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Look what fun fact i found about scales?

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Funny thing is I've been viewing these forums for several months now to gather information as I go through my process. Yet you in particular have stood out from all other posters from the very beginning in a very unflattering way. So congrats, you earned my first post!

Go ahead and put me on ignore if my posts are "triggering" you.

To the OP, I apologize again for not knowing where I was posting and good luck with your upcoming surgery.

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@@Dub lol @your daily scale fix. I think it would be nice to step on the scale and actually like the number it displays. I cant wait!!!!

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@@Dub lol @your daily scale fix. I think it would be nice to step on the scale and actually like the number it displays. I cant wait!!!!

Oh.....trust & believe you will get to that point.....and get there sooner than you may ever believed.

If my arse can do it.....anybody can.

I was a freaking broke down and tired dude at the time of my surgery. Back was on freaking fire from an injury and knees were shot. Hernia about to explode out of my belly like something from an alien horror movie, too. 6 months later and I feel like a new person in every way.......a new person who still has a long, long way to go, but very happy that I had the sleeve surgery.

Trust & believe. You will have so many great moments ahead where you'll see the scale or the mirror or find some newfound ability-capability and you'll bust out in the biggest grin.

Sleeve surgery = best decision I've made in a long, long time.

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@@Dub thanks again I needed a little happiness today. BTW I see that you have lost big in a short time, great work!!!! Hopefully by this time next month I'll be singing....HELLO FROM THE OTHER SIIIDDDDEEE!!!!

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@@Dub thanks again I needed a little happiness today. BTW I see that you have lost big in a short time, great work!!!! Hopefully by this time next month I'll be singing....HELLO FROM THE OTHER SIIIDDDDEEE!!!!

Heck yes!!!!

You'll be singing, no doubt about it.

Just don't do as I did last month.........in a strange bar.......in a strange town.......standing on stage with a mic in my hand.........my song gets que'd....,.and kill off the shot and chaser and let it ride.......

For the record.......I have zero singing skills and would never be caught dead doing such.........but I was having great fun that week. It was a great week in every way. A week where I was free and realized it. Free of a good bit of the weight......and free of the old mindset. Responsible bar hopping was enjoyed and I was at peace.

Suffice to say I won't be picking up any mica anytime soon, but that mojo which came to me that week is here to stay.

I wish the same for all us WLS folks.

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Thanks for the link in the OP. :) We have two bathroom scales, and I weigh a bit less on the one downstairs than on the one upstairs, haha.

I put our bathroom scales on the highest shelves in the hallway closets, so I either need my husband or a ladder to take one down. My thoughts would orbit around the number on the scale when I weighed myself every morning. It was a mental distraction for me. I now just weigh myself once a week, which is enough to track my progress without triggering an obsession. I knew my insurance wasn't going to cover the VSG and I'd have to self-pay, so I did have more freedom with that than I think those who are dependent on the numbers lining up would. Best wishes to you @womanvsmirror

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My mother has a fancy smanchy scale.....I myself just bought myself a 12$ one....For me they weigh correct....my mothers supreme one always has me higher by 3 pounds or more.....my cheapy is accurate with the one at the hospital......and if I fire it over the balcony I am only out 12$ lol ...Good luck on your journey.... I realize it is all not about the numbers but is sure nice to see them go down I stream of up !

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Instead of go up *** not stream lol

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The digital scale I use appears to produce results that are reliable. I weigh twice or even three times in quick succession every morning upon arising. And each day the weights shown are the same.

Of course, I don't weigh the same thing after Breakfast as before Breakfast.< /p>

And of course, there is sometimes a pound or so difference between different scales (we have two scales here, so I've compared the two).

But within a period of several minutes, I weigh the same using the same scales.

BTW, I'm still using the same scales I started using nearly two years ago.

P.S. Here's a sweet little study done at Rutgers about the reliability and validity of body weights measured by 61 bathroom scales -- both dial and digital types. Bottom line -- digital scales used on hard surfaces are likely to be both reliable and valid. Interestingly, "operator error" does come into play. ;) http://bmcpublichealth.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/1471-2458-13-1194

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Funny thing is I've been viewing these forums for several months now to gather information as I go through my process. Yet you in particular have stood out from all other posters from the very beginning in a very unflattering way. So congrats, you earned my first post!

And she stands out to me as someone who will speak her opinion openly, honestly, and graciously. Not every person is going to like the communication style of everyone else and that's OK. But trust me when I tell you, you will NOT be coddled by @@Babbs . She will give you solid advice every time from the viewpoint of someone who has been there, done that and is successful.

I'd much rather hear it from her than someone who has no clue what they are talking about and coddles you along the way.

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Pretty sure it was you @@Babbs being shitty...which isn't unusual considering the posts I've seen from you. Maybe you should take a look at the particular forum before responding next time.

You got snarky when I clarified why I posted this article I found about scales. But since I'm already starving myself and to make sure I get an approval and it is making me crazy(hence why I said if you knew). Which was surprising the VIP's and Vets are usually pretty helpful. But I guess wls is no different than anything else when someone has succeeded, they often forget how hard it is for people just starting.

I thought it was the lack of food making me read to much into it

Pretty sure it was you @@Babbs being shitty...which isn't unusual considering the posts I've seen from you. Maybe you should take a look at the particular forum before responding next time.


Funny thing is I've been viewing these forums for several months now to gather information as I go through my process. Yet you in particular have stood out from all other posters from the very beginning in a very unflattering way. So congrats, you earned my first post!


Funny thing is I've been viewing these forums for several months now to gather information as I go through my process. Yet you in particular have stood out from all other posters from the very beginning in a very unflattering way. So congrats, you earned my first post!

And she stands out to me as someone who will speak her opinion openly, honestly, and graciously. Not every person is going to like the communication style of everyone else and that's OK. But trust me when I tell you, you will NOT be coddled by @@Babbs . She will give you solid advice every time from the viewpoint of someone who has been there, done that and is successful.

I'd much rather hear it from her than someone who has no clue what they are talking about and coddles you along the way.

Well then, hear from me.

I am 5yrs out (almost longer than both Babbs and Lipsticklady combined), and reading some of these responses---on a "support site" from so called "vets" reminds me of freak'n high school. We have the "freshmen" who are just beginning their journey--unsure, a wee be frightened--looking for any kind of advice or jester to help them feel like they "belong" and welcomed. Then we have the "BULLIES" who seem to take some kind of perverted pleasure in "one upping" every freshman, just to inflate their own egos.

Just be humane. Corrective criticism can be given without "wounding". Every question, no matter how many times it has been asked in the past, is a realistic concern to someone just starting their journey. It is not--or should not be our goal to ridicule just for bragging rights for "smoking that one out". None of us are here for another's private amusement or to be the butt end of an ongoing private joke. It hurts, and that is NOT what we are supposed to be doing here. I think some have forgotten that this site is NOT for their own shock entertainment

If you can't offer some kind of affirmative advice or just a kind word, then just keep your snarkiness to yourself. The "freshmen" don't need your "private little jabs", and I for one who has "been there, done that, and buried the horse I rode in on" in terms of sleeve surgery am just plain ass tired of it.

If you can't improve upon the silence---then don't.

Prayers going up---for all of us.

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Well then, hear from me. I am 5yrs out (almost longer than both Babbs and Lipsticklady combined), and reading some of these responses---on a "support site" from so called "vets" reminds me of freak'n high school. We have the "freshmen" who are get beginning their journey--unsure, a wee be frightened--looking for any kind of advice or jester to help them feel like they "belong" and welcomed. Then we have the "BULLIES" who seem to take some kind of perverted pleasure in "one upping" every freshman, just to inflate their own egos.

If you can't offer some kind of affirmative advice or just a kind word, then just keep your snarkiness to yourself. The "freshmen" don't need your "private little jabs", and I for one of the long time vets am just plain ass tired of it.

If you can't improve upon the si

Valentina, you get your knickers in a knot more often than most people here.

That could actually explain your being so "plain ass tired." Just reach down there and yank those knickers straight.

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And there's your sign.

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Pretty sure it was you @@Babbs being shitty...which isn't unusual considering the posts I've seen from you. Maybe you should take a look at the particular forum before responding next time.

>You got snarky when I clarified why I posted this article I found about scales. But since I'm already starving myself and to make sure I get an approval and it is making me crazy(hence why I said if you knew). Which was surprising the VIP's and Vets are usually pretty helpful. But I guess wls is no different than anything else when someone has succeeded, they often forget how hard it is for people just starting.

I thought it was the lack of food making me read to much into it

Pretty sure it was you @@Babbs being shitty...which isn't unusual considering the posts I've seen from you. Maybe you should take a look at the particular forum before responding next time.


Funny thing is I've been viewing these forums for several months now to gather information as I go through my process. Yet you in particular have stood out from all other posters from the very beginning in a very unflattering way. So congrats, you earned my first post!


Funny thing is I've been viewing these forums for several months now to gather information as I go through my process. Yet you in particular have stood out from all other posters from the very beginning in a very unflattering way. So congrats, you earned my first post!

And she stands out to me as someone who will speak her opinion openly, honestly, and graciously. Not every person is going to like the communication style of everyone else and that's OK. But trust me when I tell you, you will NOT be coddled by @@Babbs . She will give you solid advice every time from the viewpoint of someone who has been there, done that and is successful.

I'd much rather hear it from her than someone who has no clue what they are talking about and coddles you along the way.

Well then, hear from me.

I am 5yrs out (almost longer than both Babbs and Lipsticklady combined), and reading some of these responses---on a "support site" from so called "vets" reminds me of freak'n high school. We have the "freshmen" who are get beginning their journey--unsure, a wee be frightened--looking for any kind of advice or jester to help them feel like they "belong" and welcomed. Then we have the "BULLIES" who seem to take some kind of perverted pleasure in "one upping" every freshman, just to inflate their own egos.

Just be humane. Corrective criticism can be given without "wounding". Every question, no matter how many times it has been asked in the past, is a realistic concern to someone just starting their journey. It is not--or should not be our goal to ridicule just for bragging rights for "smoking that one out". None of us are here for another's private amusement or to be the butt end of an ongoing private joke. It hurts, and that is NOT what we are supposed to be doing here. I think some have forgotten that this site is NOT for their own shock entertainment

If you can't offer some kind of affirmative advice or just a kind word, then just keep your snarkiness to yourself. The "freshmen" don't need your "private little jabs", and I for one who has "been there, done that, and buried the horse I rode in on" in terms of sleeve surgery am just plain ass tired of it.

If you can't improve upon the silence---then don't.

Prayers going up---for all of us.

Name calling, check.

Reprimanding, check.

Telling others how they should or should not speak their opinion, check.

Passive aggressive "religious" comment, check.

You tickle me. :D

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Pretty sure it was you @@Babbs being shitty...which isn't unusual considering the posts I've seen from you. Maybe you should take a look at the particular forum before responding next time.

You got snarky when I clarified why I posted this article I found about scales. But since I'm already starving myself and to make sure I get an approval and it is making me crazy(hence why I said if you knew). Which was surprising the VIP's and Vets are usually pretty helpful. But I guess wls is no different than anything else when someone has succeeded, they often forget how hard it is for people just starting.

I thought it was the lack of food making me read to much into it

Pretty sure it was you @@Babbs being shitty...which isn't unusual considering the posts I've seen from you. Maybe you should take a look at the particular forum before responding next time.


Funny thing is I've been viewing these forums for several months now to gather information as I go through my process. Yet you in particular have stood out from all other posters from the very beginning in a very unflattering way. So congrats, you earned my first post!


Funny thing is I've been viewing these forums for several months now to gather information as I go through my process. Yet you in particular have stood out from all other posters from the very beginning in a very unflattering way. So congrats, you earned my first post!

And she stands out to me as someone who will speak her opinion openly, honestly, and graciously. Not every person is going to like the communication style of everyone else and that's OK. But trust me when I tell you, you will NOT be coddled by @@Babbs . She will give you solid advice every time from the viewpoint of someone who has been there, done that and is successful.

I'd much rather hear it from her than someone who has no clue what they are talking about and coddles you along the way.

Well then, hear from me. I am 5yrs out (almost longer than both Babbs and Lipsticklady combined), and reading some of these responses---on a "support site" from so called "vets" reminds me of freak'n high school. We have the "freshmen" who are get beginning their journey--unsure, a wee be frightened--looking for any kind of advice or jester to help them feel like they "belong" and welcomed. Then we have the "BULLIES" who seem to take some kind of perverted pleasure in "one upping" every freshman, just to inflate their own egos. Just be humane. Corrective criticism can be given without "wounding". Every question, no matter how many times it has been asked in the past, is a realistic concern to someone just starting their journey. It is not--or should not be our goal to ridicule just for bragging rights for "smoking that one out". None of us are here for another's private amusement or to be the butt end of an ongoing private joke. It hurts, and that is NOT what we are supposed to be doing here. I think some have forgotten that this site is NOT for their own shock entertainment If you can't offer some kind of affirmative advice or just a kind word, then just keep your snarkiness to yourself. The "freshmen" don't need your "private little jabs", and I for one who has "been there, done that, and buried the horse I rode in on" in terms of sleeve surgery am just plain ass tired of it. If you can't improve upon the silence---then don't. Prayers going up---for all of us.

Ha! That's rich. This coming from someone who supposedly "ignored" the fact that you were even sleeved by your own admission. What the hell does that even mean??

I'm tired of seeing your passive aggressive snarky-one-minute-then-praying-for-you-the-next posts anyway. On ignore you go.

Bye, Felicia.

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