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I regret getting a lap band every day... is anyone else out there?

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Hi there

I'm 26 years old and got lap band surgery about 3 and a half years ago.

I hate to come here and be super negative, but I've been holding onto these feelings for a long time and thought I'd see if anyone else is in the same boat.

I hate my lap band. Every single day I wish I never got it. I haven't lost any weight, I constantly have acid reflux (even though there is no Fluid in my band any more), food often gets stuck, and I feel so angry that I have this thing inside of me that cost so much money, and has actually made me pretty miserable.

I believe I was too young to have the surgery, and not nearly enough of the psychological work was done before they agreed to operate on me. I only had one counselling session, and at the time the thought of losing weight naturally made me extremely positive about the whole experience - I don't think I ever actually considered the full effect this was going to have on me.

I'm stuck in this limbo land where my lap band isn't helping me, it's just a massive pain and as I said, I hate it so much.

Anyone else out there in the same boat?

- allybee

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Sorry....not me...5 years plus and love everyday.

best decision I ever made.

Only regret is that I did not do it sooner.

You're not alone. There are plenty of people who post here sorry they had this surgery.

For one reason or another.

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Hi there

I'm 26 years old and got lap band surgery about 3 and a half years ago.

I hate to come here and be super negative, but I've been holding onto these feelings for a long time and thought I'd see if anyone else is in the same boat.

I hate my lap band. Every single day I wish I never got it. I haven't lost any weight, I constantly have acid reflux (even though there is no Fluid in my band any more), food often gets stuck, and I feel so angry that I have this thing inside of me that cost so much money, and has actually made me pretty miserable.

I believe I was too young to have the surgery, and not nearly enough of the psychological work was done before they agreed to operate on me. I only had one counselling session, and at the time the thought of losing weight naturally made me extremely positive about the whole experience - I don't think I ever actually considered the full effect this was going to have on me.

I'm stuck in this limbo land where my lap band isn't helping me, it's just a massive pain and as I said, I hate it so much.

Anyone else out there in the same boat?

- allybee

Yes. Got the band in 2008. Took three fills before I had any restriction and that was mainly just food getting stuck. I don't know that I was too young but I do think I didn't have enough understanding of myself and my relationship with food. I'm considering a revision to another wls and it makes me excited to think I'll be rid of this band if I do get another surgery.

Sent from my MT2L03 using the BariatricPal App

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Not me. 15 months in, and after having the band placed by the most experienced bariatric surgeon in Canada, and followed up closely with excellent nutritional webinars, tiny adjustments and me modifying my bad eating habits, I am down 75 pounds, dropped 10 dress sizes and feel incredible.

Like B-52, this is the best decision I've ever made.

So my assumption is that, of course, you have been accountable as well. You have addressed your concerns with your surgeon /surgical team and nutritionist, clearly described your symptoms and lack of weight loss? Your indicators are that the band is likely too tight, hence the heartburn and 'red zone' lack of weight loss. Hey, I'm no Doc. I could be wrong.

It's a partnership. If you band was placed correctly by a skilled surgeon, and you have been keeping up your end of the bargain by modifying your eating habits, there should be results.

Don't give up on your band. It sounds like a bit more education and some adjustment will get you on the right track.

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I don't exactly regret getting my band, but I do regret not being respectful of it and not treating it like the powerful tool it was.

I had it removed in October 2015 and am proceeding with revision to gastric bypass on 4/18. The band had slipped and was causing lots of problems. My surgeon and I decided to proceed with the revision. I know it's a drastic step but I have gained lbs of the 50 I had lost in the past 5 months. As an aside, my surgeon, says he rarely used the band anymore; he sees too many complications like mine.

I'm nervous but happy and excited.

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Part of the deal with the lap band is frequent follow-up care. Have you seen your surgeon consistently post-op?

It's been said many times before but I'll say it again - WLS is not a cure in and of itself, but it is a tool. A very, very powerful tool but it has to be used correctly for it to work.

I'm sorry you're unhappy with your experience. I've been very happy myself seeing as I've lost 30 pounds in 3.5 months. I've still not reached 100% restriction yet but I'm getting there and I'm so glad I did this! I hope you find a way to either revise the surgery or remove your band altogether. I highly recommend seeing your doctor.

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Totally get your regrets. Had I not had complications from my lapband, I would not regret choosing this WLS. But I did develop complications (lapband-sourced complications, not owner-sourced complications, which nobody likes to read or hear about) and it is natural that I now regret the decision.

Please don't feel bad about yourself. The lapband has known and numerous complication rates, and more and more are revealing themselves as time moves forward. I suspect this will also happen with other WLS. Even in the best surgeon's hands, WLS affects people's bodies in different ways. Some people strike gold--lose weight, keep it off, no complications, and others do not.

You fell into the "other" category. It's not your fault. It's normal you regret your choice, because of the pain you are feeling every day. If you had had a car accident (through no fault of your own) and now lived in constant pain because of that, you'd regret getting into the car that day, right?

I know you aren't asking for what to do next, but if the band is making you miserable, you might consider having it removed. It should clear up the reflux and the getting stuck issues. And then you will feel better, and can think about your next step with a clear, pain-free mind.

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the band has worked great for my wife (80lbs) and me (100lbs) but it really does start with changes with you the band isnt a miracle fix it takes work and dedicaiton if you make some changes it will work that being said my sister had the band put in 3 years ago and hasnt lost a single pound and isnt willing to listen to any of the suggestions we give her.before you give up on maybe try to find your self a person in your local area that has the band and try to work together i believe thats why my wife and i have been sucessfull because we work together in july my wife will be 4 years and in november it will be 4 years for me. also maybe try seeing a different dr. sometimes that can make a huge difference too good luck

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Sorry you feel that way! I hope you follow-up with your dr for help! Acid reflux everyday can lead to major complications. You and your dr can work on strategies to get back on track!

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I would suggest getting counseling from a good professional who works with bariatric patients as it sounds like you didn't get enough pre-op support and post op too. Never too late to talk with someone that might be able to help you make a documented case for medical necessity to have it removed. I'm 8 yrs post op and haven't regretted it but I have my band adjusted now and no reflux issues but restriction. It is a balancing thing for me that I want another adjustment to have more restriction but need to commit to that. I'm doing WW now more for the weekly peer encouragement and weekly weigh in accountability than anything else. My bariatric program only had a monthly support meeting and the travel and time this was offered didn't work for me so I stayed in touch with other lapbanders thru email and now social media like this. I had to reach out for support. I'm a stubborn one that tries to go it on my own.

Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

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Hi Allybee,

i know you posted on here a long time ago so I’m not sure if this message will come though to you? I just wanted to know how you got on since? I have had the band for about a year and a half and it is my biggest regret in life! I am searching through the internet to find someone else who obviously feels the same way and I’m just curious to know if you still regret it or if you ended up with having it removed?

Hope to hear back,

L x

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Got rid of mine ( regrets since 2005) and had RNY the same day. Maybe you can get a revision? RNY June 11,2018

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Well I found out I was pregnant a few weeks ago so whatever I do will be in a years time. Already struggling with the band being pregnant though 😢 despite it only having 0.5ml in it. I’m so fed up and it’s stressing me out of how I will be when heavily pregnant and if it is going to cause extreme restrictions. I felt like I rearched everything so well before I had the band fitted but it’s only when you have it you truly understand what it’s like. What is an RNY? I am thinking of just paying for a removal once I have given birth. Such a large waste of money.

Sorry for all the negativity, had a sleepless night with something being stuck (still is) x

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Hi SunnyCorner & Allybee,

Also, I’m not sure you will see this post but I just came across yours and had to reply. I also had a gastric-band/lap band fitted about a year and a half ago and I’ve lost about 1 stone (14lbs) in total. It has not been an easy journey. I believe in my situation I perhaps did not have a lot of weight to lose but have been trying over the past 10 years since having my children to lose 4 stone and could not seem to get past 7lbs each try. I am not very tall, 5ft 4” and was once a quite petite frame but over the years I had steadily started to gain weight bringing my weight st my heaviest to 14stone 6lbs. I decided to have a gastric band after trying several diets. I and those around me said I don’t eat a huge amount but my problem is lack of exercise and my love of carbs....potatoes, bread etc

I went to see the surgeon to have the band fitted for advice and he said I was on the borderline of what they would accept to undergo the surgery (but of course as I was paying for it privately they are hardly likely to say no.....) And yes, he insisted the surgery was only a tool! After the surgery, I also took a while to completely recover and followed all dietary advice to a tee....soups, Protein Shakes (I found got stuck as they are quite thick)....watery Soups and yogurt for the agreed time. It took for me about 6 visits to get my last band adjustment where the nurse filled my band to 6.5 mls to notice a difference. I’m not sure how they go about it in America but at my clinic in London they ask you to wait for half an hour after and have a drink (from the complimentary coffee/tea machine to make sure you can tolerate liquids before sending you home. In one occasion whereby my band was given a ml and a half, I could drink a coffee and swallow after the adjustment but when I tried something more substantial later that day nearly choked on my own saliva....I had to sleep upright that night because I could hardly swallow my own saliva I had to go back 2 days later to have the Fluid removed.....I have not enjoyed the experience at all, it’s been more difficult than I anticipated at each stage and believe me, I knew it was going to be hard work but after paying £5000 I was determined for it to work. Now after a year and a half, I’ve just given up, my after care package is ongoing until July but I’ve just given up, i don’t look forward to eating anything anymore and enjoy my coffees more frequently. Eating meals has turned into an uncomfortable chore. I don’t/can’t eat Breakfast, sometimes lunch gets missed too and I substitute with a latte to feel full. food just gets stuck and I spend half an hour to an hour over the sink releasing all the saliva that has built up and I just can’t swallow, our evening meal with the kids is usually me stythere at the dinner table after they’ve all left because it gets stuck and I have to wait even thouyive chewed it for several minutes.....I’ve given up eating bread, any kind, al dente Pasta because it’s too painful, most meats, things like shepherds pie and spaghetti bolognese are ok, salad leaves get stuck, it’s very difficult! So yes, I wish I hadn’t had it done. I know it works for a great many people, I must be the 1 in 10 it didn’t work for, so now I spent £5000 and can’t enjoy a meal anymore!

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Hi Suffolkgirl19 and anyone else still interested in this thread,

Well I ended up having the band removed whilst pregnant (roughly 15 weeks ago) which was not an easy decision to make. I became so ill from lack of food AND Water that it felt the only option. I had the band emptied in my first trimester of pregnancy which I believe caused the band to drop or move position, the last thing I remember eating was one cracker with cheese on it and a handful of grapes and then the next couple of weeks were a joke. I was admitted to hospital and put on a drip at one point, another point the reflux was so severe I was bringing up blood due to over gagging. Food was a definite no no and liquids were hit and miss hence the hospital stay. The stickiness or tightness did start to subside a little after a couple of weeks though and I could tolerate liquids. It was this point that I was prescribed weird milkshake things to help aid me in my pregnancy and ensure I was getting the right nutrients etc for the baby. I became very down though and felt so guilty at my decisions and the impact it was now having on my unborn child, I think I was pretty depressed with it all to be fair. At this time I was offered surgery to remove the band (now costing the NHS along with the hospital stays etc) which like I said earlier was a difficult decision to make however I was so scared I might become blocked again or have further complications later in my pregnancy that it felt the safest option at the time. They give a five week window of lower risk for operation during pregnancy so I didn't have long to think or to actually have the surgery it was all a bit of a whirlwind. I think the thought of carrying out my pregnancy on milkshakes alone helped make my decision too as morning sickness wants what it wants and it certainly didn't want some thick powdery milkshake and didn't tend to stay down anyway. Anyway I had the surgery and quite simply it is the best thing I have done! Baby is due anytime now and I don't feel my weight has piled on despite craving constant dairy throughout. In fact I lost so much in my first trimester that I feel once I have given birth I will be better off than when I fell pregnant.

I know I shouldn't be so negative as there are so many happy and successful banders out there. I appreciate that it works differently for everyone and also people have different expectations too which can be a major influence on how you adjust to the band. I just know that I had problems throughout and when I did get something stuck or had a bad time with it I felt incredibly lonely and scared and it always tends to be at its worst in the middle of the night so want people to know that you are not alone.

I think my surgeon was fantastic, my after care was fantastic and on the right person the surgery itself is fantastic....just not for me. I feel free and safe now and love that my body is back to how it used to be. One thing the experience has shown me is that I actually don't mind my size, sure I am still probably two stone overweight but having the removal was the best decision I have ever made and I will never again complain about yoyo dieting or the constant weight struggle I have! I am looking forward to it, ha!

If anyone ever asked me for advice on having a band fitted now I would say take the £5K and invest in a life coach, or a high end counsellor to support through changing their behaviours and habits, or time off work to attend some remote fat camp, or all of the above....I don't know.....throw all the money into people who can help change embedded habits for good and give the kick start needed. I wish I had just paid someone to lock me in a room for a couple of months and forced me to work out and eat well until I reached my 'target' then I would have sought support to change my thought processes. I'm not even saying throwing money at it is necessarily the option but I think I would have had better results than what I have now.

I guess I am writing this as is one person reads this thread and it helps make them make a better informed decision then it was worth it.

Suffolkgirl19 I really feel your pain and don't even know what to suggest, I guess finding support in your new body and ways to deal with it when things don't go to plan? It's hard because sometimes you can do everything 'right' and still find your body doesn't want to intake any food or drink. Please get in touch if it helps you though as I know it can feel pretty shitty at times.


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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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