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Those who drink diet pop post-op {Only nice comments PLEASE}

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Here's the problem with that study and many others. It just proves correlation. Nowhere does it mention what these people's diets were outside of diet pop. Most people who drink diet pop were already overweight and had these diseases. We have no idea what else those people in that study were eating or drinking outside of diet pop so how can we say diet pop is the cause? The very few studies that exist that dry to show causation by controlling the diet of the participants have not found a link to weight gain by drinking diet pop. I ate fruit when I was gaining weight. It would be like saying fruit causes weight gain but let's forget the chips, pizza, and Taco Bell was eating as well

As to the Water thing, the main ingredient in diet pop is Water so it hydrates you as well. What is baffling to me is people will mix aspartame and chemicals in their water and thing it's better than diet pop.

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Curious since you didn't post your weight loss.... In a little over 5 months I have lost 134 pounds. Now we both know thats nothing to sneeze at, As a matter of fact I was shocked how well it went for me... ( I quit drinking soda/pop) about 2 yrs before I had my surgery as I knew it was a no no to have after. Every doc I asked went to and I checked out 3 surgeons before I picked one to have my surgery.... said no carbonation... first it can be very painful... second its wasted calories... even diet....it has no value for your body....we are relearning how to eat for fuel not for fun.... I had to pass a psyche eval to get my surgery... they want to make sure you are going to be capable of following something very strict ....Honestly I want for everyone here to gain what I have.... health.... I value myself I work for what I have gained and what I have lost. I don't want to see anyone fail... I never thought to gain such a gift as this..... I want it for everyone who is overweight you know...

I've never heard anyone say that their doctor is okay with it.

my doctor is ok with it. I was only told not to have any for the first month.

I drink diet soda and carbonated beverages whenever I want. Not a lot but it doesn't bother me at all

I had my sleeve 8 month ago and have lost 175 lbs

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Here's another link to that study. https://authoritynutrition.com/why-is-diet-soda-bad-for-you/

Take a look at the last paragraph after they try to convince you death is imminent when drinking diet pop.

"Many of the studies above are so-called epidemiological studies, which can not prove that diet drinks caused anything. Such studies can only show an association.

Whether diet soda can cause harm or not has yet to be proven in controlled trials."

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@@Beck90 - Aren't you so glad you started this topic? ;) I certainly am! It makes me feel less guilty about occasionally choosing carbonation (and straws...) Personally I stick with iced tea (unsweet) most of the time which may also be a no-no given the caffeine but it is the only caffeine I have all day, so I justify it.... But there is nothing like that occasional first sip of those ice cold bubbles!

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@@Beck90 - Aren't you so glad you started this topic? ;) I certainly am! It makes me feel less guilty about occasionally choosing carbonation (and straws...) Personally I stick with iced tea (unsweet) most of the time which may also be a no-no given the caffeine but it is the only caffeine I have all day, so I justify it.... But there is nothing like that occasional first sip of those ice cold bubbles!

I use straws too.

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I'm so glad the carbonation issue has been raised... Does this apply to the carbonation in wine coolers? JUST KIDDING!!! Kidding!!! I'm going to be good and go outside and admire my plants. The members who take their time, especially the veterans to give advice rock. I'm sure the OP has the info she needs to make her decision. :)

Everyone enjoy the day!!

Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

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I also have never heard anyone say their doc was ok with it, but maybe I will if I finish reading this thread? What I have heard tho from post ops is that even when they tried to drink it months-years out it hurt. You should be aware that I had a similar stance on caffeine, but I actually did follow my doctors advice and didn't even try it until the 9th week (he told me no caffeine for 8 weeks). What did I find? That my poor sleeve could barely tolerate it. I did about 1/2 cup of chai tea diluted with 1/2 cup of vanilla Protein Shake bc I could certainly not tolerate any coffee. I could not even tolerate a half and half coffee mixture for several more months. Moral of the story....99 times out of 100 your doctor is recommending something for a valid medical reason. Also you might find that you don't even want or need or even like the same things post-op as you did pre-op. An example is that I loved chocolate shakes and never wanted a different flavor pre-op, but when I went to have my first post-op Protein shake I couldn't even phathom a chocolate one. I just craved plain vanilla. I'm 9 months out and still have a ton of chocolate Protein Shakes in both ready to drink and powdered form sitting around my house which I will probably never drink. I myself was an absolute Diet Coke fiend pre-op. I was willing to give up the food. I was willing to give up the alcohol. BUT when they told me I had to give up caffeine, I resisted A LOT. I thought it was silly and unreasonable but it wasn't. It was totally legit. Long story short...you need to realize that you are possibly addicted to soda which is why you don't want to give it up. You need to make a commitment to taking care of yourself and your new sleeve. You may find that once you wake up from surgery you have a LESS THAN ZERO desire for diet soda. More importantly please try to hold out for as many weeks as you can because all that carbonation could literally pop open your new tummy if you try it too soon post op. I did not mean for this to be a lecture. I just wanted to share my experience with you and ensure that you weigh the potential benefits (I personally don't see any) vs the potential risks in your own decision making process. Good luck!

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and now my doc was okay with coffee and I drink one cup in the morning... I use straws sometimes to... I love iced tea and when I first was out of surgery and about 4 months in I couldn't eat eggs they made me so very sick... Now I eat them every morning and am so glad for it Protein something I enjoy... and it doesn't make me sick anymore... the sleeve does strange things and makes you like and dislike things that were once a favorite... everyone is different you might even hate the sight or smell of soda/pop after its hard to say... The smell of frying foods still makes me feel sick to my stomach... so I would take a wait and see stance before making any hard fast decisions...I heard the carbonation is what hurts after surgery.... Its not the soda itself.. I use to adore soda.... so I am far from a soda hater etc..... as for the other things we put in your bodies.... yes many things are not good for us ..... and many things are... I still cannot tolerate most fruits or veggies.... and was told its normal and to give it two yrs then my body will be able to digest and handle them. yet they are good for you.... all in all everyone in the end is different.... I am so happy for you to be able to lose so much to the lady who lost 175 rock it!! How amazing. I am thinking lucky for you to be able to drink soda.... without bad side affects of a hurting tummy..... many of us still struggle with Water... something that i hear is very normal I never had that issue thankfully..... I have no idea but I know all three docs I spoke with said NO soda/pop..... three different docs I think its all a part of the diet.... and for many it causes severe pain... so you will figure out which one is for you.... in the end of it all.... I try to avoid real and fake sugars... i hear the fake ones can often mess up insulin production.... and or cause someone to crave sweets more.... One lady I know was told no watermelon.... I crave it and make smoothies with it once every few days.... so its just different for everyone in the end you find what works for you... but don't resist listen to what your body says.... and follow that best.... make sure you get protein... if you don't hair falls out :/ for me I have a doubly whammy with my hair... I also have no thyroid and dropping weight so fast has messed up my thyroid levels...so its blood tests and making sure I get that Protein in every day..... and keeping on the blood work for the thyroid levels.... I hope it works out well for you regardless.... and remember right after surgery I was terrified.... but it passes...... I was given a medicine cup and told to drink one of these lil ounces of Water every hour.... it was pretty harsh for sure... but it doesn't last and it fades and gets less scary just be prepared mentally and emotionally for a few hard weeks after surgery but in the end it is WORT IT!! YOU are worth it!

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I don't think we will die if we drink it...although the pain from bubbles i hear can make you wish you were dead... for some... and for others its not a biggie... everyone is so different...... I just want the original poster to think carefully of the options ... and to get what they want which is weight gone...

Here's another link to that study. https://authoritynutrition.com/why-is-diet-soda-bad-for-you/

Take a look at the last paragraph after they try to convince you death is imminent when drinking diet pop.

"Many of the studies above are so-called epidemiological studies, which can not prove that diet drinks caused anything. Such studies can only show an association.

Whether diet soda can cause harm or not has yet to be proven in controlled trials."

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from what I understand and has been proven it increases the risk of Diabetes... majorly.... and they are not fully sure why... even in healthy non overweight people it raises the risk... I dunno but there is research out there to look at and decide for yourself if and what you are willing to risk to have a drink of soda/pop...

I know you don';t want to hear a different opinion.... But if you truly want the weight loss... then you will follow the surgeons advice. they say the pouch can't be stretched but it does grow... and will grow for most who have had the surgery to about 6 to ten ounces from what I researched. If you want to drink soda... and still be overweight and unhealthy than why have the surgery?! What a waste of the surgery... the struggles and all that others are trying to do here which is be healthy.... learn to eat for fuel and not for pleasure. that's not to say you can't have a bit of a treat here and there. But if you want the weight loss... want the health...Then you have to want to not do the things that will mess up those things for you....You can ask people to not respond because you just don't want to hear the truth... You can sit in denial But it's you and only you that will suffer from your choices... I researched this surgery for 2 yrs before I had it... all the pro's and cons... all the in's and outs of what and why's of it...i am curious as to why you think you know more then the docs and nutritionists... and the ones already gone through the surgery with great success. It sounds to me like you shouldn't have it if your not going to do what needs to be done to lose the weight... to take back control of your life... and to beat being overweight. In the end of it all it is up to YOU! if you want to lose and be healthy you follow the advice of the docs.... if you don't... why having the surgery at all... It is not a cure... it is a tool to help you reach your goals.... The surgery itself will not work if you don't do the things you need to do... I found some of this out on my own... Because I had the sleeve and am never hungry... I got around to buying a house and during the move was not eating 3 meals a day... not one pound came off.... got back on track... and I lose a pound every other day...as long as I do what the diet plan is ... eat Protein... and drink enough it works... and works very well... as you can see in a little over five motnhs... I have lsot the weight of another person.... you want this... and you need this or you wouldn't be here.... Than you need to give it your all not just the parts you want to do....

How does zero calorie and zero sugar diet pop cause you to gain weight? I see Chrystal Light talked about here a lot and it has aspartame and a list of chemicals longer than diet pop. Why is that recommend over diet pop?

Just because a doctor says so is not good enough for me. When I was a kid our family doctor told us we would all have heart attacks if we continued to eat eggs. Anti eggs was the fad back then and most doctors went with it. Now eggs are considered a super food. What happened? Why did doctors suddenly change? Diet pop has been out for 50 years and yet there are very few studies that actually study causation. The ones I have found show that people do not gain anymore weight by drinking diet pop. I personally have lost 70 pounds and counting drinking diet pop. None of the ingredients in diet pop has been proven to cause weight gain. Diet pop is just a carbonated version of Water and Chrystal Light.

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....I agree with all of this. I returned to diet soda for a few reasons.

I like it. I like the fizz, I like the taste, it pleases me.

Plain Water hits my stomach hard post op, so my NP suggested Crystal Light, G2, etc....

I have a similar experience with plain Water. Not that it hurts my stomach but it gives me a slight "fuzzy feeling" in my head, (I know that requires a brain, which is something I don't possess). Plain water in larger amounts consumed over a shorter period of time will give me a slight "fuzzy" feeling, where flavored water or a different zero calorie beverage of an equal amount won't.

Pleeeeeeeeeeeeease mention that you use a straw, that is always great for a heated topic.

I'll pop a single serving of microwave fat-free popcorn and wait (microwave fat-free popcorn is another fun topic). :)

Water makes me feel as if I'd just guzzled a quart of lead. It thunks and then I feel nauseated.

And yes, I use a straw. It always tickled me when I heard the no straw rule, but so many doctors recommend carrying a sports bottle of water constantly to get your fluids in, most of which utilize a ... ... ...



....I agree with all of this. I returned to diet soda for a few reasons.

I like it. I like the fizz, I like the taste, it pleases me.

Plain water hits my stomach hard post op, so my NP suggested Crystal Light, G2, etc....

I have a similar experience with plain water. Not that it hurts my stomach but it gives me a slight "fuzzy feeling" in my head, (I know that requires a brain, which is something I don't possess). Plain water in larger amounts consumed over a shorter period of time will give me a slight "fuzzy" feeling, where flavored water or a different zero calorie beverage of an equal amount won't.

Pleeeeeeeeeeeeease mention that you use a straw, that is always great for a heated topic.

I'll pop a single serving of microwave fat-free popcorn and wait (microwave fat-free popcorn is another fun topic). :)

Water makes me feel as if I'd just guzzled a quart of lead. It thunks and then I feel nauseated.

And yes, I use a straw. It always tickled me when I heard the no straw rule, but so many doctors recommend carrying a sports bottle of water constantly to get your fluids in, most of which utilize a ... ... ...


....I agree with all of this. I returned to diet soda for a few reasons.

I like it. I like the fizz, I like the taste, it pleases me.

Plain water hits my stomach hard post op, so my NP suggested Crystal Light, G2, etc....

I have a similar experience with plain water. Not that it hurts my stomach but it gives me a slight "fuzzy feeling" in my head, (I know that requires a brain, which is something I don't possess). Plain water in larger amounts consumed over a shorter period of time will give me a slight "fuzzy" feeling, where flavored water or a different zero calorie beverage of an equal amount won't.

Pleeeeeeeeeeeeease mention that you use a straw, that is always great for a heated topic.

I'll pop a single serving of microwave fat-free popcorn and wait (microwave fat-free popcorn is another fun topic). :)

Water makes me feel as if I'd just guzzled a quart of lead. It thunks and then I feel nauseated.

And yes, I use a straw. It always tickled me when I heard the no straw rule, but so many doctors recommend carrying a sports bottle of water constantly to get your fluids in, most of which utilize a ... ... ...


First off LipstickLady, is there a echo on your internet connection? :)

I found an experiment on laboratory rodents regarding drinking with a straw.


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Well two things..

1) I would never try diet pop until my sleeve is all healed.. no way I would risk it

2) if I had pain or didn’t enjoy it the issue would be a moot point I just wouldn’t try it again.

But supposing #2 doesn’t come true..

Everyone’s body is different.. I have never been tempted to eat more of foods I should not eat by drinking pop.. The idea of slider foods is not an issue for ME personally sugary foods don’t affect me in that way.. I have worked with my nutrionist and counselor to figure out EXACTLY why I’m over weight and what I need to modify after surgery… And they do agree with me that slider foods aren’t part of my problem even now and probably shouldn’t be after. (Though I will watch out for it)

Secondly.. why would I want to drink something that’s bad for me.. - I guess because on the whole I’m working on making loads of good decision and putting lots of good things into my body. Having the occasional few sips of diet pop is a good way to reward myself and not feel like I’m depriving myself from every single thing I enjoy. Plenty of people drink other things that aren’t good for their body (crystal light, articial flavorings for Water etc) and those aren’t anymore healthy than diet pop.. so.. I really don’t see the difference. Just diet pop has become more villanized.

I do want the weight loss.. I am serious about it and I WILL do whatever I need to to succeed including modifying what I want if it doesn’t work out later….

That said, I’m not having this surgery to exist on Protein shakes for the rest of my life.. I’m having this surgery so I can be healthier.. and do all things in MODERATION. Moderation does not mean cutting out everything I enjoy completely — it means being more reasonable.. it means making more good choices and less bad choices.. but I guarantee you that ONE choice that some people see as bad is not going to derail my progress. I won’t let it.. especially because several others have been very openly posting here that they’re succeeding even a couple years out and Do drink pop and GASP one lady even drinks it with a STRAW. Others are even posting that they do drink diet pop with their doctor’s blessing or that their doctor didn’t even address the topic.

Why I don’t ask my surgeon why he doesn’t agree with it? Because they persist with the myth that drinking pop stretches your pouch and you can’t have a discussion with a person who perpetuates a myth - either because they believe it or because they think scare tactics are an okay practice to control their patients. But the reality is… a number of surgeons are now speaking out about and are saying the idea of pouch stretching (from diet pop or otherwise) is complete ridiculousness.. yes.. you do eat more food as you heal - that’s normal.. but it has nothing to do with pouch stretching and everything to do with your stomach and intestines being able to tolerate more food as you heal (according to the video by Dr. Weiner earlier in the thread.) The secret (again according to Dr. weiner) is that even though 3 years out you may be able to eat a whole plate of food that you keep that plate small, well portioned, and make more good choices than bad ones and learn to retrain your stomach during the period where your appetite is most suppressed.

Now.. Dr. Weiner doesn’t personally support drinking pop (nor crystal light.. etc he doesn’t even really like Protein Shakes but sees them as a necessary evil) I’m just talking about the other things he said in the video as explaining how the eating more food thing works.

Are there physicians and surgeons who don’t have a problem with diet pop ABSOLUTELY - read the full thread.. several people have posted saying that theirs don’t have an issue with it.. my own personal care physician said it’s okay in moderation as long as it isn’t affecting my WLS.. but he didn’t give me any information about how soon I could try it or anything which is why I started this thread.

I AM glad I raised this issue because I’m glad to see that I’m not the only one who feels this way. I AM glad to see that others believe I can succeed and don’t believe I’m doomed for failure.. and for those of you who do.. I’ll prove you wrong. I’m super determined to make this work for me.

Also, I didn’t put the notice I did on the topic because I just wanted everyone to agree with me or validate choices you see as wrong… I have social anxiety…I put it there because I didn’t want it to become a battle and so the thread could be a source of information from those who are drinking pop and are succeeding. Not because I fear people disagreeing with me but because the thread is more helpful to those seeking information when it’s not a debate about whether diet pop is okay or not (which wasn’t the original question)

Edited by Beck90

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I know you don';t want to hear a different opinion.... But if you truly want the weight loss... then you will follow the surgeons advice. they say the pouch can't be stretched but it does grow... and will grow for most who have had the surgery to about 6 to ten ounces from what I researched. If you want to drink soda... and still be overweight and unhealthy than why have the surgery?! What a waste of the surgery... the struggles and all that others are trying to do here which is be healthy.... learn to eat for fuel and not for pleasure. that's not to say you can't have a bit of a treat here and there. But if you want the weight loss... want the health...Then you have to want to not do the things that will mess up those things for you....You can ask people to not respond because you just don't want to hear the truth... You can sit in denial But it's you and only you that will suffer from your choices... I researched this surgery for 2 yrs before I had it... all the pro's and cons... all the in's and outs of what and why's of it...i am curious as to why you think you know more then the docs and nutritionists... and the ones already gone through the surgery with great success. It sounds to me like you shouldn't have it if your not going to do what needs to be done to lose the weight... to take back control of your life... and to beat being overweight. In the end of it all it is up to YOU! if you want to lose and be healthy you follow the advice of the docs.... if you don't... why having the surgery at all... It is not a cure... it is a tool to help you reach your goals.... The surgery itself will not work if you don't do the things you need to do... I found some of this out on my own... Because I had the sleeve and am never hungry... I got around to buying a house and during the move was not eating 3 meals a day... not one pound came off.... got back on track... and I lose a pound every other day...as long as I do what the diet plan is ... eat Protein... and drink enough it works... and works very well... as you can see in a little over five motnhs... I have lsot the weight of another person.... you want this... and you need this or you wouldn't be here.... Than you need to give it your all not just the parts you want to do....

Wow. :(

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I've never heard anyone say that their doctor is okay with it.

my doctor is ok with it. I was only told not to have any for the first month.

I drink diet soda and carbonated beverages whenever I want. Not a lot but it doesn't bother me at all

Your surgeon doesn't count any more than mine. :D

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I've never heard anyone say that their doctor is okay with it.

my doctor is ok with it. I was only told not to have any for the first month.

I drink diet soda and carbonated beverages whenever I want. Not a lot but it doesn't bother me at all

Your surgeon doesn't count any more than mine. :D

Your surgeon actually told you that he or she was fine with you drinking diet coke?

Edited by PayItForward

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