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When will I stop regretting this surgery?

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I am about 8 weeks post-op, and I will say that on the negative side, I never used to have discomfort or nausea after eating, and though it's not severe, I do experience something negative pretty frequently, and wish my sleeve had the capacity to eat healthy portions, not kiddie portions.

I had frequent debilitating nausea after eating or drinking for three weeks post op. My doctor prescribed an anti nausea med as well as a pill that kept my stomach from cramping after I ate. They were prescribed to be taken as needed and worked like a charm. It was at about 3.5 months that I could finally stop the pills. Talk to your surgeon.

As far as the potion sizes. I am still at 1/3 - 1/2 cup at most meals. My doctor and NP told me that this would be my forever norm. For me, this is my healthy portion, I just need to eat a little more frequently.

Were you not warned of the same?

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I am about 8 weeks post-op, and I will say that on the negative side, I never used to have discomfort or nausea after eating, and though it's not severe, I do experience something negative pretty frequently, and wish my sleeve had the capacity to eat healthy portions, not kiddie portions.

I had frequent debilitating nausea after eating or drinking for three weeks post op. My doctor prescribed an anti nausea med as well as a pill that kept my stomach from cramping after I ate. They were prescribed to be taken as needed and worked like a charm. It was at about 3.5 months that I could finally stop the pills. Talk to your surgeon.

As far as the potion sizes. I am still at 1/3 - 1/2 cup at most meals. My doctor and NP told me that this would be my forever norm. For me, this is my healthy portion, I just need to eat a little more frequently.

Were you not warned of the same?

The info I was given to kick off the "maintenance" phase, says about 1 cup to 1&1/4 cup portion size.

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I feel the same way. I was sleeved on April 5th. I was happy and now I'm miserable. I have no energy and I feel like such an idiot for doing this surgery,

Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

I know.

I know words don't help much.

I know you are feeling alone in your misery.

I know you feel tired. I know your energy loss seems overwhelming.

I know you feel like you're your own worst enemy.

I know you feel like you've made a mistake having your surgery.

I know you are feeling that you have "failed one more time".

I know you want to wail at yourself--or just anyone and everyone.

I know you're hurting inside and out, upside down and right side up

I know.

I also know:

You can't "undo" the sleeve.

I know you will have to reach deep down within yourself and find your determination and inner strength.

I know you have to write down all of the reasons you had WLS to begin with. I know you have to read that to yourself many many times during the day--out loud.

I know that prayer can't hurt.

I know that at one time you wanted to see yourself in the mirror as you see yourself in your heart.

I know that crying --even wailing loudly helps.

I know that walking/exercising in whatever manner you can to the point when you can think of nothing except trying to breath helps to get the endorphins flowing.

I know that sometimes a new hobby to concentrate on and keep your hands and mind busy helps.

I know because I've been there. At times--still am.

I finally know that if you can do this WLS , then so can I.

Shall we-- together?

Prayers going up for the both of us.

I love your posts!! Can we be best friends?

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I feel the same way. I was sleeved on April 5th. I was happy and now I'm miserable. I have no energy and I feel like such an idiot for doing this surgery,

Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

I know.

I know words don't help much.

I know you are feeling alone in your misery.

I know you feel tired. I know your energy loss seems overwhelming.

I know you feel like you're your own worst enemy.

I know you feel like you've made a mistake having your surgery.

I know you are feeling that you have "failed one more time".

I know you want to wail at yourself--or just anyone and everyone.

I know you're hurting inside and out, upside down and right side up

I know.

I also know:

You can't "undo" the sleeve.

I know you will have to reach deep down within yourself and find your determination and inner strength.

I know you have to write down all of the reasons you had WLS to begin with. I know you have to read that to yourself many many times during the day--out loud.

I know that prayer can't hurt.

I know that at one time you wanted to see yourself in the mirror as you see yourself in your heart.

I know that crying --even wailing loudly helps.

I know that walking/exercising in whatever manner you can to the point when you can think of nothing except trying to breath helps to get the endorphins flowing.

I know that sometimes a new hobby to concentrate on and keep your hands and mind busy helps.

I know because I've been there. At times--still am.

I finally know that if you can do this WLS , then so can I.

Shall we-- together?

Prayers going up for the both of us.

I love your posts!! Can we be best friends?

Hello, friend. :)

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The info I was given to kick off the "maintenance" phase, says about 1 cup to 1&1/4 cup portion size.

I guess I've got a below average capacity. At 8 weeks a could barely finish 2 tablespoons and then I'd be stuffed for 1/2 day. Even a piece of string cheese was two meals. Now I'm 28 months out and have been maintaining below goal for over a year and a half. If it's mostly liquid (like soup) I MIGHT be able to finish a whole cup of something. But anything with any density, I'm limited to about 1/2 cup. I get in what I need by eating 6-8 times/day. This has been my max capacity and hasn't really changed since about 14 months out. THANK GOODNESS!

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I am about 8 weeks post-op, and I will say that on the negative side, I never used to have discomfort or nausea after eating, and though it's not severe, I do experience something negative pretty frequently, and wish my sleeve had the capacity to eat healthy portions, not kiddie portions.

I had frequent debilitating nausea after eating or drinking for three weeks post op. My doctor prescribed an anti nausea med as well as a pill that kept my stomach from cramping after I ate. They were prescribed to be taken as needed and worked like a charm. It was at about 3.5 months that I could finally stop the pills. Talk to your surgeon.

As far as the potion sizes. I am still at 1/3 - 1/2 cup at most meals. My doctor and NP told me that this would be my forever norm. For me, this is my healthy portion, I just need to eat a little more frequently.

Were you not warned of the same?

The info I was given to kick off the "maintenance" phase, says about 1 cup to 1&1/4 cup portion size.

You might get there eventually but seriously, be grateful you aren't there yet. At your stage, my portion size was 2-3 tablespoons max before I foamed, slimed and vomited. It was at my 6 month mark that I hit 1/4 cup.

At three years out, I know how easy it would be to regain. In fact, I regained 20 pounds over the winter and have relost all but 5 of it in the last two months. My restriction is amazing, but Cookies, M&Ms, cake, potato chips and misc. other junk brought on the pounds.

I committed to going back to high protein/high fat low carbs and lost it all quickly due to my (THANK YOU SURGEON!!!) extremely tight restriction. Keeps me honest.

You will get used to it if you remind yourself that you are now eating to live, not living to eat. :D

I am about 8 weeks post-op, and I will say that on the negative side, I never used to have discomfort or nausea after eating, and though it's not severe, I do experience something negative pretty frequently, and wish my sleeve had the capacity to eat healthy portions, not kiddie portions.

I had frequent debilitating nausea after eating or drinking for three weeks post op. My doctor prescribed an anti nausea med as well as a pill that kept my stomach from cramping after I ate. They were prescribed to be taken as needed and worked like a charm. It was at about 3.5 months that I could finally stop the pills. Talk to your surgeon.

As far as the potion sizes. I am still at 1/3 - 1/2 cup at most meals. My doctor and NP told me that this would be my forever norm. For me, this is my healthy portion, I just need to eat a little more frequently.

Were you not warned of the same?

The info I was given to kick off the "maintenance" phase, says about 1 cup to 1&1/4 cup portion size.

You might get there eventually but seriously, be grateful you aren't there yet. At your stage, my portion size was 2-3 tablespoons max before I foamed, slimed and vomited. It was at my 6 month mark that I hit 1/4 cup.

At three years out, I know how easy it would be to regain. In fact, I regained 20 pounds over the winter and have relost all but 5 of it in the last two months. My restriction is amazing, but Cookies, M&Ms, cake, potato chips and misc. other junk brought on the pounds.

I committed to going back to high protein/high fat low carbs and lost it all quickly due to my (THANK YOU SURGEON!!!) extremely tight restriction. Keeps me honest.

You will get used to it if you remind yourself that you are now eating to live, not living to eat. :D

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I am 11 days post op and feel thankful that I have not felt nauseous since the hospital....I had a very rough day but had sense enough to go for a walk with my dog....wasn't far mind you but it did change my mood.....once you can introduce new foods I think you will find it easier.... I am new to this as well this is just how I feel....but as well I am in medication for depression since I had my son 11 years ago, which started with post pardom and they strictly told me not to go off them.....which is one of my goals way way down the road....it is hard because we used food for everything happy sad bored....Friday use to be pizza night at my house for my son and I, I will not lie and say I wasn't upset that he got yummy pizza and I ate a yogurt lol....but later on I will be able to have pizza with him again just a healthier version....

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I had the sleeve on April 9th. I regret this surgery with every single ounce of my being!! Everyone says it get better...WHEN?! I wish every day I could take this back. I used to be so happy and now I hate even waking up.

Sent from my SM-N920V using the BariatricPal App

I think I speak for many after reading your post, how are you doing? I haven't seen any replies from you. Hope you are ok. This post has kinda freaked me out as my hubby is being sleeved tomorrow and then me on the 11th. UGH.

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I am sorry you’re regretting getting the sleeve.

If you are dehydrated, that can really make a difference. It can make you less tolerant to pain, so your post-op recovery is harder, and also dehydration gives you headaches, makes you tired, and takes away your energy. Being dehydrated can also make healing slower so you’re in pain for longer and it’s harder to get in enough Protein. All that makes everything seem worse, and I can see why you’re regretting the surgery now!

But hang in there. Know that you are in the post-op period that’s hardest. Lots of sleeve patients wonder why they got the surgery. Just push through until you can get back to some real food and your weight loss gets on track.

Also know that you don’t have a choice. The only thing you can do is look forward and do the best you can with what you have – your sleeve. You can do it! Keep letting us know how you feel.

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I was sleeved almost 3 weeks ago. I guess I was real lucky, I had zero pain other than some slight gas issues. I have been tolerateing very small portions of fish and eggs, along with my Protein Shakes and broth. But unfortunately I constantly lament not being able to eat like I used too, and I wonder if I made a big mistake. My wife is a fantastic cook, and I really miss coming home to her wonderful meals. Tonight they made homemade organic pizza, one of my favs, and I had a 3oz egg white omlette, with a little salsa. The only thing cheering me up is the 28lbs I have lost, so I keep dwelling on that. My Doc says it gets better, but I worry it will not. I really miss eating!!!!

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@@docpaddle you may have to sacrifice for a little while, but know that you will be eating your wife's delicious meals again.. Once I passed goal, there's nothing I can't and don't eat....in moderation.

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I regret the whole surgey. I'm extremely dehydrated and absolutely miserable. I see no light at the end of the tunnel.

Sent from my SM-N920V using the BariatricPal App

Please call your Doctor right now and explain how you feel. My Doctor and NUT both forwarned me that I will experience the hi and low'sss to this surgery. I have been preparing myself mentally for that. Please get help now ! Wish u the very best.

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I regret the whole surgey. I'm extremely dehydrated and absolutely miserable. I see no light at the end of the tunnel.

Sent from my SM-N920V using the BariatricPal App

8 pages into the thread and I see no other responses from you.

There has been a ton of great advice given here from everyone.

You are only 3 weeks into this. All you are really expected to do at this point is sip Water and sip Protein shakes.

Everything will fall into place really soon. You just have to hang tough another week or two.

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As others have stated, you need to speak to a professional. Your feelings are not normal and may indicate an underlying issue that needs to be addressed. Many obese people suffer from depression and after surgery these people no longer have access to the one thing they used to gain comfort, overeating. So their symptoms can worsen.

Otherwise, most people seem to be overjoyed about losing weight. I know I was. I love my sleeve and think that it's the best decision I ever did for my health, other than quitting smoking.

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I talked to the doc about having no energy... its normal for the first yr or so... you body is always working burning fat... so even when you are sleeping resting your body is working to burn the fat.... it can also be carb with drawls as well... So it will adjust in time... My doc promised me because I was complaining about being so tired and sleeping too much.....I also complained I am now cold all the time doc said your body can only do so much... You learn and will adjsut as you go... I lost 128 pounds in 5 months that's a lot of my body working its butt off.... I eat no carbs at all.

I feel the same way. I was sleeved on April 5th. I was happy and now I'm miserable. I have no energy and I feel like such an idiot for doing this surgery,

Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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