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Week 1 post op but can stomach solids...

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I'm noticing a common thread here which is fine, however it would be nice if people gave advice in a more sensitive and empathetic way. This surgery follows 29 years of eating how I liked, I consider myself to be an educated person but let's not all try and pretend like we're all saints here. I do my best 98% of the time but there are times I struggle and it would be nice to come here and feel supported not talked to like i'm 'insane' because I ate a bit of cheese. You can give advice and educate someone without sounding like you're talking to an idiot. Because I'm not, i'm trying to cope with a very big change just like everyone else here.

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@@aimee belle crockford

I don't think anyone is trying to be cruel.. i think they are just being honest and are concerned for your wellbeing.

Testing your sleeve this early out is extremely dangerous, you can risk getting food stuck in your staple line in your stomach and you risk getting a leak.

I understand that you may feel that you can eat solids, but it is extremely important that you follow your post op instructions.

The doctors do not force these rules because they are bored or on some power trip... it is for OUR safety.

Is being re admitted into hospital worth it? Is a piece of cheese worth being fed by a tube because of a leak?

Please remember you only have a small percentage left of your stomach... if you ruin it... they can't get you new one or cut off the ruined bit.. thats all you have left.

My program had us starting purees on day 3... and thats quite early compared to some plans... and cheese was not allowed...

Please be mindful that just because we can't see it.. doesn't mean there isn't something as major as cutting off 80% of your tummy going on the inside.

I wish you all the best in your journey.. and i wish you a speedy recovery.

Edited by AussieGirl81

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I completely agree with everyone's advice and I'm not disputing that. But i'm noticing not just on this post but on other people's that are seeking advice or support that the comments they receive have a 'holier than thou' tone to them. I myself have commented on a similar post encouraging the person to not test their sleeve after I got some advice from people on here but I always explain how 'I understand it seems like we're ready to eat solids (using this as an example) sooner than we're meant to but...' or go in with advice from my own experience. But there seems to be a lot of blunt and frankly quite patronising replies from a lot of people on this site and I'm finding it not as supportive as I once thought it might be.

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Hi All,

Couldn't find another thread so will just ask...

I'm exactly 1 week post op and since yesterday (day 6) I've started trying a few 'solid foods' in the UK we're told after a sleeve to have liquids for 3 weeks, then puree for 3 then move to more solid food. But I've always been a quick healer, and for some reason I just knew in my head I felt ok to try something, I've had a thin slice of cheese, a strawberry, a mousse dessert (yogurt) and a small piece of soft potato. All of these I chewed until they basically didn't exist in my mouth before swallowing, but I've experienced no nausea, sickness or cramping.

I understand I couldn't eat a proper meal as I could over stretch whilst still healing, and I am literally nibbling tiny mouthfuls and chewing until I can't even notice the food in my mouth anymore but is this normal? It's becoming really hard to stomach just Soup and milk etc when I feel ready to eat more solid food. I completely understand the risk of rushing the process and I will allow myself time to heal fully but would like to know id this has happened to anyone else?

I'm noticing a common thread here which is fine, however it would be nice if people gave advice in a more sensitive and empathetic way. This surgery follows 29 years of eating how I liked, I consider myself to be an educated person but let's not all try and pretend like we're all saints here. I do my best 98% of the time but there are times I struggle and it would be nice to come here and feel supported not talked to like i'm 'insane' because I ate a bit of cheese. You can give advice and educate someone without sounding like you're talking to an idiot. Because I'm not, i'm trying to cope with a very big change just like everyone else here.

So you're telling me that you started eating solids at day 6 despite your doctor's orders to wait until Week 3 because you can "sense" you are a fast healer. Yet at the same time, you don't want people to talk to you like you're an "idiot"? (Your words.) Huh. OK.

Actually, the responses in this thread were MUCH kinder than they could/should have been. If the tone in these responses didn't please you, I would caution you to protect your feelings with a kevlar vest before continuing to post here.

Best of luck!

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Why test the sleeve? If something goes wrong, it's not going to be worth it... Hard to asses how your stomach is healing quick when you have no way to see inside you... Maybe the way the prepare you for this surgery in UK is much different than we do here in the states..

If you can't say it nicely, don't say.

It's not what you say but how you say.

Just because we're behind a screen doesn't give us license to take a tone.

Some on here do speak like they are grus of WLS, none of us would be here if we haven't struggled with the weight. A surgery might removed the physical struggle, the mental struggle is harder to overcome.

If food has being a comfort and your uncomfortable after surgery, your go to comfort item has been taking away... Going to take a hot minute to wrap your head around that reality.

Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

Edited by nyteacher125

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@@LipstickLady Considering you have those shiney little 'stickers' classing you as a 'VIP' and 'Host' I think you are quite the...hmmm for lack of a better word bitch.

I'm not great with words but 'nyteacher125' has put it just as I wanted to. This isn't just a physical battle it's a mental one. And getting my head around this is the biggest hurdle. Maybe you walked into surgery and came out a changed woman and have managed to do everything 'just as the doctor ordered' but guess what...not everyone is the same as you! I've spent a lifetime getting shit from people just because of my size, I didn't expect to come to a forum like this to get shit for something else.

As I stated before quite openly I agree it was stupid to test my surgery, I wasn't going to rush off and start eating massive meals, and since getting 'advice' from here I haven't since. But I will stand up and say the blunt words aren't neccesary to get a point across. And my feelings aren't hurt in the slightest I was more thinking of the less confident people out there maybe skirting the forums and not confident to get involved and ask questions and how they may feel always reading the snarky comments from people like you.

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Hey hope all is well! The mental part of this is no joke. At least you recognized your issue and you can get back on track! The doctors orders are very important but we are only human. I went to see my doctors PA on Friday for my two week post-op visit and she asked if I started any purée food. I told her no.. b/c I wasn't given the go.. She laughed and said your by the book I see.. Lol. She advanced me to purée b/c I'm doing so well. My soft food class is on Tuesday. Good luck with everything and I'm glad your feeling good

Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

Edited by LadyWarren

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@@LipstickLady Considering you have those shiney little 'stickers' classing you as a 'VIP' and 'Host' I think you are quite the...hmmm for lack of a better word b***h.

I'm not great with words but 'nyteacher125' has put it just as I wanted to. This isn't just a physical battle it's a mental one. And getting my head around this is the biggest hurdle. Maybe you walked into surgery and came out a changed woman and have managed to do everything 'just as the doctor ordered' but guess what...not everyone is the same as you! I've spent a lifetime getting **** from people just because of my size, I didn't expect to come to a forum like this to get **** for something else.

As I stated before quite openly I agree it was stupid to test my surgery, I wasn't going to rush off and start eating massive meals, and since getting 'advice' from here I haven't since. But I will stand up and say the blunt words aren't neccesary to get a point across. And my feelings aren't hurt in the slightest I was more thinking of the less confident people out there maybe skirting the forums and not confident to get involved and ask questions and how they may feel always reading the snarky comments from people like you.

You're missing my point. No one was rude or mean. YOU are the only one name calling. In my original post, I simply warned you about the danger of strawberry seeds. But hey, if that makes me a b!tch, so be it.

As a host of this forum, I'd ask that you refer to the policies of this forum and refrain from name calling and personal attacks. That behavior will not be tolerated.

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Do you think that most of us have not faced the same mental struggles as you? Do you truly believe that no one but you has had cravings and the desire to eat just a little something off doctor's orders? Of course we have.

We all got here because we ate too much of the wrong foods. We all chose or are choosing surgery to correct our physical problems but that won't correct our mental problems.

I just reread all the responses and I stand by the opinion that no one was rude or mean. When you post on a public forum you can't dictate how people respond. You were the only one to use words like idiot and b:tch. You were the only rude one. Blunt does not equate to rude. Big diff.

That said, I'll mark your name calling and over sensitivity down to hormone fluctuations and being hangry. I can bet almost all of us have been there, too.

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This person has obviously started this thread to start a fight. Ignore her.

"I've gone against my doctors orders because I know better and f*ck you if you disagree with that"

Seems legit.

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As hard as the struggle was to get to the point to have surgery the various appointments, the supervised weight management program, the required two week pre-op liquid diet (in which I did not cheat; I stuck to the plan) all of this to have a successful surgery. To go through the surgery and not follow the doctors orders nor my NUTs advice and guidance is just something I would not do.

Everyone here has struggled. The struggle is real with most if not all with our relationship with food.

I cannot say I am a perfect person but when I made a decision to go this path I had to commit myself to struggle through the demons and stay on track. Many others have done the same. I am sure there will be struggles down the road once I am completely on my own...no doc or NUT to hold me accountable but this early on while I have access to medical support and advice I will and recommend follow their guidance. It truly is for the best.

Sometimes when we struggle we need someone to be straightforward. There is a difference between struggling and making what appears to be a clear cut decision to go against doctors orders. All of us here have been through similar situations.

No judgement!

Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

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@@Babbs - Firstly CLEARLY I didn't start this thread to start arguments. If you bothered to go to the beginning to read the comments prior to this point you would see by comment 3 I was saying how 'Silly I was to do something against Doctors orders'. It was the continual flow of comments after on MY thread on MY question that I then thought hold on I know I've done something silly but support is what I need, what I got instead was several comments one after the other ALL stating the same thing in what I deemed to be not overly supportive manner It has developed into something else entirely organically.

@@LipstickLady - Your comments and tone is B*%chy I apologise for calling you that. To say you will mark that down to hormones and being Hangry is what we like to call 'passive aggressive' and again patronising. I am clearly not the only one to think that many people on here think they are WLS experts. However you are experts in YOUR weight loss journey. Not mine. And I'm pointing out something I've noticed which I am entitled to do and yet I'm being now deemed a martr. The words people used in their replies weren't rude, hence why I didn't comment before, it was the tone people use to reply to people asking for advice and support which was my issue not just in this thread but in others. There are those that show support and give sound advice in a polite and nice manner, they are able to articulate their response perfectly without making people feel like a pariah.

Again your words like - 'Do you think that most of us have not faced the same mental struggles as you? Do you truly believe that no one but you has had cravings and the desire to eat just a little something off doctor's orders? Of course we have.' Doesn't support ANYONE it's again not horrible words but it's your tone which to me says 'We've all struggled but not caved, this is your fault'. - THAT is how your comments read. I stand by what I said that I came here because I was looking for support, but you've been here longer than me and therefore made a 'host' by commenting loads and having an online presence not *in my opinion* because you are qualified for that position.

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@@LadyWarren - Thank you for your well wishes. The mental struggle is most definitely real and I've been doing well since my 'blip'. Wishing you a great recovery also you sound like you're doing wonderfully i'll take a leaf from your book!

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Uh huh.

Bye, Felicia. You're now one of the lucky few who will go on my ignore list so I don't see when you tag me or post. Makes the experience of this forum so much more pleasant!

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quick healer, felt ok to try something, else

@@aimee Belle Crockford

Your doc/NUT gave you his "rules" to follow

if you don't..... all i can say is

people have been shot for less!! :D

please don't experiment to see if you can eat this or that

that's great that you are a fast healer

for a while after surgery, your tummy is mad

its system has been played/screwed around with

it wants you to take everything slow and easy

be good to your new tummy and it will be good to you!!

we give good advice/thoughts/experiences

repeating, at the end of day ONLY listen to NUT/doc

sitting behind a computer monitor reading posts

there are/might be times that a poster might misunderstand how a statement was said

maybe they are talking strongly, firmly - but no intends to be mean

most/no one wakes up in the morning thinking to themselves...

"hmmmm, maybe i'll be nasty today on BP LOL

as far as @@LipstickLady - she's a successful VET with 3 years experience

when she talks, everyone listens !!! LOL

if "someone" refers to her as a bitchhh

her response was worded nicely

oh well

enough about her

i never really liked her :lol:

good luck (really!!)


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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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