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Those who drink diet pop post-op {Only nice comments PLEASE}

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I just posted on this topic the other day.

See this- http://www.bariatric-surgery-source.com/soda-safety-after-weight-loss-surgery.html

This from Mayo- foods to avoid, but can potentially re-add down the line-


This one says no carb beverages for 4 weeks post op-


You will either be able to tolerate it or not. I love my Diet Coke. I'm not apologizing. If I thought it would actually harm me, I'd avoid it. As it stands, on the occasion- once or twice a week- I have it, I order a small and sip it over many hours, usually tossing half away.

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Hey- who's starting the Botox and other injectables thread?? Let's include cool sculpting!!!

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@@LisaMergs Thank you so much for that list!! We can add another surgeon to the list of "It's okay to drink some diet pop in moderation" And at least a month out is a good plan - I planned to wait at least until my sleeve seemed to be tolerating solid foods well again which seems very individual for people so not sure how long that'll be.

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I'm still learning how to navigate the site. When i log on its always on my iPhone and I read "unread" messages. I'm now realizing that some of the things I've responded to are set up in specific forum areas. And I'm kinda mortified. I happily whipped out a comment to a thread that I now know was posted on a guys forum! I must have come across as crazy lurker lady from hell. Can you say hell on here?? Anyway, if someone starts an injectables thread I will happily join in. I love me some Botox. And I did research on cool sculpting today and supposedly, it HURTS. I'm a "no pain no gain kinda gal" (as evidenced by allowing someone to cut out 85 percent of my tummy bubble) so I'm up for it!!!

If someone goes first.

Please send directions to the thread! :)

Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

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I'm seriously considering getting a tattoo if I hit my goal weight ... I hate needles and I'm scared of pain.. lol maybe you can talk me into doing it with your no pain no gain attitude

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My second tattoo is weight loss related...

It's not on me yet, but it will be soon...

Probably a birthday present to myself...

I think it's a great idea @@Beck90

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I know you don';t want to hear a different opinion.... But if you truly want the weight loss... then you will follow the surgeons advice. they say the pouch can't be stretched but it does grow... and will grow for most who have had the surgery to about 6 to ten ounces from what I researched. If you want to drink soda... and still be overweight and unhealthy than why have the surgery?! What a waste of the surgery... the struggles and all that others are trying to do here which is be healthy.... learn to eat for fuel and not for pleasure. that's not to say you can't have a bit of a treat here and there. But if you want the weight loss... want the health...Then you have to want to not do the things that will mess up those things for you....You can ask people to not respond because you just don't want to hear the truth... You can sit in denial But it's you and only you that will suffer from your choices... I researched this surgery for 2 yrs before I had it... all the pro's and cons... all the in's and outs of what and why's of it...i am curious as to why you think you know more then the docs and nutritionists... and the ones already gone through the surgery with great success. It sounds to me like you shouldn't have it if your not going to do what needs to be done to lose the weight... to take back control of your life... and to beat being overweight. In the end of it all it is up to YOU! if you want to lose and be healthy you follow the advice of the docs.... if you don't... why having the surgery at all... It is not a cure... it is a tool to help you reach your goals.... The surgery itself will not work if you don't do the things you need to do... I found some of this out on my own... Because I had the sleeve and am never hungry... I got around to buying a house and during the move was not eating 3 meals a day... not one pound came off.... got back on track... and I lose a pound every other day...as long as I do what the diet plan is ... eat protein... and drink enough it works... and works very well... as you can see in a little over five motnhs... I have lsot the weight of another person.... you want this... and you need this or you wouldn't be here.... Than you need to give it your all not just the parts you want to do....

Wow. :(

I wasn't being mean Lipstick lady. Its a pretty serious operation.... and I want to see her succeed. not harm herself.... I have no real issues with the soda verses not.... aside from the fact its bad for you... and I don't like or drink crystal light either... I want everyone to win against this battle.... and if you are not going to listen to the docs... I mean they have ( many of them) being doing this studying this for many years... They know a lot more about this stuff than any of us do... and If your not going to be able to handle it and its hard,,, especially at first and pretty scary to... I don't want someone to go through all this and regret it.... for it is not for the faint of heart.... or the ones that can't or wont stick to the diet....the only way to succeed is to stick to the diet... follow the docs advice I would hate for her to be curled in a ball for several hours for a sip or two of soda... that would suck.... I just want her to make sure this is what she wants..... and to do what needs to be done to be healthy and happy..... now saying that I am not saying not to live.. I had a spoonful small one of each child's birthday cake... I have a few dark chocolate covered raisins and some sherbert now and again as we are changing lifetime habit... it seems like she doesn't want to make those needed changes and that worries me for if she doesn't her life is not gonna be very pleasant... and drinking soda a month out... your still on the liquid diet a month out.... it sounds like a painful plan to me and it worries me.... a month out sounds too soon.... and for those on about Protein Shakes after surgery I could not tolerate them barely tolerated them during my month long liquid diet before surgery after it was a no go and I would gag... so I had to find another way....I am truly trying to help with my experience.... I dont drink any Protein shakes... I eat my protein... meats steak chicken Beans cheese....I cannot imagine living on them as I saw another poster say ... YUCK!!... But truly was not being mean or harsh... Just want the Op to take a good hard long look and make sure this is something she wants and can do... it is not for everyone.... I am pretty blunt and straight with what I say... rarely do I try to pretty it up.... it needed to be said... and I think she needs to take a long hard look at it one more time to make sure its what she truly wants..... giving up soda for health.....its a small sacrifice.... and with WLS sacrifices have to be made....

Edited by LipstickLady
Cari quoted inside the quote box, accrediting her opinion to the wrong member.

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All the quoting and re-quoting and over-quoting and re-over-quoting and re-over-re-quoting in a pike position makes KindaFamiliar, and probably Baby Jesus, a little sad...

And a lot confused...

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I'm going for a tattoo as a 60th birthday present to myself in September. Can't wait!!!!

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@@LisaMergs I had cool sculpting back a few years ago.. I actually paid for two sessions and got two free because the dermatologist office needed a volunteer so they could teach more of the office staff how to use it.

Cool sculpting may have improved since that time but other than leaving my stomach all bruised for about a week, it didn't do much. I had pics of the bruises, I'll see if I can find them.

It was not cheap, I think it was $1100 for the two sessions, each one is an hour.

Granted result might be different if your closer to your ideal body weight etc... I don't think I would do it again.

Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

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First off, @@LipstickLady , I like you. That is all.

Second, @@KindaFamiliar , I like you too. But you knew that.

Finally, I am another with a surgeon who "doesn't count" by failing to forbid diet sodas. Frankly I wasn't much of a soda person pre-op, but I did have quite the Pellegrino habit, prompting me to bring up carbonated beverages at my very first appointment. I am a big researcher, and my WLS was no exception, so I had certainly come across the carbonation condemnation (bear with me - I'll get to the actual 'diet soda' part in a bit...).

I'd mentioned my plan to 'wean off' of my beloved Pellegrino forever as I approached surgery. I was told that while carbonated beverages should not be consumed while healing from surgery, eliminating them permanently was likely not necessary. They said it was just another of those things - like lactose and red meat - that will vary by person depending on tolerance. "Just give it a few months then try it if you'd like. If it makes you feel sick or uncomfortable then avoid it. If it doesn't, then there's no need to worry about it - you're not going to hurt anything."

Then they specifically mentioned diet sodas, stating that as long as they're both sugar and caffeine-free, and you can tolerate the carbonation, then its no different than the crystal light or other sugar-free beverages that their plan recommends for hydration. Thaaaat's right. The only thing they warned to watch for is the sweetness triggering cravings, but that applies to all sweetened beverages and again will vary from person to person.

Oh, and they also approve the use of straws - another silly ban "unfounded in science" they say. They pointed out that you take in gulps of air every time you swallow anything at all. food. Drink. Saliva. A straw is not going to make any significant difference. I use them literally all the time. Even in my Protein Shakes. I just find it much easier to control the amount of Fluid going into my mouth with a straw, which makes it more comfortable to swallow. Plus I don't end up spilling all down my shirt...not that I do... :unsure:

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All the quoting and re-quoting and over-quoting and re-over-quoting and re-over-re-quoting in a pike position makes KindaFamiliar, and probably Baby Jesus, a little sad...

And a lot confused...

Some people clearly have no clue how to quote and reply, literally putting their words in other people's "mouths". Imma 'bout to fix that where if affected me. I may spew what some people consider nonsense, but I didn't spew THAT nonsense.

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When you quote, please type YOUR words outside the blue text box. When you type INSIDE the text box, you are accrediting YOUR words to other people. I am about to edit the below post to take your words out of my mouth. I said none of the bolded stuff below as an example.

Thank you! If you are unclear on what I am saying, feel free to message me and I will walk you through the steps on how to quote and reply properly.


I wasn't being mean Lipstick lady. Its a pretty serious operation.... and I want to see her succeed. not harm herself.... I have no real issues with the soda verses not.... aside from the fact its bad for you... and I don't like or drink crystal light either... I want everyone to win against this battle.... and if you are not going to listen to the docs... I mean they have ( many of them) being doing this studying this for many years... They know a lot more about this stuff than any of us do... and If your not going to be able to handle it and its hard,,, especially at first and pretty scary to... I don't want someone to go through all this and regret it.... for it is not for the faint of heart.... or the ones that can't or wont stick to the diet....the only way to succeed is to stick to the diet... follow the docs advice I would hate for her to be curled in a ball for several hours for a sip or two of soda... that would suck.... I just want her to make sure this is what she wants..... and to do what needs to be done to be healthy and happy..... now saying that I am not saying not to live.. I had a spoonful small one of each child's birthday cake... I have a few dark chocolate covered raisins and some sherbert now and again as we are changing lifetime habit... it seems like she doesn't want to make those needed changes and that worries me for if she doesn't her life is not gonna be very pleasant... and drinking soda a month out... your still on the liquid diet a month out.... it sounds like a painful plan to me and it worries me.... a month out sounds too soon.... and for those on about Protein Shakes after surgery I could not tolerate them barely tolerated them during my month long liquid diet before surgery after it was a no go and I would gag... so I had to find another way....I am truly trying to help with my experience.... I dont drink any Protein shakes... I eat my protein... meats steak chicken Beans cheese....I cannot imagine living on them as I saw another poster say ... YUCK!!... But truly was not being mean or harsh... Just want the Op to take a good hard long look and make sure this is something she wants and can do... it is not for everyone.... I am pretty blunt and straight with what I say... rarely do I try to pretty it up.... it needed to be said... and I think she needs to take a long hard look at it one more time to make sure its what she truly wants..... giving up soda for health.....its a small sacrifice.... and with WLS sacrifices have to be made....

I know you don';t want to hear a different opinion.... But if you truly want the weight loss... then you will follow the surgeons advice. they say the pouch can't be stretched but it does grow... and will grow for most who have had the surgery to about 6 to ten ounces from what I researched. If you want to drink soda... and still be overweight and unhealthy than why have the surgery?! What a waste of the surgery... the struggles and all that others are trying to do here which is be healthy.... learn to eat for fuel and not for pleasure. that's not to say you can't have a bit of a treat here and there. But if you want the weight loss... want the health...Then you have to want to not do the things that will mess up those things for you....You can ask people to not respond because you just don't want to hear the truth... You can sit in denial But it's you and only you that will suffer from your choices... I researched this surgery for 2 yrs before I had it... all the pro's and cons... all the in's and outs of what and why's of it...i am curious as to why you think you know more then the docs and nutritionists... and the ones already gone through the surgery with great success. It sounds to me like you shouldn't have it if your not going to do what needs to be done to lose the weight... to take back control of your life... and to beat being overweight. In the end of it all it is up to YOU! if you want to lose and be healthy you follow the advice of the docs.... if you don't... why having the surgery at all... It is not a cure... it is a tool to help you reach your goals.... The surgery itself will not work if you don't do the things you need to do... I found some of this out on my own... Because I had the sleeve and am never hungry... I got around to buying a house and during the move was not eating 3 meals a day... not one pound came off.... got back on track... and I lose a pound every other day...as long as I do what the diet plan is ... eat protein... and drink enough it works... and works very well... as you can see in a little over five motnhs... I have lsot the weight of another person.... you want this... and you need this or you wouldn't be here.... Than you need to give it your all not just the parts you want to do....

Wow. :(

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Well researched...

Well informed...

Well written...

As always, your post was easy to read and very informative...

And by the way -

Awwwwww... You like me...


I'm one of those who doesn't know how...

So I don't...

I make sh*t up instead...

But any sh*t I make up, I attribute only to myself...

Because my sh*t is the good sh*t...

No sh*t...

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I know you don';t want to hear a different opinion.... But if you truly want the weight loss... then you will follow the surgeons advice. they say the pouch can't be stretched but it does grow... and will grow for most who have had the surgery to about 6 to ten ounces from what I researched. If you want to drink soda... and still be overweight and unhealthy than why have the surgery?! What a waste of the surgery... the struggles and all that others are trying to do here which is be healthy.... learn to eat for fuel and not for pleasure. that's not to say you can't have a bit of a treat here and there. But if you want the weight loss... want the health...Then you have to want to not do the things that will mess up those things for you....You can ask people to not respond because you just don't want to hear the truth... You can sit in denial But it's you and only you that will suffer from your choices... I researched this surgery for 2 yrs before I had it... all the pro's and cons... all the in's and outs of what and why's of it...i am curious as to why you think you know more then the docs and nutritionists... and the ones already gone through the surgery with great success. It sounds to me like you shouldn't have it if your not going to do what needs to be done to lose the weight... to take back control of your life... and to beat being overweight. In the end of it all it is up to YOU! if you want to lose and be healthy you follow the advice of the docs.... if you don't... why having the surgery at all... It is not a cure... it is a tool to help you reach your goals.... The surgery itself will not work if you don't do the things you need to do... I found some of this out on my own... Because I had the sleeve and am never hungry... I got around to buying a house and during the move was not eating 3 meals a day... not one pound came off.... got back on track... and I lose a pound every other day...as long as I do what the diet plan is ... eat protein... and drink enough it works... and works very well... as you can see in a little over five motnhs... I have lsot the weight of another person.... you want this... and you need this or you wouldn't be here.... Than you need to give it your all not just the parts you want to do....

Wow. :(
I wasn't being mean Lipstick lady. Its a pretty serious operation.... and I want to see her succeed. not harm herself.... I have no real issues with the soda verses not.... aside from the fact its bad for you... and I don't like or drink crystal light either... I want everyone to win against this battle.... and if you are not going to listen to the docs... I mean they have ( many of them) being doing this studying this for many years... They know a lot more about this stuff than any of us do... and If your not going to be able to handle it and its hard,,, especially at first and pretty scary to... I don't want someone to go through all this and regret it.... for it is not for the faint of heart.... or the ones that can't or wont stick to the diet....the only way to succeed is to stick to the diet... follow the docs advice I would hate for her to be curled in a ball for several hours for a sip or two of soda... that would suck.... I just want her to make sure this is what she wants..... and to do what needs to be done to be healthy and happy..... now saying that I am not saying not to live.. I had a spoonful small one of each child's birthday cake... I have a few dark chocolate covered raisins and some sherbert now and again as we are changing lifetime habit... it seems like she doesn't want to make those needed changes and that worries me for if she doesn't her life is not gonna be very pleasant... and drinking soda a month out... your still on the liquid diet a month out.... it sounds like a painful plan to me and it worries me.... a month out sounds too soon.... and for those on about Protein Shakes after surgery I could not tolerate them barely tolerated them during my month long liquid diet before surgery after it was a no go and I would gag... so I had to find another way....I am truly trying to help with my experience.... I dont drink any Protein shakes... I eat my protein... meats steak chicken Beans cheese....I cannot imagine living on them as I saw another poster say ... YUCK!!... But truly was not being mean or harsh... Just want the Op to take a good hard long look and make sure this is something she wants and can do... it is not for everyone.... I am pretty blunt and straight with what I say... rarely do I try to pretty it up.... it needed to be said... and I think she needs to take a long hard look at it one more time to make sure its what she truly wants..... giving up soda for health.....its a small sacrifice.... and with WLS sacrifices have to be made....
I am going to correct a few things you said above as gently as possible. I am quite certain you aren't responding with hate in your heart, but your words are quite harsh and to be honest, quite rude. I am as blunt as they come and I have no problem with people who are the same, but damning someone to failure because they don't do what you do is wrong. My opinions and my truths only belong to me. I will share my very successful experience because they worked (or didn't work for me), but I will NEVER INSIST that my way is the only **RIGHT** way and that is how you are coming across in my opinion.

First. Sleevers don't have pouches and they don't grow. Their stomachs are swollen from surgery, and that swelling goes down, but that is not a pouch and it is not growth.

I drink soda and I am not overweight or unhealthy. I hit goal within 9 months.

She didn't say she didn't want "truth", she said she wanted people to be nice. Big diff. That said, your opinion does not equal TRUTH. (Nor does mine.)

She didn't say she knew more, she is doing her research and asking for opinions. I am successful and my opinion differed from the opinion originally offered by my surgeon. For the win, he agreed with me after he saw my reasons for MY individual case.

How dare you tell someone they shouldn't have surgery for asking a question. Isn't that up to her surgeon and NP? What makes YOU think YOU know more than them? (To use your words...)

I am sure she knows it is a serious surgery. I am sure she knows the risks. I am certain that if she was "curled up in a ball for hours" she would learn her lesson -- something we mostly all go through. She wasn't asking if she could drink soda a month out, either.

I wasn't on liquids for a month post op. Again, your plan isn't everyone's. I had some good and bad experiences. I learned from my mistakes and I am sure the OP will do the same.

Soda is not going to doom her any more than chocolate raisins or sherbet doomed you. I am not sure how you justify your "forbidden choices" as any better than her's.

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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