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Anyone not telling anyone about their surgery?

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I'm not really broadcasting that I'm having the sleeve done. What did you tell people during your recovery process? Like a few weeks after surgery i will be class mother at my sons kindergarten field trip to the local zoo. It will only be 2 weeks post op. Am I going to be able to do this? Walk the zoo? My surgeon says yes. They encourage you to be back to your routine. I have some family functions that I figured out how I can play off the esting portion of the function (see my other post on Italian family functions post op lol) but what about the normal stuff I may respond no to following? I mean I'll be recovering from surgery but that excuse will

Lead to questions and I just don't want the judgement eyes on me. I just want to do my thing and after I've reached my goal if I decide to scream it from the roof top that's on me but until the I want to just do it and not tell anyone until it's a success. Of course my husband and parents will know but I mean extended family and friends.

So anyone keep their journey a secret even though they have big Italian nosey friends and family hahahaha (whom I love dearly may I add but I need to be the only one in my head right now letting them in will force me to think of them instead of me and right now it needs to be about me...) Wooohoooo

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So what are you going to tell people? Part of me wants to be like "sorry can't attend this outing bc I'm having my gallbladder removed" or something but ya know but hey now let's knock on wood I don't wanna jinx myself and then watch one day I'll need it out and I've already used that excuse lol. I don't want to full on lie but maybe a good little fib?

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You don't have to lie, but you don't have to tell everything you know.

"I would rather not discuss my health. Let's talk about something else."

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For work I said I had to have a hernia repair. Only my 3 closest best friends now mainly because keeping anything from them is virtually impossible ! I only told 2 of my family members besides my daughters. Now 4 months post op people are noticing and asking, I simply say I'm taking care of myself by eating high Protein low carb and working out. A lot of people around here are doing the Protein Shakes so I fit right in.

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I said I had a peptic ulcer removed to work and some friends who I knew would be unsupportive no one needs to know your private business I told a few friends and family and boy did I learn a lesson keep it to yourself the negativity is awful I found my skinny friends were like yay good for you and my big friends were negative saying things like your cheating you always take the easy way out etc so I stopped dead in my tracks however I decided that down the track when I'm smaller if a larger Person came up to me and said wow you look great how have you lost weight I would be 100% honest with them because giving someone false hope who is struggling is unfair I can't do that.

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Edited by Shell ????

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I said I had a peptic ulcer removed to work and some friends who I knew would be unsupportive no one needs to know your private business I told a few friends and family and boy did I learn a lesson keep it to yourself the negativity is awful I found my skinny friends were like yay good for you and my big friends were negative saying things like your cheating you always take the easy way out etc so I stopped dead in my tracks however I decided that down the track when I'm smaller if a larger Person came up to me and said wow you look great how have you lost weight I would be 100% honest with them because giving someone false hope who is struggling is unfair I can't do that.

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Isn't it funny, my skinny friends are always supportive whenever I have brought up wls. They always tell me to do whatever it takes to make myself happy. Hey have had breast augmentation so they never seem to judge anyone wanting to feel good about themselves. Still, I'm not going to tell them when I have it. I don't want anyone really knowing my business. I'm already thinking about laying the groundwork, like by posting on Facebook about my walks and working out and Protein diet. I feel shady but dangit, it's my right! Lol

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I told nobody except my live-in BF. I'm extremely private and prefer not to discuss health issues. I told work I needed to have surgery (they can't ask what kind) and took 2 weeks PTO. I was worried about having to answer a bunch of questions from friends & family but it's amazing how little people seem to pay attention to what I'm eating when out to dinner, etc. Only waitstaff seem concerned and I usually say "I had a big lunch" or "I'm looking forward to yummy leftovers for lunch tomorrow." And even though I've lost almost 75 lbs in 5 months nobody seems shocked nor asks a lot of questions. I would advise newbies to be very selective with whom you tell, because you can't un-tell afterwards and there is no guarantee that folks won't be concerned, etc. We have lived most of our lives battling weight issues and we are the ones that have done the extensive research -- others who are not in the same position may simply not understand our choice.

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Exactly I would also tell someone in the case of struggling themselves to loose weight and how it worked for me but I've come to learn people are ALWAYS looking for a way to judge and criticize even if they pretend to your face otherwise. It's my business, my struggle and there just isn't room for anyone else in my head but me.

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I told nobody except my live-in BF. I'm extremely private and prefer not to discuss health issues. I told work I needed to have surgery (they can't ask what kind) and took 2 weeks PTO. I was worried about having to answer a bunch of questions from friends & family but it's amazing how little people seem to pay attention to what I'm eating when out to dinner, etc. Only waitstaff seem concerned and I usually say "I had a big lunch" or "I'm looking forward to yummy leftovers for lunch tomorrow." And even though I've lost almost 75 lbs in 5 months nobody seems shocked nor asks a lot of questions. I would advise newbies to be very selective with whom you tell, because you can't un-tell afterwards and there is no guarantee that folks won't be concerned, etc. We have lived most of our lives battling weight issues and we are the ones that have done the extensive research -- others who are not in the same position may simply not understand our choice.

First let me say congrats for loosing 75 lbs in 5 months. That's fantastic!!! I hope you feel amazing as well!!! I agree it's our battle to face and I don't want to have to explain to others.

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I have only told my husband and 3 girlfriends, one is married so her husband and kids know. That is it. I don't live near my parents and family so I didn't see the point of mentioning it to them. Plus if I had told my mom she would have worried herself sick and every conversation would have been about my WLS . She will be happy to see the healthy me when I do see her. I have always been a private person. I am lucky I work from home so my co-workers have only seen a headshot of me. My boss had no idea I was obese and didn't ask details about my surgery. She is in HR and knows that it would be inappropriate to ask not to mention against company policy. It is important to tell your support system everyone else is optional in my opinion. Neighbors and acquaintances have noticed and I tell them I have learned Portion Control, avoid ALL carbs and I am more active. It's none of their business that I have had surgery.

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I told my mom and my cousin because she's scheduled for April 28

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      I would like to know what questions you wish you had asked prior to your duodenal switch surgery?
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      1. NickelChip

        All I can tell you is that for me, it got easier after the first week. The hunger pains got less intense and I kind of got used to it and gave up torturing myself by thinking about food. But if you can, get anything tempting out of the house and avoid being around people who are eating. I sent my kids to my parents' house for two weeks so I wouldn't have to prepare meals I couldn't eat. After surgery, the hunger was totally gone.

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    • BetterLeah

      Woohoo! I have 7 more days till surgery, So far I am already down a total of 20lbs since I started this journey. 
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      1. NeonRaven8919

        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

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      I had my surgery on the 25th of June of this year. Starting off at 117 kilos.😒
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      1. NeonRaven8919

        Congrats on the surgery!

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