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Hi Everyone,

I hadn't planned on checking in for a while, then I learned of a rumor floating around about Dr. Lopez in Tijuana. I know some of you have commented that in the past the aftercare service was not up to your standards and that some of you have had problems with healing, acid reflux, even rejection.

The ones who have had to endure these problems are good people I'm sure. Sometimes in the stress of living through it, venting is a healthy part of the recovery process. I want to encourage those who are venting to keep commentary honest and accurate.

Since I have been a patient with Dr. Lopez, there have been staff changes surgery center changes and policy changes, all of which were set into motion to correct the very concerns of those who've had experiences not up to their standards/expectations.

My thought is that if Dr. Lopez responded to these concerns by being pro-active and made necessary changes, does that not show he is concerned? Does that not show he cares about his reputation? Does that not show he cares about his patients? Change is often made to improve the outcomes of things. Is change some sort of admission of wrong doing? Or, Does change arise form a need to improve outcomes? you decide.

From this site, I have yet to hear from anyone who has "visited" his office since June 04. I have been there 4 times since and all of the new systems are firmly in place and working well. I have had a chance to actually speak with--in person, to other patients men and women, who feel the office has provided fine service in a caring environment. Some of these people had their bands inserted 3 years ago.

As far as rumors are concerned, they are merely unverified comments, usually hearsay. You owe it to yourself to see the best, and receive care from the best doctors your money can buy.



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Is this the same Dr. Lopez Corvala referred to here in the afore mentioned 'rumors'? And if it is, why would one so concerned about their reputation and making amends not contact said patients with such issues of rejection, infections, needing copies of their medical records? Changing your situtation is good, but making amends for those you've harmed is even better, no? We still have people on this board with open wounds who have not been contacted by this person or his staff? Is it okay to let those with complications fall through the cracks as long as you take care of those new one's with the check in their hands? Expertise in a field is great, but character of person counts a whole lot more in the long run.

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I knew we were past due for another "glowing report" from you. What rumors? You mean the mass of Lopez patients that have erosion and are having to have their bands surgically removed by another surgeon? Unfortunately, Margret, those aren't rumors, but are sadly realities! Hopefully, you won't be among that number.

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I'm really so 'over' the Lopez thing. I do take offense, however, to people's experiences with this man being unvalidated. The hole in Lisa's tummy is undeniable, it's not heresay. The fact that she's sought treatment, BEGGED for treatment to resolve this is not heresay. It's not a doctored picture. I have seen this hole with my own eyes.

The fact that there are numerous reports of erosion tends to make one a bit leary and rightfully so. What are the situations which are causing this? One has to wonder.

Teresa can't get her own medical records? I'm sorry, but this is wrong. Every patient has the right to own their own medical records.

Penni's port problems? No answers to her phone calls? These are only 3 people. What about those who are not on this board?

I don't doubt this man's experience in actually installing a lapband. It's been established that he can do that, but his lack of aftercare for his patients is not only wrong, it also puts their health at risk and that IS WRONG.

If he were truly trying to make things right, he would contact these people (because we're smart enough to know that there are people monitoring this board and the others) and do whatever he could to help them get their issues straightened out instead of cowering behind all the new checks coming in the door and acting as if these issues don't exist. Lisa still has a hole in her stomach - months and months later. He could still help her. Even if he is afraid to see her, he could call up some of his acquaintances in her area and ask them to please treat her. Teresa STILL needs her records.

So you get new chairs in your office. You cater to those who are bringing in the new money. You hire a new assistant. All those nicey nicey things just don't make up for the one thing you're still ignoring and that is quality patient care after the check is cashed.

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I agree Leatha ..also the fact that the other 3 women on this board who have had erosion with Lopez is not here say or rumors either. For every good experience with any Dr. there is a bad experience. Margaret is the fortunate one to have had a good experience and I wish her the best and am happy for her but the fact still remains there are many unhappy Lopez patients here and on other boards. Just becasue a Dr. is good at installing the band does not make him a great Dr. there is so much more to just the actual surgery in my book...aftercare and patient follow-up being one of them!

P. S. Do any of you find it interesting that whenever there is a negative thread about Lopez someone comes out of the wood work and posts a thread totally defending him? I'm wondering why Margaret never comes here to share about her experience since banding but only to boost Dr. Lopez and his practice...Margaret how else is everything going for you? Hows the weight loss? Hows the band working for you? We would love to hear how you are doing instead of just always coming here with a "tooting Lopez's horn" thread. Oh and one last thing...Margaret are you saying that the 3 other women who have posted here with erosion from Lopez are just rumors and they are lying? Why would anyone lie about that?

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Well said Leatha and Michelle! I am beginning to think that the posts we had lately are actually from people working for Lopez. I just smell a rat somewhere!

I have to say if Lopez wants to do something, let him start with the people here on this board that have had problems. I wouldn't say he is too concerned about any rumors or he would call these people and get things cleared up with them first.

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Everyone and especially Margaret: Lopez was a great person to actually have the surgery done. He was very personable, appeared to be a very caring person, answered my questions, was there to hold my hand while I got on the operating table, explained the procedure to me in depth as far as what to expect and how I would feel afterward, etc. All very good almost excellent care up to and immediately after my surgery. I have NO complaints about that part of my care.

What Margaret and the rest of Lopez supporters seem to be missing is this and this is MY opinion no one elses.

"SO F%^&*(ING WHAT if he changed his practice ethics."

There are several of us here on this board that have had crappy aftercare. "SO F%^&*(ING WHAT if his care now is improved."

Where is my follow up phone call to see how I am doing now. I can answer that question for you Margaret. HE HAS MY MONEY and he doesn't need to call me now. Enough said.

I am so incredibly happy for you that you have great care. Oh just for your information I visited his New Nifty Swifty Swank Spit Shine offices in June 2004 and received less than professional services. If he changed them since then good for him. He knew then about all the issues because I told him how unhappy I was with his staff. He assured me that he personally would call me and see how I am doing after I left his office. Guess What Margaret??? I am still waiting on that phone call. Does the new policies only work for the new patients? His old patients are a thing of the past I guess. His ethics are not only questionable in regards to old patients but how do you know you won't be treated like that if a problem arises??? Of course someone that doesn't have any complications would love him. You don't have to wait out a week of no return phone calls or emails or messages so you can see if you need surgery to remove your band due to rejection, which is what I was facing. NO PHONE CALLS MARGARET. NONE!!! NONE TO THIS DAY!!!! I could be dead for all he knows. And don't get me even started on Lisa's situation. THank god for some caring docs here in the states that decided it was time for her to have something done.

Margaret I am gonna say this with all the love I can muster. Keep your glowing recommendations to yourself about Dr. Juan Carlos Lopez. When I get a phone call from him personally not an assistant or Nora or anyone else but him personally asking me how I am doing I will NOT change my mind about him.

There is that plain enough for you Margaret and all the Lopez supporters? I need an apology and some caring shown me before I will change my mind on him and his NEW WORK ETHICS. Bah Humbug on those NEW WORK ETHICS. I see more of the same.

Ok enough venting for now. Just waiting for the next round of postings on Lopez. Lisa will post I am sure when she gets a chance to read this thread. Won't that be fun?? LOL!!!

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The ones who have had to endure these problems are good people I'm sure. Sometimes in the stress of living through it, venting is a healthy part of the recovery process. I want to encourage those who are venting to keep commentary honest and accurate

Margaret I can not believe you would say something like you did in the above quote..those who are venting about Lopez are real live patients from Lopez who are being honest and accurate. They have nothing to gain by lying here..why would anyone lie about a horrible medical experience. They have nothing to gain by doing so..all the are trying to do is make others aware just like you are doing by stating what a wonderful Dr. he is.. Whatever expereince a patient has good bad or other is the right of the patient to post it or to warn others about...It is offensive to me that you think these people are not being honest..For the record..I have met 3 of these women personally who all have had problems with Lopez 2 with port problems and one with erosion..I saw and heard of their problems first hand from their own mouths and saw Lisa's open wound which I might add still has not healed 6 months later. How dare you come here and insinuate these women are not being accurate...I find it very offensive..

Again , Good for you that you have had such a wonderful experience with Lopez I'm so happy for you but please do not come here and make light of the fact that so many others have not..some are still suffering today. If Lopez is so concerend about changing the ways of his practice and aftercare..then tell him to call those he knows are upset and those he knows were having problems that he promised to call back and NEVER did!!! , that would be a great place to start dont you think..as long as these people are unhappy with their aftercare and as long as these poeple come forward and speak of their erosions and port infections...his reputation will never be salvaged until he does something about it himself personally to all of those he has sqrewed!

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Ditto, ditto and ditto everything said below Margret's post. I am a Lopez patient and called and called and called, no one ever returned my call. My surgery was in June and it is now November. How long does it take to get a return call. Did someone say it has been so much better since June. My surgery was June 21st and I called for months after that. Was there another June in this year that I missed, must have. It would have been really nice to have my records but thank god I found a doctor that would see me without them. Well I have said enough I think I got my point across.

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Kathy: THank you so much for posting. This only validates what I suspected all along. This Margaret person (if in fact that is her or his name) must be working for Lopez. They are just here to do damage control and put a spin on all this. This makes me mad.

Or the other solution to Pseudo Margaret's Lopez experience could be that she is a personal friend of his. And of course Lopez will treat her better than his other substandard patients. THis also makes me mad.

As a health professional myself it is always hard to not play favorites when it comes to health care. I would struggle with that when a loved one of mine had to have a procedure or go into the hospital. But Lopez' ethics are so skewed in that he puts friends care above his other patients.

There is one more factor to take into consideration when thinking about his care. It is Mexico we are talking about as well. They have a different way of doing things from the US. Not all Mexico Surgeons are like Lopez I want to clarify that here. Some are really good about calling and checking up on their surgical patients. But it is surgeons like Lopez that give the rest a HUGELY bad name.

When this Margaret person came on the first time, I sent her a personal email and lo and behold her husband came on and starting getting into the act and emailing me talking about ethics and how I should be careful what I am saying and blah blah blah. Wonder if the same thing will happen???

You know if they are so concerned about Lopez reputation then maybe they should give him my contact info and have him call me personally to rectify this issue. HMMM??? Up to the challenge Margaret type person????

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It's interesting how this attempt to cleanse this guy's name really only serves to bring out the real truths by past patients so that any new prospects might be reminded that this could be dangerous, at the least shady territory to venture into. It's almost like clockwork - a monthly reminder to post what shoddy aftercare one can get. Otherwise, the sleeping dog would be sleeping.. :)

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Margret, you won't be happy till I have a complete nervous breakdown over my open wound, will you? It's been open and oozing for over six months, yet Dr. Lopez has NEVER called me. NOT EVEN ONCE! Dr. Lopez ignored my infected, oozing, puss-filled infection so long that another doctor had to remove my port at my expense. Lopez could have saved my port. Is he planning on doing my 3rd surgery to replace my port? If he's rectifying old problems, shouldn't I be on the top of his list? Why is he taking on new patients when he refuses to take care of old ones? He's broken a list of promises to me personally:

1. Lisa, this is a life-long, two-way relationship, so you stay in touch with me and I'll be in touch with you on a regular basis. (I've called over 30 times. He's never called.)

2. Lisa, I understand your concern with emergency aftercare so I'm referring you to Dr. Teng and Dr. Fisher in Las Vegas for emergencies. (He referred me to doctors that refuse to treat Mexican band patients.)

3. Lisa, I promise to call you back personally in two days to discuss your port removal (I'm still waiting - it's been several months.)

How typical of you to disappear without responding to any comments. If you have such faith in Dr. Lopez, why don't you explain to him how badly he hurt me? Tell him he made promises to an innocent American girl who put her life in his hands six months ago and foolishly believed his empty promises. If he cared, he'd start going through his files and call each and every one of his patients, regardless of complications, and do regular follow-up calls that was part of the price of the surgery. He doesn't need a personal advocate - he's a big boy. He knows how to dial my number. He doesn't need you to start problems, or does he?

As far as his skills and abilities, they mean nothing here because you can't help your clients if you pretend they don't exist. Tell HIM to call ME. Tell HIM to fix HIS patient. Tell him to make me feel safe and confident. I want my doctor to fix me. Why won't he fix me? Why won't he call me? How come he promised to call me but never did?

Margret, I got a band to save my life (like the rest of us here.) But now I feel like avoiding LBT because I'm too humilated since I'm gaining weight. I've gained 6 pounds because I'm desperate for a fill, but I can't have one. Are you laughing? Are you going to tell Dr. Lopez how miserable I am because I want a fill but I don't have a F-ING port? Are you still proud of Dr. Lopez?

I'm disgusted by your ignorance. And don't even think about threatening me again or sending me private messages or personal e-mails like you did last time. Your threats don't scare me, and if you sic your husband on me again, I'll consider it harrassment. If you have something to say, say it here publicly or better yet, call me at home. You have my number since you admitted to knowing everything about my PERSONAL file. Why are looking at confidential medical records? Does Dr. Lopez share our files with you, or do you sneak behind his back to read them? Why don't you tell everyone how you know so much about me when I don't even know you?

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I'm confused with the "rumors" you're talking about. Three of my personal friends had their bands removed due to erosion in the past couple months. Three different friends have been promised their records but never received them. Several of us on this thread alone have left countless messages that he never returned, and he has never called any of us with his promised "follow up" care. What is your definition of a rumor? We are here to share and learn. The more we share, the better prepared we are. I'm taking your word, Margret, so I look forward to hearing from Dr. Lopez in the next couple days since he's taking care of all his old problems.

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I just got done reading this thread (and the others) about Lopez and all I have to say is... wow. Margret, you gotta lotta damn gall (to quote Arlo Guthrie) calling into question these women's experiences. There's an expression -- adding insult to injury -- which you have personified with your posts here. How dare you condescend to tell them how to behave when they're the injured party. Were you hurt by Dr. Lopez? No, of course not. So you're in no position to give them advice -- advice which is in many ways like pouring salt into an open wound.

I think it's great -- marvelous! fabulous! terrific! -- that you had such a glowing, perfect experience with Dr. Lopez. But that in no way diminishes the real pain and suffering that others have experienced because of what appears to be gross negligence. If you're so concerned about his reputation, why not talk to HIM and encourage HIM to rectify his mistakes. All it would take is a phone call, a genuine offer to fix HIS mistake (with real follow up, not empty promises), and things would turn around for him and his reputation. But as it stands now, as a future bandster, I gotta say I wouldn't let him touch me with a ten foot scalpel. And if I have friends who want to go to Mexico for surgery, he will clearly be someone I tell people to avoid.

As a nurse I'm appalled by his actions, and the actions of his representatives. To me the actions that I've read about here exemplify what's wrong with health care -- for some practitioners it's all about the mighty buck. It's pathetic that Lisa was able to get more help from perfect strangers on a freakin' web board than her own -- paid for -- physician.

The stories I'm reading are disgusting. And I'm even more disgusted by anyone who would dare defend him. As far as I'm concerned, his attempts at improving care now mean absolutely nothing as long as he has even one miserable patient for whom he could intervene -- as he should -- and repair a problem that was caused by a surgery that he performed. Yes, even in the best surgeries things go wrong; but every surgeon I know and respect is willing to recognize the problem and go about fixing it. Not to do so is medical negligence. And when you offer lifetime follow up care, you damn well had better provide it.

BTW, for those of you who have had difficulty getting in touch with Dr. Lopez, I'm wondering if maybe you'd have any luck with the chief of staff (or equivalent) of the hospital you had surgery in. In my (admittedly limited) hospital experience, we have Chief Medical Officers who are responsible for monitoring the conduct of the medical staff, especially doctors. Any complaints about poor quality care, inappropriate behavior and the like are directed them in order to save the hospital's bootay. Is it so very different in Mexico, I wonder?

Just thinking out loud here....

In the meantime, for those of you who were harmed by him, I'm so very sorry. Your stories broke my heart and made me want to fly to Mexico from Alaska and kick some butt, or at least deliver a wicked tongue lashing.

I hope you don't mind a newbie stepping in and sharing her two cents, but I just couldn't keep my yap shut any longer.

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