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WLS with Fibromyalgia and Arthritis of Unknown Origin

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I have Fibro and Lyrica has been massively helpful for me. I'm having a bypass later in the summer. I'm hoping I can still take my meds for it. Does anyone have trouble with it post-surgery? I'll ask my rheum. also on my next visit. We've agreed that weight loss will be highly beneficial for my joints/tenderness regardless.

My bigger issue with my Fibro is that I get these electric zappy shocks all over (like a neuropathy of sort...I've had shingles 3 times, feels like that kind of zapping)...and the Lyrica has been huge it stopping the pain. Dealing with the zapping is rough! So happy my meds work, but will I still be able to take it? It was like magic to finally get relief.

Thank you for any shared experiences.

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I have Fibro and Lyrica has been massively helpful for me. I'm having a bypass later in the summer. I'm hoping I can still take my meds for it. Does anyone have trouble with it post-surgery? I'll ask my rheum. also on my next visit. We've agreed that weight loss will be highly beneficial for my joints/tenderness regardless.
My bigger issue with my Fibro is that I get these electric zappy shocks all over (like a neuropathy of sort...I've had shingles 3 times, feels like that kind of zapping)...and the Lyrica has been huge it stopping the pain. Dealing with the zapping is rough! So happy my meds work, but will I still be able to take it? It was like magic to finally get relief.
Thank you for any shared experiences.

I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia, cauda equaina syndrome, failed lumbar surgery syndrome, and diabetes. Took all but diabetic meds after surgery in October til January. I didn't stop taking them from side effects. I just stopped and realized I didn't need them anymore. 3months the only prescription I have is b12

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On 3/27/2017 at 10:13 AM, crocodoxie said:

I have Fibro and Lyrica has been massively helpful for me. I'm having a bypass later in the summer. I'm hoping I can still take my meds for it. Does anyone have trouble with it post-surgery? I'll ask my rheum. also on my next visit. We've agreed that weight loss will be highly beneficial for my joints/tenderness regardless.

My bigger issue with my Fibro is that I get these electric zappy shocks all over (like a neuropathy of sort...I've had shingles 3 times, feels like that kind of zapping)...and the Lyrica has been huge it stopping the pain. Dealing with the zapping is rough! So happy my meds work, but will I still be able to take it? It was like magic to finally get relief.

Thank you for any shared experiences.

I was diagnosed formally with fibro in January 2016 after the symptoms I'd been living with for years got way worse following a major injury. I don't take the same medicine as you, but I haven't had problems with any of my meds since about 10 days post-surgery. (Took forever to get them all down the first week and a half!)

What I DID have was a big flare following the surgery. The pain wasn't unbearable, but the exhaustion and weakness really hit whenever I over-do activities. I missed Wednesday of this week entirely due to falling exhausted into bed after a busy Tuesday only to wake up Thursday morning. I attribute that to the additional strain on my body from healing. The GOOD news so far is that the flare has been causing significantly less pain than pre-surgery flares. Hopefully that's a Thing and not a coincidence.

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I also have FIBROMYLGIA. I have Osteoarthritis, Psoriasis Arthritis. I have used so many Opiates. I was dignosed. 1997. I got lucky because my Dr had Fibro also, so he knew all about it. Back to the medications I have been on. They put me on MARINOL which is the THC from pt. It was a joke. I have made brownies and smoked it for my pain.. The thing is you don't know exactly how much to use so I overdosed myself a couple of times. Man the PARANOIA I just knew I was going to the ER and would have to tell them what I did. LOL Then they put me on METHADONE, this distroyed my Cognitive abilities like noones business!! Then they put me on VICODIN, I took high doses of it. After I moved back from Idaho to Roseburg, Oregon finding a DR was a real challenge!! When I found one to help me he was shocked to say the least!! The amount of VICODIN that I took were TOXIC!! So he tooj me off of it and gave me FENTANYL PATCH"S. He retired just recently so I had to start all over with a new DR. who is worried about the FDA stepping in and stopping the use of OPIATES at all unless you have Cancer. You talk about the worrying!!! I have had the best coverage of my pain ever. So I had my RNY and I can honestly say that getting my weight off has really helped me out. I never had probems with my knees until after my WLS they tell me if I hadn't lost my weight that I would be in a wheelchair. But now here is the DAMNED IF YOU DO AND DAMNED if youy don't. You all know what they say about exercise helping FIBRO well yes they ARE right, but before whenever you tried to exercise you had so much pain that you wouldn't have been able to exercise!! After my WLS it is totally true about it helping my pain level. They are defintly right in that area!! I still hurt and some days I can't do what I had planned but YES IT will help us but there are just times that I roll up on my couch with a blanket. Good luck to you all

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@Sherrie Scharbrough Whew, that's a catalogue of medicines I'm relieved to have avoided! But you're so right about the catch-22 of exercise and fibro. It's one of the top reasons I had this surgery.


I'm struggling to get to the point where exercise doesn't knock me out for the next day now.

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Hello, There are so many forums, I don't know where to start. I also have an arthritic condition, Ankylosing Spondylitis, that has changed my life drastically. It took at least 10 years to finally get diagnosed. It started with severe lower back pain in my 30's, then loss of range of motion in my neck and spinal surgeries on my forties. The disease attacks the spine and sacroiliac joints. My last spinal surgery resulted in a spinal cord injury and disability in my early 50's. With lots of physical therapy, I can now walk with a rollator for short distances.

I've been overweight all of my life, which I believe affected many aspects of my life. I carry a lot of sadness due to having spent so many years hating my body and disappointed in my inability to lose weight. Since my disease is progressive, I decided to finally have the gastric sleeve surgery in hopes that I can be as independent as possible. I backed out 2 years ago, but now I'm ready.

I'm on day 4 of 14 day pre op diet. I'm looking for a support group.

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Hi your post attracted my attention as I have been lurking. I have psoriatic spondylitis after years of misdiagnosis and need spine😶 neck surgery. I was in a wheelchair but walk now mostly unassisted. Wls has helped my mobility and self image despite ARTHRITIS I grew up with. Grrrrr. Good fortune!!

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I've had 6 spinal surgeries and it's not easy to find the best doctor. Whatever you do be sure to follow up with plenty of physical therapy, it makes a world of difference.

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@Betty Trigo thank you. I love my surgeon, he's a neurosurgeon, not surgery eager, highly recommend and has a very nice PERSONALLY..wow!! Lol I appreciate the pt advice. I need pt now! Yikes. Hugs hang tough

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On 5/3/2016 at 0:10 PM, JenniferVSG2011 said:

I am simply looking for anyone out there like myself, with a physical affliction who has gone through this and come out of it with better results than before. I worked so hard, and I can't stand the thought of not being able to lose not only the recent weight I have gained, but to never be able to reach my goal weight.

Hi Jennifer,

I know this post is over a yr old, and am hoping you are in a much better place now. Hopefully you have found some things that worked w/your specific situation to help you get the scale moving in the right direction again. But if not, or even just as possible add'l help for you or anyone else reading, these are my thoughts...

With my Fibro, I started having symptoms toward the end of my 1st weight loss program, which was physician supervised, using Phen-Fen, seeing a nutritionist & exercise physiologist. I needed to lose 30 lbs+/- and I lost 31. Titrated off the meds, but even before that, started having pain in my neck & shoulders which I attributed to my job as an admin (worked a 10 line phone while typing reports all day - phone always scrunched between ear/shoulder). I was still able to keep the weight off, but 6 mos later got pregnant & that was very difficult w/pain & fatigue.

Eight weeks after my daughter was born, I got back to the gym. Yes, it was painful. No, I didn't really Want to do it, but I worked hard to lose the weight the previous year. Plus the Y offered child care & that gave me 2 hrs per day to myself. I could work out for 1-1/2 hrs then use the steam room/sauna/jacuzzi (all helpful for pain) for 30 mins. Things that helped me were 1. Starting slow w/exercise & building up intensity (w/weights & cardio), 2. Stretching a lot as soon as I was done - like ASAP, 3. Using the steam room/sauna/jacuzzi at the YMCA, 4. Icing painful areas when I got home (some ppl prefer moist heat which is fine), 5. Using a topical pain relief aid such as Biofreeze - roll-on is convenient, 6. Getting a TENS unit for home use for bad areas, 7. Taking Zanaflex at bedtime to help w/muscle tightness & sleep, 8. Working out at a fairly intense pace actually works best for me for some reason (makes no sense, I know - endorphins, maybe?), but I do HAVE to slowly build up to that level whenever starting something new and/or after a flare-up or anytime there has been a pause in my work-outs. I literally start with 1 lb weights and build up to circuit weight training again. These are all the things that have helped me to stay active and lose weight despite intense pain from Fibro.

As far as appetite goes, well for one thing, I am at my highest weight ever rn because I hurt my back 10 yrs ago & it's been a snowball effect. That has significantly decreased my workouts much more than the fibro did. So, I can't speak to how all of this works after having had the sleeve, but will know more on that after my surgery 12/27/17. However, I was at a point after both my parents passed where my weight was up more than usual and just working out and "eating well" wasn't working. So, my family doctor let me take just Phentermine (since Fenfluramine is now off market) as long as I came to her monthly for blood pressure/check-ups, and also went to WW for better food accountability and the YMCA for workouts. That helped me lose about 25 lbs.

So, I don't know if appetite suppressants are allowed after WLS, but obviously there are new/different meds on the market now so is worth looking into (also helps w/energy & motivation to "just do it" when you are otherwise lethargic). Also, every person is completely different and I know/respect that. Some fibro patients are bedridden, some still work FT and take care of house/family. Just bc something worked for me, won't necessarily work for you, but I have 21 yrs worth of journals I've kept & those are the things that helped me the most. I really hope you are feeling so much better now. I'm sorry my posts are so long, it is one of my worst traits I think, I apologize. I try to edit but can't get my point across otherwise! Best wishes and feel free to PM me if you are still on here and want to talk or even if you have advice to help me since you are actually post-op!

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Hi Taylor! I'm back! I had no idea this thread had gotten this long until I got an email about your response! I've been trying to catch up, but my pain is at a 6 right now. I will definitely hop back on here tomorrow. I have updates about what I've been experiencing and hope I can help! [emoji4]

Sent from my SM-G935T using BariatricPal mobile app

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Hi Jennifer,
I know this post is over a yr old, and am hoping you are in a much better place now. Hopefully you have found some things that worked w/your specific situation to help you get the scale moving in the right direction again. But if not, or even just as possible add'l help for you or anyone else reading, these are my thoughts...
With my Fibro, I started having symptoms toward the end of my 1st weight loss program, which was physician supervised, using Phen-Fen, seeing a nutritionist & exercise physiologist. I needed to lose 30 lbs+/- and I lost 31. Titrated off the meds, but even before that, started having pain in my neck & shoulders which I attributed to my job as an admin (worked a 10 line phone while typing reports all day - phone always scrunched between ear/shoulder). I was still able to keep the weight off, but 6 mos later got pregnant & that was very difficult w/pain & fatigue.
Eight weeks after my daughter was born, I got back to the gym. Yes, it was painful. No, I didn't really Want to do it, but I worked hard to lose the weight the previous year. Plus the Y offered child care & that gave me 2 hrs per day to myself. I could work out for 1-1/2 hrs then use the steam room/sauna/jacuzzi (all helpful for pain) for 30 mins. Things that helped me were 1. Starting slow w/exercise & building up intensity (w/weights & cardio), 2. Stretching a lot as soon as I was done - like ASAP, 3. Using the steam room/sauna/jacuzzi at the YMCA, 4. Icing painful areas when I got home (some ppl prefer moist heat which is fine), 5. Using a topical pain relief aid such as Biofreeze - roll-on is convenient, 6. Getting a TENS unit for home use for bad areas, 7. Taking Zanaflex at bedtime to help w/muscle tightness & sleep, 8. Working out at a fairly intense pace actually works best for me for some reason (makes no sense, I know - endorphins, maybe?), but I do HAVE to slowly build up to that level whenever starting something new and/or after a flare-up or anytime there has been a pause in my work-outs. I literally start with 1 lb weights and build up to circuit weight training again. These are all the things that have helped me to stay active and lose weight despite intense pain from Fibro.
As far as appetite goes, well for one thing, I am at my highest weight ever rn because I hurt my back 10 yrs ago & it's been a snowball effect. That has significantly decreased my workouts much more than the fibro did. So, I can't speak to how all of this works after having had the sleeve, but will know more on that after my surgery 12/27/17. However, I was at a point after both my parents passed where my weight was up more than usual and just working out and "eating well" wasn't working. So, my family doctor let me take just Phentermine (since Fenfluramine is now off market) as long as I came to her monthly for blood pressure/check-ups, and also went to WW for better food accountability and the YMCA for workouts. That helped me lose about 25 lbs.
So, I don't know if appetite suppressants are allowed after WLS, but obviously there are new/different meds on the market now so is worth looking into (also helps w/energy & motivation to "just do it" when you are otherwise lethargic). Also, every person is completely different and I know/respect that. Some fibro patients are bedridden, some still work FT and take care of house/family. Just bc something worked for me, won't necessarily work for you, but I have 21 yrs worth of journals I've kept & those are the things that helped me the most. I really hope you are feeling so much better now. I'm sorry my posts are so long, it is one of my worst traits I think, I apologize. I try to edit but can't get my point across otherwise! Best wishes and feel free to PM me if you are still on here and want to talk or even if you have advice to help me since you are actually post-op!

I meant to respond directly to you! It's late here, but I will be back on tomorrow and hope to of some help! Thank you for reaching out. And don't worry, I post novels. I think it helps everyone understanding where you are at in your journey! [emoji4]

Sent from my SM-G935T using BariatricPal mobile app

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Hi Jennifer,
I know this post is over a yr old, and am hoping you are in a much better place now. Hopefully you have found some things that worked w/your specific situation to help you get the scale moving in the right direction again. But if not, or even just as possible add'l help for you or anyone else reading, these are my thoughts...
With my Fibro, I started having symptoms toward the end of my 1st weight loss program, which was physician supervised, using Phen-Fen, seeing a nutritionist & exercise physiologist. I needed to lose 30 lbs+/- and I lost 31. Titrated off the meds, but even before that, started having pain in my neck & shoulders which I attributed to my job as an admin (worked a 10 line phone while typing reports all day - phone always scrunched between ear/shoulder). I was still able to keep the weight off, but 6 mos later got pregnant & that was very difficult w/pain & fatigue.
Eight weeks after my daughter was born, I got back to the gym. Yes, it was painful. No, I didn't really Want to do it, but I worked hard to lose the weight the previous year. Plus the Y offered child care & that gave me 2 hrs per day to myself. I could work out for 1-1/2 hrs then use the steam room/sauna/jacuzzi (all helpful for pain) for 30 mins. Things that helped me were 1. Starting slow w/exercise & building up intensity (w/weights & cardio), 2. Stretching a lot as soon as I was done - like ASAP, 3. Using the steam room/sauna/jacuzzi at the YMCA, 4. Icing painful areas when I got home (some ppl prefer moist heat which is fine), 5. Using a topical pain relief aid such as Biofreeze - roll-on is convenient, 6. Getting a TENS unit for home use for bad areas, 7. Taking Zanaflex at bedtime to help w/muscle tightness & sleep, 8. Working out at a fairly intense pace actually works best for me for some reason (makes no sense, I know - endorphins, maybe?), but I do HAVE to slowly build up to that level whenever starting something new and/or after a flare-up or anytime there has been a pause in my work-outs. I literally start with 1 lb weights and build up to circuit weight training again. These are all the things that have helped me to stay active and lose weight despite intense pain from Fibro.
As far as appetite goes, well for one thing, I am at my highest weight ever rn because I hurt my back 10 yrs ago & it's been a snowball effect. That has significantly decreased my workouts much more than the fibro did. So, I can't speak to how all of this works after having had the sleeve, but will know more on that after my surgery 12/27/17. However, I was at a point after both my parents passed where my weight was up more than usual and just working out and "eating well" wasn't working. So, my family doctor let me take just Phentermine (since Fenfluramine is now off market) as long as I came to her monthly for blood pressure/check-ups, and also went to WW for better food accountability and the YMCA for workouts. That helped me lose about 25 lbs.
So, I don't know if appetite suppressants are allowed after WLS, but obviously there are new/different meds on the market now so is worth looking into (also helps w/energy & motivation to "just do it" when you are otherwise lethargic). Also, every person is completely different and I know/respect that. Some fibro patients are bedridden, some still work FT and take care of house/family. Just bc something worked for me, won't necessarily work for you, but I have 21 yrs worth of journals I've kept & those are the things that helped me the most. I really hope you are feeling so much better now. I'm sorry my posts are so long, it is one of my worst traits I think, I apologize. I try to edit but can't get my point across otherwise! Best wishes and feel free to PM me if you are still on here and want to talk or even if you have advice to help me since you are actually post-op!

I tried to send you a personal message. Try to message me when you get a chance! [emoji4] Jen

Sent from my SM-G935T using BariatricPal mobile app

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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