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Spouse unfaithful AFTER your Lap-Band?

Did your spouse cheat after your LapBand?  

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  1. 1. Did your spouse cheat after your LapBand?

    • No, not that I know of!
    • Yes, and we?re still together despite it.
    • Yes, and we?re trying to work it out now.
    • Yes, and we?ve split up since it.
    • My spouse didn?t cheat after my Band, I did.
    • Both my spouse & I began cheating after my Band.

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Ya know...I knew I was not alone in having an unfaithful husband. But I really appreciate all of you sharing your stories with me because now I feel less alone, if that makes any sense.

You've all been so wonderfully supportive...and I'm so lucky that there are people such as yourselves here on LBT!

The counseling thing isn't going very well, but not for lack of trying. Apparent;y it's the end of summer & things are backed up everywhere as counselors try to cover for each other's vacations. We saw someone for an emergency session a few days after I got him to confess. That appointment left me feeling hopeful, if not optimistic. We have not been able to get in for another joint session yet -- no availability on the part of the counselors, not lack of cooperation from my husband. We do have appointments next week, however. So I'm hoping that some good will start to come of that. Right now we're wading through this shit on our own. But we're talking -- or at least i think we're talking! (Ha! :heh:)

I'm not in as much shock as HE is to learn that the full story includes a pregnancy. I knew in my gut that she was pregnant from the moment I found out about the adultery. He believed she was not already knocked up, but knew that they'd had unprotected sex the week prior so it was too early to know for sure. He says that (as they were calling things off) after he asked her about the chances, she told him she was not pregnant. She now denies saying anything one way or the other because she already had a feeling she WAS. I heard the shouting on her end, and his part of the conversation -- I know he believes she told him she was not already pregnant at the very least; whether he just heard what he wanted to hear will never be known. It really doesn't matter now -- what's done is done. And she's not sure what she wants to do about the pregnancy...

We've really been talking & he says that he wants to stay and work on us, regardless of her choice about the pregnancy. I know he's in complete shock -- his Fantasy-land life is crumbling down all around him, so I don't know how much stock I can put in anything he says while still reeling from the news of the baby. Right now the grass is not looking greener there & he wants a lawn service here at home -- I really liked that metaphor, Kat. Even though he's said over & over he wants to stay with me & work things out, I feared (and continue to fear) that once the pregnancy (that I knew was a reality) was confirmed he would choose her. I'm still waiting for that shoe to drop next, but that is borrowing trouble & we have enough of our own already!

Speaking of borrowing trouble, there's an STD appointment set for tomorrow... I'm praying that there is not an additional layer of crap still to come with those results! I don't know a damn thing about STDs at all -- beyond "wear a condom, you idiots" that is!! I have all sorts of questions... How long do the non-HIV diseases have to be in your system before they show up on the test results? Is it like HIV where it takes 6-months?!? Is it really possible to pass STDs without sex, like via the toilet seat as one of you believed? :Banane20: (Our 2-year-old daughter is potty training...) Or is that an urban legend as I've always assumed it was? Are most STDs curable, or only treatable like the genital herpes commercials say?!? In any case, we have not had sex in the time that they've been together, so it's not my immediate health I'm worried about. It's the future of our sex life!! (I'm totally craving it, even while the thought makes my skin crawl -- which I have read is very common & called "hysterical bonding" after adultery.)

Argh -- I hate how all-consumed I am with this! Thanks for listening...

My 6-month Bandiversary was yesterday! :whoo:I have a dietician appointment & official weigh-in this afternoon!!!! Last week, I was down 71# since my high weight on the date of surgery! WAHOOOO!!! (Loving the infidelity diet - can't eat a thing. :heh: :)) I'm trying to be excited about today's numbers, but am having trouble getting there... Off to the appointment now!


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I have been married 11 years and have never cheated. Our sex life has always been bad anyway,but I tried to not concentrate on that.

When I decided to have the band surgery, My wife said, Oh what are you going to do, Loose all your weight and go find someone else?

I did not respond, as I didn't want to go there.

During this journey of the band the past year or so, I received little to no support from her,and sex is a non factor.

I do not want a divorce as a child is involved and I would not want to ever spend a day without him.

So cheating has crossed my mind, After this long journey with the band with no love or support it does sound good.

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Yeah, um ................... she's pregnant.

Numb, numb, numb...........

That's not fact yet! That is a tactic by her to play with his mind -- I bet he told her he needs to stop the affair - or something similiar!

Been there -- Stay strong!

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OR.....she was pregnant when she snared him. Something's fishy.

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I must confess that I find this pregnancy business, an issue which seems to invariably crop up in these infidelity stories, to be both weird and suspect. I am inclined to find it to be a cop out. The truth is that if both individuals are anxious not to be trapped by an unwanted pregnancy they can and will take care of business. In general, birth control does work. I was meticulous about this throughout my sexually active life. I had one failure when I was in my early 30s (I was in a stable relationship with a man who wanted to have children at the time) and I dealt with this by having an abortion.

It is possible to engage in sex without "accidentally" getting pregnant if both participants are willing to do the work. Accidents will happen and one did happen to me but, nevertheless, I am still of the opinion that few unwanted pregnancies happen by chance. This is why both men and women must engage in birth control practices independently of each other if this truly is of importance and this is why neither of them can rely upon their partner to take care of business.

We are inclined to think that it is women who trap men into relationships through these unwanted and unexpected pregnancies. In my case the ugly situation worked the other way around. Nevertheless, the message is the same: if you don't want to be hung up you will take care of business. Is that such a difficult lesson to learn?

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I guess I want to say is that these adultery babies are in the way of a Freudian slip. These babies are planned accidents. I sure do feel for these children but not for those individuals who carelessly, selfishly, and thoughtlessly set about with setting their little lives into motion

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WOW! I am so sorry for all of your trouble. I have been there pre banded actually many times with the same man. (yes, I took him back and hate me for it)

80% is the divorce rate for us??? The cards are starting to stack against me. But it would be a needed reprieve.

Just make sure you are doing what is best for you, that is all that matters is you and your kids. Screw him right now, it should be all about you!

One of the girls my h cheated with claimed to be pregnant, she wasn't. They do cry wolf.

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Yeah, um ................... she's pregnant.

Numb, numb, numb...........

Wow!!!!!! I am so sorry that you have to live this kind of Hell right now. I have a few comments 1. The divorce rate is probably high for lap banders because we were in bad relationships which helped us to get fat in the first place. After losing the weight, we probably gained confidence which leads to wanting a happier life. 2.Since you have not had sex with your husband for 6 months since the lapband you need to get tested for every sexually transmitted disease, have a pap smear and ask for the HPV test, and also test for Hepatitis C. 3. He also needs to get tested including swabbing the inside of the penis for STD's 4.Do not jump Back into bed with him without a condom on. 5. If she was sleeping with your husband casually then she was probably sleeping with other guys casually. 6. She is probably lying about the baby so don't fret till you see proof and even then don't fret till paternity is proven 7. I hope this was a wake up call for him that the grass isn't greener on the other side because using his depression as an excuse to have an affair is pathetic. 8. Most of us are depressed, some go to therapy, some take meds, some gain weight but CHEATING IS A CHOICE. He thought it out enough to buy a cell phone for her and cash his check to spend money on her and take money away from your children. HE IS NOT A VICTIM. He might have BEEN a nice guy but the person he was and might still be is NOT such a nice guy.

I have a pretty crappy marriage so I am no one to councel you but it breaks my heart to hear you make a ton of excuses for him when he should be on his knees asking you for forgiveness. You are supporting him through this when he should be supporting you. And he still admits he misses the other woman. That is like hitting you with his car and backing up to hit you again. I hope you find a lot of good friends and a great therapist to help YOU through this situation and if YOU DECIDE ( not him) to Stay in the marriage I hope he realizes what a wonderful person you truly are.

All My Prayers To You and Your Children,


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CHEATING IS A CHOICE. He thought it out enough to buy a cell phone for her and cash his check to spend money on her and take money away from your children. HE IS NOT A VICTIM. He might have BEEN a nice guy but the person he was and might still be is NOT such a nice guy.

I have a pretty crappy marriage so I am no one to councel you but it breaks my heart to hear you make a ton of excuses for him when he should be on his knees asking you for forgiveness. You are supporting him through this when he should be supporting you. And he still admits he misses the other woman. That is like hitting you with his car and backing up to hit you again. I hope you find a lot of good friends and a great therapist to help YOU through this situation and if YOU DECIDE ( not him) to Stay in the marriage I hope he realizes what a wonderful person you truly are.


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I have been married 11 years and have never cheated. Our sex life has always been bad anyway,but I tried to not concentrate on that.

When I decided to have the band surgery, My wife said, Oh what are you going to do, Loose all your weight and go find someone else?

I did not respond, as I didn't want to go there.

During this journey of the band the past year or so, I received little to no support from her,and sex is a non factor.

I do not want a divorce as a child is involved and I would not want to ever spend a day without him.

So cheating has crossed my mind, After this long journey with the band with no love or support it does sound good.

Just out of curiosity...why would you not try to concentrate on your sex life if your sex life is the element of your marriage that's always been bad? Okay - clearly I'm just focusing on the SEX part here -- we all know I'm skewed right now so what I say may not be worth all that much. But really...if she said that about loosing weight & then replacing her, I'm betting she WANTS to address your issues. (Not YOU your, but Y'ALL your.)

I know part of the problem with MY sex life has to do with a not-meant-to-be hurtful comment before we were even married...and my knee-jerk reaction to it. This happened 4-months after our engagement when he found out his dad was cheating on his mom. At a time when he needed to know there was more to US than just sex & friendship before we got married, he said he thought we should stop having sex until our wedding night. I couldn't believe my ears & felt crushed as a woman, & changed the locks to my apartment. He didn't understand why I was so upset & I didn't understand how our not having sex was going to solve his issues with his dad's adultery!!! We "made up" but I didn't insist that we keep having sex! He took my silence as agreement & thought all was fine. Well, I still felt totally rejected sexually, and completely stopped "taking my turn" as the aggressor in our physical relationship even after we married a year later. If he wasn't wanting it, I wasn't gonna force it on him!! As a result, he felt I'd withdrawn from HIM sexually. But I thought he was withdrawing from me... It was one of those "what we have here is Failure To Communicate" moments & the impact of it has lasted all these years. Even after talking about it numerous times & with both of us fully understanding what the other was thinking at the time, it remains the underlying issue in our sex life.

If you are content not to discuss your "bad" sex life with your wife, and knowing how emotional sex is for (most) women, I'd wager that she thinks you don't want her in all sorts of ways - not just sexually. It's hard to show support & love to someone whom you aren't sure is actually IN your relationship!!! And if she actually expressed worry (even if it was phrased as a joke) that you'd leave her after loosing your weight, I'm guessing she's scared stiff that you'll do exactly that!! Why would she want to encourage you to do the thing she fears will become the end of your marriage, even if not giving you support is subconscious for her?!?

I don't know your wife, or the status of your marriage in other areas, but I do know I wanted to talk to someone professionally about our sex life years ago & could never bring myself to ask my husband if he was interested. (Fearing that he wouldn't be because he actually didn't want me!!) I should have done. Not that it would have stopped this infidelity (because it was a choice & I am NOT letting him off the hook for making it), but because I would know now that I'd done EVERYTHING I could have done to work on our marriage BEFORE this betrayal ever happened. Talk to your wife...just a thought!


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I've noticed that there is a fairly common therapy for couples who have hit an impasse with regard to their sex life. It is suggested that the first step after openly discussing the situation is for the couple to spend some time just hugging, no sex, and no pressure from either person to have sex for a period of several days or weeks.

Once two people have disconnected physically, it is very difficult for them to reconnect even once the original (and/or existing) reasons for the disconnect are brought out into the open. That's why counseling is helpful during the process. Sometimes it takes a third unbiased person to help two people figure out what actually got them to the point where one of them or both of them is uncomfortable with, or turned off to, the idea of having sex. There is usually a lot of anger and hurt that need to be dealt with.

Getting the emotional problems out of the way is, of course, the first step. The second step is that trust must be established between the couple and during that process, the act of physically touching one another without the ultimate goal of having sex is very important.

Anyone else ever heard of this approach?

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Cheryl -- I agree with so much of what you said in your post! Since so many of y'all do to, I think I’ll try to reply directly to it!

1. The divorce rate is probably high for lap banders because we were in bad relationships which helped us to get fat in the first place. After losing the weight, we probably gained confidence which leads to wanting a happier life.

I hate to exercise -- always have. I was never "thin" -- we met in Jr. high (size 12), started dating when I was 16 (size 14), ended things tearfully to go to separate colleges (size 16), realized long distance was better than apart a couple of years later (size 18), married at 23 (size 22), had our 1st child after 2 years of infertility treatment at 28 (size 28) & our 2nd at 30 (size 30)... My point is that I gain about 10 lb. a year, and always have... That wasn't the fault of a bad marriage! Now, not that it problems in any area HELP -- I am an admitted stress-eater, but I don't now & never have blamed my weight on my marriage. Hmmmm...but maybe I should....something to think about! :lol: :biggrin1:

2.Since you have not had sex with your husband for 6 months since the lapband you need to get tested for every sexually transmitted disease, have a pap smear and ask for the HPV test, and also test for Hepatitis C. 3. He also needs to get tested including swabbing the inside of the penis for STD's 4.Do not jump Back into bed with him without a condom on.

I hear you, Sister! Frankly, I hadn't thought about having me tested again (routine during pregnancy, so had tests in '04) -- damn good idea. But I did insist he get tested right away, and will insist again in 6 months for a 2nd HIV, presuming we're still together then. We just went together to our family doctor on Friday & the results should be back mid-week. And while sex with HER might have been unprotected, it shall not be with me for quite a long while.

5. If she was sleeping with your husband casually then she was probably sleeping with other guys casually.

I hear you there, too... I SO AGREE!!! Of course, I don't know her & just don't understand that she's not that kind of person... Yada, yada, yada.:rolleyes

6. She is probably lying about the baby so don't fret till you see proof and even then don't fret till paternity is proven

I insisted he call her to find out if she was pregnant. My MIL (his MOM) says that was a huge mistake on my part. Giving her ready access to the oldest trick in the book & all... I feel better with it out there than lurking for a few more weeks when abortion wouldn't be an option. Even if it isn't true...had she tried the lie when the choice wasn't there to terminate, what kind of guilt trip could she have pulled THEN!! Really...at least now he's saying to end it as they, in hypothetical, had agreed. (For the record, the "fact" that she's pregnant has him petrified & not looking to leave home, at least that's what he tells me.)

7. I hope this was a wake up call for him that the grass isn't greener on the other side because using his depression as an excuse to have an affair is pathetic.

He's not saying he's depressed -- I AM!!! Saying he's been depressed for a while, that is... Chronic depression for over 2 years, in my totally untrained opinion. He's not at all saying I'm so depressed therefore I had an affair. He's "just going along with" the medication because he's counselor suggested he be on something -- isn't even sure he believes that he is depressed, but is just trying to do the right thing! I have felt for quite a while an explosion coming, I just didn't know what would blow!!! I'm pretty much justifying (to myself ;)) that the "explosion" came in the form of sex, but that it could have been anything -- getting fired, loosing our house, a heart attack -- you name it. He's just given up caring about so many other things in his life that I guess I feel like I should have expected "our marriage" to be one of them, too!

8. Most of us are depressed, some go to therapy, some take meds, some gain weight but CHEATING IS A CHOICE. He thought it out enough to buy a cell phone for her and cash his check to spend money on her and take money away from your children.

Yeah, well...see, I have TONS of unaddressed issues with the actual adultery part here that I really need to vent out if we're gonna make this work. I can't believe how hard it's been to actually START therapy. :mad:We had one "crisis management" session together at a place that didn't even take our insurance. He's had 3 "solo" sessions, but finding a doc for ME to see within our provider network has been insanely crazy! My 1st "solo" appointment is Monday. We still don't have a 2nd "joint" appointment on the books... I'm going nuts here!!!!!! And venting to all of you at LBT! :)

HE IS NOT A VICTIM. He might have BEEN a nice guy but the person he was and might still be is NOT such a nice guy.

You're right that he's acting like a victim -- saying "how could this have happened to me" rather than "how could I have done this" even now. I call him on it every single time. I also say to call it what it is: adultery, not "an affair" (which has all sorts of positive connotations, really...a grand affair for 500 guests, a small catered affair, a new love affair -- and nothing about THIS is POSITVE for me, thank you very much!) I am holding on to hope that with treatment for his depression, MY husband will begin to replace the pod person I've been living with for the last couple of years... HIM I love more than I can begin to say, and HE is worth fighting for. This guy, well...I could do without him, and I will (:think) if there aren't real changes made. I just don't know quite what to do with myself in the mean time...ya know?

And he still admits he misses the other woman. That is like hitting you with his car and backing up to hit you again.

I do bring that on myself, I admit. I ASK!!!! I've ASKED for all the details that I do know...and he's told me what I've asked to know. I'd rather be socked in the nose than sucker punched from behind, or something like that. See it coming, know where I stand...one of those cliché. Otherwise I can totally see my thinking we're on the same page here; he's over it & her, and we're moving forward together -- which is what I want to be true, after all. And then he comes to the realization that he's never gonna get over her & our marriage just isn't worth the effort to save it. Or whatever. Again, full disclosure & total transparency so I can see the road ahead, as much as possible in this sort of situation!! My best friend says it's fodder for self-flagellation, but some how it's helping me -- keeping me grounded and not deluded. Perhaps the shrink will tell me differently on Monday, but for now I can't help but ASK!!!!

I know I'm trying to keep our marriage together, and that in wanting that I'm drawing out the hurt... I get plenty angry but what do I do with that anger in the context of keeping my family whole?

I really do appreciate all of you reading my shit! And that you give constructive, objective (or as much as can be without HIS side of the story) feedback is really helping me get through this day by day. I have a wonderful, close family & my best friend in the world who I know are here for me completely (love you!)... But how much TAKE, TAKE, TAKE can I ask of them?!? And there's a lot more of it still to come, I know!! Anyhow -- thanks for lending the ears & shoulders, virtual though they may be!


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Zannie -

I haven't been exactly in your situation, but real close, so I do feel I have some experience in this regard...not just throwing out cliche popular 'wisdom'.

I think you sound like a very intelligent woman with her head on real straight. I commend you for your attitude about this whole thing and fighting to keep your marriage together...it sounds like it is worth fighting for. The fact that he is forthcoming with answers to your painful questions, that he is going to the doctor and therapists, etc. tells me he is highly motivated to stay and work on it. He made a horrible mistake....many mistakes....but he is human. His transgressions may or may not be forgivable, you will see in time. But you are at least giving it a try and that is HUGE. In the meantime, while you are waiting for your therapy to kick in I would ask one of the therapist's for some suggested reading for you....go to the library or bookstore and load up. It could be very helpful for you while you are sitting there pinging like a pinball wondering "what to do".

I wish you the best of luck, of course. Perhaps this will be a cathartic experience for both of you and in years to come, no matter what the outcome, you will realize it contributed to your growth. The most important thing is to not let it destroy YOU. That happened to my cousin who also used to be my best friend. It's been 11 years since her husband cheated and she was such a raving bitch about it that it simply HAD to end in divorce. No amount of restitution would have satisfied her. 11 years later she IS STILL RAVING to the point that every single conversation we have always circles around to him and how idiotic and horrible he is....to the point where I long ago had ENOUGH. Her whole existence revolves around her bitterness and her spirit is dead. DO NOT let this happen to you. Whether you stay in the marriage or not, FIND A WAY TO MOVE ON (eventually). It is imperative.

During times like these I like to imagine my guardian angels with their wings wrapped tightly around me. I wish that for you. Be well.

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Terridoodle: Your third paragraph is very powerful. I have known several women who have become so bitter about their unfaithful spouse that not only do they lose their spouse, but they also lose their friends and sometimes even the love and respect of their children. It is very important that we go through the process of figuring out what we need for ourselves after spending so much time invested in someone who became unfaithful. But we need self-respect, but we don't need to become self-centered, hateful human beings. I'm glad you brought this potential side effect, profound bitterness over having a cheating spouse, into the discussion.

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