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Those who drink diet pop post-op {Only nice comments PLEASE}

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@ladyinthsouth- It is great that you can do all that stuff and suffer no ill effect. I have never understood the smoking thing but ce la vie. I have eaten cake, pizza and all the other stuff you can imagine the net result of which is that I weighed 420lbs and had to have my stomach removed in an attempt to change my life so if it is all the same I will operate on the theory that I will NEVER cake and NEVER eat pizza because quite honestly I have eaten enough of those things for probably 10 lifetimes. For some of us this is like alcoholism I want those things, I can have those things, I just choose not to have them today. That is what works for me. Maybe I will feel different later but for this moment that is how I feel. I don't want to be where I was and not eating those things makes it possible. Same with diet soda it was part of an unhealthy life style which I am trying to distance myself from. I don't feel that I can make changes without altering my behavior and my relationship with food. I no longer use food as a treat or a reward. I want to just make the healthiest food choice I can today. I don't think I am in the minority here but maybe I am.

Yep ce la vie thanks.

And I too ate cake and pizza to excess to get up to nearly 275 at one time. I went down to 105 when I was much younger and then slowly; heart disease, menopause, thyroid cancer, starting my own business and never leaving the house to work 18 hours a day all caught to me and I found that I was up to 172 so I chose to have the sleeve and thanks to the sleeve I was able to get to my goal. Thanks to my choices since that time I have been able to stay there. Say "never" if that's what works for you or you think that's what your future holds. Personally I didn't have the sleeve to stay on a strict diet 24/7/365 but hey ce la vie right? I don't eat cake and pizza every single day, that would be flat out stupid but if I want it once a week or month then it's not going to get me back up to 172 overnite and since I don't continue to eat crap it won't either. Once I hit back to 105 I stayed there. If I eat cake or pizza or other crap one day then the next days following I grab my 65 - 80 grams of Protein and eat under 30 grams of carbs which is usually how I eat.

Deprive yourself - that's fine if that's what works for you. I didn't have this surgery and change my ways 99 percent of my waking hours to never eat things that I enjoy. Later - I'm done. But hey what do I know? I've only kept all of my weight off - yep every single pound - for 3.5 years (took me 6 months to lose it so 4 years total)

@@Beck90 drink all the pop you want, before and after. Really. Seems as though you want what you want and don't care that not only is carbonation hell on the sleeve but the sodium, carbs and just garbage in general yuk... I can't imagine how I ever drank it anyway. Plus the no caffeine "rule" that my doctor told me to follow. Soda has tons of caffeine.






Nite all - have a blast - I'm out. People ask for advice and then get shi&&y when they don't like it lol Unbelievable

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ladyinsouth, on 14 May 2016 - 01:02, said:

People ask for advice and then get shi&&y when they don't like it lol Unbelievable

Perhaps next time you should read the original post before you decide to get snarky. She wasn't asking for advice. She was specifically asking to hear from those whose surgeons had approved of diet soda. She asked what we were told in regards to the stomach stretching myth and guidelines for use, as well as when we first tried it ( @@Beck90 - 3 months btw, since I forgot to say so in my orignal post).

She also specifically asked NOT to hear from those who disagreed - not because she didn't care, but because she'd already heard that side of the argument and was just looking to educate herself on the other side.

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Avoiding diet soft drinks is not part of my Surgeon/NUT's plan. The only thing mentioned is to take it slow as it can cause some people discomfort.

And totally contradictory to what others have posted that their surgeon recommends, the book I was given to follow, The gastric sleeve guide (Australian publication), recommends using a straw to reduce contact with your teeth as the acid can damage them.

Diet energy drinks are recommended to only be used in moderation as the high caffeine may increase your heart rate and blood pressure.

Edited by BCs 1000

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Can anyone provide a link to the study showing that the carbonation stomach stretching is a myth? I saw the MI Dr's videoand his information was based on his anectodal experience. Where is the actual study that says it cannot happen?

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Beck90, That sucks! I wish you could have had at least the option of surgeons. :( My doc was a choice out of 3 that also took medicaid. OMG! I can't believe there are so few :( for you and little no to options.. Grr That makes me angry and sad for you. For you should be able to trust the one who is going to do this miracle and amazing thing for you! The first surgeon I met with I hated on first contact... I was lucky to find a lady her name was Dr Beck she was amazing. I moved 2 and a half months ago to another state which kind of sucks cos I lost that support that they gave etc. :/ But buying yourself and your kids a home while disabled is usually impossible to do.... so I moved to a state that made it possible... I see my first nut here next week.... They won't tell you this so I am going to at first it's pretty scary.... like a lot... it's emotional.... they let the therapy dog come in and I started balling like a baby ( a person who rarely cries) But that golden retriever Sadie her name was I could hold her and I burst into tears like an wuss.... its really mostly scary the first three days after that not so much....They let you drink just one ounce but after my docs PAC came in she told me I could sip a little more than that just to be cautious... ( I was so dry with all the pain meds and oxygen they give I was getting bloody noses. ( common for me when I get oxygen. So ask for the Water in your oxygen asap as it helps you not feel so dry. Personally I thought the hospital I had my surgery in sucked. It was nice knowing my docs Med tech had also had the surgery and she was a font of information for me... as well as being here I have learned a lot of things... I hope this helps.... ohh and bring your own jello's and such the ones at the hospital I was at... tasted like the fridge was icky... and I couldn't eat them... the first thing they brought me was onion broth... I was like... are you kidding me.... I figured you know chicken broth gentle etc....but those are my experiences... I haven't tried soda/pop I stopped drinking it because the three docs all said I couldn't have it and so 2/3 ish yrs before surgery I quit... and I tried it once after quitting ( before surgery and the bubbles about killed me) and that was before surgery... my 13 yr old son quit drinking it with me still can't because of the bubbles hurting his stomach the other two of my sons( 11 and 16) quit with me for the surgery for a yr and drink it again now and are fine with it... no issues with the bubbles...Just be careful... I was before surgery curled into that ball of pain after taking 3 sips of a soda and that was before surgery.... the thought of drinking it now... I can't fathom... eggs had me curled in a ball after surgery and until about a month or so ago I couldn't eat them. Before surgery I was a smoker... after the smell made me gag.... for about 3 months.... Then A traumatic thing happened and that's what I ran to :( I don't eat more due to smoking and the docs did not seemed all that concerned that I was smoking again.

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http://www.obesitycoverage.com/weight-loss-surgeries/gastric-sleeve/gastric-sleeve-will-my-stomach-stretch It does grow larger as your body naturally changes do look it up call the surgeons.... its not as large as original... but it does naturally grow a bit larger from all the research going from the four ounce size to six to ten is fairly common.... it's been studied. It is out there to be found.

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I can only laugh reading some of these comments. Smoking, pizza, cake and anything else is okay (YOU want what YOU want obviously) but diet soda is unhealthy and evil! Come on!!! Diet coke clearly is worse for our health than smoking...how have we not realized that before??!! [emoji33] [emoji12]

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http://www.obesitycoverage.com/weight-loss-surgeries/gastric-sleeve/gastric-sleeve-will-my-stomach-stretch It does grow larger as your body naturally changes do look it up call the surgeons.... its not as large as original... but it does naturally grow a bit larger from all the research going from the four ounce size to six to ten is fairly common.... it's been studied. It is out there to be found.

That isn't a study it is an opinion advice piece. I had a look and could not find an actual scientific study with control mechanisms. A lot of people have doctors telling them it is okay and at least one Dr we have seen here is publicly calling it a myth but where is the actual study.

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Can anyone provide a link to the study showing that the carbonation stomach stretching is a myth? I saw the MI Dr's videoand his information was based on his anectodal experience. Where is the actual study that says it cannot happen?

This is not a study, only a recommendation by the ASMBS for certain surgery types and the introduction of certain foods during the post op diet phases. It is only an excerpt of a very lengthy article.

I am not going to argue this point, everyone needs to do what they feel is best for them based upon their surgeon's and nutritionist's recommendations. There are polar opposite opinions by the medical professionals on carbonation stretching your stomach, so it is not something that they seem to agree upon.

I guess err on the side of caution if you want to feel safe.

This document is intended to provide an overview of the elements that are important to the nutritional care of the bariatric patient. It is not intended to serve as training, a statement of standardization, or scientific consensus. It should be viewed as an educational tool to increase awareness among medical professionals of the potential risk of nutritional deficiencies common to bariatric surgery patients.

The goal of this document is to provide suggestions for conducting a nutrition assessment, education, supplementation, and follow-up care. These suggestions are not mandates and should be treated with common sense. When needed, exceptions should be made according to individual variations and the evaluation findings. It is intended to present a reasonable approach to patient nutrition care and at the same time allow for flexibility among individual practice-based protocols, procedures, and policies.......

.....Similar to AGB and RYGB, programs offering DS/BPD procedures reported that the clear liquid diet phase is employed for one to two days after surgery. The full liquid phase was most commonly noted to last >10 to 14 days, while the pureed phase was reported to be >14 days. Most programs report that a ground texture phase is not utilized. The soft diet phase was reported to last >14 days. Finally, those programs offering DS/BPD most often reported advancing patients to a regular diet five to eight weeks after surgery. **Foods commonly restricted ** The American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery members reported in the survey that patients were instructed to avoid or delay the introduction of several foods as noted in [Table 9](#tbl9). Research to support these clinical practices is limited, especially with regard to caffeine and carbonation. Practitioners might theorize that certain foods and beverages will cause gastric irritation, outlet obstruction, intolerance, delayed wound healing, or alter the weight loss course; however, much of the information is anecdotal and lacks empirical evidence. In addition, although practitioners recommend that patients avoid or delay the introduction of these foods, little information is known as to whether patients actually comply with these recommendations and whether those who do not comply have altered outcomes or clinical histories. One retrospective survey suggested that many patients are noncompliant with diet and exercise recommendations [[174]](#bib174).

food type


Sugar, sugar-containing foods, concentrated sweets


Carbonated beverages


fruit juice


High-saturated fat, fried foods


Soft “doughy” bread, Pasta, rice


Tough, dry, red meat


Nuts, popcorn, other fibrous foods



Avoid/delay in moderation


Avoid/delay in moderation

The article:


Edited by 4MRB4PHOTO

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Are you for real? You're preaching to everyone the danger of diet soda and you smoke?

Your argument is invalid.

I'd keep my weight off for 4 years too if I could smoke a cancer stick everytime I felt like eating instead.

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Are you for real? You're preaching to everyone the danger of diet soda and you smoke?

Your argument is invalid.

I'd keep my weight off for 4 years too if I could smoke a cancer stick everytime I felt like eating instead.

I never smoked a day in my life. Clearly you have me confused with someone else!

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Clearly all the information regarding stretching of the sleeve, effects of diet soda on weight loss etc are observational as far as I can tell. I haven't seen any studies on stretching of the sleeve and what causes it besides the obvious overeating and there don't seem to be any causal studies on the effects of diet soda on stretching.

That being said I don't think a surgeon telling you he believes it will cause stretching or issues or is generally unhealthy and therefore suggesting that you avoid diet soda or carbonation in general makes him a liar, it just means that is his opinion and recommendation. In the absence of evidence physicians often form opinions and care plans based on their personal experience and belief. I would be more concerned if 9 out of 10 surgeons disagreed with that advice but clearly those numbers don't always hold up.

@LondonHawk- they give advise on the "unknown" to cover their arses.

There has been, since the late 90's , something called Evidence Based Decision Making or EBDM. It has become COMMON practice where- in the lack of actual studies, when you see something over and over, you treat based upon what YOUR ( the doctor or practitioner) experience has been when treating patients. If they keep seeing the same reaction, result, etc from many people in the same circumstances, REGARDLESS of the presence or absence of research, they treat accordingly.

With all that said, in the ABSENCE of any definitive data, a practitioner WILL employ the CYA method- Cover Your Arse. Always. Always. Always.

It takes ONE EARLY finding or report to scare someone to FOREVER CYA. Even if it was 30 years ago! Even when evidence has been presented a thousand ways til Monday to dispute it. Because of there was EVER a shred of a hint that a patient may come back and complain or heaven forbid-sue!!!- they will want themselves protected.

And I keep referring to "they" and "them" when in fact, I am one of THEM. I don't practice medicine but instead dentistry. Since 1989. And believe me, I have covered my OWN BUTT many, many times!

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Are you for real? You're preaching to everyone the danger of diet soda and you smoke?

Your argument is invalid.

I'd keep my weight off for 4 years too if I could smoke a cancer stick everytime I felt like eating instead.

I never smoked a day in my life. Clearly you have me confused with someone else!

Tagged the wrong person. I meant to tag the one expounding on the dangers of diet soda but smokes and eats cake.

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I smoke and like it or not I was smoking right after surgery. Is it good for me? DUH no. Will if impact my weight loss? NO! ...

Never heard any issue on the NSAIDS and I do take those occasionally

...I also eat cake *GASP*. Come to think of it I eat anything I want now and have lost and maintained a 72 pound weight loss.

...There are some people that say to newbies or potential newbies that they can NEVER have cake again or NEVER have a steak again or NEVER have a hamburger or whatever... and it's annoying. Moderation is the key. One slice of pizza isn't going to make me gain my weight back nor will it lead to me getting to the point of again eating a large pizza in one nite...

But soda? I have never heard any doctor say it's ok and I have 7 friends who have had the surgery since I had mine. Well come to think of it one does still drink gingerale but she hasn't lost her weight either so ..... there ya go



Here you go. :D

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...and I tried it once after quitting ( before surgery and the bubbles about killed me) and that was before surgery... my 13 yr old son quit drinking it with me still can't because of the bubbles hurting his stomach the other two of my sons( 11 and 16) quit with me for the surgery for a yr and drink it again now and are fine with it... no issues with the bubbles...Just be careful... I was before surgery curled into that ball of pain after taking 3 sips of a soda and that was before surgery.... the thought of drinking it now... I can't fathom... eggs had me curled in a ball after surgery and until about a month or so ago I couldn't eat them. Before surgery I was a smoker... after the smell made me gag.... for about 3 months.... Then A traumatic thing happened and that's what I ran to :( I don't eat more due to smoking and the docs did not seemed all that concerned that I was smoking again.

Wait, whuuuuuttttt?? Another smoker condemning diet soda?

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