster at any time... The going back and forth is unproductive.

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@christinamo7.... I'm somewhat new to this forum... I do find it interesting seeing all the variety... Finding out no every doctor had the 2 week liquid diet helped me big time, now I found a doctor that doesn't make you have a two week diet as long with that he is also at a center of excellence and a BSBC center of distinction... All things I learned about on here.

We should all agree to disagree with any poster at any time... The going back and forth is unproductive.

Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

@ I definitely agree I hate getting caught up in back and forths as it seems so petty and not what I came here to achieve however I also can't stand certain things and have to have my say if I think something is unjust.

Getting back to the topic - I have noticed as stated in my other comment that although I strayed from my plan from my Doctor there is such a wide variation of information, restrictions, diet plans given to patients that all have the same surgery. So whilst 'testing' your sleeve isn't a great idea there are people out there being advised by reputable surgeons that they can have certain foods way earlier than others. We all go by the advice 'Stick to what your Doctor says' but if they are all saying different things is any particular one more right than others or are certain surgeons being overly cautious?

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Your question is one I can't find an answer to... Basically we all had the same surgery so the post op eating should be similiar instead it's world's apart.... I feel you have to follow your surgeon's directions because if something goes wrong while your doing what he/she said they will have to take responsibility for it.... I would imagine some of this variety in direction is related to the experience of the surgeon... A surgeon doing mostly WLS surgery is going to have more patient feed back about what works and what does not... I do realize many dismiss the variety of direction as medicine not be an exact science but feel the exact same surgery should result in similar post op eating guidelines.

Just to add, I have family in Ireland so I know how different the medical system there is, In your case your directions being different would make sense.

I saw a show last night about the fattest man, he was from the UK. They put him on a milk diet.. It worked he lost weight but to the best of my knowledge that's not a popular diet approach in the US.

Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

Edited by nyteacher125

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I don't think there is an answer here just more aloud thinking I guess but an interesting topic. Yeah one of the options for my pre-op diet was a milk based diet but I didn't opt for that as not a huge milk fan. We are lucky in the UK in that we have only 3 NHS hospitals that specialise in Bariatric Surgery so the surgeons are the best in that field (UK ones I mean) as well as we have exercise programmes that we can join afterwards that are supervised by professional trainers and physiotherapists (which I'm yet to attend as only just past my 2 week resting period) it's interesting the different regimes were all give though.

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I think that many people fail to realise that the reason why the post op instructions are so different is because each surgeon has different technique and uses a different bougie size... we are not all sleeved the same size... smaller sizes are bigger risk hence the stricter post op instructions.

Your doctor has advised what to do based on what he has done to your stomach.

Its not as simple as cutting straight line and being done with it.... there is size, curvature and the actual state of the stomach to consider

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@christinamo7.... I'm somewhat new to this forum... I do find it interesting seeing all the variety... Finding out no every doctor had the 2 week liquid diet helped me big time, now I found a doctor that doesn't make you have a two week diet as long with that he is also at a center of excellence and a BSBC center of distinction... All things I learned about on here.

We should all agree to disagree with any poster at any time... The going back and forth is unproductive.

Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

@ I definitely agree I hate getting caught up in back and forths as it seems so petty and not what I came here to achieve however I also can't stand certain things and have to have my say if I think something is unjust.

Getting back to the topic - I have noticed as stated in my other comment that although I strayed from my plan from my Doctor there is such a wide variation of information, restrictions, diet plans given to patients that all have the same surgery. So whilst 'testing' your sleeve isn't a great idea there are people out there being advised by reputable surgeons that they can have certain foods way earlier than others. We all go by the advice 'Stick to what your Doctor says' but if they are all saying different things is any particular one more right than others or are certain surgeons being overly cautious?

It's MY **OPINION** that every doctor has a slightly different method of surgery, and has seen complications (or fewer/no complications) when patients follow a particular diet progression. I followed **MY SURGEON'S** directions to the letter because I didn't want to put myself at risk. He had only 5 leaks to date with 15 years of experience so having no personal medical training, I felt his words were wisest **FOR ME**.

Now, that said, when something didn't make sense (straws!!), I questioned it. When things did make sense (strawberry seeds), I didn't. Sometimes he agreed with my questions, sometimes he didn't. In turn, I let his word be the final word for the first year because by that point in time, I knew I was safe from any possible leaks forming. I also felt that going by "my gut" was what got me to 264 pounds and in need of WLS. Why in the world would I put out so much money and then think I knew what was best for me? Twenty years of obesity proved that I didn't.

As I have said MANY times over the years, I am no expert in anyone but myself. I can only speak from my experiences. What worked for me may not work for you. What my goals are may not be your goals. It's all good. We all have different journeys, hopefully we all end up in the same place.


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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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